AdviceMid Gaming PC for £400

AdviceMid Gaming PC for £400Posted:

  • Wise One
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My good friend is looking to get into gaming and asked me if I would help her build and plan a gaming PC for her with a budget of £400.
Games that I know of would be mainly league of legends.
Things she wants in the PC, small SSD for windows (If possible).
About 2 TB of storage.
A sound card.

She has been given a 1080p 144Hz monitor by our other friend and a keyboard and mouse.
She doesn't need windows.
Just the case and the rest.

Thanks for the time to look at the post.
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Tough time to buy anything pc related, I would look in your used market such as craigslist and facebook, if you can find a 1070ti under $180-$200 go for it. 16gb Ram is new minimum and anything 4-6 cores for a cpu that is at most 5-7 years old. Yes vague but currently you cant build/buy anything new for under $800
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if she just wants to play league id tell her to go get a laptop. 400 isn't a lot for building a PC with today's prices
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  • Blind Gifter
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okay so this is gonna be an interesting one, the way I see it is your friend has two options, and by no means at all will this be a "Mid Gaming PC"

1st Option (IGNORE PRICES)

this is a very oddly put together system but will be almost the best value she could get IF she isn't scavenging eBay and local sales places etc. (new parts)

(Finding this CPU for the normal price of $100 is going to be a pain but sometimes i see them on amazon back down to $100 but people usually snag them up, i wouldn't start the build until obtaining CPU for a fair price (RETAIL IS $99)

The CPU (Ryzen 3 3200g) is a good CPU for example LoL like she's looking to play, but games such as fortnite or like Rocket League at 1080p she's gonna be playing 40-60 fps.


As for the motherboard, it is a very underwhelming board to more costly builds but for what she would be playing and with the very low budget you don't have much option here. Box says Ryzen 3000 Ready so there's no reason that she would need to update the bios to use it with the CPU but it COULD happen, at that point id return it lol

ram is just a standard 16gb kit, literally nothing special. its 3200mhz.

I included a 240gb m.2 SSD, its nothing special as well but it will be better than a hard drive for windows of course. 2TB HDD as well but truthfully id try to find a 1tb one on ebay for like $15 to $20.

PC Case is just a placeholder. but would also be a fine case, I would tell her to go look on amazon instead for a case so it can be personalized to her setup.

Power Supply;sr=8-9

Power supply is just a Bronze rated 600W EVGA. in reality she would only need a 450W PSU so she could go this route instead for much cheaper (EVGA b stock items are just recertified items that may have visual wear) but if she wants to be on the safe side I would buy brand new.

Full total of this build would sit her around $440 or so or if she goes the cheap route by replacing the HDD with a cheaper eBay one or the PSU for a b stock EVGA one then she could be looking right at $400. but these are before tax and shipping numbers of course.

Option 2 would be save up and get to around $700-$800 so the price will still be budget friendly but also have a lot more room to work with.

I hope i was of some help. I'm no professional when it comes to building PCs but I like to try to help with the knowledge that i do have

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Since it may not be worth building a PC for the price point given, what laptop would you guys recommend for the same price point.
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hitmarkerx10 wrote Since it may not be worth building a PC for the price point given, what laptop would you guys recommend for the same price point.

The laptop is going to be less quality for the price point given. Tell your friend to save up a bit more money and go from there.
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Wouldn't go cheaper than this:

Part prices will change and so will my recommendations. Don't buy a sound card.

Good luck finding a graphics card.
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