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PSP Auto Transfer

Download Name: PSP Auto Transfer  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 267.33 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 4

Views: 362

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Sometimes, you just want to skip the nitty-gritty and cut right to the chase. Fortunately for Sony PSP users, homebrew developer Dr4iNLiF3 has released PSP Auto Transfer. It's a kind of file transfer program that allows PSP owners to transfer anything on the PSP without having to use Navigate folders. Basically, the homebrew program automatically separates files and places them in the default folder for the operation of the file. This is done via the dragging files in the program window. As Dr4iNLiF3 put it, it can "transfer every file for your Sony PSP in the default folder...drag file into program form and the program copy file in the default folder..." The extensions and their respective destinations are: * .cso --> ISO * .iso --> ISO * .dax --> ISO * .mp3 --> MUSIC * .wav --> MUSIC * .jpg --> PICTURE * .bmp --> PICTURE * .gif --> PICTURE Dr4iNLiF3 also included the following features in the most recent version of the program: * Add in the supported format list : aac, tiff, mp4, jpeg, png * Fixed issue video, in the previous version form cant show * Improved transfer speed It has been reported that future versions of PSP Auto Transfer will have no more extensions. There will purportedly be other configurations available, "as a recognition of firmware and the self-PSP Device."
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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