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Extreme Cheats V3

Download Name: Extreme Cheats V3  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 312.06 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 6

Views: 139

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Here's an update for PSP owners who got their hands on Quake's Extreme Link v1.3.1 and Extreme Cheat v2. He's just announced that Extreme Cheat is now at version 3 status, with one major addition being v3's ability to share cheats via the web. Quake pulled this off by creating a simple link which allows Extreme Cheats to load to a designated CW cheat directly. Here's a sample of the link code: ?>Example game Other updates include enhanced visuals, tool tips and descriptive icons. For further details, we advise you view the README in the bundle. Quake also adds this last note before you get started: If you repack my files into your own Installer. Please make sure that the INI setting for Registry Install is set to Registry Install=False. If this is true and it is handed out. The registry will not install to the persons computer registry. Thus making the Web Cheat useless. Web Url & Cheat DB urls can be changed. Download [Extreme CW Cheat v3]
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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