ModdingFull dump of game/huge dvar list MW 2019

ModdingFull dump of game/huge dvar list MW 2019Posted:

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This is the full dump of the game if you wish to work on future projects with me dm me
lets stop the money hoarding stores and release stuff like the old mw2 days.
lets as a community build menus and tools together put all finds in this thread and i will share everything i get too
letss get it boys and girls we can relive the old days.

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Huge List Of Dvars

NOSLRNTRKL (camera_thirdPerson) - Use third person view globally
LQNKKTMPQO (cg_drawThroughWalls)
NSSLSNKPN (cg_fovScale)
OKNQSLRQQO (bullet_penetrationActorHitsActors) - When false, bullets shot by actors that have penetrated a non-glass object will not do damage to other actors.
MTTSOONN (bullet_penetrationHitsClients) - When false, bullets that have penetrated a non-glass object will not do damage to players.
MTOTKTOTQP (bullet_penetration_damage) - When false, bullets that have penetrated a non-glass object will not do damage to AI.
MTSOPQRMRT (bullet_penetration_enabled) - When false, disables bullet penetration completely.
LLPRRPKTRO (cl_forceFoVEnabled)
LTMROMSOLS (cl_timeout) - Seconds with no received packets until a timeout occurs
LQKLPMTKMO (cl_connectTimeout) - Timeout time in seconds while connecting to a server
LMROKRKONR (cl_connectionAttempts) - Maximum number of connection attempts before aborting
LOQMTLSRSQ (cl_migrationTimeout) - Seconds to wait to hear from new host during host migration before timeout occurs
NOSLRNTRKL (camera_thirdPerson) - Use third person view globally
LQNKKTMPQO (cg_drawThroughWalls)
NSSLSNKPN (cg_fovScale)
OKNQSLRQQO (bullet_penetrationActorHitsActors) - When false, bullets shot by actors that have penetrated a non-glass object will not do damage to other actors.
MTTSOONN (bullet_penetrationHitsClients) - When false, bullets that have penetrated a non-glass object will not do damage to players.
MTOTKTOTQP (bullet_penetration_damage) - When false, bullets that have penetrated a non-glass object will not do damage to AI.
MTSOPQRMRT (bullet_penetration_enabled) - When false, disables bullet penetration completely.
LLPRRPKTRO (cl_forceFoVEnabled)
LTMROMSOLS (cl_timeout) - Seconds with no received packets until a timeout occurs
LQKLPMTKMO (cl_connectTimeout) - Timeout time in seconds while connecting to a server
LMROKRKONR (cl_connectionAttempts) - Maximum number of connection attempts before aborting
LOQMTLSRSQ (cl_migrationTimeout) - Seconds to wait to hear from new host during host migration before timeout occurs
NTPTLNNQQL (fogColorIntensity)
MSTOLQOTKN (fogDensity)
MKQSQRPPQR (fogExtinctionDesaturation)
SNNNRLTML (fogHalfPlaneDistance)
NKOQRKQRMT (fogHeightFogAdditionalFog)
NOSTLRKPQ (fogHeightFogBaseHeight)
POKSTQPPQ (fogHeightFogHalfPlaneDistance)
LOLKSRNSMR (fogHeightFogMaximumOffset)
LNOQTMMLSP (fogInscatteringEv)
NRTMTRQTRQ (fogMaxDistance)
TRPROKTLS (fogMaxOpacity)
LRKPNSNORL (fogMieAlbedo)
MPRLMQNQO (fogMieAnisotropy)
NPMPRRLNPO (fogMieBlendStrength)
LNMRMNLNTT (fogRayleighAlbedo)
NLQKSSPMKP (fogSkyDistance)
NORQKLTPTR (fogSkyIntensity)
SPQNRNKQR (fogSkyMaxAngle)
LOROLOTNMP (fogSkyMinAngle)
MLOSSOSRMM (fogSpline)
RPNOKKL (fogStartDist)
NKLTMMOOLP (fogSunBeginFadeAngle)
MRTOMMTTQM (fogSunColor)
MLORTTKOLN (fogSunColorIntensity)
MPNPSMMTTT (fogSunDensity)
NONQQTPNLT (fogSunEndFadeAngle)
LMRRNRMLS (force_toggle_ads_enabled) - Forces a weapon without ADS enabled in its characteristics to allow toggle ADS
LSPQSSPSOL (force_unlock_all_attachment_lines) - Unlocks all attachments lines in the gunsmith.
MNLPOPMMSK (force_unlock_all_attachments) - Unlocks all attachments in the gunsmith.
NQRLNKMTSL (force_unlock_all_killstreaks) - Unlocks all killstreaks.
LLQSKQLKRT (friction) - Player friction
MNNNTOPKMR (friendlyNameFontColor) -
NPPQSPPTMR (friendlyNameFontSize) - Fontsize of the popup friendly names.
LQKPQMPRQN (cg_everyoneHearsEveryone)
OLKMKMTKRO (unlockAllItems)
MTQMQMNLLQ (g_kickHostIfIdle)
NSMSTQROLM (g_knockback)
NMLNMLQKQN (g_knockbackPlayerScale)
LTNTMKKTPN (g_player_maxhealth)
MTQSOQTQOT (bot_BadPlaceTest)
OMMRLPTPOL (bot_DebugDifficulty)
NSLRNMNNSM (bot_DebugPathGoal)
NRLTMOQPO (bot_DebugPathGoal_AllBots)
LNTPLNTQTK (bot_DebugPathGoal_DrawPathsBetweenPoints)
LNSSKNORQS (bot_DebugPathStyle)
LNPKNONKTK (bot_DebugPersonality)
LLTLOQOTQP (bot_DemiGodMode)
MOLTMTTQON (bot_DifficultyDefault) - Default difficulty level of bots.
NKOLRNSOKM (bot_DisableAllAI)
NSRQOLSQLT (bot_DisableAttack)
LRONSQQOOR (bot_DisableGrenadeThrow)
SRNSRQLQ (bot_DisableKillstreaks)
MORQPNORMS (bot_DisableMovement)
MMLMKLTNON (bot_DrawBrokenTraversals)
LNTQKTMLS (bot_DrawDebug)
NQOPLMSRMO (bot_DrawDebugGametype)
MLRNNPNLLQ (bot_DrawDebugHudEnt)
MKPKMNNLNL (bot_DrawDebugOnlyEntityNum)
QSSPRTMSN (bot_DrawDebugOnlySpectated)
NOONQMPQPT (bot_DrawDebugSpecial)
NLTKLPOLTK (bot_DrawNavmeshExposure)
NRTRNMOQNL (bot_DrawSeeThrough)
LONOPKQKKK (bot_DrawSplashDamageChecks)
MQNOMMKSMM (bot_EnableNoPathnodeBehavior)
MLLQPQRMNK (bot_ForceGrenadeThrow)
LKQONQMTKT (bot_ForcePathIndoors)
LQOLSLSMNM (bot_ForceStance)
NNNMPLPMSK (bot_GodMode)
SNMLPONRP (bot_MaxNumAllyBots)
RNRLKSNNR (bot_MaxNumEnemyBots)
MKQNRNNKQN (bot_NoTarget)
PLMORMMLK (bot_ScoreClient)
MONTSQNPKT (bot_ScoreDist)
NMMQQLSKO (bot_ScoreHold)
NOLLPMSPMQ (bot_ScoreMaxCutoff)
NNTSRNQSRM (bot_ScoreMinCutoff)
LNNTRPOKNN (bot_ScoreShowAll)
LLMTNNQOQQ (bot_ScoreShowFactors)
LRORMKSLPP (bot_ScoreType)
ORORLTMRM (bot_ScoreVal0)
MPORNNSRKP (bot_ScoreVal1)
LMPSPQSSRR (bot_ScoreVal10)
NOSKTLQROK (bot_ScoreVal11)
LLKSSOKOOR (bot_ScoreVal12)
NNNLLSSNLK (bot_ScoreVal13)
LPPSKMPRNR (bot_ScoreVal14)
NMOTTKSOM (bot_ScoreVal2)
MNTRQLKMRP (bot_ScoreVal3)
LRPMQMOLM (bot_ScoreVal4)
MMORSSLSOP (bot_ScoreVal5)
MPPNNTSM (bot_ScoreVal6)
MKTSLPNOLP (bot_ScoreVal7)
LKRNQNMTTM (bot_ScoreVal8)
NLOQMPMOMP (bot_ScoreVal9)
LKQMNSMQQL (bot_ScoreValReset)
NNTTLPTTMM (bot_SimulateNoAmmo)
NKKQNKLROO (bot_SkipKillcams)
OMSOSSSORO (bot_SystemStatus) - Default mode that bots will connect and participate in the match
MSLNRKRRKK (bot_spawnControlledByDvar)
LMNPNRRTLO (player_altAcceleration) - Alternate acceleration model to avoid the strafe max speed bug. NOTE!!! The player occasionally gets temporarily stuck with this while walking slow.
NNKSTNNQKT (player_breath_snd_delay) - The delay before playing the breathe in sound
NMQLNLRKRT (player_breath_snd_lerp) - The interpolation rate for the player hold breath sound
LKKRLTRNKR (player_buttonHintFOV)
OLLMLMSSMK (player_buttonHintRadius)
MNMRSTLRKM (player_buttonHintShortRadius)
NQSLPNTRNO (player_crouchSpeedScale) - The scale applied to the player speed when crouched.
NLSMMKNMTN (player_damageMultiplier)
MRKNTLRQSL (player_deathInvulnerableToMelee)
MOONNOPKQS (player_deathInvulnerableToProjectile)
LRSQTSRKPS (player_globalAccelScale) - Global acceleration scale applied to
LOLTKOLKON (player_healthArmorRatio)
NNSRNQLPPP (player_isInZeroGLevel) - Indicates whether the player is in a zero gravity level. Currently we're using this to hide dangly bits of the weapons.
MPKPKNQKKQ (player_itemAutoUseDelaySeconds)
OLRTNTROOK (player_itemAutoUseRadius)
LRTMLPLLOK (player_itemUseFOV)
MLLSRQSRT (player_itemUseRadius)
MSPLOQRMMM (player_ladderBobCycleDuration) - Bob cycle duration (ms) when climbing a ladder
MTOOSSQMSK (player_ladderBobCycleDurationADS) - Bob cycle duration (ms) when climbing a ladder in ADS
MTLTONMMQT (player_limitedMovementLeftStickInputScale) - The scale value to apply to the left stick input when the limited movement is enabled.
MSRSPQNQKP (player_meleeDamageMultiplier)
SLMRSNOSK (player_meleeFinisherEnabled) - Whether melee finishers (fatal attacks) will be used upon completing a melee combo.
LRMOTLNMRM (player_proneSpeedScale) - The scale applied to the player speed when prone.
NNMKTTLLLN (player_radiusDamageMultiplier)
NQPRRLLTSN (player_spaceCapsuleHeight) - Player capsule height. 70 = standing, 50 = crouch, 30 = prone
NKLSOTQTPM (player_spaceEnabled) - True if player space logic is enabled. (Player must also be swim enabled)
LTRRRQMNPT (player_spaceViewHeight) - Camera view height. 60 = standing, 40 = crouch, 11 = prone
OLMLOTTLRM (player_sprintSpeedScale) - The scale applied to the player speed when sprinting
NNQTKSTRPK (player_sprintTime) - The base length of time a player can sprint. When Super Sprint is enabled, instead used for Super Sprint.
MSOOMPMPQS (player_sprintUnlimited) - Whether players can sprint forever or not
MMQKQOSTNS (player_stunWhiteFlash)
NQPLORRSN (player_swimAcceleration) - Forward/lateral swim acceleration
MMKNOMPTKK (player_swimForwardSettleTime) - Time (ms) that player will stay in swim forward state even if outside parameters when already in forward state
MRNQOOQQQR (player_swimFriction) - Friction value applied to velocity when swimming and no input is given
OOKOSSOQ (player_swimSpeed) - Max forward/lateral swim speed
QOMLLOQT (player_swimVerticalAcceleration) - Vertical swim acceleration
NPMRKRQLTN (player_swimVerticalFriction) - Vertical friction value applied to velocity when swimming and no input is given
NQLTPSLOK (player_swimVerticalSpeed) - Max vertical swim speed
MQPRQKKNSL (player_swimWaterCurrent) - Vector to push player because of water current
LLSNMTPSTL (player_throwbackFOV)
OLTPMSSTSM (player_throwbackInnerRadius)
OTKRSNKQT (player_throwbackOuterRadius)
PRTLMPOPR (player_useFOV)
NSNKMSMTPL (player_useLegacyFootstepParsing) - When enabled, falls back to legacy footstep notetrack parsing algorithm. Use as an emergency kill switch for more accurate algorithm developed right before shipping IW7.
MTOQQKKRPS (player_useRadius)
LKPKTMLPNO (player_useVerticalDist)
NTKPSTSSQP (player_use_vehicle_speed) - Player can only interact with vehicle if it is under this speed MPH. -1.0 - Interact upon any speed.
MQQRSRPOP (player_vehicleSeatViewHeightLerpFixEnabled) - Fixes bug where player's view height interpolates to standing height if the player was crouched/prone previous to riding the vehicle.
MSOQTNSQKP (player_vehicleUseFOV)
LPLOKMTKQQ (player_vehicleUseRadius)
LOMLPPTKO (player_view_pitch_down) - Maximum angle that the player can look down
NNSNKNRTPL (player_view_pitch_up) - Maximum angle that the player can look up
MNPNORMOMP (player_viewmodelMoveAnimScale) - Scales the playback rate of viewmodel movement animations (walk, sprint, and crawl) and the camera bob. Should generally match the current ratio of g_speed relative to its default value.
PRKQLLRMK (player_viewmodelNoWeaponSprintCycleMs) - When no weapon is equipped and the viewmodel is hidden, this is the duration of a single sprint stride cycle. Determines the rate of camera bob and footstep sounds.
NRKSLNKKR (player_zeroGravAcceleration) - Max movement acceleration in zero G
SNQRKOQPM (player_zeroGravAutoLevel) - Enables/disables zero gravity auto-leveling. (0, 0, 0) for disabled, Normalized vector defines auto-level world up.
MOPKPTLTRK (player_zeroGravAutoLevelDeadZone) - How much angular dead zone for roll in the auto-level.
NLMLSLSSM (player_zeroGravBoostScalar) - Scales the zero G speed and acceleration by this value when boosting (sprinting)
PKPPKSLSK (player_zeroGravDisableWalk) - Disable walking by default.
NPPQTMPTPP (player_zeroGravForceDir) - Force player to face a certain direction in zero gravity floating - used for space boundary conditions.
MPNLKKQSKN (player_zeroGravFriction) - Friction value applied to velocity when in zero G and no input is given
NQNTLMPNTO (player_zeroGravRollAcceleration) - Roll Acceleration while in zero G
NMNTKQNKMM (player_zeroGravRollFriction) - Friction value applied to roll velocity when in zero G and no input is given
MMKMPPSKLL (player_zeroGravRollVelocityMax) - Max Roll Velocity while in zero G
NLNKNRRPTK (player_zeroGravSpeed) - Max movement speed in zero G
MKRQOLQORO (player_zeroGravWorldUp) - When non-zero treats input as if in UFO mode around an abritrary up and disables roll control.
LMRKPPSTQK (player_zeroGravWorldUpRate) - Angle rate at which player_zeroGravWorldUp will be adhered to when outside its limits.
MQQOMSRSNM (playerasm_condition_mask_debug)
RRKLMTQPR (playerasm_debugAliasFunctionsEnabled)
NQQMQSKMPO (playerasm_debugEntNum)
NKROMRKO (playerasm_debugHistoryEnabled)
PQQOQRRRQ (playerasm_debugMode)
LPPRMRQKM (playerasm_debugTransitionsEnabled)
MONKNRMKLM (playerasm_debug_override_main_state_name)
MQNSRMSRK (playerasm_debug_override_main_state_time)
NQQTLRPQSQ (playerasm_debug_override_reset)
LQNLQRQMTP (playerasm_debug_override_sub_state_name)
NLKLRKPRMP (playerasm_debug_override_sub_state_time)
NMMMPOOOQO (playercard_cache_download_max_retry_time) - Max time that the player cache download can retry
MNRRPKSRKS (playercard_cache_download_retry_step) - Step in m/s for the player cache download retry
LQQLPKRLLT (playercard_cache_party_fetch_attempt_delay) - How long we wait for the party to stop changing before fetching playercards
NSNNNMPTTK (playercard_cache_party_update_mode) - Bitmask indicating what playercard update sources we should be using. see PLAYERCARD_PARTY_CHANGE_SOURCE in playercard_cache.h
NPMOPRLMTK (playercard_cache_show_cached)
MPQMTSPQON (playercard_cache_upload_max_retry_time) - Max time that the player cache upload can retry
MQNQMTKTON (playercard_cache_upload_retry_step) - Step in m/s for the player cache upload retry
NLLRRKRLKL (playercard_cache_validity_life) - The life of a cached gamercard (it can be re-downloaded after this)
MRNLPNRSML (playlistAggrFilename) - Aggregated playlist filename
LSMOOSQMRP (playlistCategory) - The playlist category
RLPMRKQQM (playlistFilename) - Playlist filename
NLTOPSKPQM (playlistID) - The playlist ID
MQSSQQRPSK (playlistMode) - The playlist mode
LOMNMLRNRP (playlist_image)
NOQRRQMOON (playlist_name)
NOPLKPLMOL (pm_enable_solid_coop_agents) - Makes agents in coop solid to players
LSQSLNMS (pm_gamesetup_mode_altmodes) - Disable menu Option Private Match/Game Setup/Mode/Alternate Modes (whole menu)
OMNQNSOQPM (pm_gamesetup_mode_altmodes_dropzone) - Disable menu Option Private Match/Game Setup/Mode/Alternate Modes/Drop Zone
NTLRNNRLQP (pm_gamesetup_mode_altmodes_gungame) - Disable menu Option Private Match/Game Setup/Mode/Alternate Modes/Gun Game
NQQTMMNLMT (pm_gamesetup_mode_altmodes_infected) - Disable menu Option Private Match/Game Setup/Mode/Alternate Modes/Infected
MMNSQPTQOR (pm_gamesetup_mode_altmodes_jug) - Disable menu Option Private Match/Game Setup/Mode/Alternate Modes/Jug
QNTONNQMK (pm_gamesetup_mode_altmodes_mugger) - Disable menu Option Private Match/Game Setup/Mode/Alternate Modes/Mugger
NNQMRLKKPL (pm_gamesetup_mode_altmodes_oneinthechamber) - Disable menu Option Private Match/Game Setup/Mode/Alternate Modes/One In the Chamber
NMKONLPMMQ (pm_gamesetup_mode_altmodes_teamjug) - Disable menu Option Private Match/Game Setup/Mode/Alternate Modes/Team Jug
OMOSKKTKQN (pm_gamesetup_options_createdefaultclass) - Disable menu Option Private Match/Game Setup/Options/Create Default Class (whole menu)
OMNTONRTSS (pm_gamesetup_options_customclassrestrictions) - Disable menu Option Private Match/Game Setup/Options/Custom Class Restrictions (whole menu)
MPNSQLOPN (pmove_moveWalkableOnly) - If true, player velocity is only projected onto walkable surfaces. See PM_SlideMove().
OLOTLPLPLQ (pmove_snap_world_up) - Snaps world up axis when it is nearly identical to axis aligned directions by greater than this dot product result (0.0 for disabled).
SRTLOQRTR (pmoveanim_debug) - Turn on pmove Player Animation Debugging information 1 to debug movetype transitions; 2 to debug legs timer
MPTNPPOPRP (post_game_survey_chance_percentage) - Dvar that represents what percentage of the matches would be shown the survey, between 0 and 100
MQMQRKRNMN (post_game_survey_forced) - Dvar to force post match survey.
LTNTMONSQM (prestige_shop_active) - Are we allowed to show the Prestige Shop or not
MKKPONRQR (print_on_userid_map_fail) - Turn this on to get user id mapping mismatches to print an error.
OKSPNRTTRS (prioritySnapDebug)
MNPQSQOLTP (prioritySnapSendPercentThreshold)
MQSMMPSKQT (privateMatch_joinPassword)
LRSTPRQOKQ (privateMatch_serverPassword)
LMKKTLPSRN (private_matchmaking_enabled) - Enable private matchmaking for DS's
MTLLSRMMQN (prof_probe0)
SNTMPMSNK (prof_probe1)
NKQLQKKQTN (prof_probe2)
TSSTSLMQK (prof_probe3)
NMLLNMTLMN (prof_probe4)
LLNSRKTQTK (prof_probe5)
LRLQSNNKNL (prof_probeMaxMsec)
OMOTNNTTPO (prof_sortTime)
MNMMQMRLQK (profile2)
LMMMNSPKTR (profile2_frames)
LNTMPSORNQ (profile2_mode)
SPLRMSQLK (profileMenuOption_HUDBoundsHorz) -
MLMOSSMNOO (profileMenuOption_HUDBoundsVert) -
NMRKMSMTOO (profileMenuOption_blacklevel) -
MNKONSOLT (profileMenuOption_controllerSpeakerEnabled) -
MPTTMMKST (profileMenuOption_effectsVolume) -
OQLRMLRK (profileMenuOption_gore) - Profile option to allow gore
PPNORSOSS (profileMenuOption_hdrGamma) -
NKQOMLOSN (profileMenuOption_hdrMaxLum) -
LLTNTOTMMT (profileMenuOption_hdrMinLum) -
NQQNNPQPKR (profileMenuOption_horzsensitivity) -
OLMSPQPNNL (profileMenuOption_licensedMusicVolume) -
MSLNPQSPLM (profileMenuOption_lootCardDetail) - Controls the amount of detail a br loot card shows - 1( low ), 2( medium ), 3( high )
MKONQNTMKQ (profileMenuOption_mouseflighthorzsensitivity) - Mouse sensitivity during flight (horiz).
LRTLMMOTML (profileMenuOption_mouseflightinversion) - Mouse flight inversion
MPKPOPRTLQ (profileMenuOption_mouseflightvertsensitivity) - Mouse sensitivity multiplier for vertical axis during flight.
NLQQLQRKSM (profileMenuOption_mousehorzsensitivity) - Mouse sensitivity (horiz).
LONMSRNMSK (profileMenuOption_mousevertsensitivity) - Mouse sensitivity multiplier for vertical axis
LLPPPNKTSO (profileMenuOption_musicVolume) -
OMOTRTTLNP (profileMenuOption_netConnectionMeterHide) - Hide the network info screen connection meters
MTSPMPOSTO (profileMenuOption_netExternalIPHide) - Hide the network info screen external ip
SQMORMQQS (profileMenuOption_netInternalIPHide) - Hide the network info screen internal ip
MKMOPQKMPO (profileMenuOption_netRegionHide) - Hide the network info screen region
NQPNSRQLRK (profileMenuOption_offensiveContentMode) - Mode of the offensive content warning at startup - 0, skip and turn on 1, skip and turn off; 2, ask user
PTKLRRLLQ (profileMenuOption_presetMix) -
NNLRMRKOTM (profileMenuOption_safeAreaHorz)
MKOOLLQRPS (profileMenuOption_safeAreaVert)
MRKPMKMRQL (profileMenuOption_vertsensitivity) -
MSSPLOROPP (profileMenuOption_voiceVolume) -
LQTPNKKMOP (profileMenuOption_volume) -
MSKPOLONPQ (profile_rowcount)
OLQLTNRTS (profile_script)
LSOQPRPTOR (profile_script_by_file)
MSNQMTKMLR (profile_script_graph)
MOPSPOKORQ (profile_script_graph_row)
NRLRKNLNRM (profile_script_hierarchical)
LPTPLNKRLM (profile_script_instance)
MKOQNNTNON (profile_show_loading)
LKPLMMNPON (profile_thread)
MQQTSRQTOM (ps4_custom_plus_upsale_uri_siea)
MNMQTKNSRN (ps4_custom_plus_upsale_uri_sieasia)
MTQTNNNSKM (ps4_custom_plus_upsale_uri_siee)
LLTQLRLMMT (ps4_custom_plus_upsale_uri_siej)
OKLNOOKROK (ps4_dw_disconnect_test)
RQSTQNOPO (ps4_how_long_to_wait_on_join_ms)
MMMSRMPRSL (ps4_meetplayer_rest_submit_delay)
STPLLTPLQ (ps4_party_update_rate)
QMNPSOSST (ps4_playwithoutnp_enabled) - The dvar that checks if the user should be allowed to play without being logged into NP
NRLTRMOOMO (ps4_presence_put_delay)
NQSMRLPKMR (ps4_presence_put_rate)
MQPPMRSQSP (ps4_set_presence_timeout)
MNOPTLSLRL (ps4_signin_notify_delay)
NNSPSLSSMQ (ps4_use_custom_plus_upsale)
NKOLTSLRPR (ps_plus_inuse_timer_ms)
MTOLMTQNN (pt_AliensReadyUpPrivateInUse) - Do we use the Aliens Ready Up feature in private lobbies?
RTMSSLROP (pt_AliensReadyUpPublicInUse) - Do we use the Aliens Ready Up feature in public lobbies?
NSTTTKLKPO (pt_AliensReadyUpPublicStartTimerLength) - Aliens Ready Up start timer length in seconds
SKMNNRROM (pt_allMembersDoQoS) - Whether to send search results to all party/lobby members to get QoS data
NPSTTQLLN (pt_allMembersDoQoSTimeout) - Timeout, from the start of our search, for other party members' QoS results with partyTweak_allMembersDoQoS
OKOKPKSTOQ (pt_backoutOnClientPresence) - Whether the host should backout the party on client presence. 0=fully disabled, 1=out of game only, 2=in-game also
NMONONKPK (pt_connectAttempts) - Connect timeout when joining another game/party through presence, per attempt. Keep this smaller than DTLS timeout (30s) since chances are the DTLS will timeout anyways in unsuccesful join cases, i.e. we're not receiving any packets back.
LNOKQOSNQN (pt_connectTimeout) - Connect timeout when joining another game/party, per attempt
MNNNSLPQKR (pt_gameStartTimerLength) - Time in seconds before a game starts once enough party members are ready
MQKLPTOKPO (pt_htbtmaxperframe) - Max number of heartbeats/state updates that can take place in a frame
LLQRPQSTNM (pt_logHostSelectionChance) - Sets the probability that we log our host selection results
MORSPLQMP (pt_memberTimeout) - Client timeout time in the general case
NKTLQSPOPQ (pt_migrationBandwidthBonusPing) - The ping rewarded to the bonus bandwidth threshold when scoring hosts.
MRNPKTSLMN (pt_migrationBandwidthBonusThreshold) - The required excess % upload bandwidth to get a bonus when scoring hosts.
NNTQKRROOK (pt_migrationCPUWeight) - How important CPU speed is when selecting a new host
LPRRKQMKTP (pt_migrationNotInstalledWeight) - How important not being done installing is when selecting a new host
MOTMNRSPOT (pt_migrationPingBad) - How important ping is when selecting a new host
MLKSLMKNNO (pt_migrationPingWeight) - How important ping is when selecting a new host
NQKOOORKKN (pt_migrationQuitsBad) - How important migrateable quits are when selecting a new host
MTROKOMNSO (pt_migrationQuitsWeight) - How important migrateable quits are when selecting a new host
NOQLOKRPSN (pt_migrationRAMPenalty) - Penalty applied if PC does not have enough RAM
NPQSQOOKRR (pt_migrationThreshold) - Minimum amount which another client must be better than the current host to trigger a migration
NTKMQMQOPS (pt_migrationUploadBad) - How important upload rate is when selecting a new host
NSMRKOLRNN (pt_migrationUploadWeight) - How important upload rate is when selecting a new host
NKTONKRNLQ (pt_migrationWifiPenalty) - How important Wifi is when selecting a new host
NKRQRSLKMO (pt_pregameStartTimerLength) - Time in seconds before showing and starting the game start timer
NMQNNPQPRS (pt_privateGameStartTimerLength) - Time in seconds before a game starts once preload is finished (private games)
LTLOQSNSOT (pt_privatePregameStartTimerLength) - Time in seconds before showing and starting the game start timer (private games)
LNMQKKKOOS (pt_reservedAnonymousSlotTime) - Time in milliseconds that ANONYMOUS slots will be reserved.
LORLKNROQR (pt_reservedCommittedSlotTime) - Time in milliseconds that COMMITTED slots will be reserved
MRRQRQRQP (pt_reservedJoiningSlotTime) - Time in milliseconds that JOINING slots will be reserved
OLPNMRSNLM (pt_searchConnectAttempts) - Connect timeout when joining another game through matchmaking, per attempt
MLKNRQSKSK (pt_stillConnectingWaitTime) - Amount of time to wait for someone to finish connecting before searching for lobbies to merge with
MSPSQSNRPO (pt_useMigrationWeights) - Killswitch to turn on or off the host selection by weights
MKKKSTPNQL (pulsing_upsell_enabled) - Killswitch that enable the Upsell popups feature after a pulsing game.
LTPNLQTLPP (pump_livecode_in_sp_psowait_enabled) - When true demonware and battlenet will be called from the main thread when waiting for PSOs.
MNKTRNRKO (purgeDCache) - purge all dcaches on startup
NMPKSTQSPM (r_EVCompGrayReference)
LKKSMRSKMQ (r_PS4HardwareGamma)
OMLRMTTPQN (r_SkinnedCacheCorpseThreshold) - Threshold at which we start culling corpses
NSORRORRM (r_SkinnedCacheLODThreshold) - Threshold at which we start reducing LOD's of skinned models
STLRTMLSP (r_SkinnedCacheSize) - size of skin cache
MLPKPLMNLT (r_VFXOmniLightFalloff) - VFX Light falloff scale for omni lights. On top of physical falloff. 0.0 - no falloff 1.0 - smooth falloff starts at light center.
RNNNLQSRS (r_VFXOmniLightFalloffEnable) - Enable override for VFX Light falloff scale for omni lights.
NNPPONORK (r_VFXSpotLightFalloff) - VFX Light falloff scale for omni lights. On top of physical falloff. 0.0 - no falloff 1.0 - smooth falloff starts at light center.
TMKMSLQSR (r_VFXSpotLightFalloffEnable) - Enable override for VFX Light falloff scale for spot lights.
MPLSTSPKPT (r_adapter) - Name of the display adapter to use in a multi GPU system; "" is the preferred adapter.
NOOSMRSQLK (r_adapter_device_id) - Device ID of the display adapter to use in a multi GPU system; "" is the preferred adapter.
LTNOTRKOON (r_adapter_subsystem_id) - Subsystem ID of the display adapter to use in a multi GPU system; "" is the preferred adapter.
NRQOKTRTMQ (r_adapter_vendor_id) - Vendor ID of the display adapter to use in a multi GPU system; "" is the preferred adapter.
LPNRKRNNQP (r_adaptiveSubdiv) - Enables screen space Catmull Clark adaptive tessellation. If disabled, models tessellate to their designed subdivision level.
MTQTSPMTOP (r_adaptiveSubdivBaseFactor) - Screen space Catmull Clark adaptive tessellation factor for the base model. Smaller values mean more tessellation.
QMSKSNLNK (r_adaptiveSubdivPatchFactor) - Screen space Catmull Clark adaptive tessellation factor for individual patches. Smaller values mean more tessellation.
MTPRRRQPSR (r_adjustInputByGPUTime)
MTONTNKOKR (r_allowHDR) - Use HDR output if HDR TV is detected.
LOKPQTOPSM (r_amdGPU) - Display adapter is an AMD GPU.
LTQRQNQOKT (r_amdMinRadeonSoftwareRevReq) - Minimum AMD Radeon software version supported.
MORLKTLOSS (r_amdMinRadeonSoftwareRevReqString) - Minimum AMD Radeon software version supported. Formatted string version for display to user.
OLPSPKNKMQ (r_animBoundsScale)
LQSKPOKSOK (r_animBoundsWarn)
QNRPNRLNM (r_animEstimatedBoundsScale)
MRKLKLNQKN (r_artUseTweaks) - Tells the game that art tweaks is enabled and script is in control (as opposed to ColorEd).
QKKMRRLRR (r_aspectRatio) - Scene aspect ratio. Most widescreen monitors are 16:10 instead of 16:9.
MTPOKSNNRL (r_asyncCompute) - Enables submitting GPU compute shader workloads on async compute pipes, allowing overlap with graphics workloads.
MSQTTSOKRN (r_atlasAnimFPS) - Speed to animate atlased 2d materials
NPPRSOTNLR (r_autoPriority) - Automatically set the priority of the windows process when the game is minimized.
NORTRORSRN (r_autoSceneRes)
NSKLNSKLPS (r_autodetectedTargetResolution) - The absolute target resolution, which is transformed in the relative percent.
NLQSRKOKKK (r_balanceOpaqueLists) - Split opaque into multiple draw lists.
NSQSPRLNOT (r_batchCommandListsCount) - Batch execute command list with at least this amount of command list, unless flush is explicitly needed
LNQKOMTMKM (r_bindingValidation)
LSNOMRTLRR (r_blacklevel) - Black level (negative brightens output)
MOQPKPQMP (r_blacklevelDisable) - Disable the r_blacklevel dvar, forcing it to 0.
RTPQMSTRQ (r_blendshape_debug)
NLKNMRLTLN (r_blendshape_debug_index)
MKLTQOSNPM (r_blendshape_debug_value)
MTMKPNKPNM (r_blendshape_enable)
MLKPNOMPST (r_blur) - Dev tweak to blur the screen
MORPOLQMSK (r_blurAALimit) - Dev tweak At which blur radius can we disable AA
NLMQNNTTMM (r_blurMipStepLimit) - Dev tweak At which blur radius can we drop mip
QNTNNSMKR (r_brCircleOutlineColor) - BR Circle rgb color and intensity
OLPPQTQPSR (r_brCircleOutlineEnabled) - Enable BR Circle draw via hud outline
MLQRRTPPLQ (r_brCircleOutlineThickness) - BR Circle thickness
NNQPMRTNLO (r_cachedSunShadowForceInvalidSModel)
LONTLRQKN (r_cachedSunShadowMaxTilesPerFrame) - Maximum number of shadow map cache tiles updated per frame. Lower means less overhead but shadow data might be stale.
NPSTTOPQTS (r_camoTweakTintColor)
NMTKPQQRSQ (r_charLightAmbient)
MLSTOLNMP (r_chooseFrustumLightProxy)
MPOOTPQLL (r_cinematic) - Enable cinematic rendering mode (higher quality at reduced framerate).
MKMQSONMSN (r_cinematic_limit_render_during_intro_enabled) - If true, the render is limited to the UI when playing a bink intro cinematic
LSPMNNNPKO (r_clampLod) - Clamps the LOD chain to this LOD level and below.
QMORRTR (r_clear) - Controls how the color buffer is cleared
NNNKPKRMQS (r_clearColor) - Color to clear the screen to when clearing the frame buffer
PNQQLROTO (r_clearColor2) - Color to clear every second frame to (for use during development)
NKRMKSLMSS (r_cmdbuf_handoff)
NQKSNKLLO (r_cmdbuf_wait_us)
MTSPTMRLRO (r_cmdbuf_worker) - Process command buffer in a separate thread
LSLQOMPPOK (r_colorGradingAnalyticalEnable) - Enable analytical color grading.
PKKOSROQM (r_colorGradingClutEnable) - Enable CLUT color grading.
NRKSTMPPQK (r_colorGradingEnable) - Enable color grading.
NPTLTMLLMN (r_colorTable) - Selects the set of colors used for text markup
PPLNNTNTP (r_colorblindMode) - Selects the Colorblind simulation mode
OKMKNSQTTO (r_colorimetrySdr) - SDR Colorimetry
NRQNOQMOPS (r_colorimetrySdrUI) - SDR Colorimetry exposed to the user (some values are filtered out).
LLLOMMRTOO (r_colorimetryUniversalTonemapExposureAdjust) - (Debug) Universal tonemap additional exposure adjustment (in EV)
NLTNTKLQNQ (r_compressedSunShadowBiasScale) - Shadow bias scale for compressed sun shadow (relative to 0-th cascade).
LQLMTQMMKQ (r_compressedSunShadowClipPlanes) - Use compressed sun shadow to compute sun shadow clip planes.
OKNTKOPMOK (r_compressedSunShadowDebug)
QSLRKRNKL (r_compressedSunShadowFiltering) - Compressed sun shadow filtering: 0-disabled, 1-Vogel disk sampling, 2-Vogel disk sampling (valid auto parameters).
NORMLOSRMM (r_compressedSunShadowFilteringFarZ) - Compressed sun shadow debug filtering far plane.
MLLTPQNOSN (r_compressedSunShadowFilteringFarZDebug)
QSTSONPTR (r_compressedSunShadowFilteringMaxRadius) - Compressed sun shadow debug filtering radius.
MLMLSNTTOO (r_compressedSunShadowFilteringMaxRadiusDebug)
MROKNLSORL (r_compressedSunShadowOverlay)
LLLPTRKPSO (r_compressedSunShadowStreamingDebug)
MRPTLLLPRL (r_corpse_lighting_hack) - enable corpse lightgrid hack. 0 = disabled. > 0 = enabled and also used as Z offset
NLLRPNOSQQ (r_cpuBreadcrumbs) - Enable cpu-side breadcrumbs for gpu hang analysis.
NKTLTLTMSO (r_csBindNullDescriptorToEmptySlots) - Bind null descriptors on compute shaders to empty slots
MTSKONMSOO (r_daltonizeForceMode) - Selects the Daltonize mode, overriding the gamer profile setting if not 0/None.
ONKRLLRSP (r_daltonizeIntensity) - Scene daltonize correction strength.
LQQQTRQRLN (r_daltonizeUIIntensity) - UI daltonize correction strength.
MOMTKOPROM (r_debugAssetCost)
LNOPOLNSPM (r_debugDrawCinematicFrames)
NKMQSMKSNQ (r_debugDrawLights)
MLTTSQNQTR (r_debugDrawLightsDrawDetailRadius)
MSORPSLLMO (r_debugDrawLightsDrawRadius)
QPTPKRRPL (r_debugDrawLightsFilterShadowCasters)
MMLRSMLSSK (r_debugDrawSunBounds)
TONNONQRM (r_debugDrawTransientLights)
RPSQSRMPO (r_debugDrawVolumetricParticles)
MKOQNQROMR (r_debugEmblemProjectionBounds)
LSORPQSRQS (r_debugEmblems)
LLLKNOMPSL (r_debugGPUPipeline)
OKRQPTQNPN (r_debugOverdrawOverlay)
MQQNROLTLS (r_debugShaderBentC)
MKPKKPMTQK (r_debugShaderBentCLightAngRadiiOff)
QPMRLPMQL (r_debugShaderBlend)
PROQOPLNR (r_debugShaderCullMode)
OKQPMSQOPS (r_debugShaderDNSGValues)
NSPQQRPLOO (r_debugShaderDiffuseBRDF)
MSMLONNMTP (r_debugShaderDiffuseColor)
LMOPMPNNSO (r_debugShaderFocus)
NTQLOQOS (r_debugShaderGGXGeom)
ROLTQTPKK (r_debugShaderGloss)
LKQPMKPQNL (r_debugShaderGlossCurve)
TQQOKLKOK (r_debugShaderGlossinessBandsValues)
MQMQRKQLQK (r_debugShaderLightAttMode)
NOOTNOKSQM (r_debugShaderLighting)
MMNNKNTOKQ (r_debugShaderLightmapDensity)
OLMOKRLMNT (r_debugShaderMaterial)
NONLOTLOLN (r_debugShaderMetalnessMode)
OMPKRNQSLK (r_debugShaderNOGPackingMipMapOffset)
OMSKKSTSTL (r_debugShaderOptimumTexelDensity)
MQMQQTSTNN (r_debugShaderPerf)
NMPMLOTTQP (r_debugShaderReflectionPassthrough)
MLKTOMQKSL (r_debugShaderSpecularBRDF)
MSPTSONRNK (r_debugShaderSpecularColor)
SPNPMPPRO (r_debugShaderTemperatureBandsValues)
TQOQQPTTL (r_debugShaderTexture)
LQSRNRQPRT (r_debugShaderTweaks)
NSOOKSMMSQ (r_debugShaderYUVPackingMipMapOffset)
LNQTOTSQQT (r_debugTextScaling)
NLRSKKKTOT (r_debugTextSize)
NPPKKMQOMO (r_debugTextureOverlay)
LPQOQOTMOL (r_debugTextureOverlayBlend)
MKKNRSRMRM (r_debugTextureOverlayMip)
LMSTTKORSK (r_debugTextureOverlayRect)
NSNPSLNLLP (r_debugUav)
OLPTLPNMO (r_decalVolumes) - Enable injection of decal volumes into scene
TSRPRLMTO (r_decalVolumesAsync) - Process decal volumes on async queue
OMNTSLLNMP (r_decalVolumesClusterDebugDistribution)
MRMROLMLLT (r_decalVolumesClusterDebugSlice)
LKOLQSMSRT (r_decalVolumesCullSize) - Minimum screen contribution for the marks to be visible [pixels^2]
MKQRRORNPM (r_decalVolumesCutoffAngle)
QQPPQSPSN (r_decalVolumesCutoffAngleRange)
NSNPTMSMML (r_decalVolumesDebug)
NTKRQTPLTO (r_decalVolumesDebugDepthTest)
NTLONQTQML (r_decalVolumesDebugType)
LKTNSPQNMR (r_decalVolumesFarPlane)
SSOKKRMRM (r_decalVolumesForceBaseMip) - Applies Forced stream distance to the base mip for decal volumes when we detect the proxy loadedSize is 0.
LKKTOPQLSL (r_decalVolumesGridDebug)
NPKRQKPQSO (r_decalVolumesGridDebugDrawCells)
LQMKOKNQOQ (r_decalVolumesGridDebugDrawVolumeEnt)
MNPLPLSROS (r_decalVolumesGridDebugDrawVolumeSmodelId)
MRRNNOMQPK (r_decalVolumesGridDebugDrawVolumes)
QLLLNMQLR (r_decalVolumesGridDebugDrawVolumesDepthTest)
NNMSTLOTRQ (r_decalVolumesGridDebugDrawVolumesInfo)
LKSNLSLLSL (r_decalVolumesGridDebugType)
NPMQQPRSKQ (r_decalVolumesGridEnableDObj)
OONSTRNOP (r_decalVolumesGridEnableDynEnt)
MPRSRQSRPS (r_decalVolumesGridEnableDynModels)
MTRKQOKPNN (r_decalVolumesGridEnableModels)
NORROSNNSQ (r_decalVolumesGridEnableSModels)
NTRMROKSTK (r_decalVolumesMarks)
LONLTQMPPL (r_decalVolumesMarksCullDistance)
SRNRMTKPT (r_decalVolumesMarksDebug)
LPQNPPNLSQ (r_decalVolumesMaxVisible) - Number of rendered volume decal marks
TNKKRQTQ (r_decalVolumesMipDropDelay)
LQKKRSKPPS (r_decalVolumesNormalBias)
TNRROQMMK (r_decalVolumesObjSpaceModel) - Enable decal volumes for models
MTQKLSLSPM (r_decalVolumesOverrideMask)
NTTLQKSQTL (r_decalVolumesOverrideMaterial)
MKOLKOQNNT (r_decalVolumesRasterizedCulling)
MMQRKLRNKO (r_decalVolumesScale)
LQQLOSMS (r_decalVolumesShowAtlas)
LMLRNKLRSK (r_decalVolumesShowAtlasMip)
MNSOOSTSNM (r_decalVolumesShowAtlasSlice)
MKQSSQQPQK (r_decalVolumesShowFailedMaterials)
MNQPNQSSRK (r_decalVolumesShowImageInfo)
NOOSQSOOON (r_decalVolumesShowMaterialLock)
MQKMLOKSLP (r_decalVolumesShowMaterialName)
SPKMKKLOK (r_decalVolumesShowMaterialSelect)
LKQOKQTNQS (r_decalVolumesStatic) - Enable static decal volumes
MSONONRMKO (r_decalVolumesStreamDistanceBiasNotLoaded) - Gradually decrease image streaming distance of images that are not loaded at all, to force streamer to load them
LLTRSLRPTL (r_decalVolumesStreamOcclusionCulling) - Use scene depth buffer to cull decal volume instances when generating streaming data
LSOMOKRRSK (r_defaultBigMapFrontendWaitWorkerCmdsOnlyOfType) - The default setting for the r_frontendWaitWorkerCmdsOnlyOfType dvar when in a big map.
MNNLNMSSRM (r_del_oof) - Use deferred effect lighting out-of-frustum with global voxel tree
NNSSPPRQKM (r_delayAddSceneModels) - Add DObjs and brushes to GfxScene in a separate worker command
PQOSMMLLK (r_delayForSlop)
MLOSRMRRN (r_delayWorldUnloadForNarrative)
RRKMTKPPP (r_denyMinizing) - Prevent the game from minimizing when in fullscreen.
NQSKNTTTQN (r_depthScanColor) - HDR color of the scan area. Increase for more bloom!
MLPTMNQLTN (r_depthScanDistance) - The depth from the camera at which the depth scan area appears
LSORSSTOSK (r_depthScanEffectEnable) - Enable depth scan effect
MNOOQSTKQN (r_depthScanOutlineColor) - HDR color of the scan area outline. Increase for more bloom!
NKNPMMRQKO (r_depthScanOutlineThickness) - The thickness of the scan outline
NNLKQPQSSP (r_depthScanOverlayColor) - LDR Color of screen space overlay pattern. Alpha controls strength.
LPQMKKOMNT (r_depthScanOverlayEffect) - Enable depth scan full screen overlay
NTKMMLKST (r_depthScanOverlayStrength) - Controls blending of overlay on the scan area
NQRLRSQMRS (r_depthScanScopeStencil) - Use scope stenciling for depth scan post fx
MOOMLTQTLL (r_depthScanScrollParams) - Depth scan overlay scrolling params: UV scroll vector, UV Scale
MPNPLTKNQK (r_depthScanThickness) - The thickness of the scan area
QNOOSMOKL (r_deviceDebugBreaks)
OKKLSPMMSP (r_deviceDebugCpuResourceTransitionValidation)
MLPMPMNQRK (r_deviceDebugDred)
RPKQKLKPM (r_deviceDebugGpuValidation)
MNLTONPLOL (r_deviceDebugSkipKnownIssues)
NORNSPTQM (r_deviceDebugWin7Emulation)
NQRMSLTKTP (r_deviceProfile)
LNROSLQKON (r_diffuseColorScale) - Globally scale the diffuse color of all point lights
LOSQPPNNRT (r_displayMappingHdrGamma) - Gamma value applied in HDR mode
NTNOQQSQLM (r_displayMappingHdrMaxLum) - Brightest value we will output on an HDR display in PQ
MRRNPSMQTS (r_displayMappingHdrMinLum) - Darkest value we will output on an HDR display in PQ
LRMQSLPTMP (r_displayMappingHdrSource) - Where to get the HDR diplay luminance data from
LPKPPSSTON (r_displayMappingSdrEmulationMaxLum) - Emulate an SDR display on HDR device when non-zero. The value is the intensity in cd/m2 we will output for SDR value of 1.0
LPOSSQMTTQ (r_displayMappingSdrGamma) - Gamma value applied in SDR mode
MTNPRPNTTT (r_displayMappingSdrMaxLum) - Brightest value we will output on an SDR display (0-1)
LSSNQRQSST (r_displayMappingSdrMinLum) - Darkest value we will output on an SDR display (0-1)
MQKRSLOPMM (r_displayMappingSdrTargetLum) - Max luminance of target SDR Display in cd/m2
MOMSNOKSSP (r_displayMappingSdrUseBlacklevel) - Use legacy r_blacklevel in universal pipeline SDR mode
NNKRMTSNPL (r_distortion) - Enable distortion
TKQMPKOSR (r_dlsDebugDisableTemporalSmoothingPulse)
MOPMOSRKQP (r_dlsDebugIntensity)
NNOMNQKLQO (r_dlsDebugLight)
LSQTRMMTOK (r_dlsDebugLightsetRender)
MSQLNPRML (r_dlsDebugMode)
QKOTOPPSS (r_dlsDebugVisualize)
LMONNMLTKR (r_dlsForceSetIntensity)
OQSPSSNRT (r_dof_enable) - Enable the depth of field effect
NQLLRKPRPR (r_dof_filter_backgroundReconstruction) - Toggles dof background reconstruction for blurred objects on top of sharp backgrounds (circular bokeh only)
MSTLTQKSNS (r_dof_filter_bokehEdgeSharpness) - Bokeh edge sharpness (halfres circular bokeh only)
LNTNPRQSNL (r_dof_filter_fireflySuppression) - Allows to suppress small features that might cause flickering when expanded by the dof
RLKSLTQMQ (r_dof_filter_fullres) - Toggles bokeh fullres mode
OMQRTSKPOS (r_dof_filter_preset) - Changes dof sampling quality
LRNPKOQSKM (r_dof_filter_sharpen) - Sharpens the bokeh effect with an unsharp mask (halfres circular bokeh only)
LTMOMNTNNN (r_dof_filter_temporalFilter) - Toggles temporal filter (circular bokeh only)
LNLKRSOKML (r_dof_physical_accurateFov) - Enable physical fov (but still based on cg_fov). This will make the fov to subtlety change depending on the focus distance
MOQONRPQOT (r_dof_physical_adsFocusSpeed) - ADS focus speed (focus dist. far to near, focus dist. near to far, aperture opening, aperture closing)
OKRMSSLMMO (r_dof_physical_adsMaxFstop) - ADS maximum f-stop (optimal aperture and focus distance are automatically calculated for this mode)
NTPTNSQRK (r_dof_physical_adsMinFstop) - ADS minimum f-stop (optimal aperture and focus distance are automatically calculated for this mode)
POKSKSOMO (r_dof_physical_distanceMeter)
MRSTKSMMP (r_dof_physical_enable) - enable physical camera controls (using aperture priority)
RMRSOQSQL (r_dof_physical_filmDiagonal) - Diagonal size of the film/sensor (mm). The bigger the sensor size, the bigger the circle of confusion (which means stronger blurring at all distances). Defaults to full-frame 35mm
LRSPNPPPTP (r_dof_physical_focusDistance) - Distance to the plane in focus for the scene
LMMLPTTTK (r_dof_physical_fstop) - Aperture of the camera for the scene. Lower f-stop yields a shallower depth of field. Typical values range from f/1 to f/22. Rare extremes are f/0.75 and f/32
RMNRQNKMK (r_dof_physical_hipEnable) - Enable hyperfocal mode
SONPKLQPK (r_dof_physical_hipFocusSpeed) - Hyperfocal mode focus speed (focus dist. far to near, focus dist. near to far, aperture opening, aperture closing)
LOPPQMRSNT (r_dof_physical_hipFstop) - Aperture of the camera for the scene in the hyperfocal mode
LPSPQQMMNR (r_dof_physical_hipSharpCocDiameter) - Defines what circle of confusion can be considered sharp (mm). Defaults to 0.03mm, generally accepted value for 35mm
OSRSSRQOS (r_dof_physical_maxCocDiameter) - Maximum circle of confusion diameter (virtual units, might be clamped for bokeh dof)
SLSMSSTQP (r_dof_physical_minFocusDistance) - Minimum focus distance (inches)
OLOPMPMMOT (r_dof_physical_viewModelFocusDistance) - Distance to the plane in focus for the view model
NOTLPKOSO (r_dof_physical_viewModelFstop) - Aperture of the camera for the view model. Lower f-stop yields a shallower depth of field. Typical values range from f/1 to f/22. Rare extremes are f/0.75 and f/32
NSQOOQNQTM (r_dof_scope_mode) - Depth of Fields mode for scope lens
NTMOSTPSM (r_dof_tweak) - Use dvars to set the depth of field effect; overrides r_dof_enable
MSRMRTNQMO (r_dpvsFilterDebug)
MKLPRMMKQM (r_drawBModels)
MSROPPQTRL (r_drawDynEnts)
QPNTOMTML (r_drawEntities)
MRONOKPKNS (r_drawOpaqueSurfs)
SOSNNLTSM (r_drawPassEmissive) - Draw emissive pass
SRKMTKMRT (r_drawPassTrans) - Draw trans pass
NPOORKPMMM (r_drawPoly)
TKMOOOSNM (r_drawPrimCap)
LSPSRRMMQQ (r_drawPrimFloor)
LMOPLTRPNK (r_drawPrimHistogram)
NRPMLRTQTN (r_drawRigidModels)
RKPSSQLPT (r_drawSModels)
MMSRPPKMQP (r_drawShadowBeforePrepass) - Draw shadows before prepass
LPKRQTQLOS (r_drawSkinnedModels)
LTROMKSMSS (r_drawSun) - Enable sun effects
OKNMROOQTS (r_drawTessellatedWorld)
LKSTMMRNRQ (r_drawTransDecalSurfs)
NMPMLSKTMR (r_drawUmbraOccluders)
LRMSSOOQQP (r_drawWater) - Enable water animation
PNOMMSROQ (r_drawWorld)
OLLQKNPKLM (r_drawXModels)
LMRNTSRNNO (r_dustHeading)
PRSNONOT (r_dustIntensity)
MQTRMKSNLQ (r_dustPitch)
MMPQQTMNRT (r_dustPowerCurv)
QPQQTNMS (r_dustSmoothMax)
NMORTMLLLS (r_dustSmoothMin)
LPPSLNLOLT (r_dustTiling)
MSMQPLLMNS (r_dxrBuildAsync) - Build acceleration structures in async compute queue.
0 - async compute off
1 - async starts with frame start
2 - async starts with sunshadow start
3 - async starts with spotshadow start
4 - async starts with prepass start
QMSNKLSNK (r_dxrBuildBSPs) - Build blases for BSPs.
NKMKOSNOOL (r_dxrBuildFrameMax) - Amortize BLAS building by specifying max number of BLAS built per frame.
NRONRSORPQ (r_dxrBuildMergeMax) - Max amount of geometries than can be merged as one BLAS. Works only for BSP.
MQOPMONST (r_dxrBuildRigidModels) - Build blases for rigid models.
LSQTPPQRSK (r_dxrBuildSkinnedModels) - Build blases for skinned models.
MONTSOTSQO (r_dxrBuildStaticModels) - Build blases for static models.
NMRTLOOQLO (r_dxrDebugLights) - Draws lights info in world space. Value = last frame updated threshold.
STSSRMPPT (r_dxrDebugSummary) - Draws DXR summary on screen. Value = page of TLASes.
LRQSQMSOKN (r_dxrDevAreaShadowsScale) - Dev only. Must first uncomment accessors in spotshadow_common.hlsl.
OTPOQSPPM (r_dxrDevDisocclusionFrameThreshold) - Dev only. Must first uncomment accessors in spotshadow_common.hlsl.
MRMLSQQPQM (r_dxrDevDisocclusionRadius) - Dev only. Must first uncomment accessors in spotshadow_common.hlsl.
MSRPKTMOKS (r_dxrDevDisocclusionToggle) - Dev only. Must first uncomment accessors in spotshadow_common.hlsl.
NTPSKKMQQN (r_dxrDevFWidthToggle) - Dev only. Must first uncomment accessors in spotshadow_common.hlsl.
NNOSQMSPOS (r_dxrDevRaysPerPixelRoundingBias) - Dev only. Must first uncomment accessors in spotshadow_common.hlsl.
LOMTSSQTMQ (r_dxrDevRngSpatialKernelSize) - Dev only. Must first uncomment accessors in spotshadow_common.hlsl.
MRPOPTKMOT (r_dxrDevRngStrategy) - Dev only. Must first uncomment accessors in spotshadow_common.hlsl.
NOPMPTNLPM (r_dxrDevRngTemporalKernelSize) - Dev only. Must first uncomment accessors in spotshadow_common.hlsl.
NNQKQLKKK (r_dxrDevScaleDepth) - Dev only. Must first uncomment accessors in spotshadow_common.hlsl.
NKSTKRRRSQ (r_dxrDevScaleNormal) - Dev only. Must first uncomment accessors in spotshadow_common.hlsl.
MRNSPNRTLM (r_dxrDevScaleVariance) - Dev only. Must first uncomment accessors in spotshadow_common.hlsl.
MNNKQOKPOR (r_dxrDevSpatialRadius) - Dev only. Must first uncomment accessors in spotshadow_common.hlsl.
MMLLNSSQP (r_dxrDevSpatialToggle) - Dev only. Must first uncomment accessors in spotshadow_common.hlsl.
NSNOKMLQNQ (r_dxrDevSpotshadowHalfRes) - Dev only. Must first uncomment accessors in spotshadow_common.hlsl.
LRPTRMRLNQ (r_dxrDevTBias) - Dev only. Must first uncomment accessors in spotshadow_common.hlsl.
OMMQOQPNTM (r_dxrDevTBiasBig) - Dev only. Must first uncomment accessors in spotshadow_common.hlsl.
MSPTTTROPN (r_dxrDevTBiasMedium) - Dev only. Must first uncomment accessors in spotshadow_common.hlsl.
NPRMTOTKKN (r_dxrDevTBiasSmall) - Dev only. Must first uncomment accessors in spotshadow_common.hlsl.
MRONROSRTP (r_dxrDevTemporalToggle) - Dev only. Must first uncomment accessors in spotshadow_common.hlsl.
MSKRLSSSN (r_dxrEnabledMenuOption) - Enables DirectX Raytracing (PC DX12 only). Value is stored in PC config file.
0 - off
1 - on
2 - on (ultra)
LTSLNQNOSN (r_dxrEnabledOverride) - Overrides r_dxrEnabledMenuOption:
-1 - no override
0 - force off
1 - force on
2 - force ultra
Works even on MP maps that have DXR_OFF in mapInfo.csv.
NTRLPQOSOQ (r_dxrEvictOldBlases) - Evict blases older than x frames. Less blases == better cpu performance (due to hashmap lookups). If heap is nearly full, oldest blases will be removed automatically.
NRROKKQMRS (r_dxrEvictOldSkinnedBlases) - Evict skinned blases older than x frames. Old skinned blases are not removed when they are updated, so we need this policy not to run out of memory. We cannot remove skinned blases immediately, because this will make them disappear from Tlases that were not queued for rebuild this frame (due to round robin natures of spotshadow updates.
MMPTRPRPSO (r_dxrSkinnedDynamicLod) - Use dynamic skinned model lods based on load (see other skinned dvars).
MLPTKRTOKQ (r_dxrSkinnedLodChangeCooldown) - Cooldown in frames after which game can adjust skinned model lod. Needed to avoid stucking in feedback loop in extreme cases.
LLPRTLOSP (r_dxrSkinnedMaxLod) - Max lod for skinned model BLASes. Highest lods have many small surfaces, causing perf issues (mostly on cpu).
NMPNTQONSK (r_dxrSkinnedTrisLodDecreaseThreshold) - Allows for decreasing max skinned model lod if there is less than X skinned triangles built in frame.
RSLQSQLKM (r_dxrSkinnedTrisLodIncreaseThreshold) - Allows for increasing max skinned model lod if there is more than X skinned triangles built in frame.
LSMRMSLNOM (r_dxrTargetRaysPerPixelDefault) - Rays per pixel when there is 1 fullscreen light.
NTQQNLNPPP (r_dxrTargetRaysPerPixelUltra) - Rays per pixel when there is 1 fullscreen light.
MQQPLOLTT (r_dxrUseAlphaTesting) - Use alpha testing on static/rigid/skinned models with materials that have opacity texture.
MPRMNMQQKR (r_dynamicOmniLightLimit) - Maximum number of dynamic omni lights drawn simultaneously
MPTNKKPKRK (r_dynamicSpotLightLimit) - Maximum number of dynamic spot lights drawn simultaneously
NQKRTLNOMR (r_effectLightingAsync) - Do effect lighting on async compute
OMKRNTLOQO (r_elevatedPriority) - Utilize priority elevation for process.
LNKRLKNPK (r_emblemParams)
RLTQMLOM (r_emissive_surf_vert_limit) - Vert limit for geo-trails and beams, sprites use quad rendering
MRKLLLTSNK (r_enableCamoTweaks)
LTKPSMSTQO (r_enableNoTessBuckets) - Enables placing triangles that don't need tessellation into additional draw calls using non-tessellated shaders.
LMQMNMSSPN (r_enablePrecomputedSkyIllumination)
PMPRKOQNN (r_enablePrecomputedSkyIlluminationMask)
LSTQROTOLP (r_evictPrimaryLightActiveCache) - Evict spot shadow active cache for selected light
MKPPTNNORL (r_evictPrimaryLightCache) - Evict spot shadow active & stale cache for selected light
NTSSRTTPMS (r_evictPrimaryLightStaleCache) - Evict spot shadow stale cache for selected light
MTMTPRPOLL (r_eyeSensor) - Enables dynamic pupil dilation based on lighting arriving to the eye
RQQMQPPTK (r_eyeSensorContractionSpeed) - Pupil average contraction speed. Technically the inverse of the exponential decay time constant
NTOQQKQLTS (r_eyeSensorDebug) - Shows locations where the lighting is calculated for pupil dilation
NTNKRQSKLS (r_eyeSensorDelay) - Pupil reaction delay in milliseconds
MPQLSORKKO (r_eyeSensorDilationSpeed) - Pupil average dilation speed. Technically the inverse of the exponential decay time constant
OLSOSNTLMP (r_eyeSensorLuminanceScale) - Luminance scale to hack the response to light
NOMOKONLQK (r_eyeSensorMaxSpeed) - Pupil maximum dilation/contraction speed
LNPPTSPKMO (r_eyeSensorUnrest) - Maximum unrest animation distance in millimeters
MKKQMMTOLR (r_eyeSensorUnrestLut) - Enables baked unrest LUT
NMOOTRKLKR (r_fallbackProbeDebug) - Set fallback probe data to be red.
LRSMQMLQNQ (r_fallbackProbeSamplePos) - Fallback probe sample location.

NTSQPNPMOO (r_fallbackProbeUseCustomSample) - Enable/disable fallback probe custom sample

NKKQPKSRSR (r_fastRegionCompileOriginalMapName)
LKOLMLQRRT (r_filmGrainAtten) - Film Grain Attenuation value. Intended for use in UI options to reduce strength of noise vs. TV sharpness settings.
MNQQPKKMSM (r_flareDrawOrder)
LOLSPQKKQK (r_flareDrawThresholdEV) - flare draw threshold EV relative to average scene luminance
NOQOSRSKON (r_flareHalfres)
MTOMPPQPNR (r_flareOcclusionExtinctionBias) - flare opacity extinction bias
OMOOMOSMNT (r_flareOcclusionMin) - flare opacity min value
MKQQQTPRST (r_flareOcclusionScale) - scales flare opacity
NPNOLOTRMK (r_floatzCopyCompressed)
MOMNMRNOKN (r_flushAfterExecute)
NPNPOQLRRP (r_flushCommandListsAt_Flags) - Flags for where to flush command lists. See R_FlushCommandListsAt_Flags for the list.
OLNMKQTQQQ (r_flushUnifiedGeoBuffers) - Triggers a flush on the geometry buffers
LTOKRMRTMM (r_fog) - Set to 0 to disable fog
OLNQTLPOMK (r_fogCircle)
LOOSRMPSPQ (r_fogCircleDistanceFogBlend)
TKRNNLOKT (r_fogCircleDistanceHeightBlend)
MMPMKQMLKT (r_fogCircleDistanceHeightBlendStart)
OMQMRMTTRM (r_fogCircleDistanceHeightViewBlend)
NNLSQNKROK (r_fogCircleDistanceInnerColor)
LLPRTKKKTT (r_fogCircleDistanceOuterColor)
LQMRSRQQLT (r_fogCircleDistanceParams)
NQSNQQNRMN (r_fogCircleFogDensityBias)
STTMOMSQL (r_fogCircleFogDensityNoiseBias)
TPKKNSMRQ (r_fogCircleFogDensityNoiseScale)
LQOMOOLPO (r_fogCircleFogDensityScale)
NRNMNOTPSS (r_fogCircleFogDensityScrollingSpeed)
NTTMPOQNTL (r_fogCircleFogDensityTiling)
PNSNPNRKN (r_fogCircleHeightFalloff)
NSKPQSOPMP (r_fogCircleInset)
NNROPNTOTT (r_fogCircleOuterColorDistance)
NTTRNSKOTR (r_fogCircleSkyDistanceMultiplier)
LKRORRMNKR (r_fogCircleTweaks)
OMQTMPKQNT (r_fogCircleVolumetricInnerColor)
NTQSLQMOKK (r_fogCircleVolumetricOuterColor)
MSPQTOOKSK (r_fogCircleVolumetricParams)
NOMOROLLMQ (r_fogHeightMapBBoxMax) - Bounding box max of current map volumetric heightfield
MOMOSTNNQ (r_fogHeightMapBBoxMin) - Bounding box min of current map volumetric heightfield
QQQOTOROT (r_fogHeightMapScale) - Scales for volumetric height map.X - start fog scale, Y - end fog scale, Z - density scale
LPLKRKQOPP (r_fogSplineForceUpdate)
MNPLQPMLNT (r_font_cache_debug_display) - Display the current fontcache texture on the HUD for debug purposes
NLKQTRTTPS (r_forceGraphicsExtensions)
LNKOKNKNRL (r_forceHDRCapable) - Force HDR capable even if monitor does not support it
QKLNRLQLS (r_forceLod) - Force all level of detail to this level
MOQLSLTLKM (r_forceLodToColLod) - Force level of detail to the col lod
LKLOTLOLTK (r_forceSceneEnabled)
RRONLLNKO (r_forceSceneHeight)
LKRMKQLOSP (r_forceSceneWidth)
PKTSLMMNL (r_forceSpotShadowUpdateBSP) - force spot shadow update BSP
LKTNLSTTMM (r_forceSpotShadowUpdateSModel) - force spot shadow update BSP
RRNOPTNLL (r_frontendWaitWorkerCmdsOnlyOfType) - When enabled the renderer frontend on the main thread uses Sys_WaitWorkerCmdsOnlyOfType instead of Sys_WaitWorkerCmdsOfType to wait for outstanding worker commdands.
SPPMKPQR (r_frustumLightProxyConsExpand) - Expansion of proxy XY in clip space of target half texels
QKMOLSRRT (r_frustumLightProxyDebugExpand) - Expansion of proxy in world space for debugging
LRQMQTLORK (r_frustumLightProxyMargin) - Margin of error for determining whether inside proxy volume
QPLLSOQKQ (r_frustumLightProxyUseMeshCheck) - Use accurate per tri check if camera is inside proxy mesh.
MPMKMOQSSP (r_frustumLightProxyUseStencil) - Use dual pass stencil method for light proxies.
NQRKPLTOKL (r_frustumLightUseAtomics) - Use atomics for F+ bitmask generation.
LTRKNKNRTK (r_frustumLightUseZBinning) - Use ZBinning for F+ Proxies.
MTROSKKNSL (r_fullbright)
NNSQSMTQPP (r_fullscreen) - Game window mode
LLLRTQOTKS (r_fullscreenPreference) - Fullscreen game window mode user preference
LLONLONRMQ (r_generateCompressedSunShadow)
NSPOROSPLK (r_generateCompressedSunShadowParams)
MSLLQRMLNT (r_glare_mirrorAmount)
MQMTPPNLMO (r_glare_mirrorEnd)
MNRTMKMOTM (r_glare_mirrorPower)
MTKLNRROLT (r_glare_mirrorStart)
NONQMPOOSP (r_glare_normalAmount)
MNRLLTRRK (r_glare_normalEnd)
OTTTLQMLK (r_glare_normalPower)
LOTKNSTQSP (r_glare_normalStart)
MTSTOMNOL (r_globalSecondarySelfVisScale) - Global scale for the self visibility for secondary lighting (debug shader only)
OTOTKNQL (r_gpShowStats)
NSMNKSTNLL (r_gpuCopyFrameBudget) - Per-frame budget for gpu copy operations (in bytes)
PLLNLOTON (r_gpuCopyPerFrameBudgetMB) - Amount of data that can be copied per-frame by the GPU copier (in MB, can be fractional)
LQNTQSSNSS (r_gpuCopyPerFrameCommandsBudget) - Number of commands that can be processed per-frame by the GPU copier
OLPLKRLNK (r_gpuCullClusterDepthMipBias) - When sampling cluster depth for occlusion, bias mip level lower for increased culling accuracy.
NROKSRLPNP (r_gpuCullClusterMinThreshold) - Disable cluster culling for submesh if we have less than or equal to this threshold of clusters.
LSSLQQNKQP (r_gpuCullOcclusion) - Toggles second gpu pipeline pass to occlusion cull in lit pass.
NPRMPOLNTS (r_gpuCullReusePrepassVisData) - Toggle specialized occlusion only cluster and triangle culling in the lit pass that reuses prepass results.
MKKMTPRTLQ (r_gpuCullTriClusterOcclusion) - Toggles GPU triangle occlusion cluster culling for smodels
SQPOKKMP (r_gpuCullTriClusterOcclusionUmbra) - Toggles GPU occlusion culling for smodels against UMBRA occlusion image
LNMKTOMKMS (r_gpuCullTriClusterRigidModels) - Toggles GPU triangle cluster culling for rigid models
OMNQSQLSNS (r_gpuCullTriClusterSModels) - Toggles GPU triangle cluster culling for static models
MKLSLMSPKT (r_gpuCullTriClusterSkinnedModels) - Toggles GPU triangle cluster culling for skinned models
NSKMLOMLPT (r_gpuCullTriDepthMipBias) - When sampling triangle depth for occlusion, bias mip level lower for increased culling accuracy.
MMNSMLKOLL (r_gpuCullTriFineOnly) - Toggles GPU triangle culling for materials that specify fine culling (i.e. all non fast VS materials)
RPRLRNQKM (r_gpuCullTriMinThreshold) - Disable triangle culling for cluster if we have less than or equal to this threshold of triangles.
MQOKOKQKLS (r_gpuCullTriOcclusion) - Toggles GPU triangle occlusion culling for smodels
LSLMOQSNTL (r_gpuCullTriOcclusionUmbra) - Toggles GPU triangle occlusion culling for smodels against UMBRA occlusion image
SKKROLPNS (r_gpuCullTriRigidModels) - Toggles GPU triangle culling for rigid models
TNNLTKSOS (r_gpuCullTriSModels) - Toggles GPU triangle culling for static models
NMOKNPSSNP (r_gpuCullTriSkinnedModels) - Toggles GPU triangle culling for skinned models
NOMPOPPSTQ (r_gpuCulling) - Master switch for gpu culling. Toggles all gpu culling on or off
OMKPOLKTT (r_gpuDebugger)
SLLPMLT (r_gpuFrameHistogram)
LRTLMQPLMN (r_gpuHangDebug)
NLLSPLRMPL (r_gpuHangDebugBreadcrumbs) - Enable gpu breadcrumbs for hang analysis.
NPORSPRRQR (r_gpuHangDebugFlush)
NMPMRRKSPQ (r_gpuHangDebugShaderHash)
MOKRPKKRPM (r_gpuHangDebugSync)
LRLQKMQNKQ (r_gpuLatencyHistogram)
LSTNOSMSSM (r_gpuLatencyProfToolGraphs)
PPQLLTMQL (r_gpuMemoryPriority)
LQSQNMSSLS (r_gpuTimers) - GPU Timer displays
LRTQLTSMRO (r_gpuTimersFlush)
NQSTSRNN (r_gpuTimersShowAvgOnly)
OMKTTPNLNM (r_gpuTimersTimerTreeDisplayDepth)
LRSPOLKLMK (r_gpuTimersWriteCounters)
MPRNRNTNNQ (r_halfResEmissive) - Enables offscreen buffer pass for half-res particle rendering.
NQNQSLSMMQ (r_halfResEmissivePSCopy)
NKNRLKSRLL (r_halfResEmissiveResummarizeHiZ)
LSOLRNTTLL (r_hdrColorGradingLiveApplyCLUT)
NRPKONORPQ (r_hdrColorGradingLiveEnabled)
NOKMLQNOQS (r_hdrColorGradingLiveFilename)
NLLLLQMRNS (r_hdrColorGradingLiveUpdateCLUT)
LKPPLTOMQ (r_hdrFilmGrainStrengthScale) - Film grain strength adjustment in HDR mode
LKORQOKNPP (r_hdrScopesDrawCiePlot)
MOOSMMPNTT (r_hdrScopesDrawHeatMap)
SKTPQOKSS (r_hdrScopesDrawWaveform)
LPTQNTTONN (r_hdrScopesLayout)
MKSRSSLKLK (r_hdrScopesOverlayPanelSize)
LLTQKMMTPP (r_hdrScopesOverlaySplit)
LMTNKKMOOL (r_hdrScopesRenderStage)
MNOTQLPSMP (r_hdrScopesResizeScreen)
OLSQTQRPTN (r_hdrScopesUserValue)
LSQOMQRTR (r_hdrSpotmeter)
NSKKNPRMOQ (r_hdrUIMaxLum) - Maximum luminance of SDR UI elments when rendered in HDR mode (cd/m2)
MKMNRNNKK (r_heapFreeHeapsJob) - When true r_memheap heaps will be freed in a worker thread instead of being done in the render thread. This is only used in SP map transition cinematics.
MSPTLTSQRS (r_heapFreeHeapsJobTimeBudgetMs) - WRKCMD_MEMHEAP_FREEHEAPS jobs will stop executing after running for more than r_heapFreeHeapsJobTimeBudgetMs. This is only used in SP map transition cinematics.
MNRQLMKLKL (r_heapReleaseCooldownSec) - Interval in seconds before releasing a heap (r_memheap) that was marked for release.
MPLQQOTMSP (r_hudOutlineColorInScope) - The outline pixels inside the scope will be recolorized to this color
MKMNNOKRSP (r_hudOutlineColorInScopeFoe) - The outline pixels inside the scope will be recolorized to this color
LOKPRQTTQK (r_hudOutlineColorOutScope) - The outline pixels outside the scope will be modulated by this color
NMROQRRONQ (r_hudOutlineEnable) - Enables hud outline effect.
LRMPROLMKN (r_hudOutlineFillColor0) - This color is multiplied by the outline color on some horizontal lines.
NTOSKSTKQQ (r_hudOutlineFillColor1) - This color is multiplied by the outline color on some horizontal lines.
RKSQOKQNK (r_hudOutlineOccludedColorFromFill) - Amount of color from non occluded outline color to use for occluded color
LSRTPRNOLS (r_hudOutlineOccludedInlineColor) - The interior lines color of pixels that are depth occluded
LNNOSQKRTP (r_hudOutlineOccludedInteriorColor) - The interior fill color of pixels that are depth occluded
NSNOLMTLLL (r_hudOutlineOccludedOutlineColor) - The outline color of pixels that are depth occluded
NSSMRLPRPL (r_hudOutlineThermalBrightColorBackground) - The bright color for the background.
NTNOPTNMPP (r_hudOutlineThermalBrightColorEnemy) - The bright color for enemies.
LTTSTKSPNT (r_hudOutlineThermalBrightColorFriend) - The bright color for friends.
OKQKMLSMPN (r_hudOutlineThermalDarkColorBackground) - The dark color for the background.
LQRKORLQML (r_hudOutlineThermalDarkColorEnemy) - The dark color for enemies.
MPKOKPNLN (r_hudOutlineThermalDarkColorFriend) - The dark color for friends.
LRPNLRLPMT (r_hudOutlineThermalNoiseScaleBG) - Noise scale for scene.
NSRQQKNSNR (r_hudOutlineThermalNoiseScaleFG) - Noise scale for entities.
MRQTKQSMR (r_hudOutlineThermalPowerBackground) - Power curve applied to background thermal pixels
RLNOTPQPK (r_hudOutlineThermalPowerForeground) - Power curve applied to foreground thermal pixels
MSOLOMSKNN (r_hudOutlineVRScopeThermalBrightColorBackground) - The bright color for the background.
LQQOQNNMT (r_hudOutlineVRScopeThermalBrightColorEnemy) - The bright color for enemies.
MLMRSONLSL (r_hudOutlineVRScopeThermalBrightColorFriend) - The bright color for friends.
MMTLNMQKTT (r_hudOutlineVRScopeThermalDarkColorBackground) - The dark color for the background.
MRMMQQKQKN (r_hudOutlineVRScopeThermalDarkColorEnemy) - The dark color for enemies.
OMROPMNPTT (r_hudOutlineVRScopeThermalDarkColorFriend) - The dark color for friends.
QQMRRKSLP (r_hudOutlineVRScopeThermalNoiseScaleBG) - Noise scale for scene.
MNNRTQNNNT (r_hudOutlineVRScopeThermalNoiseScaleFG) - Noise scale for entities.
MNLLLPQSP (r_hudOutlineVRScopeThermalPowerBackground) - Power curve applied to background thermal pixels
MKOPMKKPOS (r_hudOutlineVRScopeThermalPowerForeground) - Power curve applied to foreground thermal pixels
MKOQSSQKLL (r_hudOutlineWidth) - Set the width of the Hud Outline
LRKPOKNKRM (r_identifyOldMaterial) - Materials flagged as old show up in color pink
MONSNMPSQK (r_ignore) - used for debugging anything
LMONTKNNTT (r_ignoreBadDisplayDriver) - User decided to ignore driver version warning
MKQQOKLSTK (r_ignoref) - used for debugging anything
OMOLRNRTOK (r_intelGPU) - Display adapter is an Intel GPU.
LRMSOKMKRM (r_leaveVidMemAvailable) - Amount of video memory we should strive to leave available.
MQPLMMMPRT (r_lensProfileOverrideAperture) - Physical lens profile aperture override
OQSOKOKRQ (r_lensProfileOverrideFocalLength) - Physical lens profile focal length override
NPORSPPNOK (r_lensProfileOverrideMode) - Physical lens profile override
LTKQTLPOLT (r_lensProfileOverrideScale) - Physical lens profile scale override
LNNQQMNNPM (r_lensProfileOverrideUVScale) - Physical lens profile UV scale override
LSSSKMRMSM (r_lgvBoostWidth)
LPLRTMPLLK (r_lgvDebugBasisType)
MLMNOSMSPT (r_lgvDebugEnt)
NLSOSLSORR (r_lgvDebugEntSamplingOffset)
LOQKRRSMPO (r_lgvDebugEvalFreq)
MPKSSMQMQQ (r_lgvDebugOcclusionMode)
QNOOONMRO (r_lgvDebugOverlay)
MSQSSSLLQP (r_lgvDebugSmodelId)
NLLTRMLMKO (r_lgvDrawProbes)
NPKKSKNOSQ (r_lgvDrawVolumes)
SPRNTNKT (r_lgvDumpXModels)
NLROTMNPKO (r_lgvEvalMode) - LGV Evaluation mode
LNSQSMQNON (r_lgvForceExplodeModels)
MMQKLRPNSL (r_lgvForceUseEntityBounds)
MNMQSKLNQN (r_lgvForceXModelDensity)
LTMMNRMOPM (r_lgvMaxProbes) - Max LGV probes per dynamic model (0 = disable using a max)
NPOMMSROSL (r_lgvSamplingSafeZone) - Safezone for sampling lightgrid volumes
NNKKTSSOOM (r_lgvThinDisable)
OMQMNPMRQM (r_lgvThinOverride)
TQNTKSLSN (r_lgvThinOverridePushOff)
NQKNPNTRMN (r_lgvThinOverrideShrink)
NKKOQNKOPP (r_lgvThinOverrideStable)
MKNOSRKSKL (r_lgvViewModelSamplingOffset) - Sampling offset for view model.
NLOLPSPLKT (r_lightGridDebugPosLocked) - Lock light grid debug position
MPTORROPSS (r_lightGridDrawDebugVolumes) - Draw lightgrid bounding volumes
NLOTLQMORR (r_lightGridTempSmoothingFactor) - Temporal smoothing factor for lightgrid sampling (0 = disable temporal smoothing)
MLRKRSTMRO (r_lightIntensityAutoScale) - Dynamic light intensity global scale for tonemapping compensation
TROPRPKTK (r_lightIntensityAutoScaleMax) - Upper bound for dynamic light tonemapping compensation scale
NSSOKNLRPQ (r_lightIntensityAutoScaleMin) - Lower bound for dynamic light tonemapping compensation scale
OLQOMOOMRP (r_lightIntensityScopeScreen) - Scope screen brightness ( 0.18 - gray paper )
TSNNNOLOQ (r_lightMap) - Replace all lightmaps with pure black or pure white
NTSPRTSSTT (r_lightSensorMode) - Light sensor mode
NPRKOOLRPL (r_lightTweakEnable)
LQRNQTTST (r_lightTweakSkyRotationAngles)
NQQQKTMONT (r_lightTweakSunColor)
NNNMKNQNTK (r_lightTweakSunHeading)
LMPKPQPRMK (r_lightTweakSunLight)
NTTSPKPRPQ (r_lightTweakSunPitch)
OLSOPNSPLS (r_lightTweakUVIntensityScale)
LQKPOKPLLQ (r_limitCUCount)
MLRRQLNRNP (r_linkLightWarningThreshold) - Print warning when an entity is linked to too many primary lights. This is a potential CPU & GPU performance problem.
LSLKMNMRLK (r_lockPvs) - Lock the viewpoint used for determining what is visible to the current position and direction
QTSTQORQL (r_lod0Dist) - Distance for level of detail 0
MLMPLMKLRQ (r_lod1Dist) - Distance for level of detail 1
MLMPSMLTLP (r_lod2Dist) - Distance for level of detail 2
NMTKSTSLK (r_lod3Dist) - Distance for level of detail 3
LLSRLOLPPR (r_lod4Dist) - Distance for level of detail 4
LPONNKKRQ (r_lod5Dist) - Distance for level of detail 5
QLQPPSRK (r_lodBias) - Bias the level of detail distance for all XModels (negative increases detail)
LMSLOSMKTT (r_lodOutStaticRamp) - Allow 'r_lodScale' and 'r_lodBias' to effect the LOD-out distance of static XModels, not just LOD switches.
MPLORMMQPT (r_lodScale) - Scale the level of detail distance for all XModels (larger reduces detail)
MSNKKLMKSQ (r_logFile)
LKKRPNKMMR (r_longFrameBackoff) - The number of frames to back off of performing gpu latency delay after a long frame
OQTQQQPTP (r_longFrameSlop) - The slop duration threshold in ms at which a frame is considered a long frame
MMTPRTNMQP (r_longWorkFrames) - If the calculated work duration for the previous frame is longer than this number of frames, give up on delaying this frame.
MPMTTQMONR (r_magnifierEnable)
LOQQSTLPSK (r_magnifierParams)
NMLSKNTTQQ (r_materialLod0SizeThresholdOverride) - Size threshold for material lod 0.
MLQPQQRPQM (r_materialLodMin) - Minimum material lod
MQKLMPORMS (r_materialLodOverride) - Override material lod (-1 to disable override)
NQTSSTNORP (r_materialPSOCacheDisable) - Disables creation of .psob files containing cached PSO blobs (Unsupported on NVidia)
NLQRQNTOQ (r_materialPSODevASync)
NQSSRKMLMQ (r_materialPSODevOnDemand)
MTMTRLQKRO (r_materialPSOWorkersDisable)
LOMPLLRKLK (r_materialPSOWorkersNoCompute)
MLOLTLLNRT (r_materialPSOWorkersPerZone)
LTQNPOSKRT (r_materialShaderQueueDisable)
SKRQOPQQN (r_maxDebugStringDistance)
MKSLSOSQON (r_maxEmblemPaints) - Max emblem composite jobs per frame
LPSPNKLRPO (r_mbEnable) - toggle on/off high quality motion blur
MKNMSLSLRL (r_mbEnableA) - archive toggle on/off high quality motion blur
NQTPSMTLQM (r_mbPostfxMaxNumSamples) - motionblur postfx sample count
LNLLSQTRLM (r_mbRadialMinAllowedBlurDistance) - Radial Blur min blur distance - used to tweak trivial case performance - in texel scale
LMLTRQKKTL (r_mbRadialOverrideAngleAttenuation) - Radial Blur Override Angle attenuation for positional blur
OMRQKMSSPP (r_mbRadialOverrideChromaticAberration) - Radial Blur Override Chromatic Aberration
MLTTMLTKOR (r_mbRadialOverrideDistortion) - Radial Blur Override Distortion
TMTNNMTLL (r_mbRadialOverrideFocusDir) - Radial Blur Override Focus direction
MKRSSOQLML (r_mbRadialOverridePosition) - Set radial blur worlds space position.
NSSPMPLRQL (r_mbRadialOverridePositionActive) - Toggle on/off radial blur world space position.
NKTRSSTMRQ (r_mbRadialOverrideRadius) - Radial Blur Override Radius
LSOPQMRPNR (r_mbRadialOverrideStrength) - Radial Blur Override Strength
LNQSSLTOSP (r_mbVelocityFpsCompensation) - Enables FPS motion blur compensation, for low and high fps to have a matching effect
NMORQOTSK (r_mbVelocityScale) - Scale velocity used for motion blur
RMLOTKMMM (r_mbVelocityScaleViewModel) - Scale velocity used for viewmodel motion blur
LONSLMNROK (r_mbViewModelEnable) - Enable motion-blur on the view-model.
LRNMQRTPM (r_mbWorldEnable) - Enable motion-blur on world (everything but viewmodel).
LOKPNNNNSO (r_mdaoBoneInfluenceRadiusScale) - Scale for the bone influence radius for mdao
LOTQRPQLTP (r_mdaoBoneSizeThreshold)
LSRLSMKMTP (r_mdaoCapsuleStrength) - MDAO strength for capsule occluders
MSLPPMPKSM (r_mdaoCullDistance)
MRQTRLKMTN (r_mdaoDrawOccluders) - Draws the entity occluder ellipsoids used as MDAO casters
TQORTRNQ (r_mdaoFadeoutDistance)
NOOTPPOPSQ (r_mdaoMinBoneBoundsToOcclude) - Minimum volume of the bone collider to create occluders for
OKKTPRPONL (r_mdaoOccluderCullDistance) - Culling distance for mdao occluders
LPKPSMMQOL (r_mdaoOccluderFadeOutStartDistance) - Fade out distance for mdao occluders
MOPRLRTMSK (r_mdaoShowBuffer) - Debug draw MDAO buffer
NMLNMRNNKQ (r_mdaoVolumeStrength) - MDAO strength for volume occluders
MMRKRSQROP (r_minDebugStringDistance)
LTPQTTPSOR (r_mode) - Name of the display mode to use when fullscreen; "" is the highest resolution supported by the monitor.
NNNTNSMOS (r_modelRadiusPackWarn)
OLPPTPMKRL (r_modelVertColor)
MMMOQLSSOS (r_monitor) - Name of the monitor to use in a multi monitor system; "" is the preferred monitor.
LMKTNLLTRT (r_multiGPU) - Enable multi GPU compatibility mode.
MQTLLRKRSR (r_nearPlaneFadeDistance) - Distance of near plane fade.
LMQTPSLMPM (r_nightAndThermalVision)
LKQMMNNQ (r_nightAndThermalVisionTweak)
TLLNPKNSS (r_nightVisionExposureAdjustment)
LNRTSPSMTN (r_nightVisionIr2ndDiffuse) - ir patch secondary diffuse lighting coeff
LROLRKTLMS (r_nightVisionIr2ndSpecular) - ir patch secondary specular lighting coeff
NRSQQSPLL (r_nightVisionIrAmbient) - ambient infrared light
NPQTMORRNS (r_nightVisionIrDirect) - ir direct lighting coeff
NPOTLLLTKK (r_nightVisionMinExposureBias)
TRMNQKPRL (r_numGPUs) - Number of GPU's used when r_multiGPU is enabled.
OKTNRPMPOS (r_nvgScopeForce)
MOLOLOLTPK (r_nvidiaDLSSDenoiseUI)
NLTOMMLSNL (r_nvidiaDLSSForceMode)
MLNQPSMQM (r_nvidiaDLSSMode)
TRLKMLSQK (r_nvidiaDLSSQualityUI)
LLKMPPNQPK (r_nvidiaDLSSSharpness)
NMRMRRNS (r_nvidiaDLSSSharpnessUI)
TSSRKROQM (r_nvidiaDLSSSupport)
NRNOLQMMON (r_nvidiaGPU) - Display adapter is a NVIDIA GPU.
NKTROPPTRS (r_nvidiaMinDriverRevReq) - Minimum NVidia display driver version supported.
LTKKLTRKLT (r_nvidiaMinDriverRevReqString) - Minimum NVidia display driver version supported. Formatted string version for display to user.
NKLSLKPSSS (r_offloadPrimaryLights) - Enable transient primary lights
PRLKTLTQN (r_oldMaterialEmissive) - Pink Emissive intensity for old materials.
NMQQNNQNSO (r_outdoor) - Prevents snow from going indoors
LQKORRQMLR (r_outdoorFeather) - Outdoor z-feathering value
NKPMRTRQQS (r_p4xCapture)
NNTOQLMSLO (r_picmip) - Picmip level of color maps.
MPMQRLKQQN (r_picmip_bump) - Picmip level of normal maps.
NTROOKOSPM (r_picmip_spec) - Picmip level of specular maps.
NQSTMPNSRM (r_polygonOffsetBias) - Offset bias for decal polygons; bigger values z-fight less but poke through walls more
MLPNTNOSQM (r_polygonOffsetClamp) - Offset clamp for decal polygons; bigger values z-fight less but poke through walls more
MRSPSKSNKL (r_polygonOffsetScale) - Offset scale for decal polygons; bigger values z-fight less but poke through walls more
MOMNLTOPQN (r_portalBevels) - Helps cull geometry by angles of portals that are acute when projected onto the screen, value is the cosine of the angle
NQOPMRKQTL (r_portalBevelsOnly) - Use screen-space bounding box of portals rather than the actual shape of the portal projected onto the screen
LLPKRNMQQN (r_portalMinClipArea) - Don't clip child portals by a parent portal smaller than this fraction of the screen area.
NRSQNNQOLK (r_portalMinRecurseDepth) - Ignore r_portalMinClipArea for portals with fewer than this many parent portals.
MRTKQSPSQS (r_portalWalkLimit) - Stop portal recursion after this many iterations. Useful for debugging portal errors.
MQOMSSQRRQ (r_postAA) - Post process antialiasing mode
LSLKRQNSQS (r_precomputedSkyIlluminationRadialDistance) - Distance where full sky transition happens, zero disables
LKMPRNTMOO (r_precomputedSkyMultiplier) - Precomputed sky multiplier
OKRNQTRNOT (r_precomputedSunMultiplier) - Precomputed sun multiplier
MPMOPMKPKN (r_preloadPipelineStates) - Determine whether it will wait for PSOs creation to be done during loading screen before going in-game. (Auto: Will wait if shader preload was done)
LQQKONPOR (r_preloadShaders)
MMNKSLQQKK (r_preloadShadersAfterCinematic)
LKRRNMKMKL (r_preloadShadersFrontend)
NRSSTQQSKK (r_preloadShadersFrontendAllow) - Enable/Disable preloading of the shaders/PSOs in the frontend
LRNPKQRNSO (r_preloadShadersFrontendClearCache)
NNMLTLKPT (r_preloadShadersFrontendOptionsRestartAllow)
NPQTOLNKQK (r_preloadShadersFrontendShared) - Enable/Disable sharing of shaders/PSOs during warmup on boot (uses more memory)
NSORSLLORM (r_preloadShadersFrontendSkip) - Used to determine if the Shader/PSO preload has been bypassed by the user
LROQRPMRLO (r_preloadShadersGenerateReport) - Enable/Disable generation of PSO compilation report (generates a pso-stats.csv file)
LMKMNOKNKS (r_preloadShadersIgnoreOldFastfilesTime)
NPLRNORLRN (r_preloadShadersResetPSOStoreBetweenGameModes) - Enable/Disable the reset of the PSO Store persistence when changing game modes during the PSO preload (AMD GPUs only)
LPOTOLQTTK (r_preloadShadersWorkersOverride) - Override number of PSO workers
SRSNLTKTN (r_primBegin)
LNKSLMMRNQ (r_primBisect)
NTMRRKOQLN (r_primEnd)
MNSPTPSLLR (r_primaryLightMotionDebug)
NKKPQSTMRL (r_primaryLightMotionDetect) - Enable primary light motion detect for skipping unnecessary shadowmap update
MMLQOTLKOQ (r_primaryLightMotionDetectSizeMax) - Largest object size for triggering primary light motion detector
NNMTMKQPPM (r_primaryLightMotionDetectSizeMin) - Smallest object size for triggering primary light motion detector
LPPMLLTRNT (r_primaryLightMotionDetectUseSkinnedModel) - A skinned model always trigger motion for primary lights
OMOQSPLSST (r_primaryLightTweakDiffuseStrength)
NPNRRNMSK (r_primaryLightTweakSpecularStrength)
MKPQPLPPPK (r_primaryOmniLightLimit) - Maximum number of primary omni lights drawn per pixel simultaneously
LMTTPRQQMN (r_primarySpotLightLimit) - Maximum number of primary spot lights drawn per pixel simultaneously
MOMOKRTQPT (r_printAnimTreeOnBoundsTooSmall)
PSSQNTNRN (r_printBarrierActions)
OMMOTLTTQ (r_profMaterial)
MRQTQTKMNP (r_profileUIDrawing)
LOQQKQSLK (r_profileUIDrawingWarnThreshold)
PLRMKOOOP (r_radiometricScale) - Per-frame radiometric scale (-1: use sceneExposure, -2: use tonemapExposure, -3: use sceneAvgKiloNits )
MKMKNOSNLL (r_randomFailConstantBuffer)
LLMMPQMLSO (r_randomFailLinearHeap)
MPPRNSQL (r_rasterizedCullingMaxEntitiesPerBatch)
NMOLKOLNNT (r_rasterizedCullingMinZ)
NMQKNTSROO (r_rasterizedCullingTwoPassStencil)
LMPPLPLKOO (r_rasterizedCullingTwoPassStencilBatching)
LNTSRKQ (r_rasterizedCullingUseAtomics)
NOKLMOOQNO (r_rasterizedCullingUseMSAA)
MPLOLNMSRO (r_reactiveMotionActorRadius) - Radial distance from the ai characters that influences reactive motion models (inches)
NMQSKQNQLR (r_reactiveMotionActorVelocityMax) - AI velocity considered the maximum when determining the length of motion tails (inches/sec)
MTMOPKMRLQ (r_reactiveMotionClutter) - Enable reactive motion for clutter
MPNNROTONS (r_reactiveMotionEffectorDebugDraw)
NSKKMRPOQQ (r_reactiveMotionEffectorStrengthScale) - Additional scale for the effector influence, as a factor of the model part distance from the effector center and model part extents
MOLONLMRT (r_reactiveMotionForceCpuCalc)
OKLOPQOOK (r_reactiveMotionPivotDebugDraw)
OLPRLSRQLM (r_reactiveMotionPlayerHeightAdjust) - Amount to adjust the vertical distance of the effector from the player position (inches)
NKOSNKPNKL (r_reactiveMotionPlayerPushAmplitude) - The spring motion amplitude (strength) imparted by the player on reactive motion models
MTORLPNK (r_reactiveMotionPlayerPushDecay) - The spring motion decay (falloff) imparted by the player on reactive motion models
QQNKRMKPQ (r_reactiveMotionPlayerPushFrequency) - The spring motion frequency (speed) imparted by the player on reactive motion models
MKPPNSLNQQ (r_reactiveMotionPlayerRadius) - Radial distance from the player that influences reactive motion models (inches)
NQQSKRQMTS (r_reactiveMotionVelocityTailScale) - Additional scale for the velocity-based motion tails, as a factor of the effector radius
LOTLSMRPTP (r_refImageBounds)
LRRPTTOPPO (r_refImageDraw)
NTLLNTRNTM (r_refImageStopsAdjust)
MRKPMLQRLK (r_refShaderRenderStage)
MPRLLQKKKN (r_reflectionClearColor)
NSKMLTMOQM (r_reflectionProbeAllowLightgridOverride)
PQTQTNSLP (r_reflectionProbeCacheWarmupFrames)
NKPLSKPRPK (r_reflectionProbeCompressionMaxMipLevels) - Reflection probe compression max mip levels.
MQPRQRNNSQ (r_reflectionProbeDebugCameraDistance)
NMLOTSNNLT (r_reflectionProbeDebugDepthTest)
QQSNSLKQR (r_reflectionProbeDebugMode)
OKMPSLMQNO (r_reflectionProbeExpandProjectionNeg)
MKKKONQNOM (r_reflectionProbeExpandProjectionOverride)
OKPPNPNNPO (r_reflectionProbeExpandProjectionPos)
LSPSKSMOLS (r_reflectionProbeExportProbeCube)
NRPSMKNLOQ (r_reflectionProbeExportSceneCube)
NRLKSNNLTR (r_reflectionProbeFlush)
NOMKLMQLKM (r_reflectionProbeForceNoParallax)
LKMLTNNQOK (r_reflectionProbeForceSH3)
LLQQOPKTKM (r_reflectionProbeGenerate)
NLSMSNTSQN (r_reflectionProbeGenerateCaptureGraphics)
OQMRROTLK (r_reflectionProbeGenerateExit)
QSMPQOLKQ (r_reflectionProbeGenerateFast)
LTTLTOKPKN (r_reflectionProbeGenerateSkyOverride)
LKNMLMSNRN (r_reflectionProbeGenerateTargetProbe)
MMRMKRPTMN (r_reflectionProbeGpuFilter)
MLSRLRMOLL (r_reflectionProbeIrradianceMin) - The minimum Irradiance allowed in reflection probe normalization.

MNKSSKMTNK (r_reflectionProbeLODMask)
NSMOTOSQRN (r_reflectionProbeLightingDebugMode)
TSSONTORK (r_reflectionProbeLightingEnabled) - Reflection probe relighting enable
NKQNMMMNLR (r_reflectionProbeLightingOtherShadowmapOverride)
PTSTSNQR (r_reflectionProbeLightingProbeIndexOverride)
NTSMKLPMNK (r_reflectionProbeLightingStagesPerFrame) - Reflection probe relighting update stages per frame
LKNMLKRTRL (r_reflectionProbeLightingSunMaskOverride)
LKPMNRSKRT (r_reflectionProbeLightingSunOverride)
LLSQQOKNLN (r_reflectionProbeLightingSunShadowmapOverride)
MOMQKTMTPP (r_reflectionProbeMaxPerView)
NPLORLKRPM (r_reflectionProbeNormalize)
MPMONQNKO (r_reflectionProbeNormalizeMax)
NONOQSSKTO (r_reflectionProbeNormalizeMin)
MMLSMTQOSM (r_reflectionProbeOctahedron) - Enables reflection probe octahedron
MOPNSOLRM (r_reflectionProbeOctahedronLodBias)
LRPKORNQON (r_reflectionProbeRenderTargetSize) - Reflection probe render target size.
NPORTSOQPP (r_reflectionProbeShowDefaultProbe)
OKSLNRNMMN (r_reflectionProbeShowProbeImage)
MSMOROSRP (r_reflectionProbeShowProbeImageMip)
LNOQKTRPTK (r_reflectionProbeShowRelitProbe)
MOKSTOTPTP (r_reflectionProbeShowStats)
MRPKMLRKSP (r_reflectionProbeShowVolumeLODSelect)
NSTOLRNSPN (r_reflectionProbeShowVolumes)
LQMRQTQRST (r_reflectionProbeUseDeferredShaderCompile)
MOLQOKOQLQ (r_reflectionProbeUsePrebin) - Use prebin pass to accelerate clustering
NOSTPQTNQR (r_reflectionProbeUseUmbra)
NTSNQNKRKM (r_reflectionProbeVolumeDrawDistance)
MQSPSNKPLP (r_reflectionProbeVolumeHighlightNoProj)
OKOLOKSLTP (r_reflectionProbeVolumeHighlightRelit)
MTTMTTNQP (r_reflectionProbeVolumeScale)
MTMKROMRRP (r_reflectionProbeVolumeShowFeather)
NKKQNQNNOS (r_reflectionProbeVolumeShowInfo)
OMRQPQNTOQ (r_reflectionProbeVolumeShowLinesToProbe)
MORNTOKMTN (r_reflectionProbeVolumeShowProbePosition)
NLRKNOLRPM (r_reflectionProbeVolumeShowProjectionBoxes)
SOKNOQRPL (r_refreshRate) - Refresh rate to use when fullscreen.
NTQOKMQPLS (r_remoteScreenUpdateSleep) - Amount of time to sleep when backend is in remote screen update
LOSOPPTRKQ (r_renderDocCapture)
OSLKSLQNO (r_renderDocMultiFrameCapture)
LQOPTSOQOO (r_renderDocOverlay)
PKNSROLQK (r_renderMemMode)
LMSOPRRLKP (r_renderValidateEnable)
LQKKPSLSKL (r_requiredCubemapSize) - Required cubemap size.
PLROSKRRQ (r_resampleScenePixelCount)
NQMNTPLRLR (r_resourceReleaseQuota) - GPU driver reservations for defragmentation and kernel operations.
MMMPPKPOMN (r_rimLightDistance)
NKMONTORPL (r_rimLightFill)
LLPRLLRRRM (r_rimLightScale)
MSNNNKMSSR (r_rimLightStartDistance)
MLRKNQPRMN (r_rimLightingLerp) - Rim lighting lerp factor: 0=No Rim Lighting, 1=Full Rim Lighting (debug shader only)
MPRTTKLMNP (r_ringFractionForFlush) - Portion of ring buffer size to allocate before fencing. Lower fraction leads to more fences, higher fraction leads to higher chance for stalls.
LQNSTNPPMT (r_rtAllocOrder)
LLKLOMTMNS (r_rtFormatValidation) - Validate render target formats.
NRKMKLNNP (r_rtStats)
NNTQSSRMSP (r_rtSurfaceOrder)
OTRLKTPNR (r_rtt_dirtycheck) - RTT drawlist dirty check
MTMLPNPTTM (r_rtt_showOverlay)
SOPRNKQTK (r_sceneRes)
NQSOKPOQOT (r_sceneResLodScale)
NLSORKMPKT (r_sceneResLodScaleMax)
MQLOPKSOTR (r_sceneResLodTemporal)
MSLLOSOLPO (r_sceneResMax)
LTTSMMPPKS (r_sceneResMin)
MKTMRSKPTS (r_sceneResMinContributionScale)
LRPMOPMPO (r_sceneResMinContributionScaleMax)
NOSNORMOSQ (r_sceneResSquareRatio)
NRSLPQLQPL (r_sceneResolutionMultiplier) - The effective render resolution, in percent relative to the window size. This can change when resizing the window
LNKPMNNMQM (r_sceneResolutionMultiplierTarget) - The target of r_sceneResolutionMultiplier. They will try to match, but r_sceneResolutionMultiplier maybe be higher if the windows is to small
MLOROPNTP (r_sceneSurfsLODThreshold) - Threshold at which we start reducing LOD's of dynamic/entity models
MTPPMPMTQP (r_sceneSurfsLodBias) - Bias the level of detail distance for dynamic/entity models only
MKPPTQMNQN (r_sceneSurfsLodBiasDecay) - Rate, in units per seconds, at which the bias decays
RQLSPRTTL (r_sceneSurfsLodBiasStep) - LOD bias distance to add with each frame we're over the scene surfs threshold
MRMTONLNRL (r_scopeBufferSizeDivisorX) - scope buffer size divisor X
QPQSLLTNS (r_scopeBufferSizeDivisorY) - scope buffer size divisor Y
LSNMSLSMP (r_scopeBufferSizeMin) - scope buffer minimum size
LPRNOKPONK (r_scopeOverrideTransitionMode) - Debuging test for tuning the scope transition mode.
LTLOTQPLQP (r_scope_color_blue)
NRLOROTOMM (r_scope_color_brightness)
NPPORKQMQK (r_scope_color_green)
NROQSQQOMK (r_scope_color_red)
NOLNSPRNKR (r_scope_fade_end)
LONOSQTRRM (r_scope_fade_start)
MRTRSQPSLP (r_scope_inner)
OOTNPSNKR (r_scope_inner_mag)
LQNNOLMRNM (r_scope_outer)
MSNLTPOLQS (r_scope_outter_mag)
NNSKPNQKMT (r_scope_radius)
OOSLSMSNP (r_scope_relief_focus)
MLRSPLKTPQ (r_scope_relief_focus_scale)
MQONPTSPMO (r_scope_relief_movement_clamp)
RRONLOPKS (r_scope_relief_movement_scale_max)
LPSRPRNLPO (r_scope_relief_movement_scale_min)
MLPMKONLSM (r_scope_relief_mul_aspect_ratio) - relief map UV offset multiply camera aspect ratio.
PSQSNMTNM (r_scope_relief_outoffocus)
OLNTLSSNP (r_scope_relief_outoffocus_scale)
LQKTMQSTQN (r_scope_relief_sway_amount_max)
RTQKLKNLR (r_scope_relief_sway_amount_min)
PTOTPLMNR (r_scope_relief_sway_cameradelta) - for normalizing camera position change between frames, in world space.
LTTLOLKPQP (r_scope_relief_sway_framedelta) - for normalizing bone movement delta between frames, in screen space.
LTNNLPNOLT (r_scope_relief_sway_freq_max)
MOOQTPPMKP (r_scope_relief_sway_freq_min)
MQMSQPPSMR (r_scope_relief_sway_freq_x) - random sway ping-pong frequency scale for X axis.
PPQKNQNTO (r_scope_relief_sway_freq_y) - random sway ping-pong frequency scale for Y axis.
QTTLONPKS (r_scope_relief_sway_screendelta) - for normalizing bone movement in screen space.
OLMMSNSSQP (r_scope_tweak)
NLQNNKSRLP (r_scopedNVGFade) - slowly power on/off scoped NVG
LPKQOLROKL (r_screenShotPixelOffset) - Subpixel offset, set by screenshot machine
MTKPSMMLLR (r_sdfShadowPenumbra) - Baked sun shadow penumbra width - 0 is sharpest, 1 is softest
MNPSTNRLMS (r_secondaryDiffuseScale) - Scale factor for secondary diffuse reflection (dev only)
MTLNTSOKQL (r_secondarySpecularScale) - Scale factor for secondary specular reflection (dev only)
LRNTRROOOL (r_shaderBatching)
MQOPSKPOQS (r_shaderDiskCache) - Enable shader disk cache
MRKMTSPMOM (r_shaderDistrib)
LRLSQPKNL (r_shaderLodSecondarySpecular) - Gloss threshold for HQ secondary specular (in internal mip range)
LOSKLQNMQR (r_shaderLodSecondarySpecularDurango) - Gloss threshold for HQ secondary specular (in internal mip range)
LSTLNMOTR (r_shaderRemoteCache)
NTKRPRKMOK (r_shadowTileResolution) - Resolution of shadow map tiles.
NKMKNNLOTK (r_shieldEffectHitTimeMS) - How long the hit effect lasts.
NMSNTQSMLL (r_shimmerEffectColorAnimIntensity) - Amount of modulation of color during animation ( 1.0 means none ).
NQQLKRLTSN (r_shimmerEffectExteriorLineStrength) - Intensity scale for exterior lines.
LKSOROSOQK (r_shimmerEffectFarDistance) - Distance at which to use far parameters.
NTRTRQMQNL (r_shimmerEffectInteriorFillIntensityFar) - Used to scale intensity at far distance.
LKQMTLKPMM (r_shimmerEffectInteriorFillIntensityNear) - Used to scale intensity at near distance.
MROQPTNONR (r_shimmerEffectInteriorLineStrength) - Intensity scale for interior lines.
MTSLMPMTTM (r_shimmerEffectTimeOff) - Amount of time the interior fill is off.
MSTTNLLRLS (r_shimmerEffectTimeOn) - Amount of time interior fill is on.
LPPRPNQSKM (r_showAabbTrees)
NKMPNOOMTQ (r_showAmbientSModels)
LQRKMLSSST (r_showCull)
NSMOQPQOOR (r_showCullBModels)
OKNKRQRKMM (r_showCullMode)
NLLKRPRMRS (r_showCullSModels)
MQKOTOLTQM (r_showCullVolumetrics)
SKRNNTKQL (r_showCullXModels)
OKPKTMOSSO (r_showFogSpline)
MLQPKQNRKK (r_showFrustumGridDebug)
LMMMLLLPLN (r_showFrustumLightsDebug)
SMRKKRKMS (r_showFrustumLightsDebugBlend)
NOLQRKTPRT (r_showFrustumLightsMaxIndexDebug)
SOKTNRLSL (r_showFrustumLightsMinIndexDebug)
NOKRRTKOLO (r_showFrustumLightsProxies)
LNQTKNKRRQ (r_showHeightmap)
NTRSRSLLKS (r_showHeightmapScale)
MMMLSPLMOL (r_showLightmap)
PSPLSNSNT (r_showModelLMapSModels)
MRNSTNTRNT (r_showModelLODOutDist)
MKRLTQQQK (r_showModelLODs)
NSTRMKLRKS (r_showModelNames)
TTTKKTKPR (r_showPIPTexture)
QQLNLMOTM (r_showPortals) - Show portals for debugging
NNQPOMPOPT (r_showPortalsOverview) - Render 2d XY portal overlay scaled to fit to this distance. Useful for debugging portal errors.
NQMRQKSRPP (r_showPrecomputedSkyIlluminationMask)
LSMKNMTLLN (r_showReactiveMotionSModels)
LLSQQKNSMP (r_showRenderFeatureCounts)
TPKSLNKQR (r_showSModelNames)
MRTPTQNKQL (r_showSplinedSModels)
MNMPRSTTSN (r_showSunStage)
PQRRQSPLR (r_showSurfCounts)
MSTTMTOPRO (r_showTangentBasis)
MQKKNQTKOT (r_showTangentBasisDistance)
LQMRKKQQQ (r_showTangentBasisLength)
LMRTSOSNS (r_showTess)
MOSSSSPKTQ (r_showTriCounts)
NTQPKNSMTL (r_showTris)
NTSKQMQQK (r_showTrisDepthTest)
PMKLNKMOM (r_showTrisPip)
MTMTKSSRLK (r_showVertCounts)
LSTLTMNPMM (r_showXModelRanking)
LPRSKMOPML (r_showXModelRankingFilterMode)
MMTQSMKRON (r_showXModelRankingOffset)
OKMRLQMNPT (r_showXModelRankingStopUpdate)
NTTOKPMPRT (r_showXModelRemoteConsole) - print out all xmodel info in remote console
MSMMLQQNSS (r_singleCell) - Only draw things in the same cell as the camera. Most useful for seeing how big the current cell is.
NSPMTTPLRO (r_skinnedLodBias) - Bias the level of detail distance for skinned models only
LMKPKOTROK (r_skinnedLodBiasDecay) - Rate, in units per seconds, at which the bias decays
LKSPMSTKMK (r_skinnedLodBiasStep) - LOD bias distance to add with each frame we're over the skinned cache threshold
NLQLSQRNNL (r_skinnedSubdivLODThreshold) - Threshold at which we start reducing LOD's of dynamic/entity models with subdiv
MSSKROSOKP (r_skinnedSubdivLodBias) - Bias the level of detail distance for skinned subdiv models only
OLMNOPRRL (r_skinnedSubdivLodBiasDecay) - Rate, in units per seconds, at which the bias decays
NRQLTOMPLT (r_skinnedSubdivLodBiasStep) - LOD bias distance to add with each frame we're over the skinned subdiv cache threshold
MPLQMROPLQ (r_skipDrawSmallBatches)
OLMMTLSPSL (r_skipDrawTris)
MONNPSNOQO (r_skipPvs) - Skipt the determination of what is in the potentially visible set (disables most drawing)
LLQOLROKNQ (r_skyBlendAmount)
NSMOTTMQOT (r_skyBlendFeather)
LTNTLNRNOS (r_slopDelayReduction) - Duration in milliseconds to always reduce the computed frontend delay duration to make up for inaccuracies in the computation. Slightly increases latency but also increases the chance of the frontend delay preventing the main thread from hitting 60 fps.
LKTKTLMSP (r_slopTarget) - The target duration in ms between the gpu queueing a flip and the corresponding vsync
MRMPTNMLP (r_smaaDynamicSubpixelPattern) - Changes subpixel pattern in motion.
NMLLTNKPMK (r_smaaDynamicSubpixelPatternDistance) - Distance at which a 1 pixel-sized motion will trigger this feature.
NLQKNTQSNT (r_smaaFilmicStrength) - Strength of the filmic temporal effect. Set to 0 to revert to regular non-filmic SMAA.
NSLRSQLMSL (r_smaaGradientAdjust) - Corrects supersampling derivatives (trades texture details / aliasing).
NONPSOKLR (r_smaaQuincunx) - Enables Quincunx for SMAA T2x modes, which trades texture detail for better antialiasing results.
PMKRPQLPM (r_smaaTransMask) - Enables a mask to attenuate TAA effect on transparent objects.
NSQSKRKPOM (r_smaaUpsampleMode) - Temporal upsampling mode, active if using SMAA T2x or Filmic SMAA T2x.
LQSKTTRRP (r_smodelsCollectionTransientVisibility)
NNNSPLTKLL (r_smpCompute) - Enables processing frontend compute cmds on a worker thread; requires r_asyncCompute enabled.
NPKPSPQOPK (r_smpComputeInSplitScreen)
NQLOOOOQPN (r_smp_backend) - Process renderer back end in a separate thread
ORMNKNLLN (r_smp_hyperthread_multiplier) - Contribution of hyperthreads to workers count
LRLLOSTTOR (r_smp_worker) - Process renderer front end in a separate thread
LSLQPLNLQL (r_smp_workercmds_on_frontend) - Allow frontend to process worker cmds
MTTNLPMNR (r_smp_workercmds_on_render) - Allow render thread to process worker cmds
LQLTTSTOQM (r_smp_workercmds_on_server) - Allow server to process worker cmds
MTRSOQKOSK (r_smp_workers_count) - Current number of workers currently running. -1 for automatic value
MSLSKNLMNR (r_smp_workers_min_count) - Minimum number of workers to spawn
OKSSTSKKOQ (r_smp_workers_skip_count) - Number of logical cores to skip when spawning workers(reserved for main/render thread/etc.)
LSTKPKPRSO (r_snapshotEffectAlphaIntensity) - Global scale for intensity of snapshot effect
NPSRPPPPTO (r_sortMaterials)
NRQSSSNTSQ (r_specularColorScale) - Set greater than 1 to brighten specular highlights
TLMMOPMSK (r_spotLightEntityShadows) - Enable entity shadows for FX spot lights.
NLNLPMSNLP (r_spotLightShadows) - Enable shadows for spot lights.
LSQMOMSSPS (r_spotLightShadowsPolygonOffset) - Set spot light shadow polygon offset scaling.
MNRQQOMSMM (r_ssao) - Screen Space Ambient Occlusion mode
NSNSNQTRON (r_ssaoDistanceFade) - SSAO distance fade params in screen space texel sampling radius: X - fadeStart Y - fadeEnd
MMLLKRSKMR (r_ssaoLowFrequencyBlendParams0) - SSAO moment rejection params ( momentsVarianceSensitivty momentsMeanMin momentsMeanMax )
LNSOPSPTO (r_ssaoLowFrequencyBlendParams1) - SSAO cache params ( skipUpdateRate skipMomentThreshold skipAlphaMulThreshold skipConvergenceFrameCount )
NQRNNLQMOT (r_ssaoPower)
NQTSOQQRKT (r_ssaoSplitZones) - Splits SSAO computations for better async behavior (console only)
NQNPKMQRLT (r_ssaoStrength)
LMTMRLMOT (r_ssrFadeInDuration) - Duration of the screen-space reflection fade-in, which occurs whenever the reflection source buffer is invalidated due to view changes (in particular, dual-view scope transitions).
MLMMSONQMQ (r_ssrFadeInStrength) - Strength of the screen-space reflection fade-in.
NNTTTQSRN (r_ssrMode) - Screen Space Reflection mode
MPPMOTSLNN (r_ssrPositionCorrection) - Screen space reflection position correction blend factor
SPQNQRTOQ (r_ssrWaterTrace)
LNOSSNSNTK (r_sssEnable) - Enables the subsurface scattering effect (note that disabling SSS will not prevent the filter from running)
MKOLPSNSMN (r_sssFalloff) - Controls the blend between far scattering (zero) and near scattering (one)
OTTRLMNPT (r_sssMaxRadius) - Controls the maximum radius (in inches)
MQNOQNKRP (r_sssRadius) - Controls the far scattering radius (relative to the maximum radius)
TOTOKNPKN (r_st_LodMorphOverride)
MPKRNORPS (r_st_allowLayerMask) - Allow use of layer mask (if available)
NKMOTSMPTT (r_st_clutterBitmaskStreamingEnabled)
NLLLOMTPPM (r_st_clutterEnable)
NPLPQTQRSP (r_st_clutterFlattenPercentage) - When to begin flattening distant clutter objects based on their draw distances. 0 starts flattening out immediately, while 1.0 doesn't flatten at all. Requires the material to have Draw Distance Flattening enabled
NRMTSPRMPL (r_st_clutterLayerSelected)
NQTSLKSSTL (r_st_clutterLodBias) - Similar to r_lodBias, but allows for additional baising specifically for generated clutter. It combines with r_lodBias to determine the final bias for clutter
OPPKROMLS (r_st_clutterLodScale) - Similar to r_lodScale, but allows for additional scaling specifically for generated clutter. It combines with r_lodScale to determine the final scale for clutter
OKNQOORNNM (r_st_clutterStreamBoost) - The streaming boost amount for when clutter is visible, but not yet streamed in
LORPPQRPNS (r_st_clutterStreamDistance) - The distance (from the drawing distance) that we should start streaming in clutter. 0.0 only begins streaming clutter once it's visible
NPRKKSMKOQ (r_st_clutterTintSampleLevel) - What combined map level to sample when tinting clutter. Too high resolution of mip may result in very high frequency tint changes.
RLSNLNQOT (r_st_combinedMapStreamMetricScale)
MMKTLNPQTS (r_st_combined_bias_high) - Adjust distance that the terrain combined map is used at. Used on Neo/Scorpio/PC consoles
MOKOTLQNQK (r_st_combined_bias_low) - Adjust distance that the terrain combined map is used at. Used on base consoles
LQSSTRMLQN (r_st_combined_force) - Force terrain combined map to be used.
LRSRRLTRNT (r_st_cutoutMeshFilter)
ORTSSLPSK (r_st_displacementDistance) - Use displacement mapping on super terrain out to the given distance from the camera. 0 -> disabled
LQNORLOQNM (r_st_displacementLodNear) - Distance of max tessellation density for super terrain displacement
MKQMOQMNNR (r_st_displacementPixelCoverage) - Triangle edge size in pixels for super terrain displacement
NOQSRPPRSN (r_st_drawSingleSurface)
MPTQPQRTMT (r_st_enable)
LPOPSSSNMK (r_st_fallbackImagesOkForLayering) - Allow layering using fallback images
LPNOLRKMQQ (r_st_forceLod)
MNNPPKLSTM (r_st_layerDebugColorMode)
MLTOPQRSTK (r_st_layerLimit)
NNLRQRLPLT (r_st_layerTextureArrayPicmip)
SRQLQNLMK (r_st_lodDistanceScale) - Distance scale for terrain LOD - when this increases, detail at a given distance is reduced
LPNQPNMOQO (r_st_lodMorphControl) - 'q' parameter expressing size of transition area when lod morphing, from 2 to infinity
LLSNLQLRMN (r_st_lod_transition_scaler_high) - Adjust how quickly we will be going down super terrain quad tree for a surface. Higher number means we will want quad tree nodes when the camera is further away. Used on Neo/Scorpio/PC consoles
MMTSOPMLPR (r_st_lod_transition_scaler_low) - Adjust how quickly we will be going down super terrain quad tree for a surface. Higher number means we will want quad tree nodes when the camera is further away. Used on Base consoles
NKTRRRQRSN (r_st_showSurfaceBounds)
NRSRNNRKTS (r_st_showTileBounds)
MQMSPSMOSP (r_st_singleLayer)
MMNQSMKTOQ (r_st_sm_lod) - Super terrain lod to use for shadows. -1 -> disable shadows
NSQSOQTTQT (r_st_sm_polygonOffsetBias) - Super terrain shadow map offset bias
RLKMTPMKN (r_st_sm_polygonOffsetClamp) - Super terrain shadow map offset clamp
NLQMSLORTM (r_st_sm_polygonOffsetScale) - Super terrain shadow map offset scale
LSNNTTKSTR (r_st_streamLeadFactor) - How early to stream in super terrain geometry
NLQQNLMQLS (r_st_surfaceDebugColorMode)
NKRNLTPMQM (r_staticModelDumpLodInfo)
LMRSLTQLKN (r_subdiv) - Enables Catmull Clark surface subdivision.
MLKRKRSQQM (r_subdivLimit) - Set the maximum Catmull Clark subdivision level.
MRMRQNPPOT (r_subdomainLimit) - Maximum number of extra tessellation subdivisions using instancing (max tess amts are 0:64, 1:128, 2:192, 3:256, max instances used are 0:1, 1:4, 2:9, 3:12)
NNONNSLOPM (r_subdomainScale) - Scales the extra subdivision amount (for values < 1, not all instanced sub triangles will draw).
NSSMQLPRNT (r_sunIntensityHeatOverride) - override sun light intensity_heat
LRLKLRNRTS (r_sunShadowParams) - Sun Shadow : x = cascade blend fraction, y = back-face terminator threshold, z = polygonOffsetScale, w = back-face cull scale
NNTTKSKSKK (r_sun_from_dvars) - Set sun flare values from dvars rather than the level
MQPTPTQSMN (r_sun_fx_position) - Position in degrees of the sun effect
QTQNPTNTL (r_sunblind_fadein) - time in seconds to fade blind from 0% to 100%
NSRNPQOMLO (r_sunblind_fadeout) - time in seconds to fade blind from 100% to 0%
LTLOOSMMTQ (r_sunblind_max_angle) - angle from sun in degrees inside which blinding is max
MTKKKTNKRS (r_sunblind_max_darken) - 0-1 fraction for how black the world is at max blind
SKQPQQNS (r_sunblind_min_angle) - angle from sun in degrees outside which blinding is 0
OMKTMROMTS (r_sunflare_fadein) - time in seconds to fade alpha from 0% to 100%
MRRLOSOKTP (r_sunflare_fadeout) - time in seconds to fade alpha from 100% to 0%
NMLMMPLPQ (r_sunflare_max_alpha) - 0-1 vertex color and alpha of sun at max effect
MQRMPRPQPR (r_sunflare_max_angle) - angle from sun in degrees inside which effect is max
SNQORQKMP (r_sunflare_max_size) - largest size of flare effect in pixels at 640x480
LLQPNKQQKR (r_sunflare_min_angle) - angle from sun in degrees outside which effect is 0
PKNOSRPLT (r_sunflare_min_size) - smallest size of flare effect in pixels at 640x480
SKQOKNNRK (r_sunflare_shader) - name for flare effect; can be any material
LMQRKPOLTL (r_sunglare_fadein) - time in seconds to fade glare from 0% to 100%
LRTNOSMQNK (r_sunglare_fadeout) - time in seconds to fade glare from 100% to 0%
MSNKLLSORM (r_sunglare_max_angle) - angle from sun in degrees inside which glare is minimum
OMKTKNNRNM (r_sunglare_max_lighten) - 0-1 fraction for how white the world is at max glare
NQMMNTSQNS (r_sunglare_min_angle) - angle from sun in degrees inside which glare is maximum
NPSSLTOOSN (r_sunshadow_preCacheEnabled) - Enable pre caching of GfxCacheSunShadow tiles that will be overlapped imminently
OMTMTQKNSR (r_sunshadowmap_cmdbuf_worker) - Process shadowmap command buffer in a separate thread
TNTMMQQLP (r_sunsprite_shader) - name for static sprite; can be any material
NTMPMPNTOR (r_sunsprite_size) - diameter in pixels at 640x480 and 80 fov
LLPRKNTOS (r_sunsprite_size_override) - [DconstMP] Override the .sun file for the sunsprite size; diameter in pixels at 640x480 and 80 fov, -1 means off
LRPMPMOMLR (r_temperatureEnableAMD) - Enable AMD API usage for temperature.
LORQPQRONQ (r_temperatureEnableNvidia) - Enable Nvidia API usage for temperature.
NROPOPRSKR (r_temperatureLogInterval) - Interval at which the GPU temperature is logged.
LNQLSMPML (r_temperatureQueryInterval) - Interval at which the GPU temperature is queried.
MKLQLQLQNO (r_temporalSamplingEnable) - Enables/disables temporal sampling techniques
OKLPRRQSQM (r_tension_enable)
MMNMQTSOSP (r_tessellation) - Enables tessellation of world geometry, with an optional cutoff distance.
LMNOQSTMKN (r_tessellationCutoffDistance) - Distance at which world geometry ceases to tessellate.
TSPOQPTMS (r_tessellationCutoffFalloff) - Range over which tessellation is faded out, up to the cutoff.
ONSPMLPMK (r_tessellationEyeScale) - Scale applied due to eye * object normal for less tessellation on facing polygons.
NOSQLKNSQO (r_tessellationFactor) - Target edge length, based on dividing full window height by this factor, for dynamic tessellation. Use zero to disable tessellation.
SQTTTTNQP (r_tessellationHeightAuto) - Correctly auto scale displacement heights for layers to grow as texture is stretched over larger surface areas to preserve feature proportions.
OKOSKLQSPS (r_tessellationHeightScale) - Displacement height scale factor.
LPTSOPRMQL (r_tessellationHybrid) - Hybrid per pixel displacement scale.
NNMPPPMOSR (r_tessellationLodBias) - Displacement map lod bias.
LROORPNKNN (r_tessellationOverride) - Overrides r_tessellation. -1 = No Override 0 = NoTess 1 = NearTess 2 = AllTess
NSPQOSROQP (r_texFilter) - Material texture filtering quality.
QTQTLPRTK (r_texFilterAnisoBias)
SSTQKMQN (r_texFilterAnisoWindow)
NRQPOOTKSK (r_texFilterMipBias) - Change the mipmap bias for material textures.
OLLKNMRRLO (r_texFilterMipMode) - Allows disabling mipmaps on all material textures.
MOPTOMPOSR (r_texFilterTrilinearWindow)
OKTMMPNRMN (r_tgCompileAliasedAllocs) - Allow task graph to use overlapping placed allocs.
MPLSLLRSNN (r_tgCompileAsyncCompute)
NKRRTTLSNL (r_tgCompileBatchCompute) - Batch compute work together (Switch/NV).
LNTLORQNMO (r_tgCompileCommittedAllocs) - Allow task graph to use committed allocs.
OTKSLKMSR (r_tgCompileDccRts)
NRMLMQMPQK (r_tgCompileDumpInfo) - Dump task and resource data to json during compile.
NPLQMOQNQQ (r_tgCompileExclusiveDepthHeaps) - Make TG use exclusive heaps for depth RTs.
OMMMKOTRPK (r_tgCompileExtendResourceLifetimes) - Extend resource lifetimes to avoid aliasing barriers.
NPMSLOTSQQ (r_tgCompileFastClearRts)
OSSLOQRKN (r_tgCompileFastMemoryLimitSize)
NOMSMTKOST (r_tgCompileLimitDecompressRts)
MKPLKOSKQS (r_tgCompileMergedBarriers) - Merged barriers for runs of non-dependent tasks.
MMLRQOPMMS (r_tgCompileSeparateHeaps) - Make TG use separate heaps for buffer, RT, textures.
LPMLRKTKPO (r_tgCompileSplitBarriers) - Compile task graph with synchronous (FLAG_NONE) or split (FLAG_BEGIN/FLAG_END) barriers.
MMSOKLTNOS (r_tgCompileTiledAllocs)
MTLQRTRORP (r_tgPermutationIndex) - Permutation index override. -1 = disabled, 0 = everything enabled, 1+ = various conditions disabled.
TPSSKSPKN (r_tgRenderAsyncBatchSubmit)
LPONPTPQMN (r_tgRenderAsyncWorkerCmd)
LOOKQMNSOR (r_tgRenderBarrierSafeModeBeginIndex) - Begin task index for barrier safe mode.
MRLLKLPSNL (r_tgRenderBarrierSafeModeEndIndex) - End task index for barrier safe mode.
NSNLKRLSPM (r_tgRenderClearTemporal) - Clear temporal resource history.
MQTMOKRKQO (r_tgRenderFinishGpu)
OKSQMMOQLQ (r_tgRenderForceWaitPhase) - Force wait phase for debugging frontend->backend thread issues.
OLNQMSTKPM (r_tgRenderHangTask)
MOOKSPSMMO (r_tgScript) - Current task graph script, 0 = disabled.
LTOQRMMOOT (r_tgShowStats)
LTLSMQNSKR (r_tgVendorDefaults) - Setup defaults per vendor at init time. Disable to allow custom options on cmd line.
LTTSSORRTK (r_theramlColdColor)
OMLONPSMQP (r_theramlHotColor)
MKRLKQQSTL (r_thermalAmbient)
LLKMPSPPSS (r_thermalAmbientReflection)
MQMLNPSQSM (r_thermalColorScale)
LNRMORRPSM (r_thermalCutoff)
MKNTPMPOQK (r_thermalRadiationMax)
LPMPRMNQRO (r_thermalRadiationMin)
OKPKTRQOMO (r_thermalSurfaceNormalStrength)
MOLOPNLRPM (r_thermalSurfaceNormalStrengthMul) - surface normal affect thermal radiation global scale
MQNOKQQTSO (r_tonemap)
NKQNRTNOTL (r_tonemapAdaptOnPause)
MNSNPONNLP (r_tonemapAdaptSpeed)
LSRSRKPLSR (r_tonemapAuto)
PSKPSLTQL (r_tonemapBlend)
QONSKKTRL (r_tonemapExposure)
PSKPQRRQQ (r_tonemapExposureAdjust)
NNONKTMKRQ (r_tonemapFocus) - Tonemap Central Focus : 0.0 - 64.0 (0.0f = uniform weight for each pixel
MRRSKNSLO (r_tonemapGrainStrength)
MTQNPPMQRT (r_tonemapLocalEvBounds) - Tonemap Local adaptation EV bounds. Specifies EV range in which local tonemapper is switched off (0 means it is on for all pixels, 16 it is on for pixels further away from mean by 16EV.
LTSRTRRSNQ (r_tonemapLocalStrength) - Tonemap Local adaptation strength. Specifies local blending between global and local tonemapper.
MMNOKOORO (r_tonemapLocalWeights) - Tonemap Local adaptation kernel weights.
LNNNQOSSQQ (r_tonemapScopeFocus) - Tonemap Scope Focus : 0.0 - 1.0 (0.0f = use scene weight only 1.0f = use scope weight only when in ADS
NNTKQMMSMM (r_tonemapUniversalBaseExposureAdjust) - Universal tonemap exposure adjustment (in EV) set so that exposureAdjust 0.0 gets a resonable exposure in HDR Capable mode
LTPMPPQQKK (r_tonemapUseTweaks)
TSRPMTSMT (r_trace)
NSQQNSTTTQ (r_tracerMaxMips)
NRLNMQROLR (r_transShadowEnable) - Enable translucent shadows
PQPNNMOM (r_transShadowPrevFrameMaskLerpFactor) - Lerp factor for temporal anti aliasing of translucent shadows, higher is softer
NNQKKTLSKM (r_uav_overlap) - Enables running multiple GPU compute shaders dispatches simultaneously on PC, utilizing graphics driver extensions.
MLKOSLONLQ (r_ugbDistanceScalerAmortizer) - This is so that scaling to does not fluctuate too much from frame to frame
LTPONKTQLN (r_ugbUsageRatioMaxDistanceScaler) - Max scaler to apply to distance to bias towards lower lods
LROOQPKSOQ (r_ugbUsageRatioStartBiasLodDistanceThreshold) - Usage Ratio at which we start scaling distance
MRNNSKOOLO (r_uiClutEnabledInShaders)
MQPRRLOQLO (r_uiClutForceUpdate)
MTKKTTOK (r_ui_grayscale_blur) - run UI scene blur in grayscale
NKRONMQOKP (r_ui_receive_postfx) - Allow UI elements to receive postFX
LKPKOSQSRS (r_ui_scale_range_min) - UI blur effect range.
MNMRPKQNKQ (r_ui_scale_scene_range) - UI blur effect scene luminance range.
LQQKQROPSL (r_umbra) - Umbra-based visibility culling mode.
NKLMONNPNN (r_umbraAccurateOcclusionThreshold) - The distance (in inches) to which accurate occlusion information is gathered. -1.0 = deduced automatically.
MKPSQQQTPR (r_umbraAllowGameVisibilityOffset) - If false, will an assert() will be triggered if Game Code provides an Umbra visibility query offset. This may have severe performance implications and must be used very carefully.
PNSPTQSLN (r_umbraCullDynLights) - Toggle Umbra culling for dynamic lighting.
MTRLMPOMQP (r_umbraDebugView)
OLSOMMTQSM (r_umbraDistance) - Tolerance for 'uncertainty' in camera translation. Drives the 'distance' parameter in Umbra queries.
MTLPRKSSRL (r_umbraDynamicDpvsSMP) - Toggle SMP processing of dynamic object culling via Umbra.
NSQOPNTOPL (r_umbraExclusive) - Toggle Umbra for exclusive static culling (disables static portal dpvs)
NORQMNPOOP (r_umbraInvertStaticVisibility)
PKKMTTRQO (r_umbraMinObjectContribution) - The minimum pixel contribution to the scene view at which a given piece of static geometry will be culled out.
MKRPMLRRLS (r_umbraMinShadowObjectContribution) - The minimum pixel contribution to the shadow map tile view at which a given piece of static geometry will be culled out.
LLQTMQKQMR (r_umbraQueryParts) - The number of parts the Umbra query frustum is broken into for async query processing.
MKSKRRMQMN (r_umbraShadowAccurateOcclusionThreshold) - The distance (in inches) to which accurate shadow caster occlusion information is gathered. -1.0 = deduced automatically.
LSSLKOQPMQ (r_umbraShadowCasters) - Enables Umbra-based shadow caster culling.
MNSPPRQLLM (r_umbraShadows) - Umbra-based shadow caster visibility culling mode.
MONTMKTTS (r_umbraShowObjectBounds)
MNLSTLNTRQ (r_umbraShowOverlay)
NKTRSSLRQN (r_umbraShowOverlayDisplaySizeScale)
OMKSNPNNQT (r_umbraShowOverlayNDC)
MROMNNRLSL (r_umbraShowPortals)
MRMLRKPLLO (r_umbraShowViewCells)
MKQQRPRSPR (r_umbraShowVisibilityLines)
MLPRPSLKLM (r_umbraShowVisibleVolume)
LMLQLLPSSR (r_umbraSpotShadowSelection) - Umbra culling for shadowed spot selection.
LTLOMORNON (r_universalClutExport)
NPQKPOQOLT (r_universalClutForceUpdate)
NSMPRLQKNR (r_universalTonemapAcesRedModifier) - ACES RRT red modifier weight
MKLOPMQRPS (r_universalTonemapUseAcesRrt) - Apply ACES RRT in universal tonemap
LQSQRPPNQR (r_useCameraPositionForViewModelLightGridSampling) - Use camera position to sample lightgrid for viewmodel
MLTKKKQMSN (r_useComputeSkinning) - Enables compute shader (GPU) skinning.
MMTRTMPLON (r_useLightAABBTree) - Lookup AABB BVH tree to speed up LinkEntityToPrimaryLights.
MRKTNTKLKO (r_useLmapAtlas)
MMRMQOLLSQ (r_usePCAMDShaders) - Enables use of AMD vendor-specific shaders, when available.
MQLORKOKOR (r_usePCNvidiaShaders) - Enables use of NVidia vendor-specific shaders, when available.
NNKTKRPTQO (r_usePlacementAllocs)
MLSRTRQRKR (r_usePlacementAllocsDefrag) - Defragment placement allocations when reallocating resources during reconfigure
SNMKKNPTQ (r_usePrebuiltSpotShadow) - Enable pre-built spot shadow map rendering
OMKTSMSOS (r_usePrebuiltSunShadow) - Enable pre-built sun shadow map rendering
NQKSNKRLPS (r_usePrebuiltSunShadowArchived) - PC override for pre-built sun shadows
LRTMOMKOLS (r_useShadowGeomOpt) - Enable iwlit shadow geometry optimization. It only works when we have the data generated in iwlit.
LSSQNNPMTT (r_useShellshockPostfx) - Use the in engine shellshock effect system
NNQLTQRQPQ (r_useWarpRasterizer)
RKPSPNQTN (r_validateCmdBuf)
MQSNKPOLPP (r_vc_compile)
NQTKPQTKNP (r_vcsShowOverlay)
LTMPKRLLNM (r_vertexDeformCutOffDist) - Cut Off Dist for the camera to switch off smodel vertex deformations and allow for culling and caching
OLPNKQKKTT (r_vertexDeformFadeDist) - Fade Dist for the camera to start blending away smodel vertex deformations
QMOROTSKT (r_vertexDeformForceCullSpotShadows) - Force models with vertex deformation to always cull in spot shadows
NNNONTLLNN (r_vertexDeformForceCullSunShadows) - Force models with vertex deformation to always cull in sun shadows
NTLQORNPLQ (r_videoMemoryOverflowHeapsThreshold) - Create placement heaps in system memory when oversubscribing over this percentage of the budget. (unscaled)
RNTPKOPSS (r_videoMemoryScale) - Scales available reported GPU memory.
NORPKSSOQO (r_videoMemoryUseOnlyReservable) - Only use reservable video memory as budget.
PLOORQOOS (r_viewModelLightAmbient)
NSTKTTQON (r_viewModelPrimaryLightTweakDiffuseStrength)
MQMRNPPKOM (r_viewModelPrimaryLightTweakSpecularStrength)
LMSPNQOPNK (r_vignetteTweakBoxSize) - Vignette Box Size
MMQLSKSKTO (r_vignetteTweakFalloff) - Vignette falloff size
LSLLLMORKM (r_vignetteTweakFalloffStart) - Vignette falloff start position
MPNORSMRPR (r_vignetteTweakIntensity) - Vignette effect intensity
NTLLQPKLTT (r_vignetteTweakOffset) - Vignette Position Offset
TLTRLOSTT (r_vignetteTweakSize) - Vignette x and y size
LPSOLLSTTS (r_vignetteTweakSquareAspectRatio) - Vignette use square aspect ratio
NPRQLNTRTK (r_vignetteUseTweaks) - Use vignette tweak dvars
OMPSKRMROL (r_vignetteVisionSetLerpDuration) - Vignette vision set lerp duration in seconds
NLTOMOSLNT (r_virtualTexturing)
NTOPTRKSTK (r_virtualTexturingClear)
NQQNTRLNNQ (r_virtualTexturingDebugRender)
NKSQTPNOOK (r_volumeLightScatter)
NLLMLNPMPM (r_volumeLightScatterAngularAtten)
LQLPRTOQKP (r_volumeLightScatterBackgroundDistance)
SLLNNNQSP (r_volumeLightScatterColor)
MRPORMPTKP (r_volumeLightScatterDebug)
MRQKRNTMRK (r_volumeLightScatterDepthAttenFar)
MNQPPKSLMR (r_volumeLightScatterDepthAttenNear)
LTQQSMPMKN (r_volumeLightScatterLinearAtten)
LSNRTORRKM (r_volumeLightScatterQuadraticAtten)
MNOLLPSQSS (r_volumeLightScatterScriptIntensity) - Script control for volumetric light scattering intensity
MPOKKOPMTN (r_volumetricDepth) - Volumetric cascade depth ranges [nearest, near, far, distant]
LPSQKOLTLS (r_volumetricZOffsetBias) - Volumetric z offset bias
QPLMKRON (r_volumetrics) - Enable volumetric fog rendering
LTKPMMQONS (r_volumetricsAmbientBlur) - Volumetric lightgrid color blur radius in texels.
LSRSKPMRSM (r_volumetricsAmbientTemporalFactor) - Interpolation factor for ambient temporal blur
OLNKQKOTLK (r_volumetricsAttenuationClamp) - Light attenuation value clamp for volumetric lighting calculation
MRRMSTNPMR (r_volumetricsBulbAttenClamp) - (Hack) Max bulbRadius of area lights to correct volumetrics attenuation (1.0 to disable).
SSQTTKLKQ (r_volumetricsDebug) - Volumetrics debug
LSLPORSMRK (r_volumetricsDensityTemporalFactor) - Interpolation factor for density temporal blur
OLONSLNOPK (r_volumetricsDisableHack) - Temporary dvar to disable volumetrics while vision sets are disabled.
NKTLSLKQS (r_volumetricsGamma) - Volumetrics Variance Temporal Gamma param
MRKTMQLPLR (r_volumetricsParticleIter) - Particle loop limit per dispatch.
LSKNTKKQSP (r_volumetricsParticleNoise) - Apply noise to volumetric particle shapes / density.
MLNONSKNKO (r_volumetricsScatterTemporalFactor) - Interpolation factor for scattering temporal blur
OKRTQNSQMQ (r_volumetricsUseCUMask) - Enable volumetric CU masking for async overlaps
NKNSKKLNMN (r_volumetricsWaveLimit) - Wavefront limit for volumetric passes.
LROKKKLMPL (r_vrsDX12CombinerTypePass1) - Set a combiner type for pass 1 (Combine A & B, where: A - Shading Rate; B - Provoking Vertex Shading Rate (unused yet); - Currently, it works only for 'Passthrough' - for Shading Rate only
OLLMKRRPOO (r_vrsDX12CombinerTypePass2) - Set a combiner type for pass 2 (Combine C & D, where: C - value of combine A & B; D - VRS mask
NNRQQOQSMR (r_vrsDX12ShadingRateDecalDrawListsEnabled) - Enable Shading Rate DX12 for decal drawlists
NMTOMMOMQN (r_vrsDX12ShadingRateOpaqueDrawListsEnabled) - Enable Shading Rate DX12 for opaque drawlists
NRQOPLMQNK (r_vrsDX12ShadingRatePostProcessingEnabled) - Enable Shading Rate DX12 for post processing --not implemented yet--
OLOMKNRTPP (r_vrsDX12ShadingRatePostProcessingType) - Set a shading rate type for post processing --not implemented yet--
LMRKLNKTSQ (r_vrsDX12ShadingRateTransparentDrawListsEnabled) - Enable Shading Rate DX12 for transparent drawlists
NTNTMKQRKQ (r_vrsDX12ShadingRateTypeDecalDrawLists) - Set a shading rate type for decal drawlists
NSMOSTOSNS (r_vrsDX12ShadingRateTypeOpaqueDrawLists) - Set a shading rate type for opaque drawlists
MTSSKTMTTT (r_vrsDX12ShadingRateTypeTransparentDrawLists) - Set a shading rate type for transparent drawlists
MPQOMSTLLS (r_vrsDebugForceSamplingRate)
MQKSPMRKQL (r_vrsDebugFrameSamplePattern)
NNPPPPOQRO (r_vrsDrawGunEnabled) - Enable Variable Rate Shading for Draw gun - (both for VRS Mask and Shading Rate DX12)
MPOPRKKSM (r_vrsEnabled) - Enable Variable Rate Shading
NTTOMRSNRT (r_vrsHalfResDistortion)
NTKNOTRTKM (r_vrsInlineResolve)
MTLMMKKLTQ (r_vrsMaskDecalDrawListsEnabled) - Enable VRS Mask for decal drawlists
LKTKRTORTL (r_vrsMaskDofEnabled) - Enable DOF for VRS Mask
NQLMQTRKKT (r_vrsMaskDofIntensity) - VRS Mask - DOF intensity
LOSKTOORPK (r_vrsMaskEnabled) - Enable VRS Mask
LMMLLPKMMP (r_vrsMaskMotionBlurEnabled) - Enable motion blur for VRS Mask
NMLQKSMPP (r_vrsMaskMotionBlurIntensity) - VRS Mask - Motion blur intensity
QTNRSKKNS (r_vrsMaskNeighborhoodThreshold) - VRS Mask - Neighborhood Threshold - the value from which the shading rate 4x4 is appeared
NTSKPNLLRM (r_vrsMaskOpaqueDrawListsEnabled) - Enable VRS Mask for opaque drawlists
LQLTLOTSO (r_vrsMaskPixelThreshold) - VRS Mask - Pixel Threshold - value that describes size of the areas. The higher the value, the Shading Rate areas are larger.
NKNTTSNQOL (r_vrsMaskPostProcessingEnabled) - Enable VRS Mask for post processing --not implemented yet--
NONLNTKTQL (r_vrsMaskPreview) - Preview VRS Mask
QMNPLONMP (r_vrsMaskTransparentDrawListsEnabled) - Enable VRS Mask for transparent drawlists
NPOLPLRNOK (r_vrsPrepassEnabled) - Enable Variable Rate Shading for Prepass - (both for VRS Mask and Shading Rate DX12)
MPPNRRRPMP (r_vsync) - Enable v-sync before drawing the next frame to avoid 'tearing' artifacts.
MSNTLLOLOK (r_warningRepeatDelay)
NOTKKKNTQN (r_whiteBalanceColorTempK) - White balance color temperature (2000K to 40000K) - only 4000K to 25000K is valid for D Custom
NNTLNTPRNL (r_whiteBalanceGreenMagentaShift) - White balance green / magenta shift
MNOQRLLRTQ (r_whiteBalanceIlluminant) - White balance illuminant
OLLPQNLOPO (r_whiteBalanceMethod) - White balance method
OLSLLQSNS (r_whiteBalanceTweaks) - Use white balance tweaks
QSNKQRPPN (r_xdebug)
MLNOKQRSK (r_xdebugPack)
OMNONNMOTP (r_zPlanes) - [viewmodel_znear, viewmodel_zfar, scene_znear, scene_zfar]
MNKLKSPRT (r_zfar) - Change the distance at which culling fog reaches 100% opacity; 0 is off
TNRSONQPT (radius_damage_debug)
ONOPOPNQS (radius_damage_debug_detailed)
RQLMNKPQR (radius_damage_debug_ent)
OQTMLQPLK (ragdoll_animNodeWeight) - Overrides weight of ragdoll animation node
MNNKSLTOSR (ragdoll_apply_velocity_falloff_rate) - Rate at which velocity application falls off for each conected bone when directly applied to a ragdoll bone.
MSPKRKOSMK (ragdoll_constraintTightenTime) - Time over which we tighten the ragdoll constraints
MKSLONKMNM (ragdoll_debug)
LRPNTNOMKP (ragdoll_debugDisplayInitialPose) - Debug draw data about the initial pose
LSNLSOQNNO (ragdoll_debugDrawBulletImpulses)
MTQSMTNOTP (ragdoll_debugDrawInitialVelocities)
LLONLSMQSN (ragdoll_debugDrawRootBounds)
NRQSSMLTNM (ragdoll_debugDrawTargetPose)
RSTLLKPRP (ragdoll_debugInitialPose) - Debug draw errors detected during initial pose
MQRQNPTTNO (ragdoll_debug_id)
OMKRNLRKKK (ragdoll_debug_latest)
NRTQNPKQMO (ragdoll_debug_mode)
LKTKOTLORM (ragdoll_ejectionFullBodyTryLength) - Number of frames to try and solve a fully penetrating ragdoll before dropping to a periodic solve
NQSOTKOSNR (ragdoll_ejectionFullBodyTryPeriod) - Number of frames to wait between periodic solves of fully penetrating ragdolls
LMRPSQSPRK (ragdoll_ejectionImpulseLimit) - Ragdoll ejection max impulse
OMPQOOSPTO (ragdoll_ejectionVelocityTarget) - Ragdoll ejection velocity target when part of a ragdoll is considered penetrating
MTLMNTTKSS (ragdoll_ejectionVelocityTargetRoot) - Ragdoll ejection velocity target when entire ragdoll is considered penetrating
LNLRQKMPKS (ragdoll_enable) - Turn on ragdoll death animations
LTMOPKKPNN (ragdoll_explode_upbias) - Upwards bias applied to ragdoll explosion effects.
NLQNMMPMP (ragdoll_fixedMemoryThreshold) - Fixed pool memory threshold beyond which, we don't create ragdolls
MLKMSNLRTQ (ragdoll_fullBodyExplodeForceScale) - When applying special full body radius explosion force, scale force by this value.
PTOORQNRP (ragdoll_fullBodyExplodeMinRadius) - Apply radius explosion forces to ragdolls as special full body force when explosion radius is larger than this value.
MMRKRKMLMQ (ragdoll_idle_min_velsq) - Minimum squared speed a ragdoll needs to be moving before it will shut down due to time
LNNONMKKLR (ragdoll_initialLinSpeedCap) - Limit at which to cap initial linear speed
QLOKNSPMM (ragdoll_jitter_scale) - Scale up or down the effect of physics jitter on ragdolls
RKRNOKLS (ragdoll_loosenConstraintsDuringAnimation) - Loosen constraints whilst ragdoll is being animated by the pose controller
MPKSLRQOSS (ragdoll_max_bullet_forces_per_bone) - Maximum bullet hits per frame per ragdoll bone allowed. Mostly used to control the bullet effect of spread weapons like shotguns.
LKLQPTQLQL (ragdoll_max_simulating) - Max number of simultaneous active ragdolls - script controllable, within limit 0-max
MTQQKTSSNR (ragdoll_max_stretch_pct) - Force ragdoll limbs to not stretch more than this percentage in one frame
OLKMSPPNPQ (ragdoll_poseController_accelerationGain) - Acceleration gain
MMNMNMQQT (ragdoll_poseController_boneWeight) - Scales bone weight
MPOPNKMRNP (ragdoll_poseController_defaultBlendDuration) - Blend duration to use when transitioning from animation driven ragdoll to pure ragdoll
MMQKNLTLML (ragdoll_poseController_defaultControlDuration) - Length of time controller will drive ragdoll towards animation pose after ragdoll is activated
LRORRNSSLT (ragdoll_poseController_defaultRootControlDuration) - Length of time that root bone will influence target pose. After this the ragdoll will fall freely.
QQPPQOOMK (ragdoll_poseController_distance) - Max distance threshold for pose controller
NTSKRKRTTO (ragdoll_poseController_enable) - Enable ragdoll pose controller
NKMNTQORSL (ragdoll_poseController_hierarchyGain) - Controls target pose space when root control is inactive: 0 = world, 1 = local
LOQORSSSRK (ragdoll_poseController_maxControlDuration) - Maximum length of time that the pose controller will remain active
NTSLLQMPL (ragdoll_poseController_positionGain) - Position gain
NTQMLSQPRL (ragdoll_poseController_positionMaxAngularVelocity) - Maximum angular velocity
MPLMRNSMPQ (ragdoll_poseController_positionMaxLinearVelocity) - Maximum linear velocity
MSOLTLOLMQ (ragdoll_poseController_snapGain) - Snap gain, used when ragdoll is close to target pose
NPMRLRKQPS (ragdoll_poseController_snapMaxAngularDistance) - Maximum angular distance inside which snap is active
MRNKKPSNTS (ragdoll_poseController_snapMaxAngularVelocity) - Max angular velocity when snapping
LMLLQQNKMT (ragdoll_poseController_snapMaxLinearDistance) - Maximum distance inside which snap is active
NKKNMPML (ragdoll_poseController_snapMaxLinearVelocity) - Max linear velocity when snapping
NPLRLMRLOS (ragdoll_poseController_velocityDamping) - Amount of damping to apply to current body velocities (0 = no damping)
LKLMPOLMKL (ragdoll_poseController_velocityGain) - Velocity gain
MRSSTQPRT (ragdoll_poseController_weight) - Overrides final pose controller weight - 0 = disable (pure ragdoll)
LNRTRMKNRK (ragdoll_printAnimNotifies) - Print name of animation to console each time a ragdoll notify is handled.
OKPQTPLMLL (ragdoll_self_collision_scale) - Scale the size of the collision capsules used to prevent ragdoll limbs from interpenetrating
MNPROQLLPQ (ragdoll_stretch_iters) - Iterations to run the alternate limb solver
PKKTPMKOS (ragdoll_tightenConstraintsAfterAnimation) - Tighten constraints after ragdoll is no longer being animated by the pose controller
NNPQSPTPL (rc_draw_axis)
NOPQNTOPMR (rc_override)
MRQMMPQKOP (rcon_password)
NRQSMTTLOL (rdbg_host_listen_port)
PTONNRNQ (recentplayers_update_minutes_cooldown) - Number of minutes to wait before we update a player on our recent met list again if they're already on it
NSPQQSMPMQ (remoteAssertMsg)
MSPTSRNRSO (remotedebug)
QQLPPRPSO (replay_assert_script_callstack)
QKKNSLRMK (replay_asserts)
NMOONRNPPP (replay_autosave)
NSLRNLQNQM (replay_autosaveOnError)
OLRSTKMRML (replay_autosave_mp)
MRKSSRORQO (replay_client)
MOPPMQMSP (replay_loadAssertData)
LTSKMMROTK (replay_speed)
OLMKKORSTM (replay_time)
MRPMQQRQM (reportconsoledetails)
LRKKSQLTLP (reportconsoledetailsdwlobby)
OKTMPPOKLP (requireOpenNat) - true if we require an open nat to host lobbies
QLKRSPMQS (reset_mm_data) - reset data with dlc popup
MSNOPOLSTO (retail_dev) -
NPNOTSTRNQ (rewind_debug)
NNPMSOOPRT (rewind_dontStoreMantlePoints)
MQPRMPSMST (rewind_enableStanceBugFix)
MTPKNOOLQK (rewind_failsafePositions)
LSNNRLPRLM (rewind_failsafePositionsForCP)
LLOQTPSMLO (rewind_snapPositionVectors)
MRQLMLKSQS (riotshield_explosionprotection_downdist) - Angle from shield center to explosions is used to determine how much the shield protects the user. Do an additional angle check this many units down from the shield center, to better protect against the ground.
LNTPLQPNKP (riotshield_fixstowedmodelinit) - Enables correctly initializing the stowed riot shield model, to set camo params and flag it as stowed.
NOPTLSQPLM (riotshield_ignoreonstick_enabled) - Killswitch for ignoring riot shield protection if a radius damage inflictor is linked to its victim. To make sticky grenades kill when stuck on riot shields.
MTRQMQTSMN (riotshield_improvedexplosionprotection_enabled) - Killswitch doing an extra angle check on shield protection for radius damage.
NSRPLOQMNR (run_scene)
LOLPRNLNQN (s_debugPlayerAnimScript)
NQTKNOPLSP (safeArea_adjusted_horizontal)
MRMTSPOKQP (safeArea_adjusted_vertical)
MPPPPOKORK (safeArea_horizontal)
NPPTKLOOLO (safeArea_vertical)
LKORSLMQKQ (savegame_profile)
OMRTKLPTSQ (scaledOrbitKbmControlsEnabled) - Enables the feature that allows bigger range of motion for the mouse while using orbit camera that are not remote control
POPTTSKRS (scaledRemoteAnglesKbmEnabled) - Enables the feature that allows bigger range of motion for the mouse while using remoteControled entities like vehicles and killstreaks
LOKTORKSMR (scrAgent_DebugEnt)
MSLSQSMLQR (scrAgent_ragdollImpulseZ) - This is the amount of Z lift that will be added to the impact velocity to the ragdoll any time an impact vel is provided to CloneAgent
LMSKQQKKSL (scrAgent_ragdollMaxImpulse) - This is the max amount of force that can be applied to a scripted agent when ragdolling.
LNNTTQMLRN (scramblerJamCompassLarge) - Visual jam distance for the 'large' scrambler.
LTTRPPQMKT (scramblerJamCompassLinear) - Visual jam distance for the default linear scrambler.
QMONTNNM (scramblerJamCompassLittle) - Visual jam distance for the 'little' scrambler.
NLRLNPOSNR (scramblerJamCompassMedium) - Visual jam distance for the 'medium' scrambler.
SKLRTTOON (scramblerJamDistLarge) - Effective jam distance for the 'large' scrambler.
NTPSRTPSTK (scramblerJamDistLittle) - Effective jam distance for the 'little' scrambler.
RSOQLMNPK (scramblerJamDistMax) - Linear scrambler maximum jam distance.
LMTTLKKRMN (scramblerJamDistMedium) - Effective jam distance for the 'medium' scrambler.
PRKMQROMO (scramblerJamDistMin) - Linear scrambler minimum jam distance.
LTKONTMSON (scramblerJamSinCurve) - Determines whether the linear scrambler jams linearly or sinusoidally
MTQQKPLMKS (screenSpaceShadowsSamplesPerLight)
TSLKOOMLT (screenSpaceShadowsSamplesTotal)
QTOKMKRQM (screenSpaceShadowsTraceDistance)
NSMRNQSLOP (screenshots_active) - Are we allowed to enable Screenshots or not
NMNRTSNMKN (scriptIgnoreInfiniteLoops)
NKKSQQNRPR (scriptInfiniteLoopTime)
MPTOPRNQKQ (scriptThreadThresholdTime)
MNROMSLNOL (scriptThreadThresholdTimeMaxDumps)
LKOPNROPNK (script_notifydump)
SLONPMTQP (script_print_vars)
NLPLOSKMTQ (script_print_vars_file)
SLSPPOOML (script_print_vars_flags)
NKRQLQLTRM (script_sampling_enable)
NPPKMMSOPK (script_sampling_framespersample)
NOQNSRSSQN (script_sampling_framestooutput)
MKLKTMNSKS (script_sampling_scrcontext)
NNOSKNOPQK (script_sampling_startframestoignore)
NOTNPMKRO (script_sampling_threshold)
PSPLQRNOQ (script_sampling_wait_for_next)
MNMTQKSQQR (script_thread_profile)
NLQLRNKMNO (script_usage_track_func_min_time)
NMPLNNPQLL (script_usage_track_func_min_time_built_in)
NTPQLQLS (script_usage_track_src_min_time)
LNQMMRLTMK (script_usage_tracking)
NLPSPSNSMP (script_usage_trigger_time)
NNMLKPQOMT (scriptable_debugAnalytics_CollisionActivation)
LLQNMRRTLQ (scriptable_debugAnalytics_Count)
NPLPNOKNLS (scriptable_debugAnalytics_Memory)
NNMOLONKNL (scriptable_debugAnalytics_PartCount)
NQQMNMQQTO (scriptable_debugAnalytics_StateChange)
NTKOMSQSRN (scriptable_debugDisplayOffsetX)
LSNLQQROOK (scriptable_debugDisplayOffsetY)
NONKNTTOQ (scriptable_debugLinking)
NQOSMSTOOT (scriptable_debugReservedCount)
MQPRKMSSLL (scriptable_debug_defId)
LPLTLOQLQL (scriptable_debug_defs)
LTTOOTOML (scriptable_debug_instanceId)
NKLNNSLPMR (scriptable_debug_instances)
SQLLTRONQ (scriptable_debug_memory)
LOPTKMROLQ (scriptable_debug_mychanges)
MPTRMMQTSP (scriptable_debug_reserved)
NMLQLKNPRP (scriptable_entity_parenting) - Enable runtime scriptable parenting support
OLSTQTTPLO (scriptable_light_radiusscale) - Enable radiusMinScale and radiusMaxScale for scriptable lights
NRRKTONLNK (scriptable_lootOutlineColor) - Outline color for loot, 0=white, 1=black, 2=loot rarity color
LSNOSMOSRO (scriptable_particle_event_debug)
MTQSLONTSN (scriptable_runtime_instance_base) - Number of runtime scriptables by default for non-sp modes
NORNLOSSQR (scriptable_runtime_instance_per_agent) - Number of runtime scriptable instances to add per agent
MQLQORSROL (scriptable_runtime_instance_per_player) - Number of runtime scriptable instances to add per player
LTRQKKQMRK (scriptable_runtime_parts_base_count) - Threshold at which we start adding runtime parts per instance
LNOOOMRLKQ (scriptable_runtime_parts_per_agent) - Number of runtime parts per agent
OMOKPKSLOO (scriptable_runtime_parts_per_player) - Number of runtime parts per player
MNTLRLOPSS (scriptable_sv_accurate_vehicle) - True to enable vehicle vs server-scriptable accurate shape overlap
PMMPQOLTK (scriptable_sv_debug_reuse_instances)
LLOKOSSQR (scriptable_sv_weapon_pickup_check_enabled) - True to enable scriptable weapon pickup checks. Fixes double riot shield bug.
MLMKNONRSS (scriptable_vehicle_filtering) - Toggle health based filter for vehicle vs scriptables and the Havok Collision Filter stage
MMNNRMKLNK (scriptabledebug_eventfilter)
TOPOSLSST (scriptabledebug_partfilter)
MLPMRQMOLL (scriptabledebug_scriptablefilter)
MQLNMPNML (scriptabledebug_statefilter)
NPNPPSNSLO (scripted_melee_debug)
OKQOTRLPRQ (scripted_melee_height) - The width of the scripted_melee targeting region in screen-space coordinates (0-640).
MOSLLOQQSS (scripted_melee_range) - The maximum range of the scripted_melee targeting region in world units.
LLNPMPRMLN (scripted_melee_width) - The height of the scripted_melee targeting region in screen-space coordinates (0-480).
QNRPTMQRL (security_server_modify_statpacket)
NSONTKQQRK (sentry_placement_debug) - Enables sentry placement debug lines
PSNOOSPOR (sentry_placement_feet_offset) - Position of the feet from the center axis.
MKLPRTKQLP (sentry_placement_feet_trace_dist_z) - Max distance for a foot to be considered touching the ground
OQTLKMRRL (sentry_placement_trace_dist) - Distance along the trace axis where the sentry will attempt to position itself
OOLPPNQTT (sentry_placement_trace_min_normal) - Minimum normal to accept a sentry position
NSMSPQNMRL (sentry_placement_trace_pitch) - Pitch used for the trace axis
LRNLPTMQOT (sentry_placement_trace_radius) - Radius of the bound used for the placement trace
NQPNKPOTKS (sentry_placement_trace_radius_canon_safety) - Extra radius used in the forward direction to compensate for the canon length
MKOSOKPQPP (serverCulledSounds)
NKMMPKRRSL (server_bandwidth_profile_log_enabled) - Enable time series logging of server bandwidth data
MMSRQNMQM (server_latency_profile_log_enabled) - Enable time series logging of server latency data
MNSKLTTLOQ (server_max_bandwidth_profiles_per_frame) - Max number of clients which snapshots will be profiled (to avoid saturation of tasks/buffers)
NTOSSLKMMP (server_profile_log_enabled) - Enable time series logging of server performance data
NQMNLRQQR (server_snap_details_log_enabled) - Enable time series logging of server snapshot details
NTLOSSSOTR (session_join_min_time) - Minimum number of milliseconds between join attempts
NMNRKSSKPK (shieldBlastDamageProtection_120)
NTNORNKSOS (shieldBlastDamageProtection_180)
MLORKNLROQ (shieldBlastDamageProtection_30)
NTOPQTNTTP (shieldBlastDamageProtection_60)
LQRSNPMSTT (shieldDebug)
NQOLQLNOQO (shieldImpactBulletShakeDuration) - Viewmodel shake duration for bullet impacts.
LQKTTRTSNS (shieldImpactBulletShakeScale) - Viewmodel shake scale for bullet impacts.
MRPKPQQPKP (shieldImpactExplosionHighShakeDuration) - Viewmodel shake duration for strong splash damage.
LMLRPPRNKR (shieldImpactExplosionHighShakeScale) - Viewmodel shake scale for strong splash damage.
TMRQLOTLT (shieldImpactExplosionLowShakeDuration) - Viewmodel shake duration for weak splash damage.
LPLLPRNPST (shieldImpactExplosionLowShakeScale) - Viewmodel shake scale for weak splash damage.
MQSKKKQNNK (shieldImpactExplosionThreshold) - Pre-shield splash damage that is above this will be 'strong'.
LKTNPTORLS (shieldImpactMissileShakeDuration) - Viewmodel shake duration for direct missile impacts.
LOQOSQQLQK (shieldImpactMissileShakeScale) - Viewmodel shake scale for direct missile impacts.
LNLMORTOPL (shieldPlayerBulletProtectionDegrees)
NOOPTRPKQO (should_check_for_intermission_to_pump_sony_realtime_multiplayer) - Set this dvar to not pump RTMP during intermission.
TSPTKLQRM (should_check_for_intermission_to_pump_sony_realtime_multiplayer_only_for_br) - Set this dvar to not pump RTMP during intermission only for BR.
LLQMLNSTSK (should_check_sony_realtime_multiplayer_br_killswitch_flags) - Set this dvar to get more info about the variables that control the sony real time multiplay.
QMRRTOTRP (should_pump_sony_realtime_multiplayer_only_if_user_has_ps_plus)
OSRNKMPTP (should_pump_sony_realtime_multiplayer_only_if_user_has_ps_plus_for_telemetry) - Set this dvar to if we dont want to pump realtime multiplay if user doesnt have PS plus.
MPPOLTTTLS (should_show_debug_info_for_sony_realtime_multiplayer)
LRKSQRLNKN (should_show_post_game_survey) - Dvar to be set after a game depending on the party data set by the lobby host.
SQKOOROPL (showdrop)
NQRKPSTMT (showevents)
NMTMKLKLKT (showpackets)
NOPSSNSOMP (single_player_mp)
OMMRTLQSKS (sirius_a) - Sirius a
LSPPSOKPLP (sirius_b) - Sirius b
OKRSLSSNRS (sirius_c) - Sirius c
LRKQLLMKSP (sirius_d) - Sirius d
NTMSOPTTOS (sirius_e) - Sirius e
LPPQNSNQPP (sirius_f) - Sirius f
NRRSRNLPLS (sirius_g) - Sirius g
MQKOOSMQQP (sirius_h) - Sirius h
PNLSQNMNM (sirius_i) - Sirius i
MOPORPOMNP (sirius_j) - Sirius j
NSMLNOSKM (sirius_k) - Sirius k
MNKPKMPSKP (sirius_l) - Sirius l
MNMOKQNRM (sirius_m) - Sirius m
MLPPMTRNRP (sirius_n) - Sirius n
SMQRRTOM (sirius_o) - Sirius o
SKRROLPKP (sirius_p) - Sirius p
LSLMKKNMRS (skydive_always_weapon_raise) - Force players into weapon raise everytime they cut their chute
NQKOROOLNP (skydive_can_collide_building) - Allows players who are parachuting to collide with buildings and not cut their chute
NRSSSLPOLM (skydive_enable_legs_parachute) - Enable the first person legs during the parachute state.
LQQSPKLQLO (skydive_freefall_velocity) - Skydive velocity at which players will enter freefall
QTSTQTPOO (skydive_weapon_raise_height) - Skydive weapon raise height.
LRLPPMSOTO (sm_cachedSunShadowDebugShowCachePartition)
OKQKMQMTRQ (sm_cachedSunShadowLODBias) - LOD bias scale for static model shadow cache. Sets the bias between prev partition end and current partition end.
LSKOKQMMLT (sm_debugFastSunShadow)
MMSTLSTOQK (sm_dynlightAllDModels) - Enable, from script, rendering all dynamic models in dynamic light volume when shadow mapping
NPLLLLSLMN (sm_dynlightAllSModels) - Enable, from script, rendering all static models in dynamic light volume when shadow mapping
NMOSNONTK (sm_fastSunShadow) - Fast sun shadow
NKPRRSKNOP (sm_firstForceCacheSModelPartition) - Force the caching of animated static models from this partition onwards
NMOTMSSKOS (sm_forceLinear)
LLNKNQLRTP (sm_lightScore_eyeProjectDist) - When picking shadows for primary lights, measure distance from a point this far in front of the camera.
LPKSQRROQ (sm_lightScore_spotProjectFrac) - When picking shadows for primary lights, measure distance to a point this fraction of the light's radius along it's shadow direction.
MRMPNPSOMS (sm_minSpotLightScore) - Minimum score (based on intensity, radius, and position relative to the camera) for a spot light to have shadow maps.
LSOSQNSQPM (sm_polygonOffsetBias) - Shadow map offset bias
OTKOTTTRS (sm_polygonOffsetClamp) - Shadow map offset clamp
NSRPRMLSTR (sm_polygonOffsetScale) - Shadow map offset scale
MNKPKSPRMO (sm_projStepSize)
MROOOROPKL (sm_roundRobinPrioritySpotShadows) - How many lights can receive dynamic shadows (w/ round robin updates).
OKKTMLKNNR (sm_roundRobinPrioritySpotShadowsMax) - How many lights can receive dynamic shadows (w/ round robin updates) Limits sm_roundRobinPrioritySpotShadows.
MRMSTLMQTN (sm_showOverlay)
OLMMPTQOLS (sm_showOverlayCompressionDebug)
OLQRLLQRSR (sm_showOverlayCsmPrepassDebug)
MKQTLOMPOT (sm_showOverlayDepthBounds)
MRSPQMKQRR (sm_showOverlayFocus)
NRMPSRRNMT (sm_showOverlayMip)
NKQMPTTQRN (sm_showOverlayTransShadow)
LKNMMKPOR (sm_showOverlayViewmodel)
NQKKOONQPR (sm_spotAllow) - Allow spot shadow mapping
LKOLRONRNQ (sm_spotDistCull) - Distance cull spot shadows. 0 = no culling.
NOOOPPSMNO (sm_spotDynamics) - Enable dynamic shadow casters for spot shadows
RNPPKQOTN (sm_spotEnable) - Enable spot shadow mapping from script
LQKRMORNPQ (sm_spotHTileMask)
OKSOTLNPQQ (sm_spotSModelTargetLOD) - Stops updating spotshadow cache for static models that have this LOD or lower (more detailed). -1 = this feature is off.
MSSMKNPMOO (sm_spotShadowCulling) - 0 = legacy culling ( no line light ), 1 = respect line light, 2 = respect line light + using optimized view volume ( default )
NLOOTLTMMQ (sm_spotShadowSampleExtra0) - add additional spot shadow score samples at outter corners
NMSPMRQSMS (sm_spotShadowScore0Min) - spot shadow score0 min
MNQKPNLOPT (sm_spotShadowScoreSystem) - Spotshadow light score system
LTQMSPKRKO (sm_spotUpdateLimit) - Maximum number of spot shadows to update per frame
LLNMKLQQP (sm_spotUpdateLimitDynLight) - Maximum number of spot shadows to update per frame
SRKPNTSRM (sm_spotUpdateLimitMax) - Maximum number of spot shadows to update per frame (limits sm_spotUpdateLimit)
NRSOTSLSSO (sm_spotUpdateMoreDynEnt) - Reserve GPU resource for dynents visible in any spot shadow
RSLTKLOS (sm_spotUpdateMoreDynObj) - Always render dynamic objects for selected lights with castDynamicShadow enabled
MTNQQLTKQT (sm_strictCull) - Strict shadow map cull
MTLMSQMNTR (sm_sunAllow) - Allow sun shadow mapping.
LSNRQTOKRR (sm_sunCascadeSizeMultiplier1) - Far cascade size multiplier: 2^n times near cascade size.
NTLKNLNPLK (sm_sunCascadeSizeMultiplier2) - Distant cascade size multiplier: 2^n times far cascade size.
LTPMKRMKKQ (sm_sunClip) - Enable sun shadow pancakes.
TMNTMTQRM (sm_sunDistantShadows) - Enable 3rd shadow cascade for flagged objects
NTKSTPSPPK (sm_sunDynamics) - Enable dynamic shadow casters for sun shadows
MQRQQONQSL (sm_sunEnable) - Enable sun shadow mapping from script.
SONQQSQRQ (sm_sunFarShadows) - Enable 2nd shadow cascade for flagged objects
LLNTKRPPQK (sm_sunMoving) - Indicates that the sun is animated and disables sun shadow cache processing.
MTQRRSOMTT (sm_sunPoissonFiltering) - Enable noisy shadow filtering for sun shadowmaps.
NPONLLLSPL (sm_sunSampleSizeNear) - Shadow sample size
NSMRSOKML (sm_sunShadowScaleSingleLQ) - Scale to apply to the sun shadow size when using the near cascade only (covering far) and while using the low quality path (splitscreen, etc).
OLSOQRKNLO (sm_sunSplitscreen)
MQLRQNRRPR (sm_sunStageBounds) - Clamp the sun shadow near / far clip around the active stage trigger bounds.
MMOPPTKQMO (sm_sunStageBoundsFeather) - threshold for geos behind sun shadowmap far plane to fallback to static shadow
NSNTLRRRP (sm_sunViewmodelHack) - Disable viewmodel shadows from viewmodel rendering
NSOPTRNRMT (snd_drawInfo) - Draw debugging information for sounds
NSNPRRQTOP (snd_hitmarker_alias) - start sound
NTKPQTSSLQ (snd_invalid_stream_buffer_validation_enable) - Enables stream buffer validation checks.
MPNPQSTOSN (snd_libad_logging_enable) - Print log output from libad
MPPMPMSTQR (snd_libad_loopback_enable) - Echo microphone input locally
NMQNRSMLSL (snd_mute_player_dialogue) - Flag to mute the player dialogue
NLMRKKRSQQ (snd_start_alias)
NPSQPTMPNO (snd_stop_alias)
MKRTMTSMRP (snd_submix_restore_workaround_enable) - Enables crash workaround while restoring submixes.
MSQLPLNSQN (snd_voiceChatDeviceType) - Voice chat device type
TLOLPTLNQ (snd_voicefutz) - Voice futz effect name
LMSLNRLNOT (snd_volume_mute) - Flag to mute the game sound master volume
NNOQMLNSMP (social_chat_enabled) - Killswitch for the Chat widget
LOSKNONNMT (sony_realtime_multiplayer_br_game_specific_killswitch_flags) - Bitmask to check which scenarios should be pumped for realtime multiplay in BR
NSLTOKPOTM (sony_realtime_multiplayer_br_pump_disabled_flags) - Bitmask to check which users cannot pump RTMP
NMRQRRSQOK (sony_realtime_multiplayer_br_pump_disabled_flags_for_telemetry) - Bitmask to check which users cannot pump RTMP for telemetry if they are in BR
LNNKPKSLPO (sp_disconnected_from_live_grace_period_ms) - Amount of time to wait for reconnect to live before informing player they are offline and can't make online progress, 0 disables.
MQQOKSOPL (sp_shader_warming_notifications) - Killswitch for the shader loading notifications in SP
NTNQQTRPLK (spaceJumpAllowAILandings) - If set to true, the system allows landing on Actors, Fake Actors and Vehicles.
LQTMNQSPKT (spaceJumpCoverTraceDist) - Distance cover trace needs to travel to be clear.
LPMRRNOTRO (spaceJumpCoverTraceOffset) - Offset dist from view for cover trace.
MLQQKNNRPL (spaceJumpCoverTraceRadius) - Size of sphere for cover trace.
OLPKSPMKN (spaceJumpCurveTimeCombat) - Time at the end of the jump that the player will curve into orientation. Combat version.
LKRQMQLQRL (spaceJumpCurveTimeVignette) - Time at the end of the jump that the player will curve into orientation.
MKPSTLONRP (spaceJumpDeathAngularLerpStrength) - Lerp speed to target during death.
OMNLTLTKPO (spaceJumpDeathAngularVelocity) - Angular velocity during death in deg / sec.
OLTSONROQP (spaceJumpDeathLinearVelocity) - Linear velocity during death.
MKOKKPSRLO (spaceJumpDebug) - Turns on space jump debug info.
LKQONQQKPQ (spaceJumpFlatDistCheck) - Distance a suface that fails the spaceJumpFlatNormalCheck must be at to jump to.
MRSQMOSNST (spaceJumpFlatNormalCheck) - Angle a surface must be at, relative to current, that is legal to jump to.
NKRSNOMSNL (spaceJumpGrappleAccelTime) - Ammount of time to spend accelerating with the grappling hook.
NOSKMMQMOP (spaceJumpGrappleLandPitchDown) - Pitch down limit when landing at a grapple destination
LNMLTSLNSS (spaceJumpGrappleLandPitchMover) - Pitch limit when landing on a grapple moving platform destination
NQLOSOTTTT (spaceJumpGrappleTimerCancel) - Time for grapple cancel state.
NPRKSKMKMK (spaceJumpGrappleViewRange) - Pitch/Yaw range while in space grapple
LQTOPQMORS (spaceJumpHeightCheck) - Height difference required to space jump.
NRPONONSNL (spaceJumpLandGestureTimeOffset) - Time before landing that the land gesture will play.
NNOSPMLTTQ (spaceJumpMinTime) - Min time the space jump will take, regardless of desired speed.
NTTMMQRNOO (spaceJumpSpeed) - Target speed for space jump inches per second.
MTPQOLTMT (spaceJumpSpringCamActive) - Activates spring camera logic.
NMMOSPQPQK (spaceJumpSpringCamMaxAngle) - Max angle a player can look away from target line of space jump.
NLRMNTLSLQ (spaceJumpSpringCamStrength) - Strength of spring cam.
MLQNTQSRMM (spaceJumpTimerFail) - Time for fail state.
QRMTLKTRT (spaceJumpTimerLand) - Time for land state.
MTQSLLSTMK (spaceJumpTimerTakeoff) - Time for takeoff state.
LNOPPSQNR (spaceJumpTimerTakeoffUseAnimTime) - If set to true, will base the takeoff time on the gesture animation in.
LOLMRMONOP (spaceJumpVignetteType) - 0=Always World Up, 1=Start World Up, 2=No World Up.
MRNRMNQSRM (spaceJumpVignetteUnlinkWithTagOriginAngles) - If set to true, will use the parent's tag origin angles on unlink, instead of the link angles.
OLKRPPKNKN (spaceshipAccessibleADS)
NLPSNOPPNS (spaceshipAddShipRotVelocity)
MQOLNTTKOT (spaceshipAddShipRotVelocityBlendRate)
TQKPLROQT (spaceshipAddVelocity)
OLQRKOOTLR (spaceshipAddViewRotVelocity)
MMLQNTLQTK (spaceshipAddViewRotVelocityBlendRate)
LQOKKRNMPO (spaceshipAiBankingAccelerationRatio)
MRSOTNORNS (spaceshipAiBoostCounterThrust)
LQPLPPRSMS (spaceshipAiBoostFriction)
NRQPMSORQP (spaceshipAiBoostSpeed)
OKOMRMLPOL (spaceshipAiBoostSpeedScale)
MLNMNOQTLK (spaceshipAiBoostThrust)
LROTPTPPMO (spaceshipAiBoostTurnSpeed)
PKKTTSMOS (spaceshipAiDebugCollision)
LPLKRMPPQS (spaceshipAiDebugTurns)
NKRKNQRLKO (spaceshipAiFlyAccel)
LPSQPKTSRM (spaceshipAiFlyAngAccel)
LNTOLKOPL (spaceshipAiFlyAngSpeed)
MNNQSMKOOQ (spaceshipAiFlyMaxBankAccel)
LSNLLPQNON (spaceshipAiFlyMaxBankAngle)
LLQKLLKPNN (spaceshipAiFlyMaxBankSpeed)
NSLTSLRNL (spaceshipAiFlySpeed)
MOKSNTSTTQ (spaceshipAiFollowInnerRadius)
LKPPLQPKSL (spaceshipAiFollowInnerStrength)
MOTPKQKKQN (spaceshipAiFollowOuterRadius)
NNNRRMTSQQ (spaceshipAiFollowOuterStrength)
NRNLOMPNKP (spaceshipAiHoverAccel)
NTMTNSTKL (spaceshipAiHoverAngAccel)
OOKRQLOQM (spaceshipAiHoverAngSpeed)
NTKRRLTPR (spaceshipAiHoverCounterThrust)
NONQMTOLQR (spaceshipAiHoverFriction)
MMMOQPNKSN (spaceshipAiHoverMaxBankAccel)
NLPMNRKMQQ (spaceshipAiHoverMaxBankAngle)
QPQLMOSLQ (spaceshipAiHoverMaxBankSpeed)
LKPLTTQPRS (spaceshipAiHoverSpeed)
MOTTKKLTLO (spaceshipAiHoverSpeedNew)
NKOQSTKTMP (spaceshipAiHoverThrust)
MRNOLNQPKR (spaceshipAiHoverTurnSpeed)
ONMTRSNOS (spaceshipAiMinFlyAngleDot)
OKPQOMKKOT (spaceshipAiMinFlySpeed)
NOMLSKNOST (spaceshipAiUseNewSteering)
NLLTSNRSNK (spaceshipAim)
MNOQQRMKTR (spaceshipAimAssistUseAnimatedViewVector)
LMSTRPRRLK (spaceshipAimOffsetClampDegScale)
LNTTPLOMMT (spaceshipAllowBoostInHoverMode)
NNOQSPPTN (spaceshipAllowTeamLockon)
TONPQMPNK (spaceshipAnalogPhysics)
LNPPKNLNR (spaceshipAntiLagScene)
OMQNSMOQQS (spaceshipAutoFlyForward)
MSQLNTOMNK (spaceshipAutoLevel)
MPKSKLRNTO (spaceshipAutoLevelDelayTime)
NNQPSRNQLN (spaceshipAutoLevelFlyParams)
OLMOPSMOMO (spaceshipAutoLevelHoverParams)
MQQONRKPOQ (spaceshipAutoLevelTimerCheckAimOnly)
LSLRQNOOLT (spaceshipAutoLockTargetSwitchMaxAngleDeg)
LOLSMKTTNP (spaceshipAutoLockTargetSwitchMaxTimeMs)
SKTTNQOOP (spaceshipAutoLockTargetSwitchMinAngleDeg)
LKKLLRMNSP (spaceshipAutoLockTargetSwitchMinTimeMs)
LKPNLLKQKN (spaceshipBankRollFlyParams)
NKRNLSQKOO (spaceshipBankRollFlySlowParams)
MPKRNLQTMQ (spaceshipBankRollHoverParams)
NPQSPLRSOK (spaceshipBankRollTerrainModeParams)
NSPNKPPQSL (spaceshipBoostSpeedScale)
NKLQLNKLNT (spaceshipBoostStopAngle)
MKMNRMTNMP (spaceshipClampSpringDT)
OMOSPQTPSQ (spaceshipCollisionEventThreshold)
LSNPKNKLOS (spaceshipCollisionFlyMaxViewKickAngle)
NNTMQKSTO (spaceshipCollisionFlyMinSpeedToKickViewMph)
OLKMONLLNS (spaceshipCollisionMinNormalVelocityMph)
NOKOQQQTKN (spaceshipCollisionMinSpeedToReboundMph)
OKRPKQQKOK (spaceshipCollisionRestitutionInPlane)
MRRNSKQSSM (spaceshipCollisionRestitutionNormal)
LNNMKNPNP (spaceshipCollisionRotateTimeMs)
MNKLQNOQPL (spaceshipDampenMoveDesireDist)
SRNLKPPMK (spaceshipDeadzoneAim)
RPMNKMNQS (spaceshipDeadzoneMove)
OLTOSRLRMS (spaceshipDebugAimTracking)
LQLKPOMSTS (spaceshipDebugMotionBlender)
NQLMKLSRLT (spaceshipDebugSpread)
OKRNPONKPM (spaceshipDefaultBlendTime)
MQQRQSONLT (spaceshipDisableCollisionAudio)
OMQRKKMTMP (spaceshipDogfightRotVelocityAddition)
LQTKKPMNOS (spaceshipDogfightVelocityAddition)
MQPQRMLOP (spaceshipFlyRedirectStrafeScale)
NKRTTRKKQR (spaceshipFlyRollWhileTurningScale)
SNPSOSMNL (spaceshipFlySpeedScale)
MLOQNOQLMS (spaceshipForceMinForwardSpeed)
MQOMMOTQKR (spaceshipForceSetFov)
LLSOSPOPSR (spaceshipForceSetFovBlendStrength)
QSTNTNOOL (spaceshipGunBlendHasTarget)
MKPQSKKMPR (spaceshipGunBlendInactive)
NTQNPPMTLS (spaceshipGunBlendNoTarget)
PNMTRPQQQ (spaceshipHackServerToClientDobj)
MQRPQLRNQQ (spaceshipHandbrakeFrictionFly)
QNRPMMSQR (spaceshipHandbrakeFrictionHover)
TMPQRTQKK (spaceshipHeadTranslationAngularContribution)
TQNRLKSTT (spaceshipHeadTranslationLinearContribution)
PSOOQNSM (spaceshipHeadTranslationOffsets)
NNNSTPRTPO (spaceshipHeadTranslationSpringIn)
ROPSNTNSN (spaceshipHeadTranslationSpringOut)
MNKMTPTPPO (spaceshipHoldTurnSpeedScale)
MTNOMNRTPM (spaceshipHoverRedirectStrafeScale)
NSMTTSNMOM (spaceshipHoverRollWhileTurningScale)
NOSSSLQNNS (spaceshipHoverSpeedScale)
MQOKMMNQNK (spaceshipHoverToFlyPhysicsBlendTime)
NLMRNPRLMR (spaceshipJukeStrengthScale)
MOLKKTMS (spaceshipKillOpposingJukeVelocity)
MPNPPKTTPK (spaceshipLeadTargetTransitionTimeMs)
PQTMLTOQR (spaceshipLockOnBlinkAmount)
OPLNNMMRQ (spaceshipLockOnMaxAngleOverride)
LONTOOSRTK (spaceshipMaxPhysicsBlendSpeed)
OMQQSMQROO (spaceshipMinPhysicsBlendSpeed)
LLOOLTPKOP (spaceshipModeSwitchCommand)
OLSMNSRNRT (spaceshipModulateRedirectWithDesires)
LKLTNLNPMM (spaceshipPilotModel)
MNRTSKRSPT (spaceshipProjectileAngleTrackVelocity)
MTKTMSONLT (spaceshipRadialMotionBlurMaxRadius)
NTSSPLRPRS (spaceshipRadialMotionBlurMaxStrength)
OLOLKLOQNN (spaceshipRadialMotionBlurMinRadius)
NSQKSPQTRO (spaceshipRadialMotionBlurStrength)
NMNKMQNSRT (spaceshipRadialMotionBlurTimeInMs)
LQKNRMTPSM (spaceshipRadialMotionBlurTimeOutMs)
MNRLSNPOQM (spaceshipResolvePenetration)
NLMMOQKNLS (spaceshipRoll)
MQSMLQNNPR (spaceshipRollOnRightStick)
MORMNLOQQK (spaceshipScaleFlyPitchClampForce)
NNKMNLOPST (spaceshipScaleHoverPitchClampForce)
OMQMLPKRTL (spaceshipShowTargetMarker)
LSONTRPLLS (spaceshipSpaceBrakeFrictionScale)
OMSNOQKMQL (spaceshipSpaceFrictionScale)
OOLRPTOKQ (spaceshipSpringCameraMaxAngle)
OLLQPLOKLT (spaceshipSpringCameraSpringStrength)
MMSMQQNSL (spaceshipSpringCameraSpringStrengthOut)
SMMOPTTTR (spaceshipStepBlendStrength)
RKKOLRPRM (spaceshipStepFractionCompare)
LSTTKMQPLO (spaceshipStepHeight)
NKQQKPNRMO (spaceshipStepMinNormal)
NPONSKNQR (spaceshipTargetLockAnglesScale)
OLOPTLTRPO (spaceshipTargetLockDistanceScale)
MKQNRLOQRQ (spaceshipTargetLockTimeScale)
TLPTTKLOL (spaceshipTerrainModeAllowAirJuke)
NKRNKKKQQP (spaceshipTerrainModeAllowBoostInHoverMode)
TKORLQTPS (spaceshipTerrainModeAnalogPhysics)
LMLOLPKMRM (spaceshipTerrainModeMaxFloorHeight)
SPQOOKMQP (spaceshipTerrainModeMaxStepClearanceDistCheck)
NMLNTNTNPT (spaceshipTerrainModeMinStepClearanceDistCheck)
NRROSQLSQM (spaceshipTerrainModeMinStepClearanceHeightCheck)
LRPQQRPOSO (spaceshipTerrainModeRejukeTime)
NTKKMQQOTS (spaceshipTerrainModeThrustMeterRate)
LNTOTNOSOS (spaceshipTestNonLocalPlayer)
LMQPNLQQO (spaceshipThrustAnimBlendTime)
MMQMNORQRR (spaceshipTurnSpeedFlyParamScale)
MNKTMQRQNM (spaceshipTurnSpeedHoverParamScale)
MQNOTOSMMT (spaceshipTurnSpeedScale)
LQSMSLTRTP (spaceshipUseCodeCameraShakes)
NOKTKNKLSP (spaceshipUseFlyBoostSpeedForAdjMax)
LTPNQNQLTL (spaceshipWalkableNormal)
NKKRMOROTS (spaceship_disableViewModelNotetracks)
NKTMKORMPP (spawnDebug)
LRMLMOSKM (speech_active) - Are we allowed to enable Speech or not
SNSNNNPMN (speech_enable)
QTRSRONKT (speech_showlog)
LRNKOQRMNR (splitscreen_ingame)
MRNMPPTOOS (sprintLeap_forwardVelocityScale) - Percent of jump velocity to add as bonus for leap
TKLOTROPP (sprintLeap_height) - Sprint leap height
LNSOMRPSRL (sprintLeap_minSprintTimeMs) - Minimum time(ms) player must be in sprint to be able to leap
LMOTTPTTMK (sprint_allowReload) - Allows reloading during sprint
MOSMMNRSKP (sprint_allowRestore) - Restore the players sprint state after certain actions
NSTQMOPMTQ (sre_fatal)
NTNQNQPOST (sre_max_log_count)
MTSOTMLOK (sre_max_trace_count)
NNMKLSTSSO (staticModels_debugArchiveFullDetails)
OPNLSMTKS (staticModels_debugArchiveSectionSummary)
OSNMKTTOT (staticModels_debugArchiveSummary)
MLKPTKNMNM (staticModels_debugDisplayOffsetX)
OLRSPMMQQP (staticModels_debugDisplayOffsetY)
NKLOMPTPSR (staticModels_debugDump)
LNTLSRMPR (staticModels_debugInstances)
QONTSTPOQ (staticModels_debugMemory)
LQNOQNMLMQ (staticModels_debugTileIdx)
OKOSSTQLOT (steam_fake_name)
MMPNTLNORO (steam_fake_xuid)
MPLKQRLLKR (steam_ingame_p2p_throttle)
OMLLOOLPTR (steam_name_refresh)
RMSMSSROL (steam_no_lobby_create_debug)
MSRRLRSOLP (steam_no_lobby_join_debug)
QLSLNROSO (stop_scene)
MQPSTPTTQT (stream_cameraCutDetectionDeltaPosThreshold) - Velocity above which we assume a camera cut must have caused it
PMSPNMTMS (stream_cameraVelocityGaussianSigma) - Sigma value to be used for the low-pass gaussian filter ( [Minimum post requirement for links] )
NSSNTQKNTS (stream_cameraVelocityWindowDuration) - Duration of the window of time used to compute camera velocity (in milliseconds)
LMMRKLMLTL (stream_combinedMapDistanceSqThresholdScaler) - Scale the threshold distance that used to skip hinting ST layers because they will be rendered using combined maps
OMOQNNMQRS (stream_decompressErrorMode) - Determines how the game responds when decompression of xpak data fails for whatever reason.
LPPLMNSMQR (stream_defragCopyMode)
NRMRMTKQTL (stream_distanceBiasNormalMapFoliageCardImposter) - The higher the value the lower the streaming priority of images of this type
LNTQPKQQSO (stream_distanceBiasOtherFoliageCardImposter) - The higher the value the lower the streaming priority of images of this type
RSOOSRLMK (stream_distanceCulledImagesDeprioBegin) - Distance metric at which the bias for culled images kicks in. Images that have a distance metric further away than this (i.e. higher) and are culled by the CPU will have their metric value biased higher making them more likely to be unloaded.
MMRMSTQNRQ (stream_distanceCulledImagesDeprioBeginBR) - Same as stream_distanceCulledImageDeprioBegin but applied only in battle royale maps.
RMMTRKTMQ (stream_distanceCulledImagesDeprioBias) - Distance metric bias applied to the distance metric of fully culled (via CPU frustum or occlusion culling) images. The higher this bias the more likely culled images are to be unloaded. Set this to 0 to disable the feature.
MPLNTKOKKM (stream_distanceCulledImagesDeprioBiasRampFrames) - Number of stream update frames the deprioritization bias gets ramped up for culled images. If a culled image will be deprioritized it'll take this many stream update frames to reach the max bias value set by stream_distanceCulledImagesDeprioBias.
NRLNOQNMML (stream_distanceImageNeeded) - Distance metric at which images are considered 'needed' by the graphics card.
OPPQONOSK (stream_distanceImageNeededForTransientZone) - Minimum streaming distance we must have before making a transient zone visible
NSRLKQRQL (stream_drawDefrag)
LMOPTMRTN (stream_drawMetrics)
RTMQORMNP (stream_drawMetricsFontSize)
LOMOQKLNTT (stream_drawMetricsLayerScroll)
NOSNPRTRMK (stream_drawMetricsLockHits)
LPTKORQONL (stream_drawMetricsLockView)
PRORQNSRR (stream_drawSortLists)
RMNORNTRR (stream_drawSortListsFilter)
TMKRNPTON (stream_drawSortListsFontSize)
MQNPLPTNTS (stream_drawSortListsFull)
NKTMPOTKLS (stream_drawSortListsMaxCount)
NTTRNPSSSM (stream_drawTopSortedImages)
RKPTRLKSS (stream_drawTopSortedImagesFontSize)
MNQSPPMNLS (stream_drawTopSortedImagesNoForced)
TTKRLSNQO (stream_drawTopSortedImagesNoPart0)
NQOQNQRKNT (stream_drawTopSortedImagesSortKey)
MPNPMPKKMS (stream_drawTopSortedImagesThresholdKB)
OQTROSPLS (stream_dumpDestination)
MKNRTSSKTS (stream_farAwayHeightmapsStreamingDistance) - Streaming distance to use for these heightmaps on terrain that are far away
OLSOMPQQQM (stream_freezeState) - Freeze the state of all streaming memory - don't allow streaming or un-streaming of any streamed data. This essentially fully disables the stream update.
NMLSLKOOTO (stream_freqDomainMetricBiasEnable) - Determines if the frequency domain stream distance metric bias the linker precomputes per image is applied during the streamer's update.
LSLMOMTOSP (stream_hintDynamicXModelsMeshes) - Ensure that streamer request the mesh lods during stream update, and not just at render time
MKMRMNPMMN (stream_introCinematicThrottlingMbPerSec) - Throttle streaming to the specified megabytes per second during intro cinematics.
MMTLSTTNSL (stream_maxAnticipatedVelocity) - Maximum expected velocity (units/seconds) of the camera when in a vehicle
MTOQTLSTL (stream_missingXModelLodBoost) - Amount to boost missing xmodel lods by
LPNQOKLRQR (stream_modelLodLimit) - Hard limit to reject higher lod from being picked
MOPRTOTSRN (stream_neededImagesOnly)
ORSROPSOK (stream_primerMaxInFlight) - Number of inflight primer reads
MPKTSNSOMK (stream_primerMaxInFlightForTransients) - Number of inflight primer reads when loading transients
NNPSNLKQTN (stream_primerReleaseHeapDelayMS) - Amount of time to wait (in ms) before release heap pages back to streamer. To minimize having to wait when loading lots of FF.
MQMPTRRSRL (stream_primerRequestStreamerToYield) - Streamer yield to always loaded assets (aka, stream primer)
MKPPQQPPKL (stream_readAheadMaxDistanceRange) - Max read-ahead stream distance offset from the current item being requested for read. Used by the greedy multi-item packed read to read ahead. Only used when stream_readPacked is enabled.
LSLPSLONNS (stream_readFavorSeekOrder) - Instead of always picking the top item off the sort lists, when this is enabled a whole bunch of high priority items are picked off the sort lists, then sorted by seek order, and reads are issued in that order.
LMSLNRROMS (stream_readLog)
LNLPNPRRNL (stream_readMaxInFlight) - Maximum number of file block buffers the regular stream read code path uses. This determines the maximum number of inflight reads at any point in time by the streamer.
MKTKRLRMN (stream_readPackedMaxGapKB) - Maximum gap in KB between items in a packed multi-item read. Will be rounded to disk read alignment block size. This is effectively the maximum allowed waste in between items that we end up reading from disk but we don't use.
OKKQPOOTTQ (stream_readSeekOrderMaxSizeKB_Generic) - Combined max size in KBs of how many generics are picked off the sort lists for the seek order queue. Only relevant when stream_readFavorsSeekOrder is enabled.
LMTKNTTTK (stream_readSeekOrderMaxSizeKB_Image) - Combined max size in KBs of how many image parts are picked off the sort lists for the seek order queue. Only relevant when stream_readFavorsSeekOrder is enabled.
LLRSOSNMOQ (stream_readSeekOrderMaxSizeKB_Mesh) - Combined max size in KBs of how many meshes are picked off the sort lists for the seek order queue. Only relevant when stream_readFavorsSeekOrder is enabled.
LRPRKNPNLR (stream_showGenericUsage)
ROQSPLSKS (stream_showReadProfile)
PQTKPTSTK (stream_showReadStats)
NPOOKKQRLR (stream_smoothingFactorMovingFullSpeed) - Used to prevent sudden changes in reported streaming quality when view is moving quickly
QTTQRLRMS (stream_smoothingFactorNotMoving) - Used to prevent sudden changes in reported streaming quality when view isn't moving
LNRNNKKSRQ (stream_stealGpuMB)
PONQPTKNK (stream_superTerrainHeightScaling) - Artificially reduce height difference between camera & ST. Use to help the streamer during sky dive & slam zoom
OOPQTRRKQ (stream_syncFrontend_imageQuality) - Image quality metric value considered to be of high enough image quality for Frontend streaming sync
MQLPTTQQMP (stream_syncMPTRWorld_maxTimeSeconds) - Maximum time in seconds to wait for the MP streaming sync to finish before allowing spawning into the map. TR World Maps
MSORPPOLNN (stream_syncMPTRWorld_trPortion_maxTimeSeconds) - Maximum time in seconds to wait for just the transient stall into game, for TR World Maps
MSMMOTPNQT (stream_syncMP_maxTimeSeconds) - Maximum time in seconds to wait for the MP streaming sync to finish before allowing spawning into the map
LQKMKMLKSM (stream_treeDistanceFactor) - Factor to expand stream tree traversal compared to current read distance
NPMPORMQRK (stream_treeDistanceMinClamp) - Minimum clamp for stream tree traversal distance
MLQQQQNTMT (stream_treeSpanBoost) - Amount to boost unstreamed spans by
NRQMNPOQQN (stream_useGPUHeapsAwareness) - Allows the streamer to pre allocate memory to be aware of heaps creation
LTNPSKKOQ (stream_useImageFallback)
OMOSQOSMK (stream_yieldDuringTransientFastfileRead) - Streamer yield to transient fastfiles loading
NROMONSMSL (stream_zNearDistanceInMP) - Minimum z Near distance (in inches) in MP & CP
MMONQLOPSO (strict_nat_warning_viewed) - Bool to track if the user has seen the strict NAT warning
NSROPNTLNM (stringtable_debug) - spam debug info for stringtable lookups
MLKSTTKSO (sunSceneScreenSpaceShadowTraceDelta)
MQQPMTMONT (sunSceneScreenSpaceShadowTraceDistance)
RPLPNPQLM (sunViewmodelScreenSpaceshadowTraceDelta)
LTMMQRONON (sunViewmodelScreenSpaceshadowTraceDistance)
LPSPPMRPMO (sunshadowSampleSizeNear)
MLNTKKPNMM (sunshadowSoftness)
MPNPTSPLNP (superSprintEnable) - Turn on super sprint.
MQPTMLNLPN (superSprintMinActivationChargePercent) - Min charge percentage to start a super sprint.
NLQONKPTLT (superSprintRechargeScale) - Scale of recharge rate for super sprint meter.
TOSNKQPRS (superSprint_enhancedRechargeScale) - Scale of recharge rate for super sprint meter with Perk 'specialty_supersprint_enhanced'. Does NOT stack with superSprintRechargeScale.
NSTMLPOMSQ (superSprint_enhancedTime) - The length of time a player can Super Sprint with Perk 'specialty_supersprint_enhanced'.
NTOSQTRQNN (suppressLoadErrors)
NTRLRTMMMP (survey_enabled) - Dvar to enable surveys.
LSSPQRSQQQ (sv_allowedClan1) - Allow this clan to join the server
OLKSKMQPMT (sv_allowedClan2) - Allow this clan to join the server
MKNKMKMONS (sv_archive_frame_size_br) - Arhive frame size estimate for BR.
LMLOOPKLPL (sv_archive_frame_size_mp) - Arhive frame size estimate for MP.
LNTNMKLPKM (sv_archive_smooth_transform_angles) - Enable player angles smoothing for extrapolated states in killcam
MSORPQRSMO (sv_archive_smooth_transform_origin) - Enable player origin smoothing for extrapolated states in killcam
NQRKPRKRKP (sv_ballisticsMaxLatencyMs) - Maximum amount of latency for which the bullet accuracy will be guaranteed.
NSLOMMLNLO (sv_ballisticsMaxSimStepsPerServerFrame) - Ballistics system uses fixed timestep updates. This value defines the number of maximum simulation steps which can occur for a ballistic instance. If the value is set to 0, the ballistic instance will be simulated until it catches up to the server time.
LPPQSRMPMK (sv_baseline_size_estimate_br) - Estimated size of baseline snapshot for BR.
MNNSPLMMMP (sv_baseline_size_estimate_mp) - Estimated size of baseline snapshot for MP. Rather over than undershoot this.
OLMKKTSOQN (sv_botsSimulatedJitter)
MQRSRKTPQR (sv_botsSimulatedLatency)
NTPNRQTKNP (sv_cheats)
NOQPNNSKKR (sv_checkMinPlayers) - Check min players. 0 disables
TOOMSNTLQ (sv_clientNetPerf_UsrCmdBurstMinTime) - Minimum execution time of burst we need in a server frame for us to log it as an issue.
MRKMKRKSNM (sv_clientNetPerf_UsrCmdDroppedMinCount) - Minimum number of user commands we need to drop in a server frame for us to log it as an issue.
OMKNMTOQOR (sv_clientNetPerf_UsrCmdQueuedMinTime) - Minimum execution time of user commands we need to queue in a server frame for us to log it as an issue.
LSNPQTOMKP (sv_clientNetPerf_UsrCmdReceivedMinTime) - Minimum execution time of user commands we need to receive in a server frame for us to log it as an issue.
NKORLPMQ (sv_clientNetPerf_UsrCmdTimeWindowMs) - The time window to detect issues relating to processing user commands.
NKMMPQNKOK (sv_clientSaveFastCheckOn)
OMOTNQRTNM (sv_cmdBufferCumulResponse) - The integral response in adjusting the command execution time applied to the cumulative error between the available and target buffer sizes
MOLOQPNTPK (sv_cmdBufferCumulWindupScale) - The scale to apply to the integral response when the response exceeds the maximum
MLMLOMPSQO (sv_cmdBufferOffset) - The allowable buffer size before throttling is applied.
MSNQTSQQTS (sv_cmdBufferResponse) - The proportional response in adjusting the command execution time when our available buffer does not match the target buffer size
LRLTNKPLMQ (sv_cmdBufferStepTime) - The amount of time (msec) to decay the last maximum observed burst to the current maximum observed burst
MRSNOPQSLK (sv_cmdDebugBufferVerbose)
LQPKMNMNMO (sv_cmdDeficitOffset) - The allowable cumulative command error before throttling is applied.
ROPOPPROK (sv_cmdDropOnPredict) - When predicting player input on the server, drop input that arrives from the client for the predicted input frames
MMSQPQPKNR (sv_cmdExtrapAngles) - True to enable view angle extrapolation for extrapolative commands
ROSKKRMOS (sv_cmdMaxBufferTime) - The maximum time the server will buffer client input before predicting player input
MKRLOQMTSL (sv_cmdMaxBufferWindow) - The maximum duration over which to compensate for client packet bursting
OKTQNQTPQR (sv_cmdMaxCumulThinkError) - The maximum command time in addition to the current frame time that can be executed on a given server frame
MPOMMQSPN (sv_cmdMaxCumulThinkFrac) - Maximum fraction of a server frame for desired client think time
MNKQRTQRPS (sv_cmdMaxExtrapTime) - The maximum time the server will extrapolate client positions before predicting player input
TPPRRKPLN (sv_cmdMinBufferBurst) - Minimum amount of observed burst time before the client begins buffering commands
MTNMQMRQKN (sv_cmdMinCumulThinkFrac) - Minimum fraction of a server frame for desired client think time
LPMNLPLTKQ (sv_cmdPredictAngles) - True to enable view angle extrapolation for predictive commands
LPRROTQSOP (sv_cmdStartDeficit) - The amount of command deficit beyond which the throttle kicks in to fill the command buffer.
MRMNOMNPMR (sv_cmdStartSurplus) - The amount of command surplus beyond which the throttle kicks in to drain the command buffer.
LRTRKLMTON (sv_cmdTargetExtrapTime) - The amount of time the server will extrapolate client positions before trying to buffer
OKRPNQTQT (sv_cmdThrottleType) - The algorithm used to determine client input throttling
NQLTMNRKRR (sv_cmdThrottleWindow) - The window size, in milliseconds, for the fixed window throttle type
MQPLSOPKKT (sv_config)
LSKRMTQMRO (sv_connectTimeout) - seconds without any message when a client is loading
NONRKKKLML (sv_cp_remote_client_snapshot_msec_default) - CP mode remote client snapshot rate, used to set sv_remote_client_snapshot_msec
NMOKTTPPM (sv_cumulThinkTime) - Max client think per server 50 msec frame
LPPTRQMLKT (sv_debugLargePacketsForcePrintSize)
MMSOPQRSPT (sv_debugLargePacketsMinSize)
LKSRKLPSPK (sv_debugLargePacketsMinSizeLargePlayerCount)
TLKTQPQNK (sv_debugMessageKey)
LPTKPRRPPQ (sv_debugMinPlayers)
LSTOPTLOTM (sv_debugPacketContents)
MQPSOMMNML (sv_debugPacketContentsForClientThisFrame)
LRMQNLOMNS (sv_debugPlayerstate)
NPOOTPTSS (sv_debugRate)
NKLMNKQSQN (sv_debugReliableCmds)
LPMTRTSTON (sv_debugTrackPacketContents)
SSOKSNOTR (sv_debugTrackServerTime)
LKKRLSMRQP (sv_delay_cpwave_matchinprogress) - Seconds to delay the ui_match_in_progress update in cp_wave_sv game mode
LSKPPLSTSO (sv_entitiesPartitioningNearbyRangeX) - Entities that are in cells within clientpos +- sv_entitiesPartitioningNearbyRangeX X axis will be returned by the nearby search.
NSRSLNSOLR (sv_entitiesPartitioningNearbyRangeY) - Entities that are in cells within clientpos +- sv_entitiesPartitioningNearbyRangeX Y axis will be returned by the nearby search.
NSOTRTRKNS (sv_error_on_baseline_failure) - Throw an error if the const baseline data is invalid.
NPNNTQMMPN (sv_fakeHitchDelay)
LMNMOQNKTK (sv_fakeHitchDuration)
OKTSLRSQMS (sv_forceNetfieldLoD) - Force the netfields' LoD (-1: dynamic lod, 0: low LoD, 1: high LoD).
LMPKLQRLKT (sv_generateConstBaselines)
NLRMTTPMTQ (sv_generateLOSData)
LMPMSPPOMT (sv_kickBanTime) - Time in seconds for a player to be banned from the server after being kicked
PMMQLLKMS (sv_killcam_exit_delta_from_last_game_snap) - When enabled, will allow the server to try and delta encode the game snap after leaving killcam from the last game (non killcam) snapshot.
NSQSLQQTRK (sv_killcam_length_max) - Maximum killcam length in seconds. Determines necessary archive buffer size.
MOSNNOTTP (sv_loadTest)
LRRMMSKLSQ (sv_log_blackbox_snapshot_data)
NSKOLSTNMN (sv_max_reconnect_time) - Maximum time in milliseconds for what is still considered a reconnect; otherwise the connecting client is fully re-added.
MROPPRSMRO (sv_minPingClamp) - Clamp the minimum ping to this value
LKTLKNKSLN (sv_min_reconnect_time) - Minimum time in milliseconds between consecutive connect packets; otherwise packet is dropped.
TMPMPLTRT (sv_mp_LAN_remote_client_snapshot_msec_default) - MP mode LAN client snapshot rate, used to set sv_remote_client_snapshot_msec
NRLNPSLKKP (sv_mp_ded_remote_client_snapshot_msec_default)
NTNKMLOQLO (sv_mp_peer_remote_client_snapshot_msec_default) - MP mode remote client snapshot rate for peer hosted games, used to set sv_remote_client_snapshot_msec
OLQLPNSQLL (sv_netfieldHighLoDDistSq) - Entities within this squared dist will be High LoD, otherwise they will be Low LoD.
LLMNQRQQML (sv_netfieldHighLoDMissilesEnable) - Killswitch for missile heuristic for high network lod classification
LQSNRTMKRQ (sv_netfieldHighLoDScriptablesEnable) - Killswitch for scriptable heuristic for high network lod classification
NTNRLNTMRR (sv_padPackets)
OLSRQKSONR (sv_paused) - [MP] Pause the server
MQQKTRRPSM (sv_printArchiveDetails)
LRRTROTNNK (sv_printConfigStrings) - Print our the config strings that we're sending
MSPNRQRSRK (sv_recordPingHistogram) - Whether or not to log SvClientMp::pingHistogram for each client
NONPLLKSNR (sv_rejoinTimeout) - seconds without any message before allowing a rejoin
NKQQPRQMSP (sv_rewindFilterUnsentPositions) - Filter the archived position information used in antilag rewind to exclude interpolating to positions the server did not send to a client
NPMOOTQRNP (sv_rewindPoseArchive) - Rewind character poses when rewinding character positions for the purposes of antilag
NLTTMLSQRQ (sv_running) - Server is running
PPKQNKNMN (sv_saveOnStartMap)
RQOSNTKTQ (sv_sendSnapshots)
QRLOOQKLR (sv_sendSnapshotsToBots)
MSORRTLTKQ (sv_showAverageBPS)
LLSMSORTM (sv_snapshotDebugVerbose) - Verbose snapshot warnings
MOMRPNOLNL (sv_snapshotReportTimeThreshold)
MQSOSLMPOK (sv_snapshot_delay_connecting) - Time to delay snapshots to clients who are connecting/zombie
SPOSSQKNP (sv_snapshot_delay_nodelta) - Time to delay snapshots to clients who we've just sent a no-delta snapshot
LOMLKNOPKT (sv_snapshot_netperf_profiler_dlog_enabled)
OSRNQQSKQ (sv_snapshot_netperf_profiler_enabled)
LOKNNQLKMM (sv_snapshot_silence_threshold_recv) - Ms of silence in snapshot acks before we trigger a silence event. Zero to emit warning if acks are not received on every server frame.
QNRNRRTLM (sv_snapshot_silence_threshold_send) - Ms of silence in snapshot sends before we trigger a silence event
RRLSSRRLL (sv_snapshot_size_estimate_br) - Estimated size of delta snapshot for BR.
MTQNNRPQQM (sv_snapshot_size_estimate_mp) - Estimated size of delta snapshot for MP. Rather over than undershoot this.
NMPKRNMQML (sv_snapshot_size_huge) - Size of a snapshot to be considered 'huge'
NQMSPTORTR (sv_snapshot_throttleBackupCount) - Start throttling (exponential backoof) the msg frequency if the client has not acked the last X messages
NOQPLLOQRR (sv_snapshot_throttle_nobaseline) - Whether to throttle snapshot sending to clients who have not acked baseline yet
NRSONSLKMM (sv_testValue) - Max antilag rewind
LQKRMNSSMO (sv_timeout) - seconds without any message
OMPKTRKNQS (sv_trackMsgSize)
MQKRSSQRML (sv_trackMsgSizeBucketCount)
MQTTKKTPNM (sv_transmission_error_enabled) - Whether or not to drop clients immediately on transmit errors
OLMRMNQOKS (sv_useExtraCompress) - Use zlib compress for gamestate/baseline/score packets
LQMTQKONKR (sv_useLowLodEntityEvents) - Generate low lod entity events (will steal one event from high lod event buffer). Changing this dvar mid-match may cause a mix of event types/invalid event sequences.
LSQOPROPRS (sv_usePrecomputedLOSData) - Whether or not to use LOS data files for sight traces.
NRQNTMQLPS (sv_usercmd_print) - Print the command packets read by the server.
LOSKQOPNKL (sv_virtual_archive_enabled) - Whether virtual archive is enabled
OKKTOPLLTL (sv_virtual_archive_page_mode) - 0 (default): Page non-active segments out dynamically; 1: Let OS decide; 2: Lock entire archive into physical memory.
OQONSQPSL (sv_writeNextLargeSnapshotToFile)
NLPLNQSNNR (sv_znear) - Things closer than this aren't drawn. Reducing this increases z-fighting in the distance. Set to 0 to not specify.
MKKROQKOOO (sv_zombietime) - seconds to sync messages after disconnect
LQSPQNKOTK (sys_configSum) - Configuration checksum
MPSKPRQSRS (sys_configureGHz) - Normalized total CPU power, based on cpu type, count, and speed; used in autoconfigure
MKQOOKMKOS (sys_cpuGHz) - Measured CPU speed
OLKPOKQMNO (sys_cpuName) - CPU name description
NMPTRMKSSP (sys_gpu) - List of all detected GPUs
MLNMRNOKQR (sys_gpuDriver) - GPU driver version
MOLKSQRKOL (sys_language)
MSTKOLPRSL (sys_lockThreads) - Prevents specified threads from changing CPUs; improves profiling and may fix some bugs, but can hurt performance
MNQOQMSTMQ (sys_quitMigrateTime) - Time in msec to wait for host migration when user closes the window
QQKKSLSM (sys_smp_allowed) - Allow multi-threading
MQOSMOKPMT (sys_sysMB) - Physical memory in the system
OMPSORTOTL (sys_watchdogGPUTimeout) - Watchdog GPU timeout detection threshold (set to 0 to disable TDR)
NPMSTTRROL (sys_watchdogThreadEnabled) - Enabled a thread hang watchdog.
LRTTOQLOLM (sys_watchdogThreadRemote) - Watchdog thread triggers exception in hanged thread insteaf of its own thread
LTNOMRMKLT (sys_watchdogThreadTimeout) - Thread watchdog timeout threshold.
LPSPMQSNPQ (systemlink) - Current game is a system link game
LLPNKKORPT (systemlink_host) - Local client is hosting system link game
MMMPNSKSRK (targetAssist_shieldMaxAngle) - The maximum angle between the shield and the firing direction to consider shield as a valid target
MQOOMONRKQ (targetAssist_targetMissiles) - When true, the target assist system considers missile entities as valid targets
OTRMORTOR (taskbreaker_break_percentage)
NSOQNLOROP (taskbreaker_time_max)
MRNNPTTMNT (taskbreaker_time_min)
TLNSRKRQP (team_consistency_fix) - Enable to enforce team consistency between game code and script.
OLMOMNKNNN (telemetry_active) - Are telemetry events enabled
NPNRORTPOS (telemetry_directActive) - Are direct telemetry events enabled
LTSRTLTKNQ (telemetry_exportSchema) - Do telemetry events export schemas.
LSMTNSOPOK (telemetry_levelEnd) - Is campaign level end telemetry events enabled
NNQMPLKKSL (telemetry_loot) - Is loot purchase and pawn telemetry events enabled
OPSQMRNPO (telemetry_matchStart) - Are telemetry start match events enabled
QMMMTPKTS (telemetry_matchdata) - Are telemetry match data events enabled
MRLSLKSMRR (telemetry_motdClick) - Is motd click telemetry events enabled
LONQQNPLLS (telemetry_playerEndMatch) - Are telemetry player end match events enabled
MSNPRQTPSM (telemetry_prestige) - Are telemetry prestige events enabled
TLOOQNROS (telemetry_purchaseConfirm) - Are telemetry purchase confirm events enabled
LSTMTKNQS (telemetry_screenView) - Are telemetry menu change events enabled
LMLQLMQOSR (telemetry_sessionStart) - Are telemetry session start events enabled
LKNLRTKOS (telemetry_storeBrowse) - Are store item browse telemetry events enabled
MRSPLSQQKS (teleport_collisionWithdrawDistance)
OLKSNLRRSK (teleport_distanceMax)
NPTOPLPTTO (teleport_distanceMin)
LONKOSRSSP (teleport_endBlurDurationMs)
TMOPNRTOO (teleport_endBlurTarget)
QQQQOORQL (teleport_ledgePushMaxHeight)
MNLTPPSSLR (teleport_mantleCollisionFix)
ONPOMLNLL (teleport_maxLedgeHeight)
LPMLPTMTRO (teleport_minDistance)
NQRMRKLLLP (teleport_minDrawDistanceForFX)
NTKRMMLLPQ (teleport_pitchAngle)
MSKKTMOKNO (teleport_startBlurDurationMs)
MONLPLKKNT (teleport_startBlurTarget)
OKOQPMQQNM (testCPRaidSecurityScreen) - Force the security screen to display the cp_raid compass.
NSLPLMQNSL (testClients_doAttack)
ROTLTRSTR (testClients_doCrouch)
QLQOSNNOO (testClients_doMove)
MNLSQNRTKN (testClients_doProne)
OKNTSKLPKO (testClients_doReload)
OMRPQLNQMM (testClients_watchKillcam)
LPOTNTTQLQ (test_playlist_update)
TQPKQLSRQ (testmonkey)
LKSKPKTOON (text_chat_enabled) - Killswitch for the new Chat widget
NQOMTKMNPT (text_chat_gamepad_enabled) - Killswitch for the new Chat widget on gamepad
LTTQQPKKP (thermalAOStrength)
MLRTLKRRMT (thermalAmbientReflection)
NPNRNNMTKM (thermalAmbientTemperature)
NKRQMPKQML (thermalBlurFactorNoScope) - Amount of blur to use when drawing blur that is NOT through a weapon's thermal scope.
QNOQQRSQO (thermalBlurFactorScope) - Amount of blur to use when drawing blur through a weapon's thermal scope.
OKKRMNNQLL (thermalColdColor)
NLTRNKMTL (thermalColorScale)
LMPOOTPTLT (thermalCutoff)
MMPKRTOPQO (thermalFog)
TORMKPPLR (thermalFogExtinctionWeight)
MPSLOMTNMS (thermalHotColor)
TTNKSNLOS (thermalLutImage)
MKSLRRPPNN (thermalRadiationMax)
TTPRMLRQN (thermalRadiationMin)
MPORQMTMQT (thermalSurfaceNormalStrength)
LONTTKLNNK (thermalVisionLuiDebugAlwaysActive)
SLSPNLSQP (thermalVisionLuiUse) - Set to use the new lui thermal vision system.
NLKKKQKQPN (thermal_playerModel) - Model to draw for players when in thermal vision mode
MSNTNLNQNM (timescale) - [SP] Scale time of each frame
LRROOOSOMM (toneWhitePoint)
MMQMQKSTS (tonemapAdaptSpeed)
NLMSSPLMPK (tonemapAuto)
NOOTTPORTQ (tonemapAutoExposureAdjust)
MRKQQMPTKN (tonemapAutoExposureAdjustCurve)
LSLPLPRQNO (tonemapDarkEv)
MTPSRMRRLP (tonemapDarkExposureAdjust)
LPKQPKSRKQ (tonemapExposure)
NNRKNLLSQN (tonemapExposureAdjust)
LNQNRRPNPP (tonemapGrainStrength)
MOPORNQOTQ (tonemapLightEv)
NMKNKNMKNN (tonemapLightExposureAdjust)
MOLOSSRQPS (tonemapLocalEvBounds)
LOPONQOQNN (tonemapLocalStrength)
LTNRTLQOKQ (tonemapMaxExposure)
NSROSTQOSN (tonemapMaxExposureAdjust)
NLPRMSTSMM (tonemapMidEv)
LRPSSPPPPT (tonemapMidExposureAdjust)
MOSRNQNQTN (tonemapMinExposureAdjust)
LTTOTTRLTS (tonemapMode)
LQTPKKQQSS (tracer_debugDraw)
OLKOPPKTOM (tracer_explosiveColor1) - The 1st color of a bullet tracer when using explosive bullets
MKNLTNLPKT (tracer_explosiveColor2) - The 2nd color of a bullet tracer when using explosive bullets
OMPOMRTNRM (tracer_explosiveColor3) - The 3rd color of a bullet tracer when using explosive bullets
MLSLQPTTNT (tracer_explosiveColor4) - The 4th color of a bullet tracer when using explosive bullets
LKTKOKPKQ (tracer_explosiveColor5) - The 5th color of a bullet tracer when using explosive bullets
LRLPQNTMMQ (tracer_explosiveOverride) - When turned on, will apply an override to the tracer settings when shooting explosive bullets.
LQRTSOPOKO (tracer_explosiveWidth) - The width of a bullet tracer when using explosive bullets
LPPSPNPOSM (tracer_firstPersonMaxScrewRadius) - The maximum screw radius our OWN tracers can be when looking through our ADS
MPMQRSMQMK (tracer_firstPersonMaxWidth) - The maximum width our OWN tracers can be when looking through our ADS
LSLKPOQQSO (tracer_thermalWidthMult) - The multiplier applied to the base width when viewed in thermal vision
QOPKTQPM (trackTrajectory1) - Track strength at this key from 0-1.
LTSROKKQPP (trackTrajectory2) - Same as trackTrajectory1.
OMKTROSPLS (trackTrajectory3) - Same as trackTrajectory1.
MONQPSPTOP (trackTrajectory4) - Same as trackTrajectory1.
NQNTQQPLM (trackTrajectory5) - Same as trackTrajectory1.
LSMMSKSKLQ (transient_auto_pause)
MMKKRKRLT (transients_verbose) - Verbose logging information for transient fastfiles.
MSTKKMMRK (trigger_draw)
MPSLQRSROT (trigger_drawDepthTest)
NTNPNKLTQL (trigger_drawDistance)
OOLMSOKPL (trigger_drawSolid)
LSSLQQSPK (trigger_drawSolidColor)
MOROPNNSOK (trigger_drawTargetName)
NRLTNNLKPO (turretConvergenceHeightDebug)
LRQSMTTOSS (turretDebugYawDeltas) - shows angular motion around the turret pivot point
LSMQTPLRRT (turretPlayerAvoidScale)
NPLSOOTQOL (turretSentryRestrictUsageToOwner)
MSRKNTQLKL (turret_adsEnabled) - Enable/Disable ADS on turrets (SP only)
SOPQMPTLR (turret_adsTime) - Time (msec) to transition to ADS (SP only)
OMQMONTONL (turret_draw_locations) - Draws all turrets currently in the level with a green sphere.
OKORSKLQRT (turret_enableLegacyManualTurretTracking) - Anables the legacy manual turret tracking. Allows design to have a turret hard track an entity with fast convergence times.
LRONQNKRKM (tutorial_and_new_season_upsell_enabled) - Killswitch that enable the new season and post tutorial Upsell popups.
NOQTKKKSQR (two_player_mp)
NRTOOSORMS (ufoHitsTriggers)
MOTMLNPRRQ (ugc_update_delay) - The delay between attempting to update the UGC cache from DemonWare.
NONSQQNSQS (ui_WeGameHealthyTipsShown)
MMLSQKRSST (ui_autodetectGamepad) - (null)
OOTRPMPKP (ui_autodetectGamepadDone) - (null)
PQSRTPQP (ui_bigFont) - Big font scale
LORNQMSLNM (ui_bladeInstallEnabled) - Killswitch for the blade installation progress
MRTTLKLTKO (ui_bolt_hitmarkers_to_entity) - Hitmarkers will always attach to an entity or tag if available on bullet hits.
PRRPMPQOT (ui_browserFriendlyfire) - Friendly fire is active
RSLPNPON (ui_browserKillcam) - Kill cam is active
NOKQPMTLKO (ui_browserMod) - UI Mod value
NRTQMKSPTS (ui_browserShowDedicated) - Show dedicated servers only
OKSMMNSQRQ (ui_browserShowEmpty) - Show empty servers
TNTQTRLPO (ui_browserShowFull) - Show full servers
LSKMQKNNTS (ui_browserShowPassword) - Show servers that are password protected
OKONNRRSLL (ui_browserShowPure) - Show pure servers only
LNRQMSLQT (ui_buildLocation) - Where to draw the build number
MMMPOKRSML (ui_buildSize) - Font size to use for the build number
LTPPTQSOKK (ui_cinematicsTimestamp) - Shows cinematics timestamp on subtitle UI elements.
LTMKOQPNMR (ui_contextualMenuLocation) - Contextual menu location from where you entered the store.
PTNOLQOOP (ui_cpmission) - Current front-end mission name for game settings.
NPSTLPMPSS (ui_customGameModeSlot) - Holds the currently selected custom game mode slot. -1 means the current game mode is NOT custom.
LQTMTPRMOS (ui_dediServerFrameDuration) - Set this to change the frame duration in MP for dedicated servers. Defaults to 16 ms (62.5hz)
MLRONRKSOQ (ui_editSquadMemberIndex) - Which squad member is currently being edited
NKTNRLTOSO (ui_enable_dynamic_attachment_icons) - Enable the new gunsmith pick-up system or not
MSTLNMPLSN (ui_extraBigFont) - Extra big font scale
MRRMSMMLML (ui_force_max_rank) - The max rank player could reach for special build, eg Beta build
MTNMRSTQN (ui_fx_lightmap_max_level) - Maximum lightmap level set by the UI
MOLPOSLOMO (ui_gametype) - Current front-end game type for game settings
MSQTTNSTNO (ui_hardcore) - Current front-end hardcore game setting
QTQRQPLNK (ui_is_magma_gamemode) - Are we in magma, as opposed to being in SP, MP, or CP.
NPPRNLKOMQ (ui_letterBoxFadeTime) - The time for the letter box to fade after slam zoom
NSQLTTMRMP (ui_mapname) - Current front-end map name for game settings
OMPNPQLLMP (ui_mapvote_entrya_gametype) - Primary map vote entry game type
NSMOLKMMPM (ui_mapvote_entrya_mapname) - Primary map vote entry map name
LLQTQTNMTK (ui_mapvote_entryb_gametype) - Secondary map vote entry game type
MSQROKTRSN (ui_mapvote_entryb_mapname) - Secondary map vote entry map name
MKPKSTLTTT (ui_mapvote_entryc_gametype) - Random map vote entry game type
ROLQKTOMM (ui_mapvote_entryc_mapname) - Random map vote entry map name
LOSORKOTOO (ui_maxclients) - Current front-end setting for maximum number of clients
LNKPRSTSOL (ui_missingMapName) - Name of map to show in missing content error
MTSKSOSTML (ui_myPartyColor) - Player name font color when in the same party as the local player
NSMSQOMSLO (ui_oldmapname) - Cached mapname from before going into playlists
MTSTMKPMRM (ui_onlineRequired) - UI requires online connection to be present.
MQNNLTKNTS (ui_opensummary) - ScriptClientData Generated Bool
OMNLSQLMMP (ui_overwrite_prev_per_bullet_hitmarkers) - Option to overwrite previous hitmarkers on new bullet hits.
MQRSQKTLON (ui_partyFull) - True if the current party is full.
ROQSKRSPL (ui_play_credits) - Should we play the credits
OPONKOMKQ (ui_purchased_title) - True if the user purchases a title id while in game.
OMOOMQKMMS (ui_safearea)
OKPMLLKRP (ui_saved_mapname) - Current saved front-end map name for game settings, used for custom games and system link MP
MKNMNRSQRO (ui_scope_stencils) - Turns on the scope stencil for in-world LUI Elements
MKMQPNOTSN (ui_serverDevmapFrameDuration) - Set this to change the frame duration in MP when devmapping. 50ms by default. [Dev-only]
MKQQKMRORQ (ui_serverFrameDuration) - Set this to change the frame duration in MP. Defaults to 50 ms (20hz)
LQKPOSTSMP (ui_showDLCMaps) - Whether to display the DLC maps.
NLPPLPPRRQ (ui_show_pulsing_upsell) - Should we show the upsell popup after the next pulsing game AAR. This Dvar is set at false when the player see the popup and at true if he leave the pulsing Lobby
MNQNRQRKQM (ui_smallFont) - Small font scale
OMKTLMMNPT (ui_tactical) - Current front-end tactical game setting
SSRQTKMLQ (ui_upsellEnabled) - Killswitch for the Upsell button popups.
RNRNSRTNQ (ui_upsell_flow_fix) - Killswitch for the Upsell flow fix.
OMRLPMMPRL (ui_use_per_bullet_hitmarkers) - Uses per bullet hitmarkers.
ORONSTNNP (ui_userid_resolve_throttle_ms) - Throttle on the ui making calls to resolve user ids.
LTKMRTLTKT (ui_username_resolve_throttle_ms) - Throttle on the ui making calls to resolve user usernames.
TRMKKRQRT (uiscript_verbose) - Turns on extra ui script debugging console prints
NLOOKNQTMQ (unattendedAllowDropErrors)
OLKMKMTKRO (unlockAllItems)
NLOTNSOSKK (unlock_all_loot)
QMRSMTKKS (unlock_dir_overide)
MNQLPQLOQ (upload_stats_base_interval) - This is the base delay in seconds before the first retry for uploading stats
NRMNLOTRNP (upnp_maxAttempts)
STKRQSRP (useAngleAdjustedSpeeds) - Turns on angle adjusted speed algorithm.
MOKLKTPOTT (useBattleNetInDevmap) - If true, will do auth with Battle.Net while devmapping.
MOOOTSTQLM (useFastFile)
QSOPPLLOM (useLegacyPCLadderControls) - For the PC version only, this will enable legacy ladder controls.
LMNPKTTN (useRelativeTeamColors) - Whether to use relative team colors.
NPKMRRPSRP (useScriptWeaponAndViewOffsets) - If true, turns on designer scripted viewmodel offsets.
LOLTQSNSKN (useStatsGroups) - If true then StatsGroups are in use for all playerdata.def accessing.
OLLSOTOOTT (useTagFlashSilenced) - When true, silenced weapons will use "tag_flash_silenced" instead of "tag_flash".
PNKQRPPPO (useparentlink)
PRSMLSKTP (username)
LTSMQMMQRK (using_mlg) - MLG feature on/off
MSOLRSPMPK (uwp_mandatoryUpdate)
QKOKLMRQT (variable_rate_shading_enabled) - When true the Variable Rate Shading (VRS) will be available if the player have the hardware to run it
OLKOOMKSMK (vehAudio_idleDistanceScale) - When vehicles are idle and not occupied by the local client, multiply their audibility distance by this value.
MPLKOPSSNN (vehAudio_inAirPitchDownLerp) - Rate at which the pitch lerps down
NMKNSMKMTO (vehAudio_inAirPitchUpLerp) - Rate at which the pitch lerps up
MQOOLQLLPN (vehAudio_spawnVolumeTime) - Seconds it takes for spawned vehicles to reach full volume.
NPRQORLQSM (vehBoatControls) - Determines how to control boats
MNLLRPRONL (vehBoatRockingScale)
MOTQKOSKRM (vehCam_angles) - Camera angles from vehicle
LNMTSOMSSR (vehCam_angles3P) - Camera angles from vehicle (3rd person)
OKKSSOKQML (vehCam_freeLook) - Enables free look mode
NQTPRLSST (vehCam_mode)
NOLORMOSTT (vehCam_offset) - Focus offset from vehicle origin
NNONTTTMTM (vehCam_offset3P) - Focus offset from vehicle origin (3rd person)
TSPOOOTSN (vehCam_pitchClamp) - Pitch clamp for user adjustment
NRRSPTSTTM (vehCam_pitchClamp3P) - Pitch clamp for user adjustment (3rd person)
PSPSOQSRL (vehCam_pitchTurnRate) - Pitch turn rate for user adjustment
OMSSNSLNQK (vehCam_pitchTurnRate3P) - Pitch turn rate for user adjustment (3rd person)
LSRTTOSTTO (vehCam_radius) - Camera radius from vehicle
NQMKORNRPR (vehCam_radius3P) - Camera radius from vehicle (3rd person)
LTQOSONPNM (vehCam_speedInfluence) - Controls how much the vehicle's speed effects the camera.
LRSQPTMON (vehCam_speedInfluence3P) - Controls how much the vehicle's speed effects the camera. (3rd person)
NOTTPKOLQQ (vehCam_yawClamp) - Yaw clamp for user adjustment
SSSPPKPTN (vehCam_yawClamp3P) - Yaw clamp for user adjustment (3rd person)
MNOOLPRSQ (vehCam_yawTurnRate) - Yaw turn rate for user adjustment
LNMSMQONPR (vehCam_yawTurnRate3P) - Yaw turn rate for user adjustment (3rd person)
NRNNSORPTK (vehCam_zOffsetMode) - Camera offset mode for Z axis
RTMLTLLQT (vehCam_zOffsetMode3P) - Camera offset mode for Z axis (3rd person)
POSNTPOQK (vehDroneDebugDrawPath)
NQPPMPOKKS (vehHelicopterBoundsRadius)
MKTPLMTNOL (vehHelicopterControlsAltitude) - Determines how to control altitude
MMRNMNQRPN (vehHelicopterDecelerationFwd)
OKROTTPNP (vehHelicopterDecelerationSide)
OLPKNNSQRN (vehHelicopterDecelerationUp)
LSOQLMLSPQ (vehHelicopterFreeLookReleaseSpeed) - The rate that the player's view moves back to center when freelook is released
NOSSKQQMLR (vehHelicopterHeadSwayDontSwayTheTurret)
NNORRLOTPL (vehHelicopterHoverSpeedThreshold)
MTRLPTRKO (vehHelicopterInvertUpDown)
LTMPQTLOL (vehHelicopterJitterJerkyness)
LOPNQQSOMM (vehHelicopterLookaheadTime)
NKQSQTOLR (vehHelicopterMaxAccel)
LPLRLNQSTT (vehHelicopterMaxAccelVertical)
LRKNQPQQOR (vehHelicopterMaxPitch)
MMRSQQSNOO (vehHelicopterMaxRoll)
NRRMPSKOKM (vehHelicopterMaxSpeed)
NKTLMMTTSO (vehHelicopterMaxSpeedVertical)
LMQLPSNMM (vehHelicopterMaxYawAccel)
QRRRRTKOS (vehHelicopterMaxYawRate)
OLLROQROSQ (vehHelicopterPitchOffset)
NQMMSMTSOL (vehHelicopterRightStickDeadzone)
NNOMNKNNPO (vehHelicopterScaleMovement)
PKKTRROPK (vehHelicopterSoftCollisions)
NOKTRLOMOO (vehHelicopterStrafeDeadzone)
MMTSTOKMOS (vehHelicopterTiltFromAcceleration)
NMTOMTMKPN (vehHelicopterTiltFromControllerAxes)
LTLLTKRPT (vehHelicopterTiltFromDeceleration)
LTRPPKRTNT (vehHelicopterTiltFromFwdAndYaw)
TPSKTPTSN (vehHelicopterTiltFromFwdAndYaw_VelAtMaxTilt)
LNKSKRPMQL (vehHelicopterTiltFromVelocity)
LLSQLMTSRM (vehHelicopterTiltMomentum)
MORNLTMPTT (vehHelicopterTiltSpeed)
PMPPLRPTO (vehHelicopterYawOnLeftStick)
NSTTRPLOLS (vehHudDrawPipOnStickWhenFreelooking)
NRTNMNQORP (vehHudLineWidth)
LKPRKLKMLP (vehHudReticleBouncingDiamondSize)
MTSOQQPQQ (vehHudReticleBouncingRadius)
QPNMNRMOL (vehHudReticleBouncingSpeed)
LORMOTSKST (vehHudReticlePipOnAStickCenterCircle)
LQNMPQRNST (vehHudReticlePipOnAStickCenterCircleBuffer)
MLMNLMLS (vehHudReticlePipOnAStickMovingCircle)
LMRMSTTOOQ (vehHudReticlePipOnAStickMovingCircleBuffer)
MQRSSLSOOP (vehHudTargetScreenEdgeClampBufferBottom)
MTKMSQSRQP (vehHudTargetScreenEdgeClampBufferLeft)
MKRMTTNMOM (vehHudTargetScreenEdgeClampBufferRight)
NRKNPNNORN (vehHudTargetScreenEdgeClampBufferTop)
RKMOQPKSR (vehHudTargetSize)
NPOTSKLQMN (vehLegacyHeliRotorsDamage)
LLKLPLNLPR (vehSubmarineAllowInSolid)
OMPOPSSLNR (vehSubmarineBodyRelRotation)
LPSMMMLPS (vehSubmarineControls)
LSTNKTRSQM (vehSubmarineForwardDampening)
LKOMSQRTTL (vehSubmarineFwdCollMaxAccel)
LTQOKPT (vehSubmarineFwdCollMaxAngAccel)
NLTQPPPSO (vehSubmarineFwdProbeTime)
MRKQORPPPQ (vehSubmarineHorizControlGamma)
LSTRPNTKLP (vehSubmarineInvertUpDown)
OLTTKMTNPO (vehSubmarineLateralDampening)
LSLKLPLQPO (vehSubmarineMaxDownPitch)
NPQLRNMSSL (vehSubmarineMaxForwardAccel)
LLOONPKNRL (vehSubmarineMaxForwardPitchAccel)
OMNMMMKLNK (vehSubmarineMaxForwardVel)
MRPQNLKMSM (vehSubmarineMaxForwardYawAccel)
LPLLPQKSOP (vehSubmarineMaxFwdVelRef)
NLOOTQLMRS (vehSubmarineMaxLateralVel)
MOOQQMPQKT (vehSubmarineMaxNegativeBuoyancy)
MSRMSSQNML (vehSubmarineMaxPositiveBuoyancy)
MONMNPPTQM (vehSubmarineMaxReverseAccel)
NLKPSNQPOS (vehSubmarineMaxReversePitchAccel)
MNKNOSQLQT (vehSubmarineMaxReverseVel)
NLPQTPKLN (vehSubmarineMaxReverseYawAccel)
LLRPLSNSQR (vehSubmarineMaxRoll)
NRLPQQPNPT (vehSubmarineMaxRollAccel)
TPQTTLRNN (vehSubmarineMaxStoppedPitchAccel)
MLLOKOQTSS (vehSubmarineMaxStoppedYawAccel)
RRRKQOTTR (vehSubmarineMaxUpPitch)
MONQNPLPOS (vehSubmarineMinForwardVel)
NOKKSLLNNO (vehSubmarineMinVelNoRestore)
PKNLPTTQR (vehSubmarinePitchDampening)
MRNLSNRTLQ (vehSubmarinePitchRestore)
LMTSOOOKQO (vehSubmarineRollDampening)
MOSRNTSSOQ (vehSubmarineRollDrivenYaw)
OMLKOQKTRL (vehSubmarineRollRestore)
OMNTTRKLOP (vehSubmarineSideCollMaxAccel)
NNSTQKKKLN (vehSubmarineSideCollMaxAngAccel)
NMPOQPSKQL (vehSubmarineSideProbeMaxDist)
LQNOQSSPMN (vehSubmarineSideProbeMinDist)
OSSMSLRM (vehSubmarineStoppedVel)
PNPLPTSMN (vehSubmarineVertControlGamma)
NTKQMSSMNS (vehSubmarineYawDampening)
SNNPNOMPT (vehUGVPitchTrack)
MMKPMKQRQK (vehUGVWheelInfluence)
LRSSMKMNRK (veh_aiOverSteerScale)
QTTLNNLPM (veh_boneTargetTrackLerpRate) - Rate at which vehicle turrets track a locked target.
QLNKQKLMO (veh_boneTargetTrackLocalScale) - Scale applied to turret motion when the vehicle is under local player's control.
MQRMRNKPR (veh_boneTargetTrackResetLerpRate) - Rate at which vehicle turrets reset to default position after tracking a locked target.
LNQTTSRRKQ (veh_drawTrack)
SSPOPPPKN (veh_explodeForce)
PNQSKMK (veh_nonPhysicsSteerScale)
TPMLOMKKM (vehicleMoverBlockCharacterPickup) - Blocks players from being picked up automatically when driven into by a vehicle.
OLMLSKSRLP (vehicle_horn_enabled) - Killswitch for the Vehicle Ground Horn Option
NMLMNTLQOK (vehicle_pathsmoothdebug)
MMQLTMKTPK (veilStrength)
MRTRRSSMLS (venomAnimDefaultBlendStrength)
SQNLLSSQO (venomAnimGroundBlendStrength)
NTRRNPQPRO (venomAnimHeightBlendStrength)
MSQTSMNPQ (venomAnimHeightCheck)
LKMPMKTRRT (venomAnimLinearMultiplier)
OMLQTKQSRT (venomAnimMaxAngleSpeed)
NQQSOTTTNQ (venomBodyAngles)
LSQLSRQMTO (venomRadialMotionBlurRadius)
LPPSQSSROR (venomRadialMotionBlurStrength)
NTSOSMLKPK (venomRadialMotionBlurTimeInMs)
MOKRMRQSPP (venomRadialMotionBlurTimeOutMs)
NOLLNRNSML (venomRearFinAngles)
LMKPSQTRST (venomRotAngles)
MKPTOKKRRO (venomSideFinAngles)
PQNOPNLM (venomThrustAngles)
OMQTQNOSRO (vid_height) - Window client area height
NSRPORKNPT (vid_width) - Window client area width
LKKKQSOPSP (vid_xpos) - Window client area horizontal position
TMRKMSSMK (vid_ypos) - Window client area vertical position
MTRTKMSRLO (viewModelDebugNotetracks) - Enable display of viewmodel notetrack debug info.
LKOMKROSMT (viewModelHacks) - Enabled depth hack and remove viewmodel from shadows.
NMLONQLKRK (viewangNow)
OTNSQQKSS (viewmodelGesturesResetForKillcam) - If true, synchronizes gestures with the killcam time upon starting killcam. Killswitch for post-IW7 bugfix.
MKMNRSONMQ (viewposNow)
OLOOSTRSMR (vignetteBoxSizeX)
MKRMMRSNTO (vignetteBoxSizeY)
RSPMMQLQN (vignetteFalloff)
LNTKQTQOMN (vignetteFalloffStart)
MPKKMPRLRQ (vignetteImage)
NKMMLMPOKK (vignetteIntensity)
NQTKKPORNO (vignetteOffsetX)
LOQRRKQSRL (vignetteOffsetY)
LPPRTKTTO (vignetteSizeX)
MMMSOLKOMR (vignetteSizeY)
NQNMQNTTRL (vignetteSquareAspectRatioWeight)
NOSLLOSMST (voMtxOverride)
NSPSRQONRN (voice_agc) - Use microphone Automatic Gain Control
NROTRKMLKL (voice_debug) - Debug voice communication
MKORMLTOKO (voice_degrade)
LNKRTSKLT (voice_loopback) - Echo microphone input locally
SMPPQTSMN (voice_maxVoicePacketsPerSec) - Max voice packets per second a client will send
LONTRSOSTR (voice_maxVoicePacketsPerSecForServer) - Max voice packets per second the listen server will send
LQQKKSNPNS (voice_mic_aggressiveInTime) - Microphone amount of continuous talk time before we switch to aggressive voice threshold
SKKNQTSPT (voice_mic_aggressiveOutTime) - Microphone amount of continuous mute time before we switch to normal voice threshold
LKPLLLNTNS (voice_mic_inactivityMuteDelay) - Mute the microphone after this many seconds of in-game input inactivity (-1 to disable)
NMOLNNPOST (voice_mic_mute) - Mute the microphone
OMONSMLKMN (voice_mic_outTime) - Microphone voice amount of silence before we cut the mic (after normal talking)
NLNMRQRSP (voice_mic_outTimeLoud) - Microphone voice amount of silence before we cut the mic (after loud talking)
MPRRTSLLNL (voice_mic_postLoudAggressiveTime) - After loud talking detected, use aggressive voice threshold for this long to prevent possible audio feedback (seconds)
OSONRTTPO (voice_mic_reclevel) - Microphone recording level
LRTMQRTPLO (voice_mic_scaler) - Microphone scaler value
MSKKKMTQNT (voice_mic_threshold) - Microphone voice threshold (normal)
MMPQRNNTSO (voice_mic_threshold_aggressive) - Microphone voice threshold (aggressive, multiplied with voice_mic_threshold at runtime)
MSPQRMTSTS (voice_mic_threshold_loud) - Microphone voice threshold for detecting loud talking, multiplied with voice_mic_threshold at runtime
MPTQQNOTPQ (voice_on_screen_debug)
MPQSQTNRNO (voice_output_scaler) - Remote voice scaler value
MNTSRLRPQO (voice_packetDecodePrebufferCount) - How many packets the receiving client will buffer before starting decode
LOSOOOTNMS (voice_proximity_enemy) - Uses proximity checks to send voice to players on other team
NNMLSMNTOQ (voice_proximity_radius) - Radius to check around the player for sending proximity voice, depends on voice_proximity_enabled dvar
LKTPRPKPMR (voice_proximity_team) - Uses proximity checks to send voice to players on team but not in squad
MSMKRTTTPQ (voice_save_voice)
NNQQMLKMOT (voice_test_tone) - Generates a continuous tone to the voice encoder
LOKNMMPRKT (voice_transmitInterval) - How often the client will transmit voice packets
MQMPKLKK (volumetricAbsorption)
NSKNLMKQSR (volumetricAirDensity)
NKKRQROOQK (volumetricAlbedo)
MQRSTPRORQ (volumetricAmbientBrightness)
NPKPLTKRNS (volumetricHeightFogBaseHeight)
MLPOMNQPPK (volumetricHeightFogHalfPlaneDistance)
RRKMLNPKP (volumetricOmniBrightness)
MQSQOLLMRM (volumetricSpotBrightness)
MTNSRNMTKN (volumetricSunAnisotropy)
LKNNNKTPTM (volumetricSunBrightness)
MLLRNRMPNP (waypointDebugDraw) -
LLRKMOOKPT (waypointDistScaleRangeMax) - Distance from player that icon distance scaling ends.
OKRTRKKRMP (waypointDistScaleRangeMin) - Distance from player that icon distance scaling starts.
LOONOPPPNR (waypointDistScaleSmallest) - Smallest scale that the distance effect uses.
MSKPRTTKPK (waypointIconHeight) - Height of the offscreen pointer.
MTLOKKQKMN (waypointIconWidth) - Width of the offscreen pointer.
RKMLSNPOQ (waypointOffscreenCornerRadius) - Size of the rounded corners.
NKMOPMMNQP (waypointOffscreenDistanceThresholdAlpha) - Distance from the threshold over which offscreen objective icons lerp their alpha.
LLMSOTSQSR (waypointOffscreenPadBottom) - Offset from the edge.
NRRMTSLKNT (waypointOffscreenPadLeft) - Offset from the edge.
NLSOONOQOK (waypointOffscreenPadRight) - Offset from the edge.
NOMMOQKSMR (waypointOffscreenPadTop) - Offset from the edge.
OOSKKKNOP (waypointOffscreenPointerDistance) - Distance from the center of the offscreen objective icon to the center its arrow.
STSSSLOQT (waypointOffscreenPointerHeight) - Height of the offscreen pointer.
MOTRNMTRKS (waypointOffscreenPointerWidth) - Width of the offscreen pointer.
MOMPTQROTO (waypointOffscreenRoundedCorners) - Off-screen icons take rounded corners when true. 90-degree corners when false.
LMSRPLTONR (waypointOffscreenScaleLength) - How far the offscreen icon scale travels from full to smallest scale.
NQKMMQKSLQ (waypointOffscreenScaleSmallest) - Smallest scale that the offscreen effect uses.
LRLTNMQOKK (waypointPlayerOffsetCrouch) - For waypoints pointing to players, how high to offset off of their origin when they are crouching.
NNTKMTSPLO (waypointPlayerOffsetProne) - For waypoints pointing to players, how high to offset off of their origin when they are prone.
MONNPPSQPQ (waypointPlayerOffsetStand) - For waypoints pointing to players, how high to offset off of their origin when they are standing.
LSNLMOQNRT (waypointScreenCenterFadeAdsMin) - When 'waypointScreenCenterFadeRadius' enabled, minimum amount that waypoint will fade when in ads
NLPOMMTMTM (waypointScreenCenterFadeHipMin) - When 'waypointScreenCenterFadeRadius' enabled, minimum amount that waypoint will fade when in hip (non-ads)
MTTNTNMPLL (waypointScreenCenterFadeRadius) - Radius from screen center that a waypoint will start fading out. Setting to 0 will turn this off
LOMLKMNNKS (waypointSplitscreenScale) - Scale applied to waypoint icons in splitscreen views.
NNLSNQRLT (waypointTweakY) -
OORPLNOLP (weap_printSharedAmmo)
PSTNKQTLM (weap_printSharedClips)
OLMOTLRSPK (weapon_variants_enabled) - Killswitch for the Weapon Variants
MKROKLMLSN (wegame_friend_sort_throttle_ms)
TRQLLNNLS (whiteBalanceColorTempK)
OPSMSQNKQ (whiteBalanceGreenMagentaShift)
NLSRLSTPTN (whiteBalanceIlluminant)
MNMNSSLLOR (whiteBalanceMethod)
LTLTPLQSLQ (whitelist)
TQQKORSSM (wideScreen) - True if the game video is running in 16x9 aspect, false if 4x3.
MQNRPNMPTT (win_debugKeyHook) - Enable the Windows keyboard hook while debugging. It is disabled by default in such situation as it can interfere with system responsiveness.
NLOLMSONQS (win_inputUsesKeyHook) - Use windows keyboard hook for game input process. win_noKeyHook and win_debugKeyHook dvars have priority over this dvar.
MMOOTNSSP (win_mouseUsesRawInput) - Use raw mouse input.
NTOLOMLPSN (win_noKeyHook) - Disable the Windows keyboard hook.
MNNMTLRP (win_printMessages) - Print windows messages to the console
TLQPOMORK (win_xboxGameBarDetectionEnabled) - Killswitch to allow/disallow blocking inputs when the Xbox Game bar is on screen.
SMMKNOKOS (worldCollision_DebugCollisionTilesShapeLists)
MOSLQKPPQM (worldCollision_DebugMapEntsShapeList)
OKOPLLORQO (worldCollision_DebugShowPlayerLoadedStatus)
MKSRSMMKNQ (worldCollision_DebugWorldShapeList)
MNOPLLQORM (worldCollision_debugDisplayOffsetX)
LMMRQSQKT (worldCollision_debugDisplayOffsetY)
OKTOOKORTP (worldCollision_debugDump)
LQPSKQNTPM (worldCollision_debugTiles)
MTOTTPOPO (worldCollision_debugTilesWorld)
LRLSTMLPQK (xanim_debug) - Turn on xanim Player Animation Debugging information 1 to debug play anims; 2 to debug orientations; 3 to debug times
TMTPTQNMN (xanim_ik_antislide_enable) - Enable IK anti-slide anim node.
NRKSORMLRM (xanim_physicsGravity) - Gravity
OLNSORMTPN (xb3_content_change_cooldown)
LRLTMNTONK (xb3_dw_disconnect_test)
LPOKKPRNT (xb3_friends_joinable_refresh_rate_ms)
LKKOOKNMOQ (xb3_get_friend_session_inactive_flag)
RNPSKRSOK (xb3_get_friend_session_private_flag)
LTQKTMSPMP (xb3_get_friend_session_reservation_flag)
LOTPKQTKOS (xb3_gpad_stick_deadzone_min)
MQPTTPRT (xb3_liveparty_minimum_platform_party_refresh_delay)
RQTKLTSPO (xb3_liveparty_minimum_platform_party_refresh_in_game_delay)
QSPLPOQQM (xb3_meetplayer_gamertag_refresh_rate_ms)
MLQSKRLQST (xb3_mp_joinability_failure_backoff)
MPTSMOQOQQ (xb3_mp_joinability_success_backoff)
SRMOSPSMT (xb3_mutelist_fetch_delay)
LPNQTQOMPL (xb3_presence_stat_string_sync_delay)
NPLRMMNOSK (xb3_presence_update_interval)
OKQKKRKRLS (xb3_primary_gamertag_update_delay)
OKOSKPKMPO (xb3_privacy_failure_backoff_count_max)
RRQLQSMR (xb3_privacy_stale_data_check_rate_ms)
NNOTTNQQO (xb3_privacy_update_delay_ms)
LQOSPTTTO (xb3_privacy_user_data_refresh_rate_ms)
LROMTRKRQT (xb3_voip_enabled)
OKSPTMSMQN (xb3_voip_gamechat_mic_check_delay)
NSMMMPRTPR (xb3_voip_headset_check_delay)
LONQTRLTNM (xb3_voip_perf_counter_enabled)
LOORRSLMTL (xb3_voip_userdata_resend_delay)
LOMTKQTRTM (xblive_competitionmatch) - MLG Rules?
LLOKQOSPPP (xblive_loggedin) - User is logged into xbox live
LSTLQTSSRM (xblive_privatematch) - Current game is a private match
LNQLRSNMQS (xblive_privatematch_solo) - Current game is an Extinction solo match
OKMSRQPMSK (xbox_live_cert_sandbox_name) - Name of the CERT sandbox.
STTMRSPOR (xbox_live_dev_sandbox_name) - Name of the DEV sandbox.
RSTQPKROL (xbox_live_prod_sandbox_name) - Name of the PROD sandbox.
NTTRLOPQKS (xp_dec_dc) - This causes clients to disconnect themselves from servers if their xp decreases.
NPLPTKSMRP (yanimvyz_alignment_angle_x)
LOONMSSSOM (yanimvyz_alignment_angle_y)
NQQPQNQRKP (yanimvyz_alignment_angle_z)
SMNOPRPON (yanimvyz_alignment_position_x)
NKOPSKPOKQ (yanimvyz_alignment_position_y)
TRNLSPTRN (yanimvyz_alignment_position_z)
NMMKOOSRMO (yanimvyz_alignment_request)
NNTPLTSSMN (yanimvyz_alignment_tag)
OMLKNQQMPQ (yanimvyz_alignment_target)
MSPRTRNLML (zone_reorder)NNTNRSPSSP (g_DisablePlayerRepulsors)
NMTNLSQMT (g_aiEventDump)
LLKMSNTQLP (g_aiEventListenerDump)
LOQONPQOMK (g_alwaysReplicatePlayerAnimScriptInputParams)
NPRKRKTOMS (g_anim_mp_prone_max_slope) - Maximum slope before a prone worldmodel is considered to be 'slope prone'. Affects swing angles clamp.
OLOPROLPKN (g_animsCommandsVerbose)
MPKOLRSTMQ (g_assertOnModelAttachFailure)
MLNSOLLMTT (g_changelevel_time)
SMNRNLNRN (g_connectpaths)
OPKPTKKNQ (g_coverWall_coverHealth) - Each block of cover is initialized with this much health
SONRMNMNO (g_coverWall_deathFxChanceToPlay) - CoverBlocks that are removed due to disconnect have this percent chance to play
MOOLQOMTRR (g_coverWall_debugPrint)
NKTMQQNRQL (g_coverWall_debugPrintHealth)
MNNNTSRLTT (g_coverWall_drawAnchors)
RLTMNMOTQ (g_coverWall_drawCover)
MMNQOSRLO (g_coverWall_drawDamage)
LROSNSSQRN (g_coverWall_drawGrid)
NTRRPOLTNK (g_coverWall_drawShapeGrid)
MNNORSOMLL (g_coverWall_drawTestGrid)
LNLSLLQNOR (g_coverWall_drawTraces)
SLLNLPRON (g_deadChat) - Allow dead players to chat with living players
MMMSPTOSMK (g_deathDelay)
NQRQONQTSL (g_debugBullets)
MPMMRTLLSN (g_debugDamage)
MROSMKPMKN (g_debugGrenadeNotifies)
MLPTNLROON (g_debugLocDamage)
TLLOTRSQP (g_debugLocHit)
NPPMLRSOS (g_debugLocHitTime)
TTMPQRSTT (g_debugPlayerDeath_DamageType)
MNOSMKQTRM (g_debugPlayerDeath_HitDirection)
LQTLRNTNSS (g_debugPlayerDeath_HitLocation)
MQONLMPNOR (g_debugPredictedSpawnPoint)
PMSONLTPQ (g_debugServerAiming)
OMQQPOOTSR (g_debugUsables)
LLRSOSTPNL (g_debugUse)
LOLKNSQMOS (g_debugUseFull)
OKPMKPQNMO (g_debugdrawTagInfoPool)
NMMMOKRLKN (g_defaultUsePriority)
LLKNKTSTSQ (g_dobjdump)
MPNTPKSLLT (g_drawEntBBoxes)
NSSQTMSQMN (g_drawGrenadeHints)
LTRRQNMQSR (g_drawWeaponMap)
LMTOLRNTLM (g_dropForwardSpeed)
SPMQNOLSL (g_dropHorzSpeedRand)
NNMPPRPRRL (g_dropUpSpeedBase)
LTQQROOSON (g_dropUpSpeedRand)
MQMLTKRQOL (g_dropWeaponHeight)
OKQQQKPLQT (g_dumpAnims)
RNMMLLTRR (g_dumpAnimsCommands)
QKQNSSMNR (g_earthquakeEnable)
NLQSQQMPOM (g_entinfo_AItext)
LPQNKMTNRN (g_entinfo_maxdist)
NSTNNNRRPL (g_entinfo_scale)
MPKQPPKTRP (g_entinfo_type)
SPPSKQPPP (g_eventPrintEntity)
MORTNLTOPS (g_eventWarningEnable)
TTQPLPKMR (g_fixedDeathCameraMinGravForFallChecks)
RKQPNMNKO (g_fixedDeathCameraTraceHeight)
LOQMNKQRLP (g_freeAgentCorpses)
LOMKTRTMTL (g_freeClientCorpses)
MSQKLQNNSN (g_friendlyNameDist)
LNTOSQKRNR (g_friendlyfireDamageScale)
MLMROTLMO (g_friendlyfireDist)
TTMRSTRO (g_gameskill)
NKTMKRMSKR (g_gametype)
NKKLLOPSTL (g_generateTopDownMapData)
MSKKQLOTT (g_grenadeDamageMaxHeight)
OSMSLRTOP (g_hardcore)
NLQOSLSMQT (g_hideMissingXmodels)
MTQMQMNLLQ (g_kickHostIfIdle)
NSMSTQROLM (g_knockback)
NMLNMLQKQN (g_knockbackPlayerScale)
MNSSLMPKOK (g_listEntity)
SQNRRQTTQ (g_logEnable)
TNPOSRSRK (g_logSync)
SRQONORSQ (g_mantleBlockTimeBuffer)
LKOMQMPROP (g_minGrenadeDamageSpeed)
PKSRQMLRO (g_password) - Password
NRMRQTNPLK (g_playerCollisionEjectSpeed)
LTNTMKKTPN (g_player_maxhealth)
LSPQNLOKMS (g_playerspawns_FrontlineMaxZ)
LRLKOSQQTS (g_playerspawns_FrontlineMinZ)
LRMTOPLPQ (g_playerspawns_FrontlineStep)
NTPQPSRMNT (g_playerspawns_debugAlternates)
OKOTSTPTQL (g_playerspawns_debugClusters)
OKMSMTNROQ (g_playerspawns_debugCritFail)
MPKKSLROLP (g_playerspawns_debugFrontline)
MQTLMNQRKQ (g_playerspawns_debugInfluenceNodes)
LOKTQKQTNN (g_playerspawns_debugLanes)
MKSRLRTRLQ (g_playerspawns_debugLastTeamSpawn)
MSMOTRONQL (g_playerspawns_debugNonPlayerViewers)
LTLRMQMPKL (g_playerspawns_debugPlayerPathnodes)
LRMNNSPTQL (g_playerspawns_debugSpawnPathnodes)
MRNNQPSONP (g_playerspawns_debugTacGraphSight)
MTQNLORQOO (g_playerspawns_debugdraw)
MLPQLPQQMP (g_playerspawns_debugdraw_KVPs)
OKPLOOLLRT (g_playerspawns_debugdraw_TTLOS)
NQPMKPPQQT (g_playerspawns_debugdraw_colorMode)
MKTRQQNMKP (g_playerspawns_debugdraw_factors)
NQPKSOKMSN (g_playerspawns_debugdraw_factors_drawAll)
SNMKNRTMK (g_playerspawns_debugdraw_name)
OKPSPSOKLP (g_playerspawns_debugdraw_pos)
NOQLLRMKM (g_playerspawns_debugdraw_sightData)
NLTMRTPNPP (g_playerspawns_debugdraw_status)
RPQNTKRNN (g_playerspawns_debugdraw_totalScore)
NLSROOPPLP (g_playerspawns_dumpSelectionResults)
OLKRPQSPKR (g_playerspawns_dumpViewerCache)
TNSTLOSSR (g_playerspawns_enableScriptCritFactorCallback)
QRTKTLRNP (g_radiusDamageCalcDetailBounds)
LRRLLTTKTQ (g_recordScriptPlace)
LQQKOSOSRQ (g_server_logstring_enabled)
NPSPRQNQRN (g_specialistMode)
PTNOKRMNP (g_spectateCycleTimeout)
SMMOQMPOP (g_spectateExtraStreamedClients)
MLOOSKKOQP (g_spectateOrderFixActive)
LQOOKPQRRR (g_speculativeWeaponLoadCount)
PNQSSORN (g_speculativeWeaponLoadDistance)
NSRPQNLSNK (g_speed)
MNMQPTMPQK (g_turretAllowDeferDamageToParentVehicle)
NTSNQQOLTM (g_turretBulletCorrectionDebug)
MRQQSTOLML (g_useCheapScriptedMoversForLargeMap)
MQKNTOOPSR (g_useDirectLookInnerAngle)
LNOMQMLOML (g_useDirectLookInnerDistance)
OLKOROPLKS (g_useDirectLookOuterAngle)
MKTTPTPRPK (g_useDirectLookOuterDistance)
NMONQQOLLO (g_useEnableScoringFixForUseRange)
MNNOOKMTMP (g_useHitLocationFix)
MOLNQQQROL (g_useWithinUseRangePriorityDelta)
MTMLSRRRKR (g_useholdspawndelay)
LRRMNKSORQ (g_vehicleDrawPath)
LPPTMNSMQP (g_voiceChatTalkingDuration) - Time after the last talk packet was received that the player is considered by the
server to still be talking in milliseconds
MRSQLQKNKP (g_wegame_platform) - WeGame platform or not.
LQMTORORON (g_yoloMode)
MQNKTKQKST (gamebattle_account_refresh_interval) - Interval between tries to fetch MLG GameBattle Account data (in seconds).
LSQMRNNTOR (gamebattle_allow_noshowreports) - Killswitch for Gamebattles sending no show reports.
LOTTLTNMQS (gamebattle_debug_draw) - This will show the debug info for the gamebattles on the screen.
OKNPQMLKTT (gamebattle_fake_mlg_down) - Set to true to fake MLG service outage (account and schedule retrieval errors).
LRTRNSRPML (gamebattle_get_match_history_interval) - Throttling interval for requests for GB match history. Over this amount of time only gamebattle_get_match_history_max_calls can be made.
MPRPTSNPMS (gamebattle_get_match_history_max_calls) - Throttling count for requests for GB match history. Over this amount of time only this many calls can be made over gamebattle_get_match_history_interval seconds. (0 = unlimited)
NRMTLLNQKR (gamebattle_intermission_time_override) - Time (seconds) of the GameBattles intermission countdown
MSSQORPMRQ (gamebattle_join_match_interval) - Interval between attempts to create or join a GameBattle match (in seconds).
NPOKSQSNSQ (gamebattle_keepalive_interval) - MLGLobby presence state refresh interval (in seconds, 0 = disable).
NSNOTQQLQO (gamebattle_match_history_max_refresh_attempts) - Maximum number of retries to fetch MLG GameBattle match history data.
NTNOSQRROL (gamebattle_noshow_time_override) - Time (seconds) of the GameBattles noshow countdown.
LSKKOOSLKQ (gamebattle_playlist_id) - The playlist id gamebattles should use
MTSPMLTTQR (gamebattle_schedule_max_refresh_attempts) - Maximum number of retries to fetch MLG GameBattle schedule data.
NRNNMRTSMP (gamebattle_schedule_refresh_interval) - Interval between tries to fetch MLG GameBattle Schedule data (in seconds).
MQSSSPSLMK (gamebattle_skip_account_check) - Set to true to skip check of user existing account.
NNOMMSQRTK (gamebattle_task_timeout_ms) - Time before a gamebattle task will timeout (in milliseconds)
LRMRPSNT (gamedate)
MOSNQTOMPM (gamedvr_active) - Are we allowed to enable GameDVR or not
LQPMQRMSOM (gamedvr_prohibitrecording)
LPROROKNMR (gamedvr_prohibitscreenshot)
MMKPMTPPTP (gamedvr_screenshotcomment)
LQTQKOQNOQ (gamedvr_screenshotgametitle)
LLMKOSOTKS (gamedvr_screenshottitle)
MOKMMSPLNS (gamedvr_videocomment)
NTPSPTLMMO (gamedvr_videocopyright)
NORMLMNLSN (gamedvr_videodescription)
NPPQNOONPR (gamedvr_videotitle)
NKPKTKLPNQ (gamename) - The name of the game
OMQOTKPNNR (gamerprofile_adsHighZoomMouseSensitivityMultiplier) - Profile option ADS high zoom sensitivity
OQPSRMPQR (gamerprofile_adsLowZoomMouseSensitivityMultiplier) - Profile option ADS low zoom sensitivity
LPSKPTRSTN (gamerprofile_adsSensitivityMultiplierTiming) - Profile option ADS sensitivity multiplier timing
MLQPTSTOQS (gamerprofile_airVehicleMouseSensitivityMultiplier) - Profile option air vehicle sensitivity
LOLOTKQLLN (gamerprofile_armorPlateApplyAll_optionsAvailable) - Make available the profile option to chain apply all armor plates after one activation
MONMLLPPNM (gamerprofile_bb_analytics) - If true, will send analytics information to blackbox on some gamerprofile setting changes.
NTRNQQROTM (gamerprofile_blackLevel) - Profile option black level (brightness)
MLSNMOMROM (gamerprofile_freeLook) - Profile option free look
NMNKPRTLNK (gamerprofile_gpadEnabled) - Profile option gamepad mode
LOPQTKKLPQ (gamerprofile_hdrGamma) - Profile option hdr gamma
OMOQNNQMOR (gamerprofile_hdrMaxLum) - Profile option hdr max lum
NKMRRRQNQT (gamerprofile_hdrMinLum) - Profile option hdr min lum
NRPLLPSPOR (gamerprofile_hudBoundsHorizontal) - Profile option HUD Bounds Horizontal
NQTTTQKRRL (gamerprofile_hudBoundsVertical) - Profile option HUD Bounds Vertical
NQKLKLRMKT (gamerprofile_invertPitchKBM) - Profile option KBM invert pitch
OLOMPKQMTN (gamerprofile_landVehicleMouseSensitivityMultiplier) - Profile option land vehicle sensitivity
NKMNKRKPPO (gamerprofile_locationSelectorCursorMouseSpeedMultiplier) - Profile option location selector mouse sensitivity
LQLQQRMOPT (gamerprofile_microphoneVolume) - Profile option microphone volume
OKQOTSKSKS (gamerprofile_mouseAccel) - Profile option mouse monitor acceleration
MKMRLRTMRQ (gamerprofile_mouseFilter) - Profile option mouse monitor distance coefficient
STPRNMNLM (gamerprofile_mouseMonitorDistanceCoef) - Profile option mouse monitor distance coefficient
LQLNSSKMPK (gamerprofile_mouseSmoothing) - Profile option mouse smoothing
PLQTORNQP (gamerprofile_openMicThreshold) - Profile option open mic threshold before mic can be heard
NMMMNQPNTO (gamerprofile_parachuteAutoDeploy_optionsAvailable) - Make available the option to activate or deactivate the parachute auto deploy
MPORMORMMN (gamerprofile_snd_effectsVolume) - Profile option sound effects volume
ORPPKMSNR (gamerprofile_snd_licensed_content_volume) - Profile option licenced content volume
LLQQKRNSTO (gamerprofile_snd_mixPreset) - Profile option ADS low zoom sensitivity
LKPQPONTNO (gamerprofile_snd_musicVolume) - Profile option sound music volume
MKTNMNORT (gamerprofile_snd_voiceChatDeviceType) - Voice chat device type
MKOLPLNNPN (gamerprofile_snd_voiceVolume) - Profile option sound voice volume
LNKTLPTSPQ (gamerprofile_snd_voicefutz) - Voice futz effect name
OLPMRQOSSN (gamerprofile_snd_volume) - Profile option sound volume
OMMKPSMQOL (gamerprofile_updateAimAssistwithFOV_optionsAvailable) - Allow the profile option to scale aim-assist region based on FOV,i.e., screen-region is smaller at higher FOVs and vice-versa.
ONMOSQNON (gamerprofile_viewMouseHorzSensitivity) - Profile option Mouse sensitivity (horiz).
MRTTPMOROL (gamerprofile_viewMouseVertSensitivity) - Profile option Mouse sensitivity multiplier for vertical axis
MKPLLOSRMO (gamerprofile_voiceChatEnabled) - Profile option voice chat enabled
MNRKSMPQOP (gamerprofile_voiceChatVolume) - Profile option voice chat volume
MQNSRRKQOT (gate_cp_access) - Gates CP into needing a TU (or pubvar) with this dvar set.
NNPRNQMTQO (gate_initial_access) - Gates the start screen into needing a TU (or pubvar) with this dvar set.
OLMPOQOPTT (gate_local_access) - Gates Local Play into needing a TU (or pubvar) with this dvar set.
NPNQOLKSLP (gate_mp_access) - Gates MP into needing a TU (or pubvar) with this dvar set.
MSRRMTLOQP (gate_sp_access) - Gates SP into needing a TU (or pubvar) with this dvar set.
MNLLRKOQKP (gesture_use_priority_system) - Enables the gesture priority system.
LKPQLSPSRK (giving_mission_reward) - Are we giving the mission reward
MPLMRQMQRK (glass_angular_vel) - Sets the range of angular velocities used by new glass pieces
MORSNMRQOR (glass_break) - Toggle whether or not glass breaks when shot
NRMMNOLNMK (glass_crack_pattern_scale) - The scale applied to the radius used for the crack pattern
NPNOOMMTPK (glass_damageToDestroy)
LOMSNQRPQN (glass_damageToWeaken)
TQMMTLRRN (glass_debug)
MQPLTPRTOQ (glass_debugDistance)
MQQQSOPLST (glass_edge_angle) - Sets the range of angle deflections used by new glass pieces on a supported edge
NLNOROSKML (glass_fall_delay) - Sets how long a heavy piece supported by a single edge waits before falling, based on glass_fall_ratio
MNQPOQSPNO (glass_fall_gravity) - Gravity for falling pieces of glass
MMRTTKOQMP (glass_fall_ratio) - Ratio of piece area to supporting edge length squared. Below the min, the piece never falls.
NLTNNPRMKS (glass_fringe_maxcoverage) - The maximum portion of the original piece of glass that is allowed to remain after the glass shatters
LRNRNONQLP (glass_fringe_maxsize) - The maximum area for an edge piece of glass when shattering. Pieces larger than this will be broken into smaller ones
NNTPPOLMTT (glass_fx_chance) - Chance to play an effect on a small piece of glass when it hits the ground
NLLKLQRQOK (glass_hinge_friction) - Friction used by moving glass pieces when joined like a hinge to a frame
LMSQNOSOSP (glass_linear_vel) - Sets the range of linear velocities used by new glass pieces
LPOOKSNLKO (glass_max_pieces_per_frame) - Maximum number of pieces to create in one frame. This is a guideline and not a hard limit.
LPSLPRLSPN (glass_max_shatter_fx_per_frame) - Maximum number of shatter effects to play in one frame This is a guideline and not a hard limit.
OLSLPRNNQN (glass_meleeDamage)
LLTLMSKMQ (glass_physics_chance) - The chance for a given shard of glass to use physics
LKPORKQQQQ (glass_physics_maxdist) - The maximum distance of a glass piece from the player to do physics
MPRTOLTNQP (glass_physics_memory_threshold) - Physics memory threshold above which we don't create physical glass shards
LQOPNROT (glass_piece_mass) - Mass of a piece of broken glass
NLRPPQPSKO (glass_radiusDamageMultiplier)
NOSMQTSMQ (glass_shard_maxsize) - The maximum area for a flying piece of glass when shattering. Pieces larger than this will be broken into smaller ones
MLMKMTSKKR (glass_shattered_scale) - The scale of the shattered glass material
OLSTRLLTLT (glass_simple_duration) - The time (in ms) that simple (non-physics) glass pieces live for
MRQPLQNNPP (glass_spam)
OLSLMTSRKT (glass_trace_interval) - The length of time, in milliseconds, between glass piece traces
MPLMKPSRT (gpad_button_deadzone) - Game pad button deadzone threshhold
LMORSKSTPK (gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max) - Left stick deflect max
NOPKLKMSRM (gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max) - Right stick deflect max
LKSQPTSMPR (gpad_dpadDebounceTime) -
LMTKLROPNM (gpad_isLefty) - Whether we're in lefty mode
NQSLKRQNOR (gpad_lightBar)
LQNTNOPRQL (gpad_lightBarFlashOffTime)
RQTRONPTT (gpad_lightBarFlashOnTime)
SKSNNRNQQ (gpad_menu_scroll_delay_first) - Menu scroll key-repeat delay, for the first repeat, in milliseconds
NPKOTOKTKR (gpad_menu_scroll_delay_rest_accel) - Menu scroll key-repeat delay acceleration from start to end, for repeats after the first, in milliseconds per repeat
NKLNROKPQO (gpad_menu_scroll_delay_rest_end) - Menu scroll key-repeat delay end, for repeats after the first, in milliseconds
LSNMOLPNPP (gpad_menu_scroll_delay_rest_start) - Menu scroll key-repeat delay start, for repeats after the first, in milliseconds
LMRSPQRPNK (gpad_rapidfire)
MRLNSTROPM (gpad_rumbleHighThreshold)
OPTMSRPOS (gpad_stick_deadzone_max) - Game pad maximum stick deadzone
NQQSMKLKRO (gpad_stick_deadzone_min) - Game pad minimum stick deadzone
NPSNRPPQNP (gpad_stick_pressed) - Game pad stick pressed threshhold
TTKLLTLMP (gpad_stick_pressed_hysteresis) - Game pad stick pressed no-change-zone around gpad_stick_pressed to prevent bouncing
QOPNLMLPS (gpad_touchpad_deadzone_max)
ONKTQRMNM (gpad_touchpad_deadzone_min)
NPQOMTNPOQ (gpad_use_deadzone_option_value) - Use the new profile value as a deadzone for the sticks in the gamepad updates.
OPPLPOPKO (gpad_vita_sensitivity)
LKSLKTNMLM (grapple_enemy_dist)
MRTSMNPPLN (grapple_enemy_lerp)
LTPMPOQLTS (grapple_enemy_radius)
LOOLSTLRQM (grapple_indicator)
NSRNNLOONS (grapple_indicator_clamp)
NRQRSRTRT (grapple_max_distance)
RRPNOMSRR (grapple_min_distance)
MROPTPMSRK (grapple_no_orient)
MPNRPNLKTO (grapple_reject_ground_edge)
NPMSRRKSQN (groundPound_buttonHoldTime)
NPQQPNOMML (groundPound_disableAfterWallRunTime)
MRKPPMLNNR (groundPound_forwardBias)
NTSMLPQRSN (groundPound_horizontalAcceleration)
MQNKTNTORS (groundPound_horizontalSpeed)
MQSNKTKMKK (groundPound_hoverTime)
NLTKMPNTKK (groundPound_landedImmobileTime)
NKKQNQPLRP (groundPound_minActivateHeight)
LNTLNTTKMN (groundPound_verticalAcceleration)
MPKRKQNTKO (groundPound_verticalInitialSpeed)
NMPLQONSQM (groundPound_verticalSpeed)
MMTPOLNLNL (groundPound_viewDipScale)
LTROROLMPR (groupDownloadInterval)
MTTKQOPQPO (groupUploadInterval)
NLQRNQLPQL (groupUploadIntervalDS)
OKSRMNKKOS (gw_gas_circle_size) - The presets for the size of the gas cirle in GW
PLNRTNOSN (half_psoworkers_during_cinematics) - When true PSO workers count will be halved when there's a bink movie playing (not fillers though) and the game mode is SP.
OLSQPSQLTK (handheldCameraRotationScale) - Scale the amount of handheld camera rotation.
NSPNNSMKSP (handheldCameraTranslationScale) - Scale the amount of handheld camera translation.
OROMQOTQR (hdl_idle_auto_shutdown_time)
LRONQKOKOM (hdl_log_errors)
MPSRRKRPOO (hdl_log_warnings)
LTQQTMSMTM (hdl_logfile)
NQRSSOTNTS (hdl_memberInfo_enabled)
MNTKPKLNRL (hdl_memberInfo_roll_high)
MMRQKLRMP (hdl_memberInfo_roll_low)
MTSQLTMSPP (hdl_online_fence_delay)
NTLQKQTLQP (hdl_playlistId)
NTPQKMRLKT (hdl_recv_buffer_size)
LSPQKOTQLL (hdl_send_buffer_size)
PMPKPLMLO (hdl_voice_num_recipients)
MPRNSSRLRR (hdrColorizeGain)
MRMPSTNRRP (hdrColorizeGamma)
TQOTTSRPM (hdrColorizeKeyA_Gain)
MMQLNQOOMT (hdrColorizeKeyA_Pos)
SQRNRRRN (hdrColorizeKeyA_Saturation)
NOPONRMKOR (hdrColorizeKeyB_Gain)
OKNKPOOPPK (hdrColorizeKeyB_Pos)
NLRPPRSOOM (hdrColorizeKeyB_Saturation)
OLKOTROMPK (hdrColorizeKeyC_Gain)
TLSSNMQKR (hdrColorizeKeyC_Pos)
NRSOOSRSTP (hdrColorizeKeyC_Saturation)
OKMSPSOTKN (hdrColorizeLift)
NMTSOTMNKO (hdrColorizePreserveLum)
LQPMKKRNTQ (heartbeatSensorEMPMaxDrawRange) - Anything past this difference will not be drawn
NMPRQQMSNN (heartbeatSensorEMPNextPingTime) - Wait time between EMP radial pings
NLLRSSOQMQ (heartbeatSensorTabletMaxDrawRange) - Anything past this difference will not be drawn
NSKNMSMOLP (heartbeatSensorTabletNextPingTime) - Wait time between Tablet radial pings
NOQKLLMRO (heartbeatSensorTabletRange) - The range from the player in world space that objects will be shown on the heartbeat sensor tablet before it is clamped
LOKMPRLNRL (heli_barrelMaxVelocity) -
LMPQKKQLKO (heli_barrelRotation) - How much to rotate the turret barrel when a helicopter fires
NPRNKLTQOT (heli_barrelSlowdown) -
MTRNKLNTKS (hostileNameFontColor) -
MSKRTPQLPT (httpnetfs)
LQORTPMNLL (hudBounds_adjusted_horizontal) - User-adjustable horizontal safe area as a fraction of the screen width
NPLKLQMNPL (hudBounds_adjusted_vertical) - User-adjustable vertical safe area as a fraction of the screen height
MKRMPPPTPM (hudBounds_horizontal) - Horizontal safe area as a fraction of the screen width
NONPRKQSS (hudBounds_vertical) - Vertical safe area as a fraction of the screen height
MSOSMKOSNO (hudElemPausedBrightness) - Brightness of the hudelems when the game is paused.
OSNLNKRRQ (hud_checkpointBlackScreenDuration)
SLTMRTTOM (hud_drawHUD) - ScriptClientData Generated Bool
MSSRKLPNQM (hud_enable) - Enable hud elements
LRMNSLSMNK (hud_flash_period_offhand) - Offhand weapons flash period on changing weapon
LOTNRMLLPS (hud_flash_time_offhand) - Offhand weapons flash duration on changing weapon
OLSMNOSKPS (hud_forceMantleHint)
LSQQNTRKKL (hud_health_min_fully_healed) - Minimum health to be considered fully healed, if this is above the max health, then we will use the max health
LPROPSMNKS (hud_missionFailed)
MPNNTKMQTS (hud_showStance)
LRTRTRROLK (igs_announcer) - Show Announcer Packs. (Bitfield representing which announcer paks to show)
NONPNQOTKL (in_devchatpad_shortcuts)
NONMOTTOSK (in_keyboard)
OMNTRLMSQK (in_mouse) - Initialize the mouse drivers
TQMQKRQPO (indyfs)
NRKSMSOLQP (indyfs_file_source)
TTQRRSOLQ (indyfs_object_store_url)
LKSTNSPMLP (indyfs_scratch_disk_free_space_mb)
NQNSKPOOSQ (indyfs_working_path_in_image)
OMMNLRRRTO (ingamestore_version) - ingamestore 'pseudo-version'. increment this pubvar to force old ingamestore configs to re-fetch the latest
NNPMRQSQN (input_swap_enabled) - Controls if the client can change input type in the menus.
MNSPKRTKOK (invite_hsm_gamemode_check_retries_max_count) - Number of times the invite system should try to fetch data and perform gamemode check
MLOMQTONKQ (invite_hsm_matchmaker_session_attempts_max_count) - Number of times the invite system should try to fetch data and perform gamemode check
MKSLNNMRN (invite_hsm_permissions_check_retries_max_count) - Number of times the invite system should try to verify the permission checks
NLRPOTMMNK (io_stressTest)
LQSSNPQOMO (isCompassCPRaidSecurityScreen) - Is the compass system a cp_raid compass.
NKKQOKMOTO (jitter_mod_protection_enabled) - Enables the code which validates the firing rate to prevent players from using jitter mods.
NLRLLQMPKS (jitter_mod_rechamber_protection_enabled) - Adds the cost of the rechamber time to the jitter mod timer which prevents players from exploiting the fire rates of weapons.
MOKQNLLMKN (jump_height) - The maximum height of a player's jump
LNOKTQPLKO (jump_slowdownEnable) - Slow player movement after jumping
NTLNTTNNLQ (killswitch_CDL_restriction_ingame) - When true, disable all CDL restriction in-game as well as changing the public loadouts for the private ones.
PMRTOLLTK (killswitch_CP_TacOpsMap_interactions) - Killswitch for CP TacOpsMap interactions
QSPRQKKMN (killswitch_PSO_Load_health_icons) - Killswitch for the PSO Load health icons
NMSNLMKKQS (killswitch_aar_cp_points) - Killswitch for CP Points screen in AAR
LTLTKMTPOT (killswitch_ads_footstep_creep) - Killswitch for playing 'CREEP' footsteps while ADS. If set to 'true', will instead play 'WALK' footsteps while ADS.
LPKQRONTRS (killswitch_agent_radius_damage_fix_enabled) - Killswitch for fixing radius damage trace fails for agents.
LTLNQLSSK (killswitch_announcers) - Killswitch for the announcer selection feature
NMNMSRMRMR (killswitch_bnet_igr_xp_boost_enabled) - When true enable battlenet rank and weapon XP boost
ONMLKTLMQ (killswitch_bullet_penetration_fix) - Killswitch for the bullet penetration fix.
NMRKOQQS (killswitch_burst_fire_lastshot_enabled) - If true, sends 'LastShot' events for all shots in the first burst for a magazine.
NLNKSPPKMK (killswitch_butt_collision_asm_predicted_velocity_correction_enabled) - If true, uses the results of 'butt collision' to perform ASM predicted velocity correction.
MLQKTLRTSQ (killswitch_butt_collision_enabled) - Killswitch for player 'butt collision' system. Pushes the player's posterior away from walls to avoid WM penetration.
MPNTMPPRPT (killswitch_butt_collision_velocity_clipping_enabled) - If true, clips velocity from active butt collision logic in PMove.
SQKQSMOOR (killswitch_butt_collision_vs_players_enabled) - Killswitch for player 'butt collision' being affected by other players in the game.
LLRLMRNNNM (killswitch_character_rotation) - Toggles the ability for the player to rotate the character model in the CAC menus
LKMRLPORSK (killswitch_cp_leaderboards) - Killswitch for CP Leaderboards
TTMMORMMM (killswitch_crawl_vm_left_right_blend_enabled) - If true, blends left/right crawl animation weights smoothly.
MNNLTTPSN (killswitch_custom_emblems)
PMTLOTQQS (killswitch_dlc1_maps) - Killswitch for DLC1 maps
OMLOTKTQKQ (killswitch_dog_execution_region_fix_enabled) - If true, fixes missing dog execution props in Korea15 and China regions.
MTNTQRLL (killswitch_dxr_disabled) - When false the DXR option will be available if the player have the hardware to run it
LKLOMSPQSR (killswitch_dxr_ultra_enabled) - Killswitch for enabling the Ultra setting regarding the DXR option
LKONMLONRT (killswitch_enforce_slide_fire_time_enabled) - Killswitch for strong enforcement of 'slide to fire' timers before firing. Further fixes exploits where the player can slide and subsequently cancel slide to avoid the slide-to-fire time penalty.
MONQSQMML (killswitch_enforce_sprint_out_fire_interrupt_enabled) - Killswitch for strong enforcement of 'sprint out interrupt' timers before firing. Fixes exploits where the player can slide and subsequently cancel slide to avoid the sprint-out-to-fire delay time.
LOPNPKPMLR (killswitch_execution_death_validation_enabled) - If true, will fixup execution attacker/victim pairs when an attacker is killed.
MPSOPMOQMN (killswitch_execution_prop_showhide_vfx_enabled) - If true, will play execution prop show/hide VFX if specified in the execution asset.
LROOTOPLLL (killswitch_execution_prop_streaming_enabled) - If true, sets execution prop weapon handles in LerpEntityStatePlayer as soon as props with streamed models are equipped.
MRMKPRSKMP (killswitch_execution_scrubtime_fix_enabled) - If true, will only update execution scrub time if an execution is active.
NLPRMMRNT (killswitch_execution_use_censorship_worldmodel_fix_enabled) - If true, use censorship execution worldmodel in Korea15 and China regions.
LSTKRPRKOR (killswitch_fix_attach_partbits_enabled) - If true, hidepartbits are correctly recalculated when attaching models to characters on the server.
MRTNMPRLKR (killswitch_igr_pso_preload) - Killswitch to disable shader preload for Korea IGR builds
OLRRQQQMKR (killswitch_impact_vfx_corpse_fixup_enabled) - If true, properly transfers and binds fatal impact VFX to corpses post-mortem.
NKQMLQSQTS (killswitch_ladder_akimbo_cresting_fix_enabled) - If true, enables the ladder akimbo cresting fix.
LKMNLNKTMM (killswitch_last_stand_air_movetype_enabled) - If true, uses the 'AIR' WM animation movetype while falling in Last Stand.
MMOPQORTRN (killswitch_last_stand_forward_slope_adjust_enabled) - Killswitch for special Last Stand collision resolution against slopes.
OLKNQTSTP (killswitch_last_stand_pose_eval_order_fix_enabled) - If true, uses reordered predicted player pose calculation logic. Fixes viewmodel legs jitter in last stand.
RLSOSNKRM (killswitch_last_stand_rewrite_enabled) - Killswitch for rewritten last stand logic. Set to 'false' to restore legacy behavior.
NSTLLKTOPQ (killswitch_last_stand_wm_restless_legs_enabled) - If true, never puts worldmodel legs into the 'IDLELASTSTAND' movetype if desired movement is non-zero.
ROMNNNOLL (killswitch_left_hand_throw_gesture_stuck_fix_enabled) - If true, the offhand gestures are properly cleaned up when the primary weapon or the offhand weapon itself is taken away.
MLNSOPOTNQ (killswitch_loadout_draft) - Killswitch for Rig and Weapon Draft
LMKKMPMOSO (killswitch_matchID) - Killswitch for the match ID display in the bottom left of the screen
NPKTRTPKRK (killswitch_melee_only_weapon_no_reload_enabled) - If true, completely disables the 'check reload' code path when using Melee Only weapons.
MQQRLKSPOT (killswitch_melee_prone_improvements_enabled) - If true, performs secondary detail traces against prone players to test 'legs' hits.
LQTRKPNMMM (killswitch_melee_shield_sfx_fix_enabled) - If true, melee attacks against riot shields will immediately play sound instead of waiting for FinishPlayerDamage.
LLMKNKQRRP (killswitch_melee_use_bullet_trace_enabled) - If true, melee traces will use 'legacy bullet trace' physics interface calls, fixing melee damage traces that originate within a candidate victim's character proxy.
LOONLLNNQN (killswitch_melee_use_detail_world_center_enabled) - If true, secondary melee traces to detect riot shields and player legs will use the _detail_ world for the central melee array trace. This also antilags the detail collision world when performing melee traces.
NSLPMTMTST (killswitch_melee_use_detail_world_for_vehicles) - If true, melee attacks against vehicles will retrace against the detail world to work around the fact that players have invisible shround collision in the non-details worlds.
OLTMQQLRRR (killswitch_missile_stuck_timeout_fix_enabled) - If true, will disable timed missile detonation for any 'stuck' missile that does not have a timeout specified.
MQMPTSSKQS (killswitch_missing_collision_predicted_pose_enabled) - If true, will update the local player's worldmodel pose using the client's viewangles when running in non-predicted mode due to missing worldmodel collision.
OMMORPQPMQ (killswitch_mount_eye_shapecast_clamp_enabled) - If true, performs a yaw shapecast to explicitly prevent the Mounted eye point from penetrating world geometry.
NQSQTKKTNM (killswitch_mouse_jitter_fix) - Killswitch for the mouse jitter fix.
MMLPKNNRMM (killswitch_mp_leaderboards) - Killswitch for MP Leaderboards
SMLKTKNRO (killswitch_net_health_dev) - Killswitch for the network health dev data
MTTTROPML (killswitch_net_health_icons) - Killswitch for the network health icons
LPTSRPTOQQ (killswitch_original_playlist) - Killswitch for old style playlist menu
OKQRLRRRRS (killswitch_player_event_fix) - Killswitch for the player event handling fix. See IWH-170209. This fix allows the client to respond to event mispredictions immediately.
RPKMNOOTQ (killswitch_prevent_mantle_while_linked_enabled) - Killswitch for logic that explicitly prevents mantling while linked to another object (riding vehicles, remote eyes, etc.).
LSQPOKTLNK (killswitch_prevent_zero_bounds_extrapolation_enabled) - If true, prevents client-side extrapolation if the player's bounds have zero width.
MMOSSPRLKT (killswitch_rechamber_fix_enabled) - If true, will rechamber the player's weapon as soon as brass is ejected for non-reload rechambers.
MSMTMNTLMQ (killswitch_reset_cinematic_status_size) - Killswitch for the reset of cinematic status size
MMTLLKMQON (killswitch_scripted_offhand_throwback_fix_enabled) - If true, fixes an issue with 'throwback' grenades breaking scripted offhand gestures.
MRSNQSMSPL (killswitch_simultaneous_deaths) - Killswitch for simultaneous death (server-side)
LKLPSNRQOT (killswitch_skydive_stuck_after_landing_fix_enabled) - If true, the fix to properly end the skydive state if the player goes into fall death state but do not die.
MSSLTSMSSS (killswitch_sprint_slide_exploit_fix) - When true, disables the checks that avoid players from exploiting slide to get unlimited tac-sprint.
LNSMNRRQN (killswitch_streak_variants) - Killswitch for Streak Variant selection
LNPOTTTORS (killswitch_view_legs_misprediction_fix_enabled) - If true, the fix to make sure the camera, view model and legs are in sync during misprediction is enabled.
LKOLRRKPQN (killswitch_viewheight_assert_fix_enabled) - If true, viewheight adjust logic will immediately set target viewheight when an unexpected case is encountered.
MMQPPNRPMR (killswitch_weapon_based_dof_disable) - Kills the feature which turns off depth of field and world motion blur when using weapons without scopes or with small magnification scopes in certain consoles.
NTNLQRNTNK (killswitch_weapon_datasource_caching_enabled) - If true, will only push weapon datasource values when the player's current weapon changes.
MOMTPMSLL (killswitch_weapon_kick_scale_multiplicative_enabled) - Killswitch for converting kick scaling from additive to multiplicative. See IWH-231490.
LLPOQNPMPP (killswitch_weapon_stance_recenter_scale_enabled) - Killswitch for the weapon kick recentering speed scale fix. See IWH-226509.
NMNLNOKQTQ (ladderCresting) - The distance below the top of the ladder where the player transitions to cresting.
OKTLLTKNSK (ladderCrouchSlideAccel) - Ladder crcouh slide acceleration
MKOKQSRKRT (ladderCrouchSlideSpeed) - Ladder crouch slide speed
OMSLTKKKMK (ladderEnableEnhanced) - Enables the new enhanced ladder climbing solution.
LLNQPTKKQP (ladderEnableStrafe) - Enables strafing left and right while on a ladder.
MMTQQLRRRM (ladderEnableWeapon) - Allows firing a weapon while on the ladder.
LMQTTNORKP (ladderJumpBackVelocity) - Ladder jump back default velocity
LQQMPMNLP (ladderJumpDefaultUpDesire) - Ladder min jump back upwards desire
LMOLRRPPMP (ladderJumpRightScale) - Ladder scale of jump height when jumping to the side
NSKMMQRLQT (ladderMagnetismEnhancedSpeed) - Ladder speed of magnetism towards center when using enhanced ladders.
NTPMMSLMPP (ladderMagnetismSpeed) - Ladder speed of magnetism towards center
MSRROOLQMS (ladderPullinBoundsScale) - A scalar applied to the player bounds when performing the query that determines whether your character is moving into a ladder.
PSSNPRQSO (ladderVaultOffset) - Once the player's anchor is this distance above the top of the ladder, they begin vaulting.
LMMNLSQQNQ (laserAdsFraction) - The ADS fraction laser is turned on when ADSLaserEnabled flag is set to true in the attachment laser settings.
MPONLOSTOP (laserDebug)
MPSPQSOLSM (laserDebugWhizbyPos)
NSKKPKOLNQ (laserForceOn)
LRNLPRTKLP (laserHipFraction) - The ADS fraction laser is turned on when HipLaserEnabled flag is set to true in the attachment laser settings.
LOQKPKKSON (laserLockEyeOffset) - Distance from player's eye to lock the laser when locked onto target.
MTOMPONOTT (laserMaxInterpolationTime) - The higher this number, the smoother the laser. The lower this number, the more accurate the laser. (millisecs)
OMKLTNTPKM (launcher_movefile_fail)
ONSTOTRQR (launcher_movefile_success)
TMOSMOLSL (lb_maxrows) - Maximum number of rows to fetch
LNOOSTKON (lb_minrefresh) - Minimum time (in seconds) between leaderboard fetches
RQRMQKTLN (leaderboards_max_rank) - Specifies the highest rank value that will appear on any leaderboard
NLTPOKQQMQ (lightIntensityScopeScreen)
MLTKOMQPMS (lightingFractionBias)
LRROQQPSMR (live_displayLogOnErrorReason) - if non-zero, display specific details of log on error.
NOONTMTTRR (live_qos_maxprobeconnections)
MSRLSMQLNR (live_test_onlinedataoff)
MOMNSSQKMO (livestreaming_active) - Are we allowed to enable LiveStreaming or not
OMOPQLNKOT (livestreaming_bitrate)
NOOMTQNKLR (livestreaming_enable)
LSMSLRNLRK (loadDebugShaderFastFiles)
MQOOTMSSNN (loading_sre_fatal) - Loading errors prevent level from loading.
TMQMQNTOP (loadout_drafting_enabled)
MKPKSRKNRM (loadout_drafting_override_team_composition_check)
OKNSMOMKQN (loadout_drafting_party_state_send_delay)
NQORMNOQQM (lobby_team_select) - Users can select teams while in the lobby.
MTLRMPNTPN (loc_forceEnglish)
PMKLQQKSO (loc_language) - Language
NSSSRLRTOO (loc_translate) - Enable translations
LORTRKSLMT (localPatchFileLocation)
OKPRQTRPMP (lockAllItems)
NLPNNSLPPQ (logScriptTimes)
NOTMKQPPOS (log_host_migration_chance) - The % chance of host migration results telemetry
MKRRPQOOKN (log_mapvote_chance) - The % chance of sending map vote telemetry
LMMSKKTKMS (log_party_state) - Log party state updates to Black Box system
NTLRQSRMSS (log_teambalance_chance) - The % chance of team balance results telemetry
MTTKKKQRTS (loot_crate_cost_overide) - Loot crate cost overide (Note: This is UI only, it does not make the crate cheaper on the backend)
MSMMNLPPKT (loot_seed) - Loot generation Seed
MSLKNNLLMN (loot_table_filter) - A space seperated list of items or types to disable in the loot table
RKMMNSQKO (loot_table_name) - Loot Table filename. e.g. mp/brloot_test.csv. Leave blank to avoid generating loot.
PRRSROQPO (loot_table_zones) - Zone map file name. e.g. mp/brloot_zones.csv, if left blank will use the main table
RQLRLQTKL (lowAmmoWarningColor1) - Color 1 of 2 to oscilate between
MSNONNQNNO (lowAmmoWarningColor2) - Color 2 of 2 to oscilate between
MLKRMNMOSM (lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor1) - Like lowAmmoWarningColor1, but when no ammo.
NOQLNKOT (lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor2) - lowAmmoWarningColor2, but when no ammo.
MLPTTLSRKP (lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor1) - Like lowAmmoWarningColor1, but when no ammo to reload with.
OMNMPNSLNS (lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor2) - lowAmmoWarningColor2, but when no ammo to reload with.
LLLORKNRTO (lowAmmoWarningPulseFreq) - Frequency of the pulse (oscilation between the 2 colors)
OPQLOSSLO (lowAmmoWarningPulseMax) - Min of oscilation range: 0 is color1 and 1.0 is color2. Can be < 0, and the wave will clip at 0.
MLOLLLQNKO (lowAmmoWarningPulseMin) - Max of oscilation range: 0 is color1 and 1.0 is color2. Can be > 1.0, and the wave will clip at 1.0.
SKTTMMOKN (lsp_enumertion_max_retry_time) - Max time that the LSP enumeration can retry
PNQROTTTL (lsp_enumertion_retry_step) - Step in m/s for the LSP enumeration retry
LRROMKLOO (luaDebuggerHost)
LTOPSLTRKM (lui_MLGStream_enabled)
LSQMOSORKS (lui_aar_commendations_enabled) - Enable aar commendation in both summary and parade
OKMSLSMRNQ (lui_aar_disable_tab_filter) - Determines which tab needs to be disabled in AAR tabs 0x0001 = summary, 0x0010 = scoreboard, 0x0100 = challenges, 0x1000 = gunsmith unlock
MNRKSPPPQL (lui_allowInputUpThroughChat) - Done to fix the button hold when in chat. Otherwise only the button down sends events.
MRRPNNKKPO (lui_armory_enabled) - Enables Armory in frontend menus
NNMMRMNMNQ (lui_attach_variants_enabled) - Enables attachment variants.
NOQRNLRMNO (lui_attachments_ref)
NPKSLQQPMP (lui_barracks_tab_enabled) - Enables the Barracks in Frontend MP menus
NORRQNNNOP (lui_battleRoyale_lobby_duo_playlist) - The current playlist index to use for duo BR matchmaking
MPLTQKNSMM (lui_battleRoyale_lobby_quad_playlist) - The current playlist index to use for quad BR matchmaking
MMNQKTMMQS (lui_battleRoyale_lobby_solo_playlist) - The current playlist index to use for solo BR matchmaking
LPSOKQSSRL (lui_battleRoyale_lobby_trio_playlist) - The current playlist index to use for trio BR matchmaking
MNRTKTQMLS (lui_battleRoyale_practice_mode_available) - Does the practice mode exist
NLOQPLMLKR (lui_battleRoyale_tutorial_end_choice) - What the player picked at the end as a frontend menu flow. 0=back to main, 1=real lobby, 2=practice mode, 5=blood money
RMTPOKQP (lui_battleRoyale_tutorial_lobby_need_continue) - Does the player is getting out from the tutorial to it lobby.
NRTSOTKTOS (lui_battle_pass_enabled) - Enables the Battle Pass in Frontend menus
NRONMTPKML (lui_battlepass_br_reward_flow_enabled) - Controls whether the BR free tier skip reward flow is active.
MPQSMOPRQK (lui_battlepass_op_ch_rewards_enabled) - Killswitch for unlocks awarded via operator challenges to appear in battle pass.
MMQLPLSNOM (lui_battlepass_tier_purchase_enabled) - Enables/disables purchasing of tier skips on battle pass menu.
MQTOPKPMRS (lui_battlepass_tier_sale_end_time) - UTC/Epoch time (seconds) that battlepass tier skip sale end
MOKSKKQRLK (lui_battlepass_tier_sale_price) - Battlepass tier sale price to show, hide sale ui when set to 0
MPMTRSQLLO (lui_battlepass_tier_upsell_enabled) - Enables battlepass free tier upsell popup.
LNORNRSRLR (lui_bot_setup_enabled) - Enables Bot Setup in Game Setup options
NRTOORMRKR (lui_br_tutorial_restart_enabled) - Enables BR tutorial restart button
NLSTMSNRKN (lui_challenge_tab_enabled) - Controls whether Challenges are accessible via a separate tab in the MP/CP/BR Main Menus instead of through the Barracks tab
OLKNTQKTPP (lui_classic_specops_maps_enabled_list) - List of specops maps available in Private Match, delimited by commas (e.g "cp_so_highway, cp_so_embassy" ).
OLLPNSOSNN (lui_classic_specops_rewards_enabled) - Toggles rewards being displayed in CP frontend menus.
SNTTNKSRO (lui_classic_specops_stars_enabled) - Toggles stars being displayed in CP frontend menus.
LNTOKPTKS (lui_cod_points_enabled) - If FALSE, Hides COD Points everywhere in the UI
RPNQOQSOS (lui_codcaster_dataview_enabled) - Activate the dataview screen for codcaster
NRMMRSMNPS (lui_codcaster_enabled) - Toggles the ability for the player to set himself as codcaster
LQNKRLQTLM (lui_codcaster_followers_enabled) - Toggles the ability for the player to set himself as codcaster follower
PTLRPLQLQ (lui_codcaster_resume_countdown) - How many seconds to set the countdown when resuming a game.
LOOTSOTKLS (lui_codtv_enabled) - Whether or not we should be able to access the cod tv menu
OLQKMRLKRN (lui_contextual_ping_objective_world_pos_epsilon) - This value represents HALF the precision epsilon when using world position objectives with the contextual ping system. We allow differences in precision between +/- this value.
LQOMSPKPSR (lui_cp_missions_enabled) - Controls visiblity of the CP missions tab in challenges menu
LPRTSKKKLL (lui_crm_messageSendBatchIntervalSecs) - Interval (in seconds) at which to send batched CRM message read events to Demonware.
QOTNQOSRN (lui_crossplay_warning_displayed_once) - Used to send welcome event to chat one time per game launch.
TORMQRSOS (lui_custom_game_rules_enabled) - Enables Game Setup options in Private Match
LMTKOLOLTK (lui_default_operator_customization_enabled) - Whether or not we allow customizing default operators.
LSSRRSMNMR (lui_dev_features_enabled) - Toggles features still under development in frontend menus.
MSTMNTRNOS (lui_devgui_invisible) - Make devgui visible or invisible
PPMTTRNQM (lui_dlc_installs_enabled) - Enables the 'Game Installs' menu under the general section of the options menu.
OKLKTRQTTL (lui_drawFocusChain)
LQLOMQQPMP (lui_drawmemreport)
MSLSKNNQK (lui_dyn_streamed_images)
NLTNQNSMQK (lui_enableBundleUpsellWidget) - Enable the Bundle Upsell Widget (BundleUpsellButton)
LPTRTLMOLK (lui_enableLootItemSelection) - Enable making a loot item selection in the loot ceremony menu.
MOSNKSLTKM (lui_enable_clear_breadcrumbs) - enable or disable clearing breadcrumbs
LRKPTLNQTT (lui_enable_magma_blade_layout) - Enable the new blade layout for magma users.
LSQNRLMKST (lui_enable_option_new_layout) - Enables the option layout with the tabs.
SPOPPKOTP (lui_enable_pc_achievement) - Enables the achievements menu for the pc version.
MOMKSMKTOQ (lui_enable_upsell_aar_menu) - Enable the upsell prompt in the AAR
OMPKROKQPL (lui_enable_upsell_operator_select) - Whether or not we enable upsell mechanics on the operator select screen.
OKQQPKRLTN (lui_enable_upsell_player_progression) - Enable the Player Progression Upsell popups.
NNRQTOQSSP (lui_error_on_out_of_elements) - Throws an error when the element pool runs out of elements instead of doing a soft reboot.
MNQKMLMMM (lui_esports_shipMemory) - Activate ship build ESports memory budget
NQMNROMOKT (lui_fakeextendedtext)
NRLKQRRMKK (lui_fe_transitioning_scene) - Scene name of the currently transitioning scene. Empty string if we're not transitioning.
LTMMNMRLTP (lui_force_interactive_prompt_screen_snap) - If set to true the interactive object button with snap to screen center with an offset
LMPPLNSRK (lui_force_interactive_prompt_screen_snap_offset_x) - x screen offset for interactive prompts that are snapping
MLTSLNNNKN (lui_force_interactive_prompt_screen_snap_offset_y) - x screen offset for interactive prompts that are snapping
LMMRONPQMO (lui_force_online_menus) - Prevents player's from entering Offline Menus, the only option if failing the Login Fence is to Retry
QTKTSRSLQ (lui_frontscene_weapon_model)
LKQKPMMRLK (lui_game_setup_enabled) - Enables Game Setup options in Private Match
OLSQKSTRNO (lui_gc_allocated_time) - Controls the allocated time given to the LUA GC in the frontend.
LOKSLQPSKT (lui_gc_step_size) - Controls the allocated GC step size (in kb), 0 means a minimal indivisible gc step.
LSTSLQMPQP (lui_gc_use_new_frontend_collect) - Use the new garbage collect algorithm, gives more control over the steps and the gc timings depending on FPS
MKRKLLSKSP (lui_has_seen_korean_rating) - If the player has seen the Korean rating popup.
MNTMKQRSTQ (lui_hide_prompt_magma_blade) - Hide select and Buy MW prompt in the offline magma blades.
NMPTQTQRKO (lui_icon_streamer_info)
TPTKKSNQ (lui_ingame_AAR_enabled) - Enables in-game AAR feature in br/blood money match
NTKSMOLO (lui_ingame_AAR_new_scoreboard_enabled) - Enables in-game new AAR scoreboard
NPSQPOMPLP (lui_ingame_AAR_progressbar_enabled) - Enables in-game AAR progress bar in br/blood money match
MTNKKKTTRR (lui_ingame_AAR_scoreboard_enabled) - Enables in-game AAR scoreboard
LSORRMTOPP (lui_ingame_play_again_choice) - In-game play again feature choice in br/blood money match. 0 means no choice, 1 means playing again without party, 2 means playing again with party
LPRKRTSPQT (lui_ingame_play_again_enabled) - Enables in-game play again feature in br/blood money match
NQTKKMTSKL (lui_ingame_warzone_tut_retry_enabled) - Enables in-game warzone retry button in warzone tutorial
LROKLTPMOM (lui_intel_enabled) - Enables CP Intel
LRNMMQMTPK (lui_intel_missions_enabled) - Controls visiblity of the intel missions tab in challenges menu and intel widget in BR pause menu
LPOOMOLLRQ (lui_keys_enabled) - If FALSE, Hides Keys everywhere in the UI
MTTRPNMPRP (lui_large_player_count_threshold) - Minimum number of players considered as large player count.
MSPTROQNR (lui_lootCard_mediumInteractDistance) - Max number of in-game units the player can be away from a loot item to be able to ping it
RORLNQQKQ (lui_lootCard_shortInteractDistance) - Max number of in-game units the player can be away from a loot item to pick it up
NRTLNOPOSM (lui_loot_seasons_filter_enabled) - Enables sorting by season in loot menus
OKPQTKQLSO (lui_loot_unlock_filter_enabled) - Enables sorting by season in loot menus
MNNTMPMOLK (lui_magma_blade_countdown_end) - UTC timestamp to end countdown timer on Magma blade; countdown will appear when set
NMNPSRKPPP (lui_magma_enabled) - Master killswitch for Magma.
NKOOQPNSKM (lui_magma_squad_fill_enabled) - Whether or not we show the squad fill/no fill option.
MSROMLONNT (lui_map_select_enabled) - Enables Map select in Game Setup options
NLOPLSNPQN (lui_marquee_stencil_padding_bottom) - Padding value of the marquee stencil as a percent. Increase to fix clipping of characters
LPRRLSSTLP (lui_marquee_stencil_padding_left) - Padding value of the marquee stencil as a percent. Increase to fix clipping of characters
OKPMLLOPSK (lui_marquee_stencil_padding_right) - Padding value of the marquee stencil as a percent. Increase to fix clipping of characters
NKKONQKNL (lui_marquee_stencil_padding_top) - Padding value of the marquee stencil as a percent. Increase to fix clipping of characters
NMPNSQNNRQ (lui_matchSummaryAvailable) - Indicates which Match Summary (AAR) can be opened. 0 = none, 1 = public match, 2 = non-public match
NTOQQKTRPL (lui_mc_firstTimeInCurrentMissionTeam) - Indicates player has joined a new mission team for the first time
NLOMTKROPP (lui_mc_lastMissionCompletionTier) - Completion level of last mission
NRKONTQOLL (lui_mc_newMissionDelivered) - Indicates a new mission has been delivered and the player should be notified
LSTLRKKORT (lui_mc_newMissionDeliveredMessageCount) - Number of times we've told the player about new missions being available
MSORMTOPKQ (lui_mc_newMissionSlotUnlocked) - Indicates whether the 2nd or 3rd mission slots have been unlocked. 0 if no new slots unlocked.
OKNMQLTKLP (lui_mc_newMissionTeamUnlocked) - Indicates the teamID of a newly unlocked mission team, -1 if no new team unlocked.
NQKRRQQNQR (lui_mc_numGamesFinishedInLobby) - Number of times the player has completed a game without leaving the lobby.
NPTKMLRPLQ (lui_mc_playerFirstGame) - Indicates this is the first time a player has entered the MP lobby today
LLRTNMKLTL (lui_mc_rejoinedCurrentMissionTeam) - Indicates player has rejoined a mission team they were once a member of
MPLTSNKNPT (lui_memgraph)
MLKRTSTLKO (lui_menustack_names)
NSLPPMQKQM (lui_merge_scoreboard_row) - If we want to merge scoreboard row between core mp and cp
MPKTSNOLSO (lui_minimap_options_enabled) - Enables minimap style settings in the Options menu.
MQRQLLRKOP (lui_minimizedPromptPulseAlphaScale) - Minimum alpha scale value to multiply against the minimized interaction prompt widget's base alpha when blinking.
NNRTRKSLKK (lui_minimizedPromptPulsePeriod) - Alpha pulse period of minimized display prompts (milliseconds).
NKSTOOTSMO (lui_mode_select_enabled) - Enables Mode select in Game Setup options
MTRLRMPONT (lui_mp_intelMenu_enabled) - Whether or not we show the Intel menu in MP Barracks instead of CPMainMenu
LQKTNLONLP (lui_mp_private_match_enabled) - Enables Private Match frontend menus
MKMMKPPTL (lui_objective_fadeEnd) - Distance at which objectives will end fading their opacity from 1 to 0. If the widget is further than this distance, it will be hidden.
LLSLRMTOKS (lui_objective_fadeStart) - Distance at which objectives will begin to fade their opacity from 1 to 0. If the widget is closer than this distance, it will be drawn at full opacity.
NTMLPPMOPK (lui_objective_fade_enabled) - Killswitch for the objective distance fading system
MLOKPTMLQP (lui_objective_stopSnapDistance) - Distance at which objectives will stop snapping (clamping) to the side of the screen.
NQPLOSRSTP (lui_operator_bundle_kronos_priority) - Bundle Ids listed here will be upselled in priority to kronos players in the operator bundle upsell widget.
NOTKSOLRMO (lui_operator_bundle_magma_priority) - Bundle Ids listed here will be upselled in priority to magma players in the operator bundle upsell widget.
LSPTSOQPPT (lui_operators_tab_enabled) - Enables Operator editing in Frontend MP menus
NOTOORKKTT (lui_parallax_anim_sway_rate) - Rate that animation-driven camera angle movement influences UI movement. Low values will lag behind view changes; high values will lead.
MMMTQPLQMO (lui_parallax_linear_velocity_to_angle_rate) - Rate that angular motion is applied to the UI given a linear velocity. (Degrees rotation) per (Inches per second in player X, Y, and Z).
NSONSKLLQQ (lui_parallax_max_linear_velocity_influence) - Maximum player view linear velocity that will be converted to angular UI motion. Inches per second.
MNSKKLOMMN (lui_parallax_max_offset_from_view) - Maximum angle that UI can be offset from player view. Degrees in Pitch and Yaw.
NOPPPNSKMM (lui_parallax_scale) - Scale applied to the final angular offset calculated for UI elements.
NTQSRLRPMT (lui_parallax_view_sway_rate) - Rate that player-driven camera angle movement influences UI movement. Low values will lag behind view changes; high values will lead.
NPOPOROTQM (lui_party_widget_max_emblems) - Maximum number of emblems to display in the party widget.
RMMMKOSTS (lui_pc_build_version_check_can_show_popup) - True if a new title update popup can be shown. This is mostly used in the LUA to includemenus to exclude.
LSOLROSLNT (lui_pc_build_version_check_popup_shown) - True if the title update popup has been shown to the user.
MOLLKMKKNP (lui_pc_build_version_check_should_show_popup) - True if a new title updates has been advertised by publisher variables, and the user should be forced to quit.
NLMOPNQOTT (lui_playlist_splitscreen_restrict_check_player_count) - Optionally restrict split screen users from joining playlists based on a max player count defined in LUA as Lobby.MaxPlayerCountForSplitscreen
LTQRTPPKKS (lui_pool_incremental_gc_enabled) - Use incremental garbage collection rather than full gc when freeing up LUIElements and other similarly allocated resources for new allocation.
MMOOMQPMTP (lui_post_bundle_purchase_upsell_enabled) - Whether or not we enable upsell mechanics after purchasing a bundle.
MQRQOLKOTK (lui_premium_game_sale_enabled) - Enables sale UI on premium game in the Store for F2P users.
MMTMMPTQKM (lui_print_weapon_attributes)
LTPLSOTTSR (lui_private_tournament_enabled) - Enables private tournaments
OLQPPMRQKP (lui_refreshRate_Telemetry_CPUTime) - Refresh rate of the CPU time Telemetry widget
LSRMTRQKR (lui_refreshRate_Telemetry_FPS) - Refresh rate of the FPS Telemetry widget
QSOONMKK (lui_refreshRate_Telemetry_GPUTemperature) - Refresh rate of the GPU temperature Telemetry widget
NRKOOPRLTN (lui_refreshRate_Telemetry_GPUTime) - Refresh rate of the GPU time Telemetry widget
NNTRPQMPPK (lui_refreshRate_Telemetry_Latency) - Refresh rate of the Server Latency Telxtualemetry widget
MSKSNROSLL (lui_rendertime_binding_directive) - Enables the strings binding directive render time evaluation.
NOMOKSKQRM (lui_reportMemoryUsage)
NQOKPOKKML (lui_root_dlog_enabled) - Enables DLog event on LUI root creation error.
LMKMRSPR (lui_scorestreaks_enabled) - If FALSE, Hides scorestreak values everywhere in the UI
NPOLQSQMNO (lui_seasons_enabled) - Controls whether UI will display season information
NNOOPSNPRM (lui_showBuildAndServerText) - Shows the build number and the dedicated server text
MMOTQROLKT (lui_showCoreChallengesToBRPlayers) - Whether or not we show core weekly challenges to br players
MSPSNLMPLP (lui_showDebugLayer) - Toggle debug layer visibility
LRKORRLSSM (lui_showPerkIconsForDynamicWeapons) - Whether or not we show the perk icons as part of dynamic attachment icons.
NRNLOOTRN (lui_show_all_client_character_gamertags) - shows operator gamertags in the lobby for all client characters, if false will only show a tag for the local player
NRKKKQNQQP (lui_show_magma_launch_trailer) - Whether or not we show the magma launch trailer instead of season video
MPTLKKKQNT (lui_show_mm_ping_band) - Toggle showing the ping band used in MM search
LKNKMMLKNR (lui_show_original_trials_menu)
LKSQOLNKLP (lui_skip_boot_flow) - Bypass boot flow menus and update gamerprofile to boot flow completed
NKMQMOKNRP (lui_skip_season_video) - Whether or not we show the season video when the player logs in the second time on after seeing the season video.
MRNSTPNLPS (lui_splitscreen_enabled) - Allows splitscreen players to login
MQNLMKNQS (lui_splitscreenupscaling) - Force splitscreen upscaling off/on (-1 off, 1 on) -- requires map change
LSSPPSTLQ (lui_store_bundle_preview_list_enabled) - Enables the small bundle preview list on the store billboard
LNLPTMKPT (lui_store_enabled) - Enables the Store in Frontend menus
MNSMRSNRSS (lui_streamed_images)
NRRNOTRMOP (lui_survival_lobby_enabled) - Toggles the survival button enabled in CPMainMenu.
NNKSOPNQPS (lui_survival_lobby_playlist) - The current playlist index to use for Survival matchmaking
NSMNNLPSPM (lui_survival_map_enabled_kbm) - Whether or not we should run a system restart.
LQSPQSNQSN (lui_system_restart_message) - Reason for the system restart.
MKKNSMLKPR (lui_system_restart_required) - Whether or not we should run a system restart.
LRTQKNLLMO (lui_system_restart_uninstall_product_id) - InGameStore ProductId to uninstall on restart.
LNKTTMTOMR (lui_tournament_allow_warzone_players) - Enables tournaments for WZ players
LNSMSSTTSK (lui_trial_ending) - Is the trial ending
LOMSTMNPRR (lui_trials_enabled) - Enables Trials in frontend menus
LMQNMORNRQ (lui_tween_parent_root_check) - Perform LUI_Tween_Create() parent root checks.
LMRRKQKROO (lui_uidebuglayer)
MSSMLKNMRT (lui_use_new_bm_onboarding_popup) - We're replacing the old Popup slides with a new screen. This is to enable it once ready
NKNMQRQMM (lui_vehicle_customization_enabled) - Enables customizing vehicles
LORQPPPMT (lui_weapons_tab_enabled) - Enables Loadout editing in Frontend MP menus
MNRLLKTLPT (lui_weekly_challenge_epoch_offset) - dev offset for weekly challenge time
NLKQPLPLQK (lui_welcome_message_displayed_once) - Used to send welcome event to chat one time per game launch.
LNLNSSNKQ (lui_worldMap_enabled) - Enables/disables the world map in mpmainmenu.
SROMPSLNM (lui_world_blur_fullscreen_layout_safety) - Killswitch in case the world blur fullscreen code messes things up.
NNTRQOMLSQ (lui_wz_bm_tutorial_enabled) - This will show the Blood Money tutorial in the menus
LNKPLSSRQ (lui_wz_bm_tutorial_loot_display_id) - Loot id to use for the wz blood money tutorial reward. Only for the display and not the unlocking in the backend
LNRQKOQLNN (lui_wz_playmenu_show_mp_trial_first) - If true, the promoted ( mp trial ) playlist buttons will appear before the BR featured buttons in the WZ play menu
NLMSQOPNMK (lui_wz_playmenu_show_tournament_first) - If true, the tournament button will be the first button to appear in the mp trial list, otherwise it will be the last in that group
NOMPNRSPRL (lui_wz_practice_loot_display_id) - Loot id to use for the wz practice reward. Only for the display and not the unlocking in the backend
NORMPNKNKQ (lui_wz_trials_access) - Give access to the trials in the warzone menu
LPKRQLLLNQ (lui_wz_tutorial_loot_display_id) - Loot id to use for the wz tutorial reward. Only for the display and not the unlocking in the backend
LSPSKLPNQT (lui_wz_tutorial_optional) - This allows to skip the WZ tutorial
MQSMNKPLLO (m_OVS_PS4_computePipeId)
LSTLNROQON (m_OVS_PS4_computeQueueId)
LOPPKRLNLR (m_OVS_PS4_debugLevel)
NSKLPOPPMP (m_OVS_PS4_decodePipelineDepth)
MOMSRRQPTL (m_OVS_PS4_demuxVideoBufferSize)
MQKMMTPL (m_OVS_PS4_forceStopStream)
LRTKSPLNSS (m_OVS_PS4_numVideoFrameBuffer)
NMSMNMKNSK (m_forward) - Forward speed in units per second
MRKQKRMMMP (m_pitch) - Default pitch
MTNMKMKKRQ (m_side) - Sideways motion in units per second
MMMQLQMTKP (m_vehMouseSteerSensitivity) - Vehicle mouse steering sensitivity
TTOMQQNTR (m_vidStreamLogEnabled)
LKNSOOTMTM (m_yaw) - Default yaw
PPQSORMPP (mangleDWStats)
LNKMPMPSRL (manifestfs)
LTTONOKRT (mantle_check_height) - Player will only mantle on/over a surface this many units above the player origin (feet).
LMSRTRTOQ (mantle_check_height_air) - Player will only mantle on/over a surface this many units above the player origin (feet) when in the air.
LQNRKQOR (mantle_check_height_side_back) - Player will only mantle on/over a surface this many units above the player origin (feet).
OMRONMKTOQ (mantle_check_height_side_back_air) - Player will only mantle on/over a surface this many units above the player origin (feet) when in the air.
LPNTLOMRRT (mantle_debugLineTime)
MKSSRLSSP (mantle_debug_traces_once)
SMMOTOLTR (mantle_draw_hint) - Draw a 'press key to mantle' hint
PTNPKSQSO (mantle_draw_hint_while_airborne) - Draw a 'press key to mantle' hint while airborne, i.e., no ground entity found.
TKMTSSSRP (mantle_edge_search_near_plane_offset) - Indicates how many inches into the player capsule the edge search near plane should be
MNSMPPMRM (mantle_enable) - Enable player mantling
NMRRKKRO (mantle_enableDirectionAssist) - Enable mantle direction assist
NNOLNRLSOL (mantle_export_height)
LPKKNNQMPK (mantle_export_isLadder)
MKTPRPLSQQ (mantle_export_isover)
OMQSKNLTMK (mantle_export_ledge_dist)
NKLKLSTKN (mantle_export_on_speed)
OKPNPPKSRR (mantle_export_over_dist)
MSSRPLMSLM (mantle_export_over_speed)
NQOSNOTKQN (mantle_export_run)
LOPQPQOTPP (mantle_fixMantleIntoCollision) - Fixes the mantle traces so they don't use the permit outward trace flag. This flag causes start in solid cases to be not detected properly.
LLQPRTKMQM (mantle_force_over_always_use_crouch_view_height) - If a mantle edge is marked as force over (only has the over flag), player view always go to crouch view height
MSMNPKRKSP (mantle_ladder_enable) - Enables / Disables the ability to ladder mantle.
LNKTQNOQNS (mantle_ladder_timescale_max) - The mantle over time scale applied at the maximum mantle over speed.
MTTOQKMLMS (mantle_ladder_timescale_min) - The mantle over time scale applied at the minimum mantle over speed.
LPTROKSQQT (mantle_on_timescale_max) - The mantle on time scale applied at the maximum mantle on speed.
MOLKQQRNLP (mantle_on_timescale_min) - The mantle on time scale applied at the minimum mantle on speed.
NRQQQSLOKR (mantle_over_forward_trace_capsule_height) - This is the capsule height used for the forward trace to detect mantle over is not passing through a very tight place. Set to 0 to use crouch height.
NQRRLMQLLK (mantle_over_timescale_max) - The mantle over time scale applied at the maximum mantle over speed.
NOQMRSLLSO (mantle_over_timescale_min) - The mantle over time scale applied at the minimum mantle over speed.
NOQQKTQRO (manu11)
OTQNNSLKO (manu13)
ORLPMSLO (manu15)
LTQSSLMOO (manu17)
TOPPMNNTO (manu19)
NKMPKTKSNS (manudump)
TNQMPSSQQ (mapEnum0)
QNQSKMKKQ (mapEnum4)
RSQPNKONQ (mapEnum6)
MTOOQQTNPN (mapvote_logging) - mapvote_logging enabler (default = off)
NTMLLPTNLT (master_dismemberment_setting) -
OSOLPOMLL (match_making_telemetry_chance) - The % chance of sending match making telemetry
NMQKPQPLR (matchdata_active) - Are match data uploads enabled
PNSNNNQRR (matchdata_ddlactive) - Are the match data ddl uploads enabled.
MQMMSKRQKR (matchdata_maxcompressionbuffer) - Max match data compression buffer to use (in bytes)
QTNLKTKN (matchmaking_game_type) - This dvar will get set to determine which game_type to set in matchmaking queries.
MKOTKLQOLM (matchsim_tool_enabled)
NTRRSSRPNR (mayhem_debugEnt)
NTTNLOQNQS (mayhem_debugEntTime)
MLLNNONLSK (mayhem_debugEntTimeScale)
NOTTPOPTSQ (mayhem_debugNotetracks) - Enable display of mayhem notetrack debug info.
MMKKTLQSPK (mayhem_entInfo) - Enable display of mayhem entity info.
MSKSKSPQRM (mayhem_lerpSelfVis) - Enable mayhem self-vis feature.
LKTMTKOOSN (mdsd) - enable match data stat delta logging?
NOSOSTQRTM (migration_autosave)
MMTLLQSMNR (migration_crossplay_allow_pc_host) - whether PC's can host listen matches in a game with consoles
LNSNKRQNTT (migration_kickoldhost) - whether to kick the old host on migration
MSKKKKOPKS (min_wait_for_players) - Amount of time to wait for players to connect. Used in script
MPPKMQPPOT (minimapPlayerCirclePingDuration) - The duration of player ping animation ( millisecond )
MNTSSMTOMR (minimapPlayerCirclePingRadius) - Circle Radius of player ping animation
MSSSNONPLS (mis_cheat) - [SP] Set when level unlock cheat is performed
QLSPTMLOS (mis_cheat_enabled) - [SP] Allows the mission unlock cheat combination to be performed
NQPPKORQRP (missileDebugAttractors)
NOQRORMMQL (missileDebugText)
LKRTRSLKSN (missileMacross) - Swarmy goodness.
MKTORLSSKM (missileRemoteFOV) - Remote missile-cam, FOV to use. If set to 0.0f, will use the player's current weapon FOV.
LQSSSLTKMS (missileRemoteSpeedDown)
QLRRRTOMS (missileRemoteSpeedTargetRange) - External Dvar
QOKKNNMTL (missileRemoteSpeedUp)
NOSTPPQPTN (missileRemoteSteerPitchRange) - Remote-controlled missile allowed up/down range. To keep players from steering missiles above the horizon.
MRLPLNLQLM (missileRemoteSteerPitchRate) - Remote-controlled missile up/down steering speed.
NSLPONSLLN (missileRemoteSteerYawRate) - Remote-controlled missile left/right steering speed.
RTSKLTPOS (missionSelected)
MPKLTKMKTL (mission_challenge_upsell_enabled) - Whether or not we show core MP challenges to free players in the missions menu.
NSSKMSRTMN (mission_team_contracts_enabled) - Killswitch for Mission Team Contracts
MMKQOOTLL (mixedModeFileLoad)
MQNTPKLRMT (mlg_VOD_ratings_disabled)
LPQMLQQNNL (mlg_VOD_resolutions)
LSRRKQROPT (mlg_VOD_tag_Ratings)
LKKRSSPKNL (mlg_client_id)
LKPKMQPPPR (mlg_configURL)
TQRPSOMQN (mlg_config_query_interval)
LKSTKLRQ (mlg_debug_prints)
OKMOPRLSNR (mlg_enable)
OPPOKPRKS (mlg_enable_analytics)
MPQTSSRRLS (mlg_fake_pubvars_push)
RQLPQKNNQ (mlg_force_rating_board)
OKNKOOOPSR (mlg_game_pause_server_delay) - How long we need to wait (let the pause commands be sent to the clients) before pausing the host.
LTMPNSLRLK (mlg_game_paused_heartbeat_period) - How often to send keep alive packets while the game is paused in milliseconds.
OLLOKOKKSM (mlg_gamebattles_enable_xp) - Enable XP if we are in a MLG GameBattles match
MQMQRMLRQP (mlg_gamebattles_inputLock) - If we are locking the input in a MLG GameBattles match or not
MTMMPLSRNL (mlg_gamebattles_match) - If we are in a MLG GameBattles match or not
MQLPTSRKTN (mlg_gamebattles_sony_tournament_apis) - Killswitch for Sony specific tournament APIs
MSQLMPKTTS (mlg_google_analythics_id)
NQQPOOQMPT (mlg_google_analythics_perc)
LOOMNKLMNM (mlg_google_analythics_url)
RRQRKLLKR (mlg_league)
NOQTKMPOKK (mlg_lifestyle_tag)
LMMRSPRPOR (mlg_masterclass_tag)
MMKRQRMTQT (mlg_min_islive_interval)
MQQPPKMOM (mlg_mixpanel_token)
OMLSMRLKOM (mlg_mixpanel_url)
LSQPSRSQRL (mlg_platform_name)
LSTKKQKSKL (mlg_slug_name)
OOOQKNORM (mlg_vod_sort)
MSNSPNROPN (mming_allow_br_solo_squad) - Allow matchmaking with a solo br squad so squads are promoted to teams for solo br playlists.
RRLSLRORP (mming_classic_test_state)
NMPOOTSSSP (mming_minplayers_to_lobby) - Minimum number of players needed for a matchmade game to form a lobby
NONSLROPSR (motd) - Message of the day
NOQQMMQMMR (motd_icon) - Message of the day icon.
MOSOSMRSOO (motd_store_link) - Add a link to the in-game store in the MOTD popup
MLKLTQRSPM (motd_title) - Message of the day title.
LOTMTRSTPS (mount_ai_side_victim_accuracy) - Specifies the accuracy value [0.0, 1.0] for AI to use against players who are side-mounted.
LKTOKQMRQQ (mount_ai_top_victim_accuracy) - Specifies the accuracy value [0.0, 1.0] for AI to use against players who are top-mounted.
LQNTOORPQL (mount_anim_sync_out) - Whether to synchronize the Mount OUT animation with the Game Code mount fraction. While this will synchronize the OUT animation with mount fraction, this has the side effect of triggering the gesture system to blend out the OUT animation while it plays.
NPOPPTKNPS (mount_bb_analytics) - If true, will send additional analytics information to blackbox.
OMOONQORMQ (mount_enable) - Enable the contextual weapon mounting system.
NTQQQLKPPS (mount_enable_side) - Enables side-mount.
OMONOQNNRS (mount_enable_top) - Enables top-mount.
MTLLLKROOM (mount_hint_enable) - Enable drawing of mount hint on screen while ADS.
LKQLKNRLQ (mount_indicator_inworld) - Whether to draw the in-world mount hint.
LRSSTPSNML (mount_side_clamp_pitch) - Maximum pitch while side mounted. Player will be clamped beyond this.
NSOMQQPSQO (mount_side_clamp_pitch_soft) - Portion of 'mount_side_clamp_pitch' that is a soft clamp.
ONRQTLOPL (mount_side_max_height) - Maximum height above the entity origin that will be considered as a valid mount pivot point.
LOMNMNPMQM (mount_side_max_pitch) - Maximum pitch while side mounted. Player will dismount beyond this.
MKKMRQLKT (mount_side_min_height) - Minimum height above the entity origin that will be considered as a valid mount pivot point.
PLRRTOPLT (mount_top_clamp_pitch_up) - Maximum pitch while side mounted. Player will be clamped beyond this.
OLTSPOTRSM (mount_top_clamp_pitch_up_soft) - Portion of 'mount_side_clamp_pitch' that is a soft clamp.
LKPSRPMNRR (mount_top_enter_pitch_delta) - Modifies weapon pitch by up to this amount while entering top mount.
LMSORTOOLT (mount_top_max_distance_besides_edge) - Maximum distance the player can be besides a top edge without it being rejected.
NOQQKTLOQN (mount_top_max_height) - Maximum height above the entity origin that will be considered as a valid mount point.
MOKOPOPLNR (mount_top_min_height) - Minimum height above the entity origin that will be considered as a valid mount point.
MSNOKKSSOM (mount_transition_enable) - Enable edge-to-edge transitions while mounted.
NLTRKQNKOT (mount_tuning_query_distance) - Maximum distance from wall to mount weapon.
QLLLONQRS (mount_tuning_shapecast_cylinder_additional_height) - Additional height to add to the 'yaw shapecast' capsule top. Yaw shapecasts are performed assuming a pitch of 0.0f.
NRSNQTTSOP (mount_tuning_shapecast_cylinder_forward_distance_min) - Minimum distance from the edge to use when sweeping the player's worldmodel cylinder around a mount point. Minimum distance compared with the weapon's 'mount*EdgeToEyeDistanceForward'
QLMPQTNPR (mount_tuning_shapecast_cylinder_ground_clearance) - Ground clearance to permit when sweeping a tall skinny capsule to a goal mount position.
NTPQSNSNOR (mount_tuning_shapecast_eye_cylinder_forward_distance_min) - Minimum distance from the edge to use when sweeping the player's view cylinder around a mount point. Minimum distance compared with the weapon's 'mount*EdgeToEyeDistanceForward'
MRTPQLNOTT (mount_tuning_top_mount_max_slope) - Maximum edge slope relative to entity xy plane to top-mount.
NKLMQPMMPR (mount_tuning_visibility_query_lateral_traces) - If true, performs additional traces to move the Umbra occlusion query origin away from nearby occluders while Mounted. Necessary in 'big map' modes where Umbra voxels are very large (8 inches).
OMQLTLTMRL (movementAnimProto) - Whether or not the IW8 Movement Animation prototype should be enabled.
OLSPLNTRMK (movementAnimProtoDefaultIdle) - Whether or not we should always play relative idle when using additive sprints.
LQROSKKOPO (movementAnimProto_DownFromSuperSprintCycleBlendScale) - Rate at which the SuperSprint Cycle animation should be blended out when leaving the SuperSprint movement state. Scale is relative to the Down From SuperSprint state timer specified in suitanimpkg and weaponanimpkg assets. Lower values will blend out the SuperSprint Cycle animation faster.
OLSNKNLPSN (movementAnimProto_QuickTransOutSprint) - The time to blend out of the sprint movement state when a weapon state which requires a quick blend out occurs.
MQQQSQLLRK (movementAnimProto_QuickTransOutSuperSprint) - The time to blend out of the super sprint movement state when a weapon state which requires a quick blend out occurs.
LNRMSTPNL (movementAnimProto_TransitionBlendTime) - Blend time between offset states and offset transitions.
NSKMQOKMTT (movementAnimProto_TransitionToTransitionBlendTime) - Blend time from one transition directly into another.
MOTOMQSNNT (moverDebug)
QQMSTPMSL (movingPlatformUseNewPenetrationSolver) - Fixes bugs in push solver by using the returned penetration normal instead of the legacy solver.
OMOLNOMPRO (moving_platform_improved_aim) - Turns on improved moving platform aim system.
MKKPQNMRTR (moving_platform_improved_aim_new) - Turns on improved moving platform aim system.
LQRLLNSQLM (moving_platform_rotational_antilag)
NLLMRMSTLT (mp_bots_sec_before_lobby_autofill) - Time in seconds before adding MP bots to the local game in order to launch
NSNRTPNQPN (mp_menu_battle_pass_tab_reorder) - Places the Battle Pass tab as the second tab in the MP menu
LQMKQLPLKT (mp_paused)
MKSNLNTOMM (mp_tutorials_enabled) - The flag that checks if tutorials should be enabled
TPKTOTRTQ (msg_assertOnFloatError)
OKKTMOPOKN (msg_dumpEnts)
MLNLLTNRRK (msg_hudelemspew)
LRKQKPLNQS (msg_logPredictionPositionErrors)
MLMPORLQRM (msg_printEntityNums)
LSRRQNNMNS (navbarObjectiveIconHeight) - The size of the objective on the navbar
STPKKTPSR (navbarObjectiveIconWidth) - The size of the objective on the navbar
LMTRRNQPSO (net_authPort)
MQTKKRORQS (net_graveyard_expiry) - How long until inactive addresses are removed from graveyard.
LSSSQNLLMK (net_ip) - Network IP Address
MRTSTMRQPM (net_local_addr_update_enabled) - Whether to convey local address updates to clients.
SNSTQNNPO (net_local_addr_update_expiry) - How long to wait for clients to ack local common addr update.
NOMSTLQKQR (net_logging_verbose)
RKLPTRSKT (net_masterServerPort)
LKOTRPTMKO (net_port)
PNSRRTOPK (net_profile)
MTRKKTLQRQ (net_reconnect) - Reconnect if connection is detected lost on send
NKRLQSQRLN (net_relay_direct_fallback_enabled) - Whether we fall back to direct connections when relay is not available.
NKTMRPRKKK (net_relay_enabled) - Whether relay is enabled;
OKMQKQSMLL (net_relay_nat_fallback_enabled) - Whether to use relay when nat trav fails
LMNMQKQSLM (net_relay_simulate_disconnect)
LMMRKMKSOR (net_require_demonware) - Fail if demonware networking cannot be started in the required mode
LTSNMLSNKT (net_showprofile)
MPLTKMQQLR (net_simulate_port_remapping)
PRSLOMMRM (net_upnp_enabled) - Whether UPnP is enabled; disabled by default on headless; enabled on client
MPQLLMPSOK (netinfo_logging) - netinfo_logging enabler (default = off)
LMLPRQOMKS (netstats_dummy_tracker_data) - Turn on dummy random data generation for the netstats tracker
NOLMSPOSPR (nightAndThermalVisionCombo)
NKMMPLOSST (nightVisionDisableEffects) -
NMTSQMSQNR (nightVisionExposureAdjustment)
NPSTPPQLSP (nightVisionMinExposureBias)
MRPPPRMTLO (no_server_timeout)
LOMKPTQPQO (np_availability_callback_interval_allowed)
LQKSOOQQPT (np_plus_callback_interval_allowed)
NNOQOSROR (num_available_map_packs) - Number of map packs available for this platform
LNQTQQPLRO (nvidia_highlights_enabled) -
OLMSOMTOTO (objectiveAlpha)
MSSTMRNSN (objectiveAlphaEnabled)
PQLOTTTOS (objectiveArrowHeight)
NNQRNQTMT (objectiveArrowWidth)
LNTQQRRQTP (objectiveColor)
RLPOTTOKN (objectiveDebug)
MSTLQMMONS (objectiveFadeTimeGoingOff) - Onscreen Objective Pointer - How long to take to fade out.
LLOSTRPM (objectiveFadeTimeGoingOn) - Onscreen Objective Pointer - How long to take to fade back in.
OKLSKPOTOP (objectiveFadeTimeWaitOff) - Onscreen Objective Pointer - How long to wait before turning off, when appropriate.
MKPQSTROLT (objectiveFadeTimeWaitOn) - Onscreen Objective Pointer - How long to wait before turning back on, when appropriate.
LNQOPLRTPK (objectiveFadeTooClose) - Onscreen Objective Pointer - Will not fade back in if target ent is closer than this.
MTNNKMQLLR (objectiveFadeTooFar) - Onscreen Objective Pointer - Will not fade out if target ent is farther than this.
LPPTLMKOS (objectiveFontSize) - Onscreen Objective Pointer - Fontsize of the icon's text.
NTPKMKKQPQ (objectiveGlobalFadeState) - Overrides all current objective fade states when not -1. 0 = On, 1 = Off, 2 = Fading On, 3 = Fading Off
STNLLNSMQ (objectiveHide) - When enabled, objectives will not show.
LPNQPOTNNR (objectiveHideIcon)
LPSLTNTSTL (objectiveTextOffsetY) - Onscreen Objective Pointer - Offset of the icon's text.
MNMORLKPKN (oer_bb_send_limit) - The maximum number of times a particular error will be sent to black box
LOSNRSQSNO (oer_diag_category) - These cat/errors bits combo specified by these two dvars will trigger additional errors with diagnostics data.
NPTPOSPRNK (oer_diag_errorbits) - These cat/errors bits combo specified by these two dvars will trigger additional errors with diagnostics data.
NNNPONTNSN (oer_fatal_category) - These cat/errors bits combo specified by these two dvars will trigger a com_error.
NORLNTNQLL (oer_fatal_errorbits) - These cat/errors bits combo specified by these two dvars will trigger will trigger a com_error.
LMQRSRQQSR (oer_fatal_errortype) - Type of com_error to use when triggering via above dvars.
NQNOSSTNOM (oer_sendErrorDataRequestId) - The request ID at the time the last report was sent.
NRKLOPNTNL (offhandDetonateDoubleClickEnable) - When true, offhand double tap detonate is enabled
QMPKMOOS (offhandShield_fullEnergy)
LMOPOQKOSM (offhandShield_outlineMode)
RKKKQQKQS (offhandShield_toggles)
NSNMNLQPOK (offhandShield_useCustomShader)
QSSORMSLT (onlineErrorDebug)
RONPNRTRT (onlineSystemDebugAll)
NPTMMLSMLS (online_acquire_ds_during_intermission) - Should a dedi be grabbed during intermission if we don't already have one.
PLNPOMOPR (online_analytics_streamer_enabled) - This dvar decides if the analytics streamer is enabled
MKTLQRMTTS (online_analytics_streamer_should_be_enabled_based_on_package) - This dvar decides if the analytics streamer should be enabled based on package type
LMPQQPTRTQ (online_analytics_streamer_upload_failure_backoff_count_max) - The maximum number of failure counts we count upto in case the call to upload the analytics buffer fails.
NTPPTONKPN (online_analytics_streamer_upload_min_delay_ms) - The number of milliseconds before making another request to upload the analytics buffer.
OLMKQPQOM (online_anticheat_should_com_error_if_mp_or_cp_banned) - Control if the frame should run that checks MP or CP feature bans.
LNSPMQMSS (online_anticheat_should_main_menu_fence_fail_if_mp_banned) - Control if the fence should the main menu fence fail if MP or CP feature bans.
OLRPPMLTO (online_archive_streamer_compress) - Enable compression of the uploaded server archive data
PQTNSQLKP (online_archive_streamer_enabled) - Enable streaming upload of the server archive
OLPRPQSPNN (online_archive_streamer_force) - Force archive streaming regardless of percentage sample rate
NSSQQNPQK (online_archive_streamer_percentage) - The percentage of games that are streamed
NQTRNNONPO (online_archive_streamer_rate) - The send rate of the archive streamer
NOSONNPTLM (online_auth_skip_auth) - Will prevent the game from attempting to authenticate with Demonware.
LPQPTTPNRM (online_auth_ticket_expiration_offset_s) - This value is subtracted from the auth ticket expiry time to determine when we should grab a new auth ticket. In seconds.
LTKKKPSRSK (online_battle_xpscale) - Battlepass XP for MP
RTQLQLKKR (online_battle_xpscale_ends_epoch_time) - UTC/Epoch time (seconds) that battle pass XP event ends
SSSTKSQN (online_battlepass_xp_playlists) - Playlists that have double battlepass xp
OTKMRNMPN (online_bb_console_logging) - Will log console output to blackbox.
NLTTKTRPTM (online_blackbox_bbproto_send_interval_ms) - The number of milliseconds allowed between sending more bbproto data.
MROOORPPTL (online_blackbox_send_bootguid_in_connect) - Determins if the bootguid should be sent to blackbox.
LSMKKTOMRO (online_blackbox_send_snapshot_bw_data) - Turns on data about snapshot bandwidth being submitted to blackbox.
NSPPTONLNP (online_blueprints_enabled) - Enable gunsmith blueprint support.
OMLNSNMLSS (online_blueprints_retry_delay) - Initial delay before retrying blueprint operations
MQPMTNTSLO (online_br_breadcrumbing_frequency) - The frequency with which the player's movement is logged throughout a match in br
OLKQSLNLPM (online_breadcrumbing_enabled) - Enable the logging of player movement throughout a match
MRTLPTPMNP (online_ccs_cs_support_enabled) - Allow CS (Object Store precursor) support?
OMMQKNPP (online_ccs_file_transport) - Which method of fetching files to use for CCS. 0=ContentServer, 1=ObjectStore
TRQKTNMPO (online_challenge_ae_client_flush_time) - Time between ae client cache flush times.
LRNNOTSLLK (online_challenge_cache_alive_in_gas_flush_time) - Time between alive in gas event cache flush times.
RKSMPSPKM (online_challenge_cache_alive_not_downed_flush_time) - Time between alive not downed event cache flush times.
LQTMKTLRSQ (online_challenge_cache_driving_flush_time) - Time between driving event cache flush times.
LRMPRSSSOS (online_challenge_cache_flush_time) - Time between cache flush times.
NPRQKTLPMN (online_challenge_cache_pickup_flush_time) - Time between pickup event cache flush times.
MMLQOSOMTQ (online_challenge_daily_reset_time) - UTC time at which daily challenges reset. Ex. 12:30pm == 12.50f
NTMKRLPSSM (online_challenge_day_override)
LKQRNQSSQS (online_challenge_fence_enabled) - Enable challenge fence.
MQPSSLMMRK (online_challenge_free_kill_events_enabled) - Enable the kill event for free users.
NMMMQSSNMN (online_challenge_jitter_time) - Jitter time added to daily events.
MRTOMNSMO (online_challenge_min_get_state_time) - Minimum time between getting challenge state.
MSKSMNPTKL (online_challenge_quest_activate_operators) - Enables achievement engine quest system to activate operators.
LTLLOMMMPN (online_challenge_quest_auto_activate) - Enables achievement engine quest system to always have a mission active.
QMKLPRKSL (online_challenge_rest_request_enabled) - Sets rest request enabled state.
LSQRKOSLTP (online_challenge_season_and_week) - Dvar that holds the current season and week i.e. 3002 is Season 3 Week 2
LMQNLTLSML (online_challenge_server_fetch_delay) - Amount of time in ms to wait until fetching states for a client after registering
LSPSPQQOTT (online_challenge_update_player_data_once_when_done) - Causes us to only update player data once when we are done fetching challenges.
NPSTOSTKNM (online_challenge_upload_alive_in_gas) - Enables achievement engine alive in gas events.
LNKMKROKPQ (online_challenge_upload_alive_not_downed) - Enables achievement engine alive not downed events.
OKPMSNRNOM (online_challenge_upload_assist) - Enables achievement engine assist events.
OMNQOQNPKO (online_challenge_upload_br_tutorial_complete) - Enables achievement engine be tutorial events.
MKSOPNRQMT (online_challenge_upload_buy_item) - Enables achievement engine buy item events.
NQKTNQKNQT (online_challenge_upload_capture) - Enables achievement engine capture events.
PONKOMROP (online_challenge_upload_collect_item) - Enables achievement engine collect item events.
MOKLPMNTTP (online_challenge_upload_contract_end) - Enables achievement engine contract end events.
NMOORTRLTQ (online_challenge_upload_contract_start) - Enables achievement engine contract start events.
NOLSRSLTMO (online_challenge_upload_cp_complete) - Enables achievement engine cp complete events.
MQRSMRSSL (online_challenge_upload_death) - Enables achievement engine death events.
MRNQONRPST (online_challenge_upload_defuse) - Enables achievement engine defuse events.
OLORSSOOLQ (online_challenge_upload_driving) - Enables achievement engine driving events.
LKMQKMMKTQ (online_challenge_upload_enabled) - Enables achievement engine events.
MTQMRTSSQR (online_challenge_upload_end_trial) - Enables achievement engine end trial events.
MMTQOLLMPL (online_challenge_upload_field_end) - Enables achievement engine field upgrade events.
NLNNKKPNRN (online_challenge_upload_gulag_end_match) - Enables achievement engine gulag end match events.
LRRLSLKRLM (online_challenge_upload_hack) - Enables achievement engine hack events.
LSOTPRNTO (online_challenge_upload_happy_hour) - Enables achievement engine happy hour event.
MKKMMNSPL (online_challenge_upload_kill) - Enables achievement engine kill events.
LLQPLRRPKT (online_challenge_upload_killstreak_end) - Enables achievement engine killstreak events.
MSQRRMMP (online_challenge_upload_loadout) - Enables achievement engine loadout events.
LSSKMRMMSM (online_challenge_upload_login) - Enables achievement engine login events.
MQLMQPTQLQ (online_challenge_upload_match_placement) - Enables achievement engine match placement events.
MTRMTOQPSM (online_challenge_upload_mp_addxp) - Enables achievement engine addxp events.
ONKNQNTKP (online_challenge_upload_pickup) - Enables achievement engine pickup events.
MSOTKNRNQP (online_challenge_upload_ping) - Enables achievement engine ping events.
NOKMOTTMKQ (online_challenge_upload_plant) - Enables achievement engine plant events.
TMMTSKRTK (online_challenge_upload_revive) - Enables achievement engine revive events.
OMSQTMMTKM (online_challenge_upload_season_update) - Enables achievement engine season update events.
LLSQLQRSKN (online_challenge_upload_sp_mission_complete) - Enables achievement engine sp mission complete events.
MRTSTTKTNL (online_challenge_upload_spec_ops_end) - Enables achievement engine spec ops completion events.
LLMSMQONTQ (online_challenge_upload_spray) - Enables achievement engine spray events.
OPLQKTKTN (online_challenge_upload_start_end_match) - Enables achievement engine start/end events.
LROPNMSKKQ (online_challenge_upload_stim) - Enables achievement engine stim events.
NLRLNKNTTN (online_challenge_upload_stun) - Enables achievement engine stun events.
RSKQOMMKL (online_challenge_upload_tokens) - Enables achievement engine token events.
LSNPMKPKQS (online_challenge_upload_use_item) - Enables achievement engine use item events.
MSSTLSMOQN (online_chat_enable_crossplay_communication_ps4)
MTRNPQQQMR (online_chat_send_message_throttle_count) - The max number of messages a player can send within the given time frame of online_chat_send_message_throttle_rate
NQPPKLOQLO (online_chat_send_message_throttle_rate) - Milliseconds to determine if a player should be throttled or not based on online_chat_send_message_throttle_count messages sent
LKRTMSRPRO (online_check_online_data_fence_before_showing_signin_error) - IW8 ship hack for IWH-209383, we this switch makes it so that in case of a wan failure we dont show the not signed in message
LLSSOLOMQK (online_clans_enabled) - killswitch for clans
NQOLNSNOSN (online_clans_happy_hour_set_threshold) - time in seconds until we can set a new happy hour
MQKLLKQSKL (online_clans_invite_decline_throttle_ms) - Delay between calls to decline regiment invites
NLSQNKRSLN (online_clans_vectorized_fetch) - Use vectorized fetch of initial clan information
LOTLLTTRTO (online_cloud_files_sync) - Controls whether configuration files are synced with the cloud
LOTKPTQONT (online_cloud_reverse_sync) - Reverse the first sync on boot of configuration files, uploading local files instead of downloading from the cloud.
MKMKTPPSRP (online_cloud_upload_throttle) - Minimum time interval (in milliseconds) between configuration files uploads
RPOLSKLNS (online_cohort_sample_percentage) - Represents the percent of population that should report non-required data. Between 0 and 1.
MSRQSSNOT (online_commerce_check_ownership) - check that user truly owns a durable, not just shared ownership from another user on the same console
OLNMSNSTKS (online_commerce_use_influencer_purchase) - Use the influencer SKU purchase path
LMNQLPNNPL (online_communication_telemetry_enabled) - Enable the telemetry data to be sent about communication for joins
NRPSRTOPSL (online_crossplay_fail_backoff_threshold) - Failure backoff threshold for crossplay friends fetches
SMKRLSNRT (online_crossplay_friends_enabled) - Switch to enable crossplay friends.
LRQOLTSSS (online_crossplay_max_fail_attempts) - Failure backoff threshold for crossplay friends fetches
NTSSLOPMQS (online_data_fence_timeout_ms) - Time to wait before the online data fence times out
LMTRMMNRTL (online_dedi_manual_acquire_s) - Time between calls to attempt to allocate a dedicated server.
SQOOMOOSS (online_dedi_platform_session_call_max_delay) - The maximum delay in seconds to wait, before making a platform session call from the dedi.
NSOMQOMQKQ (online_dedi_platform_session_min_users_required) - The minimum number of xbox users required for the dedi sessions to start.
MSROPPSTLT (online_dedi_platform_session_should_count_xb3_users_only_for_min_count) - The minimum number of xbox users required for the dedi sessions to start.
LTRRORKNSN (online_dedi_platform_sessions_call_throttle_time_seconds) - Time between platform session dedi calls
PRLSMSNPP (online_dedi_platform_sessions_frame_status_print_wait_time_ms) - Time to wait before printing the frame status of the platform sessions dedi
LKOTMOOMNS (online_dedi_platform_sessions_manager_debug_prints_enabled) - This dvar turns on debug printing for the platform session code on dedis
MTKLQKONKP (online_dedi_platform_sessions_manager_enabled) - This dvar turns on the code to route the session events from the dedi
NTLPKLQRT (online_dedi_required_max_backoff) - Max value of the backoff count.
NKPPRSPKL (online_demonware_logging) - Turn on DW logging. 1 = (ERROR), 2 = (ERROR, WARN), 3 = (ERROR, WARN, INFO).
OLTKTKRKO (online_disable_matchmaking_for_private_party_clients) - Disable matchmaking for private party clients
LPORTLTMNP (online_double_keys) - Are double keys turned on
OKPMLPMNM (online_double_keys_ends_epoch_time) - UTC/Epoch time (seconds) that double keys event end
MPNLOLTTSL (online_dwnet_netadr_error) - Turns on the dwCommonAddrToNetadr aggressive error detection
PTPRTPTLP (online_dwnet_print_addrs_immediately) - If true will print addrs immediately when requested, otherwise waits until end of frame
LQRRQPMQKT (online_error_reporting_should_send_overwrite_errors) - This will enable sending overwrite errors for online error reports
MTMNSKSSQP (online_favorite_friends_enabled) - Enable favorite friends feature
RRTRNQOLS (online_favorite_friends_ui_enabled) - Enable favorite friends UI feature
LPSLMONOR (online_featured_playlists) - Featured Playlists
NNLMOPLQQO (online_fences_should_show_status_string_in_popups) - Enable the printing of all the fence status strings in the error popups.
NTPTOSRORL (online_force_party_state_on_present) - Force send a party state to the joining player when he becomes PRESENT so he gets the team and squad immediately
LQRPLQRTSN (online_game_metrics_keep_alive) - Cache PS4 connections to allow http keep-alive to reuse sockets for multiple http request
MSNLNQQORR (online_game_metrics_min_time_between_sends_s) - Minimum allowed time between calls to prepare on the bdGameMetrics class in seconds.
LKQMKNQKSO (online_invite_hsm_frames_to_wait_before_clearing_suspend_resumed_flag) - The number of frames we have to wait after a suspend resume to clear the flag in the invite hsm
QQKKRRPL (online_invite_hsm_should_activate_initial_client_if_not_active) - If this dvar is set, if during the actual joining process, a client is not active, we restart the join process.
MMKMTTSRPL (online_invite_hsm_should_cancel_on_handle_party_join_aborts) - This bool indicates we should report the invite failed details
LQQQNQSTKM (online_invite_hsm_should_check_blocklist) - If this dvar is set, the host being joined on will reject the joiner if the joiner is in the blocklist.
LRMMRSOKOK (online_invite_hsm_should_clear_session_info_in_decline_invitation) - This bool indicates we should clear the session info after the decline invitation gets called after a com error.
OKNTMLQQTL (online_invite_hsm_should_report_failure_cleanup_info) - This bool indicates we should report the invite failed details
NQRONQMKPM (online_invite_hsm_should_show_error_code_in_toast) - This bool indicates we should show the error code in the toast notification when an invite join fails
MLSLRQNRMN (online_invite_join_should_validate_controller_index_for_atomic_join_fence) - This is a bool that controls if we should check for invalid controller index while doing the atomic join fence
LSTTKOLPKL (online_invite_join_supports_popup_without_cancel) - Enable the invite join process to support popups without cancel button.
NOMKQQOSLR (online_invite_online_data_fetch_timeout_ms) - Determines the amount of time to wait for fetching the online data during an invite before timing out.
MTRTSPTMSL (online_invite_search_duration_timeout_ms) - Determines the amount of time to wait for a matchmaking response during an invite.
LKONQSSNQM (online_invites_game_mode_check_first) - Do game mode check before session search to allow host to tell the client if a session search is needed.
OLKSMMLNMM (online_invites_use_hsm) - Use HSM for processing invites, if false, use original invite processing code.
MMSSLSPQNP (online_is_devmapping) - Are we devmapping?
LMPORKRLSQ (online_join_info_request_timeout_time) - Number of seconds after which the request for the join info expires
LTPSLSSONK (online_kick_users_on_old_tu) - enable kicking users who are on old TUs
LTOQRQMMLQ (online_lan_cross_play) - Allow cross platform play in LAN games.
LSLQSSPLO (online_license) - License
LNRRRMQRTO (online_logging_metrics_collection_interval_ms) - Interval at which the logging system will run CollectMetrics_Client or CollectMetrics_dedi in ms.
RNSSQTMSQ (online_logging_timeseries_onoff) - Turns the online timeseries logging on or off.
TLRPKRKMS (online_matchdata_enabled) - Enable the matchdata reads and writes
NTSQLRNSRR (online_matchmaking_allow_game_override_lobby_affinity) - Allow gsc to override the lobby affinity flag. True = check if the gsc wants to keep the lobby together regardless of online_matchmaking_use_lobby_affinity, False = no change in behavior.
MLSMRSTTQQ (online_matchmaking_allow_joins_before_lobby) - Allow players to join on presence before the lobby has been assigned, will cause the player to get added to private party and MM restarted (new and dangerous)
MOKMRQPRSK (online_matchmaking_allow_lobby_merging) - Whether lobby merging should be on or not.
PLMKTNQNT (online_matchmaking_cached_player_info) - Whether to check the checksum of the player info string to avoid re-sending the same data.
OMQNSKTKQM (online_matchmaking_cached_token) - Whether to used the cached matchmaking token to avoid re-requesting after each lobby.
MONMOQNKPP (online_matchmaking_cross_play) - Enables cross play in matchmaking - needs to be set at startup time for dedicated server
LRSSMMRMLM (online_matchmaking_dedi_required) - Require a dedicated server.
LPQPTRRTPL (online_matchmaking_delay_start_while_may_connect) - Delay allowing the start of the game while players are in the may connect state
MRKQMROOSQ (online_matchmaking_disband_on_update_failure) - Should the lobby be disbanded if the update task fails?
LLOROQTRSO (online_matchmaking_do_not_use_dlc_mming) - Should DLC matchmaking NOT BE used in this playlist.
NMPLPKOLML (online_matchmaking_fail_hostdoc_update)
ORTMRRRPM (online_matchmaking_force_host)
NNNNLMPNM (online_matchmaking_gamestarted_updates_hostdocs) - Bool to check if a discrepancy in the has_game_started value should update the hostdoc.
NLSTPOOTLQ (online_matchmaking_gametype)
SSNKKLPPS (online_matchmaking_host_doc_keep_alive_max_s) - If we have exceeded the heartbeat time and have an empty lobby but aren't quite ready to shut down, this is our max time we can delay the send.
LPPLRQMLKT (online_matchmaking_host_doc_keep_alive_s) - If we haven't sent a host doc in the last N seconds we'll send one. In seconds.
LSMPRRTNNK (online_matchmaking_host_doc_update_interval_ms) - Interval between calls to update the lobby host document in ms.
NKTLMRMLLL (online_matchmaking_ignore_partition_value) - Ignore the value returned from TeamBalance_CanPartitionIntoTeams when checking if teams are ready.
LLSMQNPRSP (online_matchmaking_ignore_team_check) - Bool to cause the team balancing check t be ignored when deciding to start the match.
TTNPLTSKM (online_matchmaking_ignore_team_differential) - Ignores the team differential.
NPTRQLSPLM (online_matchmaking_initial_connect_timeout_ms) - Time between when the host gets the expected player from the MM to that player connecting to the party
NTKNTKNQT (online_matchmaking_mapname)
MPPSOMMMKQ (online_matchmaking_max_retries_exceeding_team_differential) - How many times do we kick the lobby out of starting when the team differential is excessive?
LQMRTMQPQM (online_matchmaking_max_team_differential_retry_time_ms) - Time in ms to wait after getting kicked out of starting the match due to excessive differential
LSQMMTSPTL (online_matchmaking_min_slots_scale_percent) - Informs the matchmaker how to scale down the min players, typically for large mode. 100 = no reduction in min players, 0 = will reduce down to min players 1
LSQNRROOQP (online_matchmaking_no_dedi_search) - Skip the dedicated server search.
LLKMRMNKMS (online_matchmaking_only_join_existing_lobbies) - Will only back-fill existing lobbies if true
RRMOMQOSO (online_matchmaking_reduce_print_spam) - Reduce the number of matchmaking prints for performance reasons
LSLPTTMOTM (online_matchmaking_request_new_token_from_remote_users_on_fail) - Request matchmaking tokens from remote players in the event of MM error INVALID_TOKEN
ONTOROMLL (online_matchmaking_send_party_clients_playlist_filters) - Sends party clients the playlist filters so if they are migrated to they have the right settings
NSMNRNNNPO (online_matchmaking_show_dc_qos_failed_warning) - Whether to show failed dc qos warning to the player
NPPRKNTSPL (online_matchmaking_startmatchmaking_interval_ms) - Time between successive calls to matchmaking. In milliseconds
MMLNPQQLO (online_matchmaking_update_party_team_squad_assignments) - Inform the party when a player's team or squad changes
LLRLOTMLOT (online_matchmaking_updatehostdocs_check) - Bool to check what state comparisons we should do when updating the host docs.
NNNOKNORPR (online_matchmaking_use_extended_team_differential) - Does more complex checking for team differential.
LNPKMPLSSL (online_matchmaking_use_jip) - Tell the backend whether to allow us to JIP
LLNRQKTPNR (online_matchmaking_use_lobby_affinity) - Use lobby affinity. True = break lobbies up after matches, False = keep lobbies together for next match
QSNLSNN (online_matchmaking_use_map_pack_search) - Switches the client from just using the maps when calling startMatchmaking to using the map packs.
MRQQOSRRPK (online_matchmaking_use_map_weights) - Let the backend choose the map
NTOQQNPKN (online_matchmaking_use_pruning) - Turns on the aggressive player pruning in the matchmaker.
MRMMQQPPML (online_matchmaking_user_dc_required_gate) - Indicates if the playlist gating should take whether any DCs are available or not.
MPSSMQNTKS (online_matchmaking_using_metrics) - Turns on game metrics.
NOPTRNPSQO (online_matchmaking_verbose) - Verbose matchmaking prints
NTTRTLSNKR (online_mming_display_string_interval_ms) - The number of milliseconds string cycling when matchmaking.
OMLQOOPKQN (online_mming_max_num_user_facing_strings) - The number of localized strings to choose from in each matchmaking state.
NSMKNLRLON (online_mp_breadcrumbing_frequency) - The frequency with which the player's movement is logged throughout a match in mp
MTKSQRQLKN (online_mp_clientmatchdata_enabled) - Enable the mp clientmatchdata reads and writes
OMPLRMMKML (online_mp_missionteam_xpscale) - XP Scale for MP Mission Teams
NTPRTMORKK (online_mp_party_missionteam_xpscale) - Party Mission XP Scale
LNQMMNNPSR (online_mp_party_weapon_xpscale) - Party Weapon XP Scale
NTLKOKLKRS (online_mp_party_xpscale) - Party XP Scale
MNLKKQRTKK (online_mp_private_matches_are_invite_only) - Determines if the MP private ( custom ) matches should be joinable
PMORNPNTK (online_mp_weapon_xpscale) - XP Scale for MP Weapons
MOMQQONMMT (online_mp_weapon_xpscale_ends_epoch_time) - UTC/Epoch time (seconds) that double weapon XP event end
LKKNORQKTP (online_mp_xpscale) - XP Scale for MP
MSTMLNKSSO (online_mp_xpscale_ends_epoch_time) - UTC/Epoch time (seconds) that double XP event end
QKSOMPPMO (online_ownership_status_fence_timeout_ms) - Time to wait before the ownership status fence times out
MPNKQNOKKS (online_parties_in_main_menu_feature_enabled) - This bool indicates if there should be parties in the main menu
PNRLKKKOQ (online_party_double_xp) - Is Party Double XP turned on
MNPOSMMMSN (online_party_host_crossplay_change_toast_display_mode) - This dvar controls what toasts and when they should be shown when the host of a party changes their crossplay settings.
NKQSMRSNNR (online_party_host_crossplay_change_toast_wait_time_ms) - Millisconds to wait before showing the toast on the client that the host has changed the crossplay settings.
LPOTNQLLLS (online_party_print_ping)
OKKNSTRNRS (online_party_reduce_print_spam) - Reduce the number of matchmaking prints for performance reasons
NLMPNPLLRM (online_party_validate_service_level_with_matchmaker) - Validate service level (paid vs freemium) self-reported in party join with the value Demonware sends to the matchmaker
MNNPKMKQSL (online_patching_fetch_prerelease) - Should we fetch pre-release. 0 = no, 1 = yes
MLPPTKOTLK (online_platform_friends_use_dw_presence) - Switch to enable using the DW presence for platform friends instead of platform presence.
LQMTLNQSLL (online_platform_session_call_max_delay) - The maximum delay in seconds to wait, before making a platform session call.
OMRTLLLTRL (online_platform_session_call_throttle_time) - Number of seconds to wait before making platform session calls after the max number of calls has been exceeded
NTOOLLKSKT (online_platform_session_max_calls_within_throttle_time) - Number of tasks that can have started within the throttle time
LMOSKRTPSL (online_platform_session_max_wait_time_before_sending_error_ms) - The maximum time in milliseconds to wait after party modification, before reporting an error
LOQSMNQPOQ (online_platform_session_should_remove_user_on_signout) - This is a fix to remove a user that has been signed out of xbox to be also remove the session.
MNOSQMSQMQ (online_platform_sessions_manager_create_game_lobby_only_if_match_ready_enabled) - This dvar turns on the code to have the gamelobby session active for the PartyPlatformSessionsManager
OKPNQNRPPO (online_platform_sessions_manager_enabled) - This dvar turns on the code to route the session events through the new PartyPlatformSessionsManager
LQQNSSQQPO (online_platform_sessions_manager_game_lobby_enabled) - This dvar turns on the code to have the gamelobby session active for the PartyPlatformSessionsManager
TSLQQPO (online_platform_sessions_manager_should_com_error_on_failure) - This dvar turns on the code to route the session events through the new PartyPlatformSessionsManager
LRNLLMKPOS (online_platform_sessions_manager_should_handle_first_party_session_removals) - This dvar turns on the code to tell the HSMs to leave the session if the first party removed the session
LNQLORLKPM (online_playagain_lobby_timeout) - Amount of time, in milliseconds to allow the lobby search to run before aborting playagain
MNOKQORLOK (online_player_interval_before_removal_ms) - The amount of time from when we notice the player has no sessions until they're removed from the container.
NPTKRKLNTQ (online_playerxp_playlists) - Playlists that have double player XP
LRMTMPNPRK (online_playlists_popup_should_have_cancel_button) - Enable the users to have the ability to cancel the updating playlist popup.
MLONNSQOPT (online_prevent_join_null_session_name) - Toggles joining MPSD sessions with no names, to prevent MS session join errors leading to ELVIRA
OTNTKRTSL (online_privatematch_cross_play) - Enables cross play in private match
LKPQKQNRTN (online_ps4_get_presence_call_max_delay)
MMOMKMPLLN (online_ps4_get_presence_call_throttle_time)
LTLRSLKOKO (online_ps4_get_presence_calls_within_throttle_time)
MLMKNTSSSL (online_pub_var_fetch_all_on_update) - Controls whether to refetch ALL namespaces when there is an update
MTNQMNRQML (online_pub_var_fetch_always) - Controls whether to always re-fetch pub vars when receiving push message regardess of the version numbers
LNKRTPTKPR (online_pub_var_refetch_on_mismatch) - Controls whether to re-fetch pub vars when downloading a version that was not requested
MKOMMKOQNR (online_qos_allow_in_private_match_lobby) - Whether to allow dc qos while in private match lobbies
NMMNKMRRN (online_qos_backoff_factor) - The refresh factor used for backoff calculation
NSNLTQSSKS (online_qos_backoff_fail_delay) - The minimum time (milliseconds) before refreshing the datacenter QoS after a failure, used for backoff
LRKLPPKSMP (online_qos_backoff_max_attempts) - The number of attempts used for backoff
ROMQPQRLM (online_qos_backoff_stop_at_max_attempts) - Whether to stop when reaching max attempts or not
TNPNKMKSL (online_qos_backoff_success_delay) - The minimum time (milliseconds) before refreshing the datacenter QoS after a success
NKKTPLTMMR (online_qos_max_bandwidth) - The maximum bandwidth in bits per second used for serving QoS
LLTNPLLKK (online_qrm5tr_cipher_enabled) - Is the cipher available in the Quartermaster.
LQTMQOTTTQ (online_quartermaster_instrumentation_enabled) - Controls whether dlog instrumentations is collected for Quartermaster activity
NORTQRPRPM (online_recent_players_ui_enabled) - Switch to enable recent players in the Social Menu UI.
OKTRKNTQQK (online_reconcile_killswitch) - Used to disable demonware-bnet reconciliation using publisher vars in case of emergencies
LOOLPMNQRP (online_reconcile_lui_notifications_enabled) - Enable purchase notifications to UI during reconciliation
NPNQMSKMKL (online_reconcile_retries_allowed) - Enable automatic retries of demonware-bnet reconciliation
NOPQSROMKK (online_regiments_ui_enabled) - Switch to enable regiments in the Social Menu UI.
NRSTQMPORK (online_regulations_backoff_time_ms) - Backoff time for regulation calls in ms
OMSRROPMSS (online_regulations_enabled) - killswitch for player regulations
LLTMKKPKMR (online_season_ends_epoch_time) - UTC/Epoch time (seconds) that season will end
LPRPSSRRMP (online_should_block_invite_joins_if_searching_invite_join_disabled_playlists) - This is a bool that controls if we should block invites and joins if the user is searching for playlists that has inivites joins disabled flag set
LRNKMRPLOR (online_should_check_platforms_can_play_gametype_for_party_join) - This is a bool that controls if we should check if platfroms can play the current game type
LPMOQTONMP (online_should_com_error_on_party_state_parsing_failures)
MKLNSNSQSK (online_should_fetch_join_info_from_user) - Switch to decide if the join info should be fetched from the user or use the local presence cache
MPTTNLRPOS (online_should_force_skip_session_search_on_initial_join_attempt) - Will force the invitation hsm to try the party atomic join even though the join info says that the user is in a DW lobby.
MQSSNQOQSL (online_should_handle_matchmaker_join_lobby_while_invite_joining_in_starting_state) - This bool controls whether the code should allow users to join lobby if they are in starting matchmaking state
MLTLMKSLSS (online_should_kick_joiner_before_lobby_if_not_party_host) - When a user is joining a lobby that is searching, and we are not the party host, we may need to kick him, this dvar controls that
OQLTNPMQR (online_should_show_toast_for_disabling_crossplay_with_other_platform_users_in_party) - When the host disables crossplay when there are users from other platforms in the party, this dvar controls if we should show a toast warning.
MNKQTOSNMN (online_should_upload_analytics_streamer_log_file) - This dvar decides if the analytics log file should be uploaded
TNRTRQPPK (online_should_use_DC_required_lock) - Should the UI DC required lockout be used.
LSOPQLSQRS (online_signout_on_dw_disconnect_cleanup) - Inform the OnlineMgr the player is signed out of online when Live_DemonwareDisconnectCleanup is called (i.e. from banning)
QLLNLPNLS (online_skill_upload_max_fail_count) - Max number of retries when uploading skill fails
MPRSQLRSML (online_skill_upload_retry_delay) - Initial delay before retrying the skill upload, retries are exponential
NPKPMKRSON (online_standalone_umbrella_retry_time_ms) - How long to wait in between attempts to get an umbrella token.
NLQTMTNOOT (online_standalone_umbrella_token_refresh_s) - How long before token expiry to refresh the token in seconds. Actual value is <token expiry time> - online_standalone_umbrella_token_refresh_s.
NOTSTROLOM (online_storage_task_interval) - The smallest time interval in milliseconds of time between consecutive storage tasks
NKORNLPMMR (online_store_category_5) - Comma delimitied list of category 5 items.
MPQKKKQPLS (online_store_category_5_warzone) - Comma delimitied list of category 5 items.
LLMOOMOMMO (online_store_category_6) - Comma delimitied list of category 6 items.
LRKMSLPMMT (online_store_category_6_warzone) - Comma delimitied list of category 6 items.
NLTRKONQPR (online_store_category_7) - Comma delimitied list of category 7 items.
NOOLMRNMSO (online_store_category_7_warzone) - Comma delimitied list of category 7 items.
RQNMPMLO (online_store_category_8) - Comma delimitied list of category 8 items.
SNTSMMPRT (online_store_category_8_warzone) - Comma delimitied list of category 8 items.
MLOSTOOQOR (online_store_category_9) - Comma delimitied list of category 9 items.
NRNRRPMKOM (online_store_category_9_warzone) - Comma delimitied list of category 9 items.
MKMMQLLLSN (online_store_config) - Name of the current store.
LTRPKNLRMR (online_store_config_dev)
LPQMTOKRPO (online_store_config_dev_warzone)
LSOQLQTOTK (online_store_config_warzone) - Name of the current store.
LROPKRSOL (online_store_enforce_product_availability) - Toggle whether to filter recommended SKU's based on their provided availability window data
LKSLTSNQNQ (online_store_experimental_category_1) - Comma delimited list of items to be used for experimental categories
LKTMQRMOST (online_store_experimental_category_1_warzone) - Comma delimited list of items to be used for experimental categories
NKKOSROQNT (online_store_experimental_category_2) - Comma delimited list of items to be used for experimental categories
NKKPNSRLMM (online_store_experimental_category_2_warzone) - Comma delimited list of items to be used for experimental categories
TNMMPPMKQ (online_store_experimental_category_3) - Comma delimited list of items to be used for experimental categories
LKSOPMLKPL (online_store_experimental_category_3_warzone) - Comma delimited list of items to be used for experimental categories
NOPOKPTTMT (online_store_experimental_category_4) - Comma delimited list of items to be used for experimental categories
LQSPNQOLLQ (online_store_experimental_category_4_warzone) - Comma delimited list of items to be used for experimental categories
MMOOTLNTNR (online_store_featured) - Comma delimited list of featured items.
MOOMOLTQSP (online_store_featured_timer) - The UTC timestamp of the next reset.
NPMLTLMSKS (online_store_featured_timer_warzone) - The UTC timestamp of the next reset.
LQQSPONNOK (online_store_featured_warzone) - Comma delimited list of featured items.
OMTLRQOPLK (online_store_hide_dedicated_item_chance) - Chance (0.0 - 1.0) to hide the dedicated items from the recommended list
MPOSPQTTNR (online_store_just_for_you) - Comma delimited list of 'just for you' items.
ROTRKSQNT (online_store_just_for_you_blacklist) - Comma delimited list of blacklisted items.
LQNLSMLQTS (online_store_just_for_you_blacklist_warzone) - Comma delimited list of blacklisted items.
MOLOQRLLQK (online_store_just_for_you_dedicated_items) - Comma delimited list of items to always show in the Just For You category.
LSLPPRMTLR (online_store_just_for_you_dedicated_items_warzone) - Comma delimited list of items to always show in the Just For You category.
OQMTOQTSS (online_store_just_for_you_warzone) - Comma delimited list of 'just for you' items.
OTPQONQQT (online_store_operator) - Comma delimited list of operator items.
LKQROKRTLN (online_store_operator_timer) - The UTC timestamp of the next reset.
NOLNTPPQSO (online_store_operator_timer_warzone) - The UTC timestamp of the next reset.
LRQOORNNQS (online_store_operator_warzone) - Comma delimited list of operator items.
MSKPMNRQTS (online_store_promoted_items) - Comma delimited list of promoted (best-selling) items.
NPPRRPOLLL (online_store_promoted_items_warzone) - Comma delimited list of promoted (best-selling) items.
OQLLQNMS (online_store_sales_items) - Comma delimited list of sale items.
LKORRRQNPR (online_store_sales_items_warzone) - Comma delimited list of sale items.
NTOKRSSRP (online_store_second_pass) - Should the store do a second pass and on what
OKKOKTLTP (online_store_shuffle_recommendations) - Toggle whether to shuffle recommended sku list
MNLKTLKTPM (online_store_tier_skip_gift_enabled) - Killswitch for tier skip gift
LQLOKOPRKS (online_store_tier_skip_gift_id) - Bundle ID for the tier skip gift
OKRROQNRPK (online_store_tier_skip_gift_timer) - UTC timestamp for when tier skip gift promo should end. Gift will only be available while this dvar is set.
MRQSLSSTLP (online_store_timeout_ms) - Time before failing the store fence when getting store related data.
NLONMPSRPP (online_store_v1_autoscroll_timer) - How many milliseconds after user input do we wait to re-enable auto-scrolling in the v1 store.
NPSTPKMPKS (online_store_v2_autoscroll_timer) - How many milliseconds after user input do we wait to re-enable auto-scrolling in the v2 store.
LOKOLPNMNP (online_store_weapon) - Comma delimited list of weapon items.
LPLPNLSORL (online_store_weapon_timer) - The UTC timestamp of the next reset.
NNQRLTQNNK (online_store_weapon_timer_warzone) - The UTC timestamp of the next reset.
QTNMNLKMM (online_store_weapon_warzone) - Comma delimited list of weapon items.
LNSSNOTRP (online_terminal_for_everyone) - Overide the Terminal entitlement check
LQQNNLOTPT (online_time_to_wait_before_inviting_the_same_user_again) - Number of milliseconds to wait before we can invite a particular user
NLKNTKRQLR (online_tournament_callback_toast_notify_duration) - The time in seconds that the toast notification callback is available for
LMMRSLRPNS (online_tournament_callback_toast_notify_time) - The time in seconds before the start of the tournament at which we send the toast notification callback to join the tournament
MLSOSOTTRL (online_tournament_cleanup_leave_calls_enabled) - This is a kill switch that we can use to enable the safety leave all tournament calls.
MKTROOORM (online_tournament_com_error_on_expire_disabled) - This is a kill switch that we can use to disable the com_errors on match expiration.
MRRTMQRKNK (online_tournament_definition_min_teams) - The minimum number of teams to issue a bracket.
MKQNNPTORS (online_tournament_definition_partysize) - The party size permitted in the upcoming tournament.
NKSPSORQNL (online_tournament_definition_teamcount) - The number of teams in the upcoming tournament.
PQNSTTTTM (online_tournament_early_registration_limit) - The maximum time in seconds that you can register in advance for a tournament
NLPONNQNRS (online_tournament_enabled) - Enable tournament mode
LROPOLSLNK (online_tournament_fake_population) - The number of players we believe are playing the game for tournament staggering
RQLRMRPTT (online_tournament_force_start_time) - The number of milliseconds to wait before allowing players to force start a match.
LLQKPLQQLN (online_tournament_ignore_lobby_start)
LQSMRRQMMT (online_tournament_invite_join_refresh_time_to_wait_for_tournament_state) - The amount of milliseconds to wait before giving up on the invite hsm tournament joins
MPOKKPNKKO (online_tournament_invite_join_timeout_time_ms) - The amount of milliseconds to wait before giving up on the invite hsm tournament joins
MNKRRTLPOK (online_tournament_lobby_connect_timeout) - The number of milliseconds to wait before we give up on connecting to a lobby.
MMMLNLTPPN (online_tournament_match_status_delay) - The number of milliseconds to wait before we can send another match status update.
MLONLSSQRR (online_tournament_matchmaking_game_type) - The tournament matchmaking game type
LSLROSMOSO (online_tournament_max_rate_limit) - The number of requests per minute dw can handle at peak throughput
OLQRKSROPM (online_tournament_min_bracket_team_count)
MPMPKMKLLP (online_tournament_participation_rate) - The percent of online game users to expect in tournaments
NQRQOTSTNL (online_tournament_playlist_id) - The playlist id tournament should use
TMNTQMNQN (online_tournament_quit_ban_scale_pct) - This scales the tournament ban penalties (as a percent). 0 will disable the ban system.
MMMMNQKTQM (online_tournament_registration_cutoff_time) - The time in seconds before the start of the tournament that we disallow registration
OMKQOPLSK (online_tournament_rejoin_enabled) - This is a kill switch that we can use to disable rejoins.
NPPRRNTROT (online_tournament_reminder_toast_notify_time) - The time in seconds before the start of the tournament at which we send the reminder toast notification
MOQMSLQMQS (online_tournament_reminders_enabled) - This is a kill switch that we can use to disable reminders.
MMPRPLKNLR (online_tournament_round_0_mapnames) - List of mapnames for tournament round 0
SNLKKOSSK (online_tournament_round_1_mapnames) - List of mapnames for tournament round 1
MMRMQQLSRT (online_tournament_round_2_mapnames) - List of mapnames for tournament round 2
LLSSNNLTQM (online_tournament_round_3_mapnames) - List of mapnames for tournament round 3
NOKQOTPMTL (online_tournament_screen_debug_enabled)
MPRSNKTSQK (online_tournament_should_user_random_maps) - Enable this to play in random maps for tournaments
LPPPMNLOLS (online_tournament_sim_mode_enabled)
LNKMKTTONP (online_tournament_sim_mode_local_player_index)
SQMNMOSN (online_tournament_state_update_count_to_start_checking_party_togetherness) - The number of tournament state updates before we begin to check to make sure all party members are present.
OPRQOOOLO (online_tournament_time) - The UTC timestamp of the next tournament.
TSQOLLPK (online_tournament_time_interval) - The amount of time between tournaments.
NKQNPSLPSN (online_tournament_time_to_reach_rate_limit) - The time (in sec) to reach the max dw throughput
MORMLTMNNQ (online_tournament_wait_for_pending_tasks_before_dedi_shutdown_disabled) - This is a kill switch that we can use to disable waiting for pending tasks to clear before allowing the dedi to shut down.
LPSROQRSNN (online_weaponxp_playlists) - Playlists that have double weapon xp
NSMNKTSTRS (online_xb1_session_join) - Turns on or off the DONT_JOIN_SESSION flag from the join potential host code.
LTSPPRQSMO (online_zombie_party_weapon_xpscale) - Zombie Party Weapon XP Scale
NSRPSMKOMP (online_zombie_party_xpscale) - Zombie Party XP Scale
NNKLRNNSOP (online_zombie_weapon_xpscale) - XP Scale for Zombies Weapons
MSTMORLPKN (online_zombies_xpscale) - XP Scale for Zombies
LTSNLQNRKO (onlinegame) - Current game is an online game with stats, custom classes, unlocks
LLPMRMMPLT (onlinevault_active)
STPLROQRL (onlinevault_maxslots_sub0)
NLLRPMMPNO (onlinevault_maxslots_sub1)
LKOOTKNLKL (onlinevault_maxslots_sub2)
SPMNTTNRN (onlinevault_maxtime_sub0)
NKRORORMNQ (onlinevault_maxtime_sub1)
RKMQRKTON (onlinevault_maxtime_sub2)
LPTTMOQNKO (p2pAuth_allow_kick)
LQSMNLLMKL (p2pAuth_allow_steam_p2p)
MRQSRKKOPL (p2pAuth_auth_response_ignore)
MSLQLKTN (p2pAuth_auth_response_test)
NSTKKNLPO (p2pAuth_create_invalid_self_ticket)
OMQOKLNLRQ (p2pAuth_debug_auth_request_state)
OLSMKOSORQ (p2pAuth_debug_details)
MPSMTMLSLS (p2pAuth_debug_summary)
NRTONQRMQO (p2pAuth_debug_ticket_request_state)
LNMPTPNPLM (p2pAuth_disable)
MKQNNSNOPT (p2pAuth_disable_direct_connection)
LTQPPQSPNP (p2pAuth_disable_party_join_auth)
NKTQSPLOKP (p2pAuth_ignore_ticket_request)
MKRPMMMSRL (p2pAuth_ignore_ticket_response)
NOMTMRLMPK (p2pAuth_keep_bad_clients)
MLRNNRORQK (p2pAuth_show_invalidate_details)
LMMLNRSLKS (package_type) - The package type for the current build. This will be read from packageinfo.txt. Eg: 'autobuild', 'autobuild_mp', 'current_mp_fnf'. By default this string would be empty
SSPLNNQKK (packetDebug)
QMSNSSOS (packetFragmentDebug)
MLLRKTPNRR (painVisionLerpInRate) - Rate at which pain vision effect lerps in
OONLORSMO (painVisionLerpOutRate) - Rate at which pain vision effect lerps out
TTMKNNPSN (painVisionTriggerHealth) - Health (0 to 1) that will trigger the pain vision effect
MKRTRSMKPO (particle_axes_length)
LNTRTPKLKM (particle_child_spawn_allow)
NRPLTRPMMO (particle_debug_draw)
MMQLKMTPTP (particle_debug_draw_cull_bounds)
MPNPOMKMRT (particle_debug_draw_frustum_cull_radius)
QRLQQKTMS (particle_debug_draw_geo_trails)
MMPTMOSRMQ (particle_debug_draw_lights)
ORRSNMKSQ (particle_debug_draw_modules)
LMQMMMTNQK (particle_debug_draw_particles)
LNQSPPNQKS (particle_debug_draw_spawn_shape)
LSMKKQTNRN (particle_debug_draw_systems)
LRLQLNNNML (particle_debug_draw_systems_distance)
LKPSNOPQON (particle_debug_draw_vectorfields)
NSRMTKMLOS (particle_debug_draw_velocity)
LRTQKNSRKT (particle_debug_draw_wrap_bounds)
LMLOTSLKLS (particle_draw)
LLRNSKSLRO (particle_dump)
SLQNSLTL (particle_edit_mode_loop_time)
LNQNOMSSTP (particle_enable)
LOOKTNMOSQ (particle_enable_physics_light) - Enables/Disables the lightweight particles (Havok_FX)
NLOTKOQOOS (particle_figure8_playback)
NONRSRNOSN (particle_figure8_radius)
LPMMNQRQRK (particle_figure8_time)
MOSKKQSPTQ (particle_language)
NLRMOQOMOM (particle_log_name)
MSOOKLOQTQ (particle_magma_heightfield_bbox_max) - Bounding box max of magma heightfield
NKPSNPTQMM (particle_magma_heightfield_bbox_min) - Bounding box min of magma heightfield
NOQSNNTRKP (particle_nightvision_override)
LQNKTTNLPS (particle_occlusion_query_disable_world_size)
MMPTQTQLKQ (particle_occlusion_query_override_world_size)
LTOKSMSMQQ (particle_parent_updates_child) - Only the parent will update a child effect that is attached to its parent
TMRMQSTK (particle_physics_allowedPenetrationDepth) - Allowed penetration depth for a heavyweight body when we use particle_physics_doPenetrationTest
NQLRLPTSTK (particle_physics_doPenetrationTest)
NNMQOSNQLP (particle_physics_memory_threshold) - Physics memory threshold above which, we don't create fx heavyweight physics
LPNSQLKQKP (particle_profile)
NOLTKRNKSM (particle_profile_filter)
LPOTLPOTKS (particle_profile_memory_only)
NRLPOOKOS (particle_profile_sort)
NTLLTOPKKT (particle_profile_update_time)
OPSOTPSNK (particle_region)
PQLORROOT (particle_show_axes)
TNMQSPPPK (particle_show_axes_effect_origin)
MRMSQMTPMO (particle_show_transient_warnings)
NLLMLKQRRN (particle_showtris)
PRNNQRMTQ (particle_sort_particles)
NTKQLNSQQT (particle_sort_systems)
NMQOSNPPRN (particle_system_culling_draw)
MPNSRMPLOK (particle_system_culling_update)
MQTRTKPROM (particle_thermal_override)
PQKMTNMPL (particle_update)
LRPMSMMMLO (particle_use_filter)
MRSNSMMQTQ (particle_use_spawn_position_in_runner_bolt_offset)
LMKRNQKLQR (partyChatDisallowed) - External Dvar
OLSSQKOMTS (partyChatDisconnectTimer)
MTQTOKNLMR (party_IsLocalClientSelected) - True if selected player is a local client. Only valid when used with party feeders.
RRTPOQNNR (party_aliensUseDedicatedServer) - Whether the aliens mode should attempt to grab a dedicated server or not.
MKPKPMNLPN (party_am_I_host)
LPKSMNTNTK (party_checkForHostInUsingTeams) - Killswitch to go back to the old behavior in Party_UsingTeams
NLOKRPSPSP (party_check_mm_on_member_join) - Whether to check the matchmaker for acceptance on member join
NRLKKKLQQP (party_client_disconnect_dlog_mode) - Whether to send telemetry via dlog on disconnect
NTLPPQLOLN (party_client_hostresolver_retry_period) - Time in milliseconds before retrying on a previously attempted host.
MMSMNNTQRR (party_client_task_max_retries) - Failsafe switch to limit the number of retries before giving up on a client task.
LRPQNKTLLL (party_client_task_timeout) - Time in milliseconds before considering a client task timed out.
NSNSSOTMOL (party_debug)
SRNSPMSN (party_debugClientFailCommit)
LKKQKTOSKS (party_debugClientFailJoining)
LKOLNQRPOT (party_debugClientIgnoreHostPresence)
NNLPLSMMQO (party_debugHostMembersFailing)
MLKKKMTNSN (party_debugJoinLatency)
TTTPMSKOM (party_dumpInfoImmediately)
NNMQRNNNLR (party_editingsettings)
OMMONRSOM (party_firstSubpartyIndex) - Determines sort order and coloring of parties in lobbies. Randomly set by code. Dvar provided for debugging.
NKMRNQMONN (party_followPartyHostOutOfGames) - Whether we should follow our party host out of a game in progress.
LOKRTRMNTP (party_forceMeAsHost)
MPNLQMOSNT (party_gamesize) - Current maximum game size
MKKNPOPOQO (party_hostmigration)
LROLLRPRPT (party_hostname)
MQQRORRLTK (party_inactiveHeartbeatPeriod) - How often to send inactive party keep alive packets in milliseconds.
NMTLKMTKRK (party_join_failure_dlog_mode) - Whether to send telemetry via dlog on join failure
NRSMRTQN (party_kickplayerquestion) - String to store the question about kicking the selected player
MTTPOORLTO (party_listFocus) - True when an item in the party list has focus.
LNMMMOOLQQ (party_lobbyPlayerCount) - Number of players currently in the party/lobby in lobby format (x/y players)
OLQPNSLPRP (party_makehosterrormsg)
MTPKOMSKQQ (party_mapvote_entrya_mapname) - Primary map vote entry name
MOSMTTQPPN (party_mapvote_entryb_mapname) - Alternate map vote entry name
MQLNKOMPMS (party_mapvote_entryc_mapname) - Random map vote entry name
TKQPORQNK (party_matchedPlayerCount) - Number of matched players before revealing their true names
ROMTTTNL (party_maxPrivatePartyPlayers) - Max number of players allowed in a private party.
RRNTNNKNP (party_maxSquadSize) - The size of squads within a team.
NNMQNKPLTQ (party_maxTeamDiff) - Maximum difference allowed between teams before starting a match
OOTQKOTRM (party_maxplayers) - Maximum number of players in a party
LTRPQSNOTO (party_membersMissingMapPack) - Whether any party member is missing one of the enabled map packs. Only valid after running partyUpdateMissingMapPackDvar
LSKLSLTLQT (party_minLobbyTime) - Minimum time (in seconds) for a lobby to be open before auto starting a match
LQNTPTNTON (party_minVoteTime) - Minimum time (in seconds) for a lobby to vote
LLNLRTQRPO (party_minplayers) - Minimum number of players in a party
OKNMMNTQOM (party_partyPlayerCount) - Number of players currently in the party/lobby in party format (x players in y's party)
NKSQNMMRRQ (party_partyPlayerCountNum) - Number of players currently in the party/lobby
OLNTOPTTNR (party_playervisible) - Whether selected player in party is showing true info or not. Only valid when used with party feeders.
LPQSQNQKPL (party_printPartyStatusFrequency)
MLQRQMSQNN (party_profile_enabled)
MMKTNNQRPL (party_profile_frame_delay)
POQTNSSSP (party_profile_print_output)
LSRQKTSKOS (party_profile_send_output)
MLQKNQQKLN (party_rejectLobbyJoinRequests)
QTTQOMKPT (party_rejectLobbyMemberJoin)
SQPPMNLKK (party_searchUntilTeamsCanBeMade) - Force the game to continue searching for a game to join until teams can be made with the local players.
OKTPMKQTPP (party_search_debug_delay_ms) - party ddebug state TTY output frequency
LKOPPSLNNT (party_selectedIndex) - Current selected player index in the feeder.
NRNRSQOLNQ (party_selectedIndexChangedTime) - Time stamp in milliseconds when the selected index last changed.
NTLONPSTSN (party_sendFullMemberInfoWhenServerRunning)
LNTLSRRMOP (party_simulateInAndOutOfLobbies)
LKTPKOMLST (party_simulateManySearchResults)
MPNTPOROMS (party_startHosting)
MOPMSORRMM (party_teamCount) - Number of teams players should be grouped as. 0 = FFA
MPKKNQPOQO (party_teamsVisible) - teams are visible in UI
LNTTTLKMKR (party_testclients_in_private_party)
NLRMQTTNON (party_timer) - Time until game begins in seconds, for UI display
MLQRONPPSK (party_updateAssignedTeamInLocalAndSystemLink) - This allows to reassign the team when in a private or local game. Fixes the team chat assignment
SNSMOORLS (partychat_assign_timeout_ms) - Time between the host assigning a chat creation to client and them timing out
NLKTQONRQS (partychat_attempt_retry_join_thottle) - The multiplier for retrying to join a chat in case a join failed
MKMTQOMPSQ (partychat_check_sent_data_freq_ms) - Time between the host sending party data to clients
LRRQPKLSPK (partychat_check_team_creation_freq_ms) - Time between the host checking if team chat creation is needed
MRKRSSONLR (partychat_max_retry_join_attempts) - The max numbner of attempts to retry joining a chat
LPNQSMOPQM (partymigrate_broadcast_interval) - Time between telling people who the new host is when migrating lobby
LNPONQTLPK (partymigrate_cpuBonusPing) - The ping rewarded to a CPU meeting the bonus threshold when scoring hosts.
SQOQOLLST (partymigrate_cpuBonusThreshold) - The required excess %CPU speed to get a bonus when scoring hosts.
LSLOPQPLLL (partymigrate_logResults) - Instrumentation - Whether to log the best host calculation results. 0 is disabled, 1 for games, 2 for parties, 3 for both.
OTMRKSLNQ (partymigrate_makeHostTimeout) - Time before giving up on makeHost requests
NMSKTMOTTS (partymigrate_makePrivateDSHostTimeout) - Time before giving up on makeHost request when migrating after a private DS match
LSSRORTPLQ (partymigrate_pingtest_active) - Whether to do a ping test when lobby migrating
MRRPQSKNSL (partymigrate_pingtest_debug) - Whether to print ping test results (spams when migrations occur)
NONSPLRQTL (partymigrate_pingtest_filterThreshold) - Acceptable ping difference from best ping host for host selection (ms)
MRONPMNKQO (partymigrate_pingtest_retry) - Time between ping tests when migrating lobby
NTSPNTQPRL (partymigrate_pingtest_timeout) - Time to give up on ping tests when migrating lobby
NPSNRSKPOT (partymigrate_preferConsoleOverPC) - When possible choose a console as a host over a PC (for security)
MRRTQSKMKP (partymigrate_preferSameHost) - When possible, prefer keeping the same host on migrations
LSPKTNTQRQ (partymigrate_selectiontime) - Time before requiring a host selection when migrating lobby
NQTTRSLOOQ (partymigrate_timeout) - Time before giving up on lobby migration if we hear nothing
MKTMNMONOM (partymigrate_timeoutmax) - Time before giving up on lobby migration, even if the arbitrator is telling us to keep waiting
MSRNPNLPMQ (partymigrate_uploadtest_minThreshold) - Minimum meaningful upload bandwidth delta for host selection (bps)
LOTLRKKPTS (partytweak_kickoldhostsplitscreenclient) - Killswitch for kicking the old host's splitscreen client during migration
MNSLRKRRKQ (password)
NTRPOKLSNM (patchCollision_debugDisplayOffsetX)
LRPNKPNTQT (patchCollision_debugDisplayOffsetY)
MSPKTNQQSN (patchCollision_debugDump)
LMLKROTKKP (patchCollision_debugList)
NMSNTLMPTS (patchManifestUpdateCheckMinutes) - Minutes to wait between checking for updated patch manifest
OKRLMSLKON (patchManifestUpdateRetryAttempts) - Number of retry attempts on a failed manifest check
MNNTKLOOPS (patchManifestUpdateRetrySeconds) - Seconds to wait between retry on manifest failure
LOQRPKNPON (patchSystemDebug)
TMKMTKTSS (patchmanifestoverride) - patch manifest file override name
MTTNLMRNLO (patchmanifestversionoverride) - patch manifest file override version
MMRORMNPR (path_nodeInfoType)
NNPRRLTTKP (pc_build_version_check_enabled) - Killswitch for title update detection.
LSKPPSMKPT (pc_build_version_check_enabled_in_dev_environment) - The build version check is bypassed in dev environment, but it can be forced with this dvar.
MQTTKQTPMN (pc_build_version_check_enabled_with_dev_licenses) - The build version check is bypassed when the user has dev licenses, but it can be forced with this dvar.
OQMKRQTKN (pc_bypass_techset_fixup_enabled) - When true the game is bypassing the techset fix up done during the load/unload of a map on PC unless My Changes is used
NTMPQORMNO (pc_latest_build_version) - Lastest known build version advertised by publisher variables.
MPKMSONQOL (pc_suspend_pso_workers_for_fixup_enabled) - When true the game is suspending the PSO creation workers to allow the shader assets to be updated during a zone unloading. If a suspend was initiated, the resume will be called after the unload is completed. This is to fix the memory unmapping issue when the next zone load is done before the previous zone unload (IWH-233371).
NMMPTOSMKQ (pendingMapRestartOrQuitToMainMenu)
NTNKLMLTLS (perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier) - Multiplier for extra bullet penetration
OMKNNSSMQL (perk_explosiveArmorMultiplier) - Multiplier for incoming radial damage.
MMSOLPNNSK (perk_extendedMagsBeamAmmo) - Number of extra bullets per clip for beam weapons with the extended mags perk.
NPLMPRQPRN (perk_extendedMagsMGAmmo) - Number of extra bullets per clip for machine gun weapons with the extended mags perk.
MMLTLMKNLK (perk_extendedMagsPistolAmmo) - Number of extra bullets per clip for pistol weapons with the extended mags perk.
NRPTOMTQTP (perk_extendedMagsRifleAmmo) - Number of extra bullets per clip for rifle weapons with the extended mags perk.
MPPNOKTKPK (perk_extendedMagsSMGAmmo) - Number of extra bullets per clip for sub machine gun weapons with the extended mags perk.
NTOQNRQRPQ (perk_extendedMagsSniperAmmo) - Number of extra bullets per clip for sniper rifle weapons with the extended mags perk.
MLKLKMQRO (perk_extendedMagsSpreadAmmo) - Number of extra bullets per clip for spread weapons with the extended mags perk.
NPTMROTQNQ (perk_extraBreath) - Number of extra seconds a player can hold his breath
MPPTTRSKPP (perk_fastSnipeScale) - Scales the recovery speed of the view kick when using a sniper.
NTLPSLRTLK (perk_footstepVolumeAlly) - Players with specialty_selectivehearing multiply ally footstep volume by this amount.
LQPOSOMOMK (perk_footstepVolumeEnemy) - Players with specialty_selectivehearing multiply enemy footstep volume by this amount.
QMSLORKKL (perk_footstepVolumePlayer) - Players with specialty_selectivehearing multiply their own footstep volume by this amount.
NOMQPMROSO (perk_footstepVolumeSelectiveHearingMin) - Players with specialty_selectivehearing cancel out specialty_quieter footstep multipliers with this multiplier instead, before applying the normal selectivehearing multipliers.
SRTTSMPNO (perk_improvedExtraBreath) - Number of extra seconds a player can hold his breath on top of the base perk
NTSKTPTQSM (perk_lightWeightViewBobScale) - Scale for first person view movement while lightweight.
MTKMNKLOMT (perk_longerTeleportMultiplier) - Multiplier for teleport_distanceMax.
MQRTTRRSOK (perk_marksmanNameAngleScale) - Multiplier for enemy nameplate visibility angle.
MQQNRSLRNS (perk_marksmanNameDistanceScale) - Multiplier for enemy nameplate visibility distance.
OLMNSTQKOP (perk_melee_resist_factor) - Scale to apply to all incoming melee damage while the 'specialty_melee_resist' perk is active.
NRRSRNRMMM (perk_melee_resist_finisher_adjust) - Adjustment value to apply to incoming melee combo finishers while the 'specialty_melee_resist' perk is active. Positive numbers increase the number of successive hits to perform a fatal attack / finisher against this player.
NSTTTORS (perk_parabolicAngle) - Eavesdrop perk's effective FOV angle
TMRSKPQLQ (perk_parabolicIcon) - Eavesdrop icon to use when displaying eavesdropped voice chats
MPNMNTLKNT (perk_parabolicRadius) - Eavesdrop perk's effective radius
LSPOQORRTT (perk_quickDrawSpeedScaleSP) - Scales the 'Hip to ADS' transition speed. SP only.
MSPQORTNQ (perk_quickDrawSpeedScaleSniperSP) - Scales the 'Hip to ADS' transition speed for weapons of class type sniper. SP only.
LLQMPNLKPT (perk_quickswap_primary_item_swap_enabled) - Enables the quickswap perk speeding up primary drop and primary raise when switching to and from item weapons (e.g. killstreaks). Note that this only speeds up the primary weapon, NOT the raise and drop of the item weapon.
NSKRRLLOLL (perk_sprintMultiplier) - Multiplier for player_sprinttime
MRLMLRRMRO (perk_sprintRecoveryMultiplierActual) - Percent of sprint recovery time to use.
PSTPPORLM (perk_sprintRecoveryMultiplierVisual) - Percent of sprint recovery time to use.
OSRMKSKNP (perk_weapReloadMultiplier) - Percentage of weapon reload time to use
MSSLTPSTMQ (perk_weapReloadMultiplierEmpty) - Percentage of weapon reload time to use when the weapon magazine is empty.
OMRSMMSQSL (perk_weapReloadMultiplierEmptyOnLowAmmo) - If true, applies 'specialty_fastreload_empty' bonus when weapon ammo is below 'LowAmmo' warning threshold.
MQNMLQRQR (perk_weapSpreadMultiplier) - Percentage of weapon spread to use
PQKKKSKPP (physicsFX_debugDrawFXPipelineId)
NSMRROLQSO (physicsFX_debugDrawFXPipelineInstanceDrawParticles)
LLQKTNQLTS (physicsFX_debugDrawFXPipelineInstanceId)
OONPSOPOO (physicsFX_debugDrawFXPipelineInstances)
MRPROLRPOL (physicsFX_debugDrawFXPipelines)
LLSONOSNKQ (physicsFX_debugDrawFXShapeId)
LSRPKTMQRQ (physicsFX_debugDrawFXShapes)
NQSLKRQNSQ (physicsFX_debugDrawSounds)
OKRMKOMNRS (physicsFX_debugPerformance)
NSTRKPQLLQ (physicsFX_enableCallbacks) - Physics fx callbacks kill switch
LTNNNNLQM (physicsSVFX_debugDrawSFX)
LQKSOSRQLM (physicsSVFX_debugDrawSFXHits)
MNLTKOKSM (physicsSVFX_debugDrawSFXHitsAngleThreshold)
NNSMLKOQKK (physicsSVFX_debugDrawSFXHitsSpeedThreshold)
LTQNPRPTKL (physicsSVFX_debugDrawSFXHitsTime)
MMLKPSTTT (physicsSVFX_debugDrawVFX)
LTKLOLRPMT (physicsSVFX_debugDrawVFXHits)
OOKSORNMR (physicsSVFX_debugDrawVFXHitsAngleThreshold)
LPROPMKPSL (physicsSVFX_debugDrawVFXHitsSpeedThreshold)
NRONOSMQNM (physicsSVFX_debugDrawVFXHitsTime)
ROSNONPOL (physicsSVFX_debugWorld)
LKMLSQLSSS (physics_ExtraLootServerBodies) - Number of extra rigid bodies we allocate when loot system is active
PSQKKLKSL (physics_HavokClothLicense) - Havok Cloth License dvar
NPTRLNOPS (physics_HavokPhysicsLicense) - Havok Physics License dvar
OLPQQNNNQS (physics_RadiusForceHitLimit) - Maximum number of entities moved on client or server by a radius force (explosion)
NSKPNLRNOR (physics_allowQueryDisabling) - Allow the engine to disable queries
LSMMLSSPSS (physics_amdMultiThreading_enabled) - If disabled, forces HavokPhysicsThreadPool::getMaxNumThreadsStatic() to return 0 on AMD CPUs. This is an attempt at a workaround for AMD-specific Havok crashes (see IWH-282108)
NLLRTPOQKL (physics_debugAABBBroadphaseWorldQuery)
LTQQPLTNMT (physics_debugAABBBroadphaseWorldQueryAABBMax)
MSLPPLSNT (physics_debugAABBBroadphaseWorldQueryAABBMin)
NOOTMTPKK (physics_debugAABBWorldQuery)
QMLOQNKSS (physics_debugAABBWorldQueryAABBMax)
NSKNRLOSRS (physics_debugAABBWorldQueryAABBMin)
NORQNROMMR (physics_debugAssetIdByMemory)
MLSLNSQRRR (physics_debugAssetIdByName)
PNPTOKOT (physics_debugAssetsByMemory)
ONSNQNOSN (physics_debugAssetsByName)
NMSTLLMOPP (physics_debugBadColLods)
PLKLKSKOQ (physics_debugCPU)
PPKONLNNO (physics_debugClipmapBrushes)
NTTPRPRPPS (physics_debugDetailModel)
LTTKKLRTOR (physics_debugDisplayOffsetX)
OMLMNQPSLK (physics_debugDisplayOffsetY)
MOMNNTQQMO (physics_debugDump)
NKKNSKTOKN (physics_debugFlickerColLod)
NNSNRSMMOR (physics_debugGetClosestPointsMaxDistance)
MSNMSQNNRR (physics_debugGetClosestPointsPosition)
LRKOMMKRPS (physics_debugGetClosestPointsWorld)
MMQRMLKONT (physics_debugLibraryBodyQualityId)
MLMKOPLKQL (physics_debugLibraryBodyQualitys)
LQLSPLTSOT (physics_debugLibraryMaterialId)
MNOKSQLKSN (physics_debugLibraryMaterials)
MNMSTQSOOS (physics_debugLibraryMotionProperties)
NPTROKKPNR (physics_debugLibraryMotionPropertiesId)
PSQSLMNMT (physics_debugMemory)
NTTKLMLOOS (physics_debugMemoryEnable)
LMLLOTTOTP (physics_debugMutableShapesInWorld)
RKNQSMTRM (physics_debugMutableShapesInWorldRange)
MSKQOPRMNM (physics_debugParticlesHeavyweight)
PONNOONMN (physics_debugProfileData)
MNOPNSNTNO (physics_debugQueryBody)
LTQPTMNPOP (physics_debugQueryPointMaxDistance)
MOKLLNKLNP (physics_debugQueryPointPosition)
MTKNOSPOMO (physics_debugQueryPointWorld)
LKRRKRRST (physics_debugQuery_CONTENTS_ITEM)
MRRSTMNKQT (physics_debugQuery_CONTENTS_SKY)
NSTMRSSOQ (physics_debugQuery_IgnoreVolumes)
NMKNNMLNTT (physics_debugRayClutter)
MNMSQQNKON (physics_debugRayDetail)
NRLRKKPRPM (physics_debugRayWorld)
LPQSKMSNP (physics_debugRaycasterMaxCost)
LQSRLNKPMR (physics_debugRaycasterMode)
PKMRKKTNL (physics_debugRaycasterRaysPerFrame)
NQSKKPQPSS (physics_debugRefSystemCounts)
NQKLNLPKOK (physics_debugSFXEventAssetId)
NORTRTMPRO (physics_debugSFXEventAssets)
PQMNRRMOO (physics_debugShapeCastWorld)
NQRPQSMSRP (physics_debugTimestep)
OMOMQMPQSL (physics_debugTrackPerfBulletClient)
LQNNPMTNKS (physics_debugTrackPerfBulletHeatmap)
LPORLNSPQ (physics_debugTrackPerfBulletHeatmapShowCheap)
QPPPTRKSK (physics_debugTrackPerfBulletHeatmapThresholdCheap)
MKRPQLLQLM (physics_debugTrackPerfBulletHeatmapThresholdExpensive)
MQPMSLPTTR (physics_debugTrackPerfBulletServer)
LNNNQQSOSQ (physics_debugTrackPerfPMoveClient)
MQLSQNTT (physics_debugTrackPerfPMoveHeatmap)
LPQTSQLSRT (physics_debugTrackPerfPMoveHeatmapShowCheap)
LTKSOTTTKR (physics_debugTrackPerfPMoveHeatmapThresholdCheap)
MMLQLSOLMR (physics_debugTrackPerfPMoveHeatmapThresholdExpensive)
TQRRPQLMM (physics_debugTrackPerfPMoveServer)
LTPKMNTTKQ (physics_debugTrackPerfServerWorlds)
MLSNOMLKQQ (physics_debugTrackPerfWorldMeshDisplayAreaThresholdCheap)
MORTKOOTOM (physics_debugTrackPerfWorldMeshDisplayAreaThresholdExpensive)
MSOKPLNRLT (physics_debugTrackWorldMeshDisplayArea)
SNKOPNNQN (physics_debugTrackWorldMeshStats)
OMSSSQRPOT (physics_debugVFXEventAssetId)
MLSLMPNSN (physics_debugVFXEventAssets)
NLLMTOPKKL (physics_debugVisualizeCharacterProxies)
LQPTRSLMSO (physics_debugVisualizeWorld)
OKOTKKLQOQ (physics_debugVisualizeWorldAABBQuery)
LSNKPQQOLN (physics_debugVisualizeWorldBodyId)
LQLMLQMTTN (physics_debugVisualizeWorldBroadphase)
RSKQQSKQP (physics_debugVisualizeWorldClearZFirst)
NQRLTTOTQS (physics_debugVisualizeWorldClosestPointsQuery)
MNKORKMKM (physics_debugVisualizeWorldCollisionHeatmap)
TLQKPKNPN (physics_debugVisualizeWorldCollisionHeatmapBad)
NTSTRRQOL (physics_debugVisualizeWorldCollisionHeatmapGood)
STSTLQQQT (physics_debugVisualizeWorldCollisionHeatmapRange)
LNKKPSONOQ (physics_debugVisualizeWorldCollisionTile)
SSROMTKRR (physics_debugVisualizeWorldComplexityLineThreshold)
NNRKMNNNNQ (physics_debugVisualizeWorldComplexityTriThreshold)
OKSLLQLPNR (physics_debugVisualizeWorldConstraint)
NNONPKPMOT (physics_debugVisualizeWorldDeactivation)
NQLOQTNQKT (physics_debugVisualizeWorldDebugDraw)
SMKSQMTSP (physics_debugVisualizeWorldIWShape)
MNMSONRSNP (physics_debugVisualizeWorldIgnoreCharacterProxies)
POPPMLQQQ (physics_debugVisualizeWorldManifold)
NTKNTQOPN (physics_debugVisualizeWorldMassProperties)
NSOPNOMR (physics_debugVisualizeWorldMotionId)
OMPSTPTSOR (physics_debugVisualizeWorldParticles)
NRRLQPNONO (physics_debugVisualizeWorldPointQuery)
OSRKRRNLM (physics_debugVisualizeWorldRadius)
OLKTNOMLQ (physics_debugVisualizeWorldRaycasts)
LPMMQQONNL (physics_debugVisualizeWorldShape)
NLOLRSKMSN (physics_debugVisualizeWorldShapeLowRes)
LTMPNPQRTR (physics_debugVisualizeWorldShapecasts)
NQNTQNPSSR (physics_debugVisualizeWorldVehicles)
MNNTRKTPTO (physics_debugVisualizeWorldViewMode)
LLKQSOPKRT (physics_debugVisualize_CONTENTS_ACTOR)
MNSPNLPNQT (physics_debugVisualize_CONTENTS_AI_CLIP)
TSPQKTNNS (physics_debugVisualize_CONTENTS_CLIPSHOT)
SOSSMNPT (physics_debugVisualize_CONTENTS_FOLIAGE)
OKNMNOKLNS (physics_debugVisualize_CONTENTS_GLASS)
NONMMKPOP (physics_debugVisualize_CONTENTS_ITEM)
MMMRPSPTTT (physics_debugVisualize_CONTENTS_MANTLE)
MMSOKRRQRL (physics_debugVisualize_CONTENTS_PLAYER)
MRPOLTTMPR (physics_debugVisualize_CONTENTS_SKY)
MMRSSLOSST (physics_debugVisualize_CONTENTS_SOLID)
MOLLRNNKT (physics_debugVisualize_CONTENTS_USECLIP)
NTKLQNKKQK (physics_debugVisualize_CONTENTS_VEHICLE)
NMQNKRSTSP (physics_debugVisualize_CONTENTS_WATER)
ORMOTTQOK (physics_debugVisualize_Preset)
LPNPSNLPKN (physics_debugVisualize_Query)
NOSMNOPOMM (physics_debugWorld)
MRPPSMTSOQ (physics_debugWorldBody)
LRPOKMKQKP (physics_debugWorldFull)
LPRTRKPPKK (physics_debugXModelIdByMemory)
LQQRLPSPO (physics_debugXModelIdByName)
NPKROSRRML (physics_debugXModelsByDetailBodyCount)
MRKOLKQQKM (physics_debugXModelsByMemory)
OKONLRQMRM (physics_debugXModelsByName)
QONOKKPTL (physics_debugXModelsExcludeDoNotUse)
TRLTSTRNS (physics_debugXModelsWithCollLods)
NPRNSLQOOS (physics_debugXModelsWithNoPhysicsAsset)
LNOMRSSOPP (physics_disableSpammyWarnings) - Turn off spammy warnings
NLTOKQSORN (physics_dumpCharacterProxyServer)
LPLMNTRPQR (physics_enableCharacterSoftBody) - Enable Character Proxy Soft Body
ONPKRPOLT (physics_perfTest_bullet_sendTelemetry)
OMKSLSTMOK (physics_perfTest_pmove_sendTelemetry)
LLTTMRLPOL (physics_processWorkerCommandsWhenWaiting_enabled) - When true, process worker commands in HavokPhysicsThreadPool::waitForCompletion if we detect a stall or deadlock (IWH-237742)
LMTSTLNSM (physics_volume_debugDrawClient)
NMKOLMLNSQ (physics_volume_debugDrawServer)
NTRNRRNKMN (pickupPrints)
OKSRPNTSPQ (pix_profile_script)
LLKPTKTRSL (playListUpdateCheckMinutes) - Minutes to wait between checking for updated playlist.
MLTMLRLQTK (playTogetherDebug)
LPRKLOKSPO (playerButtCollisionBlendTimeSec) - Duration over which the player butt collision offset will be blended in after becoming active. E.g., after becoming unlinked, after climbing a ladder, etc.
MOKPSSNMSL (playerButtCollisionClientBroadphaseExtraRadius) - Butt collision client-side broadphase test is performed at the client's current location, with a radius of (suitRadius + playerButtCollisionOffset + playerButtCollisionClientBroadphaseExtraRadius), and height of the player's crouched collision capsule.
SPSLSRKRO (playerButtCollisionOffset) - Keep the rear of the player's collision capsule this far from player clip. Helps prevent the player's butt from sticking through walls while crouched.
OKSTKQOQTR (playerButtCollisionTestRadius) - Radius of the capsule used for butt collision testing. Affects the rate at which 'playerButtCollisionOffset' is blended in with player orientation to a wall. The larger, the more forgiving for WM animators.
OMNQTORNMM (playerCharacterCollisionFriendlySoftPush) - Changes character collision to be a soft push for friendly MP characters.
LLMQRQLNLR (playerCharacterCollisionMantleFloorFix) - Fixes bug where mantle can push player through floor.
MMQSMTLRNT (playerCharacterCollisionMantleVehicleWallFix) - Fixes bug where vehicle can push player through wall if being mantled on while crushing into wall.
TTNRLPQMT (playerCharacterCollisionMantleWindowFix) - Fixes bug a player could not mantle script mover windows.
ORLLQMTLR (playerCharacterCollisionMoverRockingCollision) - Turns back on rocking collision for movers.
NNMLROOKSR (playerCharacterCollisionMoverStanceFix) - Fixes bug where player could be pushed through static geo when resolving collision from a stance change against a mover.
LSRKNMTRMP (playerCharacterCollisionProneStuckFallFix) - Fixes bug where prone stuck due to falling behavior.
MLRTKORKMM (playerCharacterCollisionProneStuckFix) - Fixes bug where prone gets stuck and cannot move due to torso tilt.
LPKKKTKMLL (playerCharacterCollisionShieldOffset) - Offset used for character collision when a character is using a shield.
MSKOKSTQOR (playerCharacterCollisionUnresolvedCollisionFix) - Fixes bug where unresolved collision was not called when stuck in a stopped vehicle.
MTOLTLOKOL (playerCharacterCollisionVehicleAngleWallFix) - Fixes bug where vehicle can push player through wall with player tilting.
MKOOOLKKQK (playerCharacterCollisionVehicleHeadWallFix) - Fixes bug where vehicle can push player through wall with player's head in ceiling.
QNPNNOMKQ (playerCharacterCollisionVehicleJumpWallFix) - Fixes bug where vehicle can push player through wall with player jumping.
OMRLPKOQOS (playerCharacterCollisionVehicleWallFix) - Fixes bug where vehicle can push player through wall.
MLNQNRQPML (playerCollisionStandingStickHeight) - This is the desired standing stick height, assuming a 70 inch capsule with a 15 inch radius. All other heights are derived from this based on a ratio.
MSPSTOSTTL (playerCullDistHip) - Distance beyond which we don't render players at hipfire FOV
LRSKLPRNOP (playerCullDistMaxZoom) - Distance beyond which we don't render players at max zoom FOV
NPPONOTRMM (playerCulledDebugOverlay)
MONLKSMROM (playerLastStandCollisionTestIntervalRatio) - Distance between the middle of each last stand penetration test. Ratios of player capsule radius.
NSPPMLQLPM (playerLastStandCollisionTestMaxIterations) - Maximum number of penetration tests to perform in a single PMove for a given player in Last Stand.
MSPPNONST (playerLastStandCollisionTestSteps) - Number of penetration tests to perform in front of the player that should be clear for the player legs.
NKROLQQPSS (playerLastStandContourShapecastRadius) - Radius of shapecasts that determine the contour of the ground under players in Last Stand.
MQPNKMKPRQ (playerLastStandDownTraceDistance) - Distance to trace downward while in Last Stand. Results used for calculating legs/torso pitch.
MMSRPNPNON (playerProneViewheightAdjust) - While in a map WITHOUT world streaming, amount to adjust the suit viewheight while prone (inches).
NRMSPRNPMQ (playerProneViewheightAdjust_worldStreamingMap) - While in a map WITH world streaming, amount to adjust the suit viewheight while prone (inches).
NPLKNLQNMK (player_MGUseRadius)
NPQKLPMPRQ (player_adsResetFraction) - The fraction between Hip Fire and ADS where the sights will re-center and drop any accumulated idle sway motion.
MKNMQMOKSL (player_align_death_anim_unknown_direction_update_angles) - Killswitch for bugfix to IWH-268444 where player_align_death_anim angles were not applied to grenade suicide victims


// gameplay
set scr_game_graceperiod 15 // ensure we have this online, this is the client connect grace period
set scr_game_matchstarttime 15 // ensure we have this online, this is the prematch period countdown
set scr_game_disableBattleChatter 0
set scr_game_disableAnnouncer 0
set scr_player_disableSuperSprint 0
set scr_player_disableMount 0
set max_xp_per_match 0
set scr_game_subtract_suicides_from_rank 1 // Prevent negative boosters from suiciding to tank their ranking

set scr_live_lobby 0
set live_lobby_minplayers_start 2

set aim_autoaim_enabled 0

setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_akilo47_camo_01b" 1
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_akilo47_camo_02b" 2
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_akilo47_camo_03b" 4
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_akilo47_camo_04b" 5
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_akilo47_camo_05b" 7
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_akilo47_camo_06b" 8
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_akilo47_camo_07b" 10
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_akilo47_camo_08b" 11
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_akilo47_camo_09b" 13
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_akilo47_camo_10b" 14
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_akilo47_camo_11d" 14
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "iw8_ar_akilo47_gold_camo" 1
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "iw8_ar_akilo47_diamond_camo" 1
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "iw8_ar_akilo47_black_camo" 1
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_asierra12_camo_01b"
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_asierra12_camo_02b"
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_asierra12_camo_03b"
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_asierra12_camo_04b"
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_asierra12_camo_05b"
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_asierra12_camo_06b"
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_asierra12_camo_07b"
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_asierra12_camo_08b"
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_asierra12_camo_09b"
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_asierra12_camo_10b"
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "iw8_ar_asierra12_gold_camo"
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "iw8_ar_asierra12_diamond_camo"
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "iw8_ar_asierra12_black_camo"
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_ar_asierra12_camo_11d"
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_me_riotshield_camo_01b
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_me_riotshield_camo_02b
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_me_riotshield_camo_03b
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_me_riotshield_camo_04b
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_me_riotshield_camo_05b
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_me_riotshield_camo_06b
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_me_riotshield_camo_07b
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_me_riotshield_camo_09b
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_me_riotshield_camo_10b
setRankedPlayerdata "CammoUnlock" "ch_gs_me_riotshield_camo_11d

Last edited by TTGxFattJesus ; edited 11 times in total

The following 17 users thanked TTGxFattJesus for this useful post:

TakeruMatsu (08-07-2022), PokemonMaster12 (02-15-2022), Nathan (11-09-2021), Toysin (09-20-2021), TrueTeddyy (09-16-2021), Steeen (09-07-2021), 4KT (12-22-2020), LB (06-06-2020), YorkshireTea (06-06-2020), Geck (06-02-2020), XeCookie (06-01-2020), XeCrippy (06-01-2020), -Thomas (05-21-2020), GGs (05-20-2020), Reo (05-20-2020), Skidcar (05-20-2020), RushGambino (05-20-2020)
#2. Posted:
  • Summer 2019
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#3. Posted:
  • Christmas!
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You da mvp!
#4. Posted:
  • Trusted Seller
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Motto: BO6 / WZ4 Services available. Join the Discord:
Motto: BO6 / WZ4 Services available. Join the Discord:
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Rip to MW lol
#5. Posted:
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oh no
#6. Posted:
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TTGxFattJesus wrote

This is the full dump of the game if you wish to work on future projects with me dm me
lets stop the money hoarding stores and release stuff like the old mw2 days.
lets as a community build menus and tools together put all finds in this thread and I will share everything I get too
let's get it, boys and girls, we can relive the old days.

Ayyye partner

Vouch, love this dude
#7. Posted:
  • Summer 2020
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Love this post
#8. Posted:
  • Summer 2019
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ima just casually bump the **** outta this
#9. Posted:
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Joined: May 06, 20204Year Member
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something i just found that can be of use
setCommonPlayerdata "useEscapeSavedLoadout" 0
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeStreaksHeld" 0 -1
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeStreaksHeld" 1 -1
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeStreaksHeld" 2 -1
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeStreaksHeld" 3 -1
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeLastMatchResult" 0
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeStreak" 0
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeAllTimeTotal" 0
setCommonPlayerdata "bankedEscapeCurrency" 0
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeLoadout" 0 "escapeWeaponSetup" 0 "weapon" "iw8_ar_mike4"
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeLoadout" 0 "escapeWeaponSetup" 0 "attachmentSetup" 0 "attachment" "none"
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeLoadout" 0 "escapeWeaponSetup" 0 "attachmentSetup" 1 "attachment" "none"
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeLoadout" 0 "escapeWeaponSetup" 0 "attachmentSetup" 2 "attachment" "none"
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeLoadout" 0 "escapeWeaponSetup" 0 "attachmentSetup" 3 "attachment" "none"
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeLoadout" 0 "escapeWeaponSetup" 0 "attachmentSetup" 4 "attachment" "none"
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeLoadout" 0 "escapeWeaponSetup" 0 "attachmentSetup" 5 "attachment" "none"
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeLoadout" 0 "escapeWeaponSetup" 0 "ammoInClip" 30
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeLoadout" 0 "escapeWeaponSetup" 0 "ammoInStockpile" 30
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeLoadout" 0 "escapeWeaponSetup" 1 "weapon" "none"
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeLoadout" 0 "escapeWeaponSetup" 1 "attachmentSetup" 0 "attachment" "none"
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeLoadout" 0 "escapeWeaponSetup" 1 "attachmentSetup" 1 "attachment" "none"
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeLoadout" 0 "escapeWeaponSetup" 1 "attachmentSetup" 2 "attachment" "none"
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeLoadout" 0 "escapeWeaponSetup" 1 "attachmentSetup" 3 "attachment" "none"
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeLoadout" 0 "escapeWeaponSetup" 1 "attachmentSetup" 4 "attachment" "none"
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeLoadout" 0 "escapeWeaponSetup" 1 "attachmentSetup" 5 "attachment" "none"
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeLoadout" 0 "escapeWeaponSetup" 1 "ammoInClip" 0
setCommonPlayerdata "escapeLoadout" 0 "escapeWeaponSetup" 1 "ammoInStockpile" 0
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#10. Posted:
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Joined: Jun 21, 201113Year Member
Posts: 566
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Status: Offline
Joined: Jun 21, 201113Year Member
Posts: 566
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Oh yeah, we're having fun now.
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