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Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure (1992) [MS-DOS]

Download Name: Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure (1992) [MS-DOS]  

Category: PC Gaming PC Games MS-DOS Games

Submitted By: Craig

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File Size: 586.13 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

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Views: 113

Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

Item description:

Developer: Apogee Software

Publisher: Apogee Software

Release Year: 1992

File Type: Shareware MS-DOS

Description (by Apogee Software):

What's green with red spots, has suction hands, and has an overbite like Bart Simpson? Of course, the answer is Cosmo! A young alien on his way to visit Disney World with his parents. That is, until their ship is struck by a blazing comet, forcing them to land on an uncharted planet.

Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure is an epic journey across a forbidden planet full of dangers and surprises. Can he save his parents, who have been taken captive, before they are eaten by the native aliens?

Cosmo is a lovable extra-terrestrial (alien) with a special ability, he has hands that work like suction cups! He can cling to walls, ledges, and all sorts of things.


If you're even able to see this download page, chances are you're not running DOS and will need a DOS emulator. DOSBox is the best in town. You can download it here. You will need to know how to operate it if you're unfamiliar with DOS. Instructions on installing DOSBox and running games can be found here. Extract this game to an appropriate location, get DOSBox running, and enjoy!
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