GeneralSimple AHK Script Loader [GUI]

GeneralSimple AHK Script Loader [GUI]Posted:

  • Resident Elite
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Motto: Development & Marketing
Status: Offline
Joined: Mar 13, 20168Year Member
Posts: 256
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Motto: Development & Marketing
Creating an AHK script loader is pretty easy. Common use for this is if you have different or many scripts for games you can quickly load in one place as if it was a hub.


  • AutoHotkey (Any Version) - Download here
  • Visual Studio Code/Notepad++/Notepad

Let's move onto the code, It is very lightweight.


Gui, Add, Text,, Pick a file to launch from the list below.`nTo cancel, press ESCAPE or close this window. Created by Monument
Gui, Add, ListBox, vMyListBox gMyListBox w640 r10
Gui, Add, Button, Default, OK
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%

Loop, %A_ScriptDir%\scripts\*.*  ; Change this folder and wildcard pattern to suit your preferences.
    GuiControl,, MyListBox, %A_LoopFileFullPath%
Gui, Show

if (A_GuiEvent != "DoubleClick")
; Otherwise, the user double-clicked a list item, so treat that the same as pressing OK.
; So fall through to the next label.
GuiControlGet, MyListBox  ; Retrieve the ListBox's current selection.
MsgBox, 4,, Would you like to launch the file or document below?`n`n%MyListBox%
IfMsgBox, No
; Otherwise, try to launch it:
Run, %MyListBox%,, UseErrorLevel
if (ErrorLevel = "ERROR")
    MsgBox Could not launch the specified file. Perhaps it is not associated with anything.


Now create a directory and call it "scripts". Drop an example script or create one. Below is an example.


#SingleInstance, force
Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, Exit
Menu, Tray, Default, Exit

if not A_IsAdmin ; Checks if script is being run as an administrator, if not it wil prompt for it.
    Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%"
diam = 25 ; Maximum canvas size of X-Y values for crosshair

Max = 255 ; Used to set max color value for slider
a1=BE        ; Red value
a2=00        ; Green value
a3=FF        ; Blue value

crosshair1 = 10-0 10-4 9-5 8-5 7-5 6-7 5-8 5-10 0-9 0-15 5-14 5-16 6-17 7-18 8-19 9-19 10-20 9-25 15-25 14-19 15-19 16-19 17-18 18-17 19-16 19-15 20-14 25-15 25-9 20-10 19-9 19-8 18-7 17-5 16-5 14-5 15-0 10-0 12-9 10-4 9-5 8-5 7-5 6-7 5-8 5-10 9-12 5-14 5-16 6-17 7-18 8-19 9-19 10-20 12-15 14-19 15-19 16-19 17-18 18-17 19-16 19-15 20-14 16-12 20-10 19-9 19-8 18-7 17-5 16-5 14-5 12-9 12-11 13-12 12-13 12-12 12-11 12-9 10-0
crosshair2 = 10-10 7-2 12-2 12-13 13-12 12-11 12-2 18-2 14-10 23-5 23-18 14-14 18-23 7-23 10-14 2-18 2-5 10-10 6-2 5-2 3-3 2-5 2-5 2-18 2-19 3-21 5-23 6-23 18-23 19-23 21-22 23-19 23-18 23-5 23-5 22-3 20-2 19-2 6-2
crosshair3 = 11-16 11-22 9-20 8-19 7-18 6-17 5-16 5-15 4-14 4-10 5-9 5-8 6-7 7-6 8-5 9-4 10-4 11-3 14-3 15-4 16-4 17-5 18-6 19-7 20-8 20-9 21-10 21-14 20-15 20-16 19-17 18-18 17-19 16-20 14-22 14-16 15-17 16-17 17-16 17-15 18-14 18-10 17-9 17-8 16-7 15-7 14-6 11-6 10-7 9-7 8-8 8-9 7-10 7-14 8-15 8-16 9-17 10-17 11-16 11-16 11-12 12-13 12-10 13-11 12-12 12-13 11-12 12-13 11-14 13-14 13-12 14-13 13-14 11-14
crosshair4 = 7-8 12-0 17-8 20-12 24-21 15-21 9-21 0-21 4-12 6-13 3-19 9-19 9-21 15-21 15-19 21-19 18-13 20-12 17-8 15-9 12-4 9-9 7-8
crosshair5 = 12-0 15-0 16-1 17-1 18-2 19-2 20-3 21-4 22-5 22-6 23-7 23-8 24-9 24-15 23-16 23-17 22-18 22-19 21-20 20-21 19-22 18-22 17-23 16-23 15-24 9-24 8-23 7-23 6-22 5-22 4-21 3-20 2-19 2-18 1-17 1-16 0-15 0-9 1-8 1-7 2-6 2-5 3-4 4-3 5-2 6-2 7-1 8-1 9-0 12-0 13-1 13-9 12-9 12-2 9-2 8-3 7-3 6-4 5-4 4-5 4-6 3-7 3-8 2-9 2-12 9-12 9-13 2-13 2-15 3-16 3-17 4-18 4-19 5-20 6-20 7-21 8-21 9-22 12-22 12-15 13-15 13-22 15-22 16-21 17-21 18-20 19-20 20-19 20-18 21-17 21-16 22-15 22-13 15-13 15-12 22-12 22-9 21-8 21-7 20-6 20-5 19-4 18-4 17-3 16-3 15-2 12-2 12-0
crosshair6 = 12-0 15-0 16-1 17-1 18-2 19-2 20-3 21-4 22-5 22-6 23-7 23-8 24-9 24-15 23-16 23-17 22-18 22-19 21-20 20-21 19-22 18-22 17-23 16-23 15-24 9-24 8-23 7-23 6-22 5-22 4-21 3-20 2-19 2-18 1-17 1-16 0-15 0-9 1-8 1-7 2-6 2-5 3-4 4-3 5-2 6-2 7-1 8-1 9-0 12-0 12-2 9-2 8-3 7-3 6-4 4-3 3-4 4-6 3-7 3-8 2-9 2-15 3-16 3-17 4-18 2-19 4-22 6-20 7-21 8-21 9-22 15-22 16-21 17-21 18-20 20-21 21-19 20-18 21-17 21-16 22-15 22-9 21-8 21-7 20-6 21-4 20-3 18-4 17-3 16-3 15-2 12-2 12-0 12-13 13-12 12-11 12-0
crosshair7 = 12-0 15-0 16-1 17-1 18-2 19-2 20-3 21-4 22-5 22-6 23-7 23-8 24-9 24-15 23-16 23-17 22-18 22-19 21-20 20-21 19-22 18-22 17-23 16-23 15-24 9-24 8-23 7-23 6-22 5-22 4-21 3-20 2-19 2-18 1-17 1-16 0-15 0-9 1-8 1-7 2-6 2-5 3-4 4-3 5-2 6-2 7-1 8-1 9-0 12-0 12-2 9-2 8-3 8-6 7-7 7-10 8-10 9-9 9-7 8-6 8-3 7-3 6-4 5-4 4-5 4-6 3-7 3-8 2-9 2-15 3-16 3-17 4-18 4-19 5-20 6-20 7-21 8-21 9-22 12-22 12-16 9-16 8-17 7-17 5-19 4-18 4-17 5-16 6-15 7-14 8-14 9-13 15-13 16-14 17-14 18-15 19-16 20-17 20-18 19-19 18-19 17-17 16-17 15-16 12-16 12-22 15-22 16-21 17-21 18-20 19-20 20-19 20-18 21-17 21-16 22-15 22-9 21-8 21-7 20-6 20-5 19-4 18-4 17-3 16-3 16-7 16-10 17-10 18-9 18-7 17-6 16-7 16-3 15-2 12-2 12-0
crosshair8 = 12-0 15-0 16-1 17-1 18-2 19-2 20-3 21-4 22-5 22-6 23-7 23-8 24-9 24-15 23-16 23-17 22-18 22-19 21-20 20-21 19-22 18-22 17-23 16-23 15-24 9-24 8-23 7-23 6-22 5-22 4-21 3-20 2-19 2-18 1-17 1-16 0-15 0-9 1-8 1-7 2-6 2-5 3-4 4-3 5-2 6-2 7-1 8-1 9-0 12-0 12-2 9-2 8-3 7-3 6-4 5-4 4-5 4-6 3-7 3-8 2-9 2-15 3-16 3-17 4-18 4-19 5-20 6-20 7-21 8-21 8-20 8-16 4-16 4-17 7-20 8-20 8-21 9-22 15-22 16-21 16-20 16-16 18-16 20-16 20-17 16-20 16-21 17-21 18-20 19-20 20-19 20-18 21-17 21-16 22-15 22-9 21-8 21-7 20-6 20-5 19-4 18-4 17-3 16-3 15-3 9-3 12-6 15-3 15-2 12-2 12-0
crosshair9 = 12-0 25-0 25-25 0-25 0-0 9-0 7-2 2-2 2-7 0-9 0-15 2-17 2-23 7-23 9-25 16-25 18-23 23-23 23-17 25-15 25-9 23-7 23-2 17-2 15-0 12-0 12-3 12-11 11-11 11-12 3-12 3-13 11-13 11-14 12-14 12-22 13-22 13-14 14-14 14-13 22-13 22-12 14-12 14-11 13-11 13-3 12-3 12-0
crosshair10 = 11-11 14-11 14-14 11-14 11-11
; These are X-Y pairs, used to draw the window in the desired shape.
activecrosshair := crosshair1 ; Default crosshair

invisible = 0
menutoggle = 1 ; Initialize menu to OFF
previewactive1 = 1 ; Default cursor is selected in F10 Menu
previewactive2 = 0 ; Following selections are 'inactive'
previewactive3 = 0
previewactive4 = 0
previewactive5 = 0
previewactive6 = 0
previewactive7 = 0
previewactive8 = 0
previewactive9 = 0
previewactive10 = 0
start: ; Gosubs here after icon selection
Gui, crosshair:New, +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop -Caption ; Instantiate GUI window with name 'crosshair', set as Active window, set to be always-on-top, and remove the window borders.
Gui, crosshair:+Owner ; Makes the GUI owned by the script's main window, forcing non-display of a taskbar button
Gui margin,0,0 ; Sets the window margin to 0,0 to disable padding
Gui crosshair:Add,Progress,x-2 y-2 w35 h35 c%a1%%a2%%a3% -border vCrosshair,100 ; Creates a silder with the hex color value of a1+a2+a3(RGB), and removes the slider's default border
SysGet, mon, Monitor ; Get main working monitor's maximum dimensions
Gui crosshair:show, % "x" monRight//2-(diam//2) " y" monBottom//2-(diam//2) NA ; Set crosshair to center in the main monitor
WinSet, Region, %activecrosshair%, A ; Set active crosshair
WinGetPos, Xpos, Ypos, A ; Grab window's Xpos and Ypos to allow everything to adjust dynamically with window position.
menuXpos := Xpos+50 ; Offset F10 Menu from center of main GUI window
menuYpos := Ypos+50 ; Offset F10 Menu from center of main GUI window
Gui, +E0x80020 ; Extended style, makes the window ignore the mouse cursor

if invisible = 0
    invisible = 1
    Gui, crosshair:Hide
    Gui, colorslider:Destroy
    invisible = 0
    Gui, crosshair:Show

if menutoggle = 0
    menutoggle = 1
    Gui, colorslider:Destroy
    menutoggle = 0 ; Just in case

   crosshairXpos1 := Xpos+100, crosshairXpos6 := Xpos+100
   crosshairXpos2 := Xpos+140, crosshairXpos7 := Xpos+140
   crosshairXpos3 := Xpos+180, crosshairXpos8 := Xpos+180
   crosshairXpos4 := Xpos+220, crosshairXpos9 := Xpos+220
   crosshairXpos5 := Xpos+260, crosshairXpos10 := Xpos+260
   crosshairYpos1 := Ypos+60, crosshairYpos2 := Ypos+60, crosshairYpos3 := Ypos+60, crosshairYpos4 := Ypos+60, crosshairYpos5 := Ypos+60
   crosshairYpos6 := Ypos+100, crosshairYpos7 := Ypos+100, crosshairYpos8 := Ypos+100, crosshairYpos9 := Ypos+100, crosshairYpos10 := Ypos+100
   Gui, colorslider:New, +AlwaysOnTop +E0x08000000 -Caption +border
    Gui -dpiscale
    Gui margin,5,5
    Gui, colorslider:Show,x%menuXpos% y%menuYpos% w245 h85, Color Slider
    Gui, colorslider:Add, Slider, w35 h75 vaa gsave AltSubmit -border Page10 Range1-300 TickInterval50 Vertical,
   loop, 10
      boxXpos%A_Index% := crosshairXpos%A_Index%-5
      boxYpos%A_Index% := crosshairYpos%A_Index%-5
      if previewactive%A_Index% = 1
         SelectionColor%A_Index% = Silver
         PreviewColor%A_Index% = Fuchsia
         SelectionColor%A_Index% = Gray
         PreviewColor%A_Index% = Blue

         selectionColorLoopX := % boxXpos%A_Index%
         selectionColorLoopY := % boxYpos%A_Index%
         crosshairColorLoopX := % crosshairXpos%A_Index%
         crosshairColorLoopY := % crosshairYpos%A_Index%
         shadowboxColor := % selectioncolor%A_Index%
         crosshairColor := % previewcolor%A_Index%
         crosshairNumber := % crosshair%A_Index%
         selectionNumber = Selection%A_Index% ;

         Gui, shadowbox%A_Index%:New, +AlwaysOnTop +E0x08000000 -Caption
         Gui -dpiscale
         Gui margin,0,0
         Gui shadowbox%A_Index%:Add,Listview, w35 h35 Background%shadowboxColor% v%A_Index% gSelection -Hdr -E0x200 -border AltSubmit
         Gui, shadowbox%A_Index%:+Ownercolorslider
         Gui, shadowbox%A_Index%:Show,x%selectionColorLoopX% y%selectionColorLoopY% w35 h35

         Gui, crosshairpreview%A_Index%:New, +AlwaysOnTop +E0x08000000 -Caption
         Gui crosshairpreview%A_Index%:Add,Progress, x-3 y-3 w35 h35 c%crosshairColor% vPreview%A_Index% -border,100
         Gui, crosshairpreview%A_Index%:+Ownercolorslider
         Gui, crosshairpreview%A_Index%:Show,x%crosshairColorLoopX% y%crosshairColorLoopY% w35 h35
         WinSet, Region, %crosshairNumber%, A
         Gui, +E0x80020
         Gosub save

selectionCrosshairXpos := % crosshairXpos%A_GuiControl%
selectionCrosshairYpos := % crosshairYpos%A_GuiControl%
crosshairActiveNum := % crosshair%A_GuiControl%
if A_GuiEvent = Normal
   loop, 10
      if A_Index = %A_GuiControl%
         previewactive%A_GuiControl% = 1
         Gui, crosshairpreview%A_GuiControl%:New, +AlwaysOnTop +E0x08000000 -Caption
         Gui crosshairpreview%A_GuiControl%:Add,Progress,x-2 y-2 w35 h35 cFuchsia vPreview%A_GuiControl% -border,100
         Gui, crosshairpreview%A_GuiControl%:+Ownercolorslider
         Gui, crosshairpreview%A_GuiControl%:Show,x%selectionCrosshairXpos% y%selectionCrosshairYpos% w35 h35
         WinSet, Region, %crosshairActiveNum%, A
         Gui, +E0x80020
         activecrosshair := crosshairActiveNum
         Gui, crosshair:Destroy
         GuiControl shadowbox%A_GuiControl%:+BackgroundSilver, %A_GuiControl%
         GuiControl crosshairpreview%A_GuiControl%:+cFuchsia, Preview%A_GuiControl%
         gosub, Start
         previewactive%A_Index% = 0
         GuiControl shadowbox%A_Index%:+BackgroundGray, %A_Index%
         GuiControl crosshairpreview%A_Index%:+cBlue, Preview%A_Index%

Gui, crosshair:Submit, Nohide
n := Round(max/50,0)
if aa between 1 and 50
    a1 := Color(max)
    ab := aa*n
    a2 := Color(ab)
    a3 := Color(0)
if aa between 51 and 100
    a2 := Color(max)
    ab := (max-aa)*n
    a1 := Color(ab)
    a3 := Color(0)
if aa between 101 and 150
    a2 := Color(max)
    ab := (aa-100)*n
    a3 := Color(ab)
    a1 := Color(0)
if aa between 151 and 200
    a3 := Color(max)
    ab := (max-(aa-150))*n
    a2 := Color(ab)
    a1 := Color(0)
if aa between 201 and 250
    a3 := Color(max)
    ab := (aa-200)*n
    a1 := Color(ab)
    a2 := Color(0)
if aa between 251 and 300
    a1 := Color(max)
    ab := (max-(aa-250))*n
    a3 := Color(ab)
    a2 := Color(0)
loop, 1
    GuiControl crosshair:+c%a1%%a2%%a3%, Crosshair

Color(N) {
   SetFormat, Integer, Hex
   N += 0
   SetFormat, Integer, D
   StringTrimLeft, N, N, 2
   If(StrLen(N) < 2)
      N = 0%N%
   Return N


Now anytime you get or create a script, drag it in there and just always launch with loader.ahk and a selection will appear where you can select, click "ok" and it will load the script.


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