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Maxime Calculator v2.0

Download Name: Maxime Calculator v2.0  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 1.53 MB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 152

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Homebrew developer PiratoNervo just came up with a new calculator program for the PlayStation Portable that is more exciting than the ones we've seen before. The name of the application is Maxime Calculator and the cool thing about this is that it allows users to play music because it comes with its own media player. Anyway, Maxime Calculator is currently on version 2.0 and according to PiratoNervo, this is going to be the last build for this application unless he minds a major bug in the program. The changelog for this build is as follows: * New theme. * You can switch theme in the options menu. * Fixed ICON0 bug. * Fixed memory issue when scrolling numbers. * Fixed bug when dividing a number by 0. Since the application doesn't come with a Readme file, please pay attention to these key maps for both the calculator and media player modes: * Media Player o Sometimes you wont see the file browser, if it happends(when you click X on the button of the file browser) you just need to press Triangle and you can press X again to try again. o Press X to select the option(if you want to play, stop, pause, or load musics) o Holding [] over a button and moving the analog at the same time will move the button. * Calculator o Use the arrows to move scroll numbers. o If you want to clear it you just need to click where you see the =, it will erase everything after you press any arrow.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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