Is MW2 beta any good?

62.50% (20 votes)
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#11. Posted:
  • TTG Master
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uwu wrote Well, I recently pre-ordered and started playing the beta.

Here's my honest thoughts:

The UI needs to be reworked ASAP. It's way too complicated (compared to other Call of Duty games) just to figure out when you unlock a weapon, weapon attachments, etc.

While I mostly play Hardcore (no need for a mini-map most of the time), I feel like the red dots on the map when firing are a classic feature in COD. Why they removed it is a mystery to me.

Foot steps need to be reduced as well. They sound like you're stomping around in oversized boots, even with the Dead Silence "perk" activated. I've already seen sound whoring in practice during Search & Destroy games.

I've read all the complaints about the SBMM. I'm a Hardcore Search & Destroy player and even I can go positive in these core lobbies, maybe some people should just... get better? Seems like a plan. There's no slide cancelling and slower movement but the community of below average players always finds something to complain about.

The maps are alright. 2 out of the 3 in-game currently are extremely easy to learn (for Search & Destroy). Hopefully they release some classic maps on release instead of cramming them into some stupid future update.

They also need to work on their anti-cheat. No disrespect to the sellers of this site and I've used cheats before but... Come on. The game's not even out yet and I've read reports of cheaters in a freaking beta. Can't we just enjoy things for a bit before cheats/unlock lobbies/rank lobbies start being a thing?

Tldr; UI sucks and needs immediate rework. Sound whoring campers are a thing due to Bigfoot steps characters take. SBMM complaints are hilarious as always. Classic red dots on the mini-map should come back. Maps are ok.

I agree the UI needs some work. Was very confusing to figure out how to get to certain guns, change game modes etc.

I didn't think sound whoring was any worse than MW19 tbh. Then again I don't have dead silence unlocked yet so if you can still hear people's footsteps with it activated, that def needs to be updated.

Maybe its just me but I felt like it takes 867 shots to kill somebody but I'm also a hardcore player so idk lol.

Overall I liked it and def can't wait for the full game. Looking forward to DMZ mode, spec ops and campaign modes also.
#12. Posted:
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I think personally, all the people who played since Cod 4, are not enjoying it and haven't enjoyed cod for a few years now because we're simply getting old. Reaction times are slower and many other issues to the point where this new stuff just doesn't work for us. It's just not our time anymore. It's the new generation of gamers who are enjoying it and I won't take that from them. However imo the game feels off balanced. You're going to lose almost all gun fights while moving, it punishes people for it. It then focuses on lines of site, causing camping. Mini map is simply put, bad. Don't get me started on the Ui. It looks like a mobile game ui.

Everything aspect of "realism" isn't needed. Cod is not realistic. It never will be. I prefer the unrealistic side of it. That's what made it fun. Time to kill, insanely fast. I've caught multiple clips in a little amount of game time showing me shoot someone 2-3 with a shotgun only to be gunned. It's a game I don't enjoy and don't think I ever will. Hopefully MS sort the games issues when they can. For now, I'm avoiding it.
#13. Posted:
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Good game, does get boring quick tho
#14. Posted:
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played it for 90 min I refunded the vault version and got the cheaper one i know its a beta but its boring as hell
#15. Posted:
  • Runescape
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Update : game is trash.
Can't believe what they did ! Perk system sucks ! The new system for unlocking guns is INSANELY baddddd like why tf am I forced to use certain weapons to unlock others or ones I want ?? Are you serious. And then no DS or ninja as a perk ??? Lmao oh yeah don't forget no red dots on mini map anymore !
They literally find so many ways to ruin it year after year after year sadly. Like wtf man I give up on CoD fr
#16. Posted:
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Runts wrote Update : game is trash.
Can't believe what they did ! Perk system sucks ! The new system for unlocking guns is INSANELY baddddd like why tf am I forced to use certain weapons to unlock others or ones I want ?? Are you serious. And then no DS or ninja as a perk ??? Lmao oh yeah don't forget no red dots on mini map anymore !
They literally find so many ways to ruin it year after year after year sadly. Like wtf man I give up on CoD fr

DS is a field upgrade in this game just like MW2019. As for the red dots I believe there is also a field upgrade to have like a constant UAV or something ? I forget what it was described like tbh lol.

Yeah they did take a big step in a different direction with the gun unlocks. Hopefully the feedback from the beta will push them in the right direction.
#17. Posted:
  • Runescape
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Sus- wrote
Runts wrote Update : game is trash.
Can't believe what they did ! Perk system sucks ! The new system for unlocking guns is INSANELY baddddd like why tf am I forced to use certain weapons to unlock others or ones I want ?? Are you serious. And then no DS or ninja as a perk ??? Lmao oh yeah don't forget no red dots on mini map anymore !
They literally find so many ways to ruin it year after year after year sadly. Like wtf man I give up on CoD fr

DS is a field upgrade in this game just like MW2019. As for the red dots I believe there is also a field upgrade to have like a constant UAV or something ? I forget what it was described like tbh lol.

Yeah they did take a big step in a different direction with the gun unlocks. Hopefully the feedback from the beta will push them in the right direction.
ya I mean I haven't really cared for CoD the last couple years bo3 and CW were the only good ones since the OGs imo but this "mw2 " is awful seriously. Sooo glad I didn't pre order it and waste almost 100$
#18. Posted:
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It eh but still a lil fun

footsteps be louder gunshots tho
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its okay, nothing special
#20. Posted:
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It's OK.

Maps are too big for me. Footsteps are way too loud. No red dots on map in core modes, pretty much makes it hardcore without 1 shot kill. Stupid decision to remove that. Gun unlock system is bad. I feel like the graphics are good and the movement is fine. That's why it's OK for me. I won't be spending $70 on it though when warzone 2 is free. If they made changes to the things above then I'd probably buy it.
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