Credits to SAI and anyones Features added. the gui contains proper credits Remember this is a BETA being worked up to final these functions and some others may not be set up to fully work yet Trigger Bot, Bunny Hop,Fast Reload and Quick Scope,Sniper Breath,Drop Shot, as well as the gui freeze issue when setting color on main gui (for this issue just go to hot key in task bar right click the h and then click back on the gui it will unfreeze)
EDIT: I HAVE RECENTLY BEAT THE OBJ DETECTION SYSTEM update pending for a more ui friendly base thats all dynamic here are videos of obj not affecting aim
UPDATED CODE V3.1! NATIVE FEATURES ACROSS ZOMBIES AND MULTIPLAYER + FIXED FUNCTIONS Private scripts ETC will be sold or custom scripts at your request!
-Moveable GUI
-One check mark to enable features no longer need to have multi and zombies enabled
Toggle monitor Button
Toggle Resizability
Added Cross hair Overlay need the get images down for it Right now as we speak will upload them to the V3.1 Pack
all features in tack with new Tab gui to allow for useability for all!
-added second version of drop shot to show how we can customize seperate actions so drop shot 1 will act different than v2 if set different
-more scripts to come as they are found
-if you wish to have access to a more in depth version than public inquire
#SingleInstance, Force
#KeyHistory, 0
#HotKeyInterval 1
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 127
SetKeyDelay, -1, 1
SetControlDelay, -1
SetMouseDelay, -1
SetWinDelay, -1
SendMode, InputThenPlay
SetBatchLines, -1
ListLines, Off
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen, RGB
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
PID := DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")
Process, Priority, %PID%, High
; Random number generator function
GetRandom(min, max) {
Random, output, %min%, %max%
return output
RandomDelay(min, max) {
Random, delay, %min%, %max%
Sleep, delay
ImpreciseMove(value) {
Random, offset, -1, 1
return value + offset
; --- Global Variables ---
global CrosshairVisible := false ; Tracks whether the crosshair overlay is visible
global CrosshairType := "Green Crosshair" ; Default crosshair type selected
; --- Global Variables for FOV Overlay ---
global showOverlay := false ; Tracks whether the FOV overlay is visible
global overlaySize := 400 ; Default overlay size (for testing, can be dynamically adjusted)
global overlayType := "Circle" ; Default overlay shape ("Circle" or "Square")
global OverlayHwnd := 0 ; Initialize variable for overlay window handle (Hwnd)
global OverlayPic := 0 ; Initialize variable for overlay picture control handle (Hwnd)
; Crosshair GUI Variables
global CrosshairHwnd ; Handle for the crosshair overlay GUI window
global CrosshairHwndPic ; Handle for the crosshair image (if needed)
; Declare variables
monitorCount := 0
monitorLeft := 0
monitorTop := 0
monitorRight := 0
monitorBottom := 0
iniFile := A_ScriptDir "\settings.ini"
global ZombieCheckmark ; Declare as global
TargetOffsetX := 0
TargetOffsetY := 0
HipFireStrength := 1 ; Adjust based on user settings or GUI control
lastTargetX := 0
lastTargetY := 0
TargetSwitchThreshold := 5 ; Example distance threshold (adjust as needed)
TriggerbotDistance := 100 ; Example distance for Triggerbot activation
TriggerbotDelay := 50 ; Delay in ms (adjust to suit your needs)
; Initialize variables
triggerActive := false
paused1 := false
TriggerBotStatus := "Off"
; Initialize a variable to track if the GUI is resizable
isResizable := false
; Main Settings
EMCol := 0xc9008d ; Target color
ColVn := 50 ; Tolerance for color matching
ZeroX := A_ScreenWidth / 2 ; Universal resolution
ZeroY := A_ScreenHeight / 2.18 ; Universal resolution
CFovX := 78 ; Field of view X
CFovY := 78 ; Field of view Y
ScanL := ZeroX - CFovX
ScanT := ZeroY - CFovY
ScanR := ZeroX + CFovX
ScanB := ZeroY + CFovY
SearchArea := 40 ; Search area around last known position
SearchArea2 := 50 ; Search area around last known position
; Variables for prediction
prevX := 0
prevY := 0
lastTime := 0
smoothing := 0.09 ; Default smoothing value
predictionMultiplier := 2.5 ; Default prediction multiplier
; Initialize flags
isReloading := False
lastReloadTime := 0
reloadCooldown := 500 ; Adjust cooldown as needed
; Target dot settings Zombie Aim snappy checkbox
LastColor6 := "" ; Keep track of the last color to check if it changed
EMCol6 := 0xDF00FF ; Color of purple diamond
ColVn6 := 25 ; Tolerance for color match
ZeroX6 := 955 ; Central aim point
ZeroY6 := 500 ; Center Y coordinate of aim area
CFovX6 := 200 ; Field of view width
CFovY6 := 200 ; Field of view height
ScanL6 := ZeroX6 - CFovX6
ScanT6 := ZeroY6 - CFovY6
ScanR6 := ZeroX6 + CFovX6
ScanB6 := ZeroY6 + CFovY6
targetX6 := 0
targetY6 := 0
toggle6 := false
Paused6 := false
EnableAimLoop6State := 0
targetFound6 := false ; Initialize targetFound6 here
; Offset for final aim position relative to the purple diamond
OffsetX6 := 45 ; Offset right
OffsetY6 := 50 ; Offset down
; Zombie Less Sticky settings
EMCol8 := 0xDF00FF ; Color of purple diamond
ColVn8 := 25 ; Tolerance for color match
ZeroX8 := 955 ; Central aim point
ZeroY8 := 500 ; Center Y coordinate of aim area
CFovX8 := 200 ; Field of view width
CFovY8 := 200 ; Field of view height
ScanL8 := ZeroX8 - CFovX8
ScanT8 := ZeroY8 - CFovY8
ScanR8 := ZeroX8 + CFovX8
ScanB8 := ZeroY8 + CFovY8
targetX8 := 0
targetY8 := 0
toggle8 := false
Paused8 := false
; Aim settings
ZeroXs := A_ScreenWidth / 2.08
ZeroYs := A_ScreenHeight / 2.18
CFovXXs := 40
CFovYYs := 120
ScanLs1 := ZeroXs - CFovXXs
ScanTs1 := ZeroYs - CFovYYs
ScanRs1 := ZeroXs + CFovXXs
ScanBs1 := ZeroYs + CFovYYs
toggle1s := false
Paused1s := false
randX := 0
randY := 0
AntiDetectionStrength := 5 ; Adjust this to control how much randomization occurs
; Offset for final aim position relative to the purple diamond
OffsetX8 := 45 ; Offset right
OffsetY8 := 50 ; Offset down
; Target dot settings
EMCol9 := 0xEA00FF
ColVn9 := 25
ZeroX9 := A_ScreenWidth / 2.08
ZeroY9 := A_ScreenHeight / 2.19
CFovX9 := 120
CFovY9 := 120
ScanL9 := ZeroX9 - CFovX9
ScanT9 := ZeroY9 - CFovY9
ScanR9 := ZeroX9 + CFovX9
ScanB9 := ZeroY9 + CFovY9
targetX9 := 0
targetY9 := 0
toggle9 := false
Paused9 := false
; Default Settings for Recoil, Speed, and FOV
RecoilIntensity := 50 ; Default recoil intensity
NoRecoilSpeed := 20 ; Default speed for no recoil
FOVValue := CFovX ; Initialize FOV with the main FOV value
ZeroX3 := A_ScreenWidth / 2.08
ZeroY3 := A_ScreenHeight / 2.18
CFovXX3 := 40
CFovYY3 := 120
ScanL3 := ZeroX3 - CFovXX3
ScanT3 := ZeroY3 - CFovYY3
ScanR3 := ZeroX3 + CFovXX3
ScanB3 := ZeroY3 + CFovYY3
OverlayHwnd := 0 ; Initialize variable for overlay handle
CrosshairVisible := false
showOverlay := false
overlaySize := 400 ; Set a fixed size for testing
overlayType := "Circle" ; Set a type for testing (or "Square")
; Rapid Fire Variables
RapidFireEnabled := False
NoRecoilEnabled := False
action := 0
meleeSpamTime := 0
direction := 0
; Additional Feature Variables
AutoSprintEnabled := false
FastReloadEnabled := false
QuickScopeEnabled := false
AntiAimEnabled := false
HitboxCycleEnabled := false
AutoReloadEnabled := false
AutoCrouchEnabled := false
BunnyHopEnabled := false
JumpShotEnabled := false
DropShotEnabled := false
DropShot2Enabled := false
CrouchShotEnabled := false
HoldBreathEnabled := false
SniperBreathEnabled := false
AntiAFKEnabled := false
JitterEnabled := false
AutoDropEnabled := false
AutoStrafeEnabled := false
MeleeSpamEnabled := false
AutoCrouchProneEnabled := false
JoshTriggerBotEnabled := false
; GUI Window
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow +E0x20 ; Mouse-through transparency
Width := 495
Height := 500
WinSet, Transparent, 20, ; Transparency of GUI
Gui, Color, 880808 ; Background color of GUI
Opacity := 50 ; 20% opacity (range 0-255)
; GUI Title
Gui, Font, s7 cD0D0D0 Bold
Gui, Add, Progress, % "x-1 y-1 w" (Width+110) " h30 Background000000 Disabled hwndHPROG"
Control, ExStyle, -0x20000, , ahk_id %HPROG%
Gui, Add, Text, % "x0 y3 w" Width " h15 BackgroundTrans Center 0x550 vCaption gGuiMove", Treason's BO6 Color Aim V3.1 Edit
; Set transparency level for the GUI window only
Gui, Show, % "w" Width " h" Height " NA" " x" (A_ScreenWidth - Width) "x0 y500"
WinSet, Transparent, %Opacity%, ahk_id %hGui% ; Only make GUI transparent
; Create Tabs
Gui, Add, Tab2, vMyTabs w500 h650 x0 y30, Main|Sliders and Toggles|Advanced Features|Misc|Extras|Dev|Customize|Settings
; ---------------- Main Tab ----------------
Gui, Tab, Main
Gui, Font, s6
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Main Options
; Checkboxes with Green Tick
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-275) "r1 vEnableCheckbox gUpdateStatus", ENABLE MULTIPLAYER AIM (INSERT)
Gui, Add, Text, x+5 w10 h10 vEnableCheckmark Hidden, X
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-275) "r1 vEnablePredictionCheckbox gUpdateStatus", ENABLE PREDICTION (HOME)
Gui, Add, Text, x+5 w10 h10 vPredictionCheckmark Hidden, X
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-275) "r1 vEnableAimLoop6 gToggleAimLoop6 gUpdateStatus", ENABLE ZOMBIES AIM (DELETE)
Gui, Add, Text, x+5 w10 h10 vZombieCheckmark Hidden, X
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-275) "r1 vEnable2Checkbox gToggleEnable2 gUpdateStatus", ENABLE SAI V2 AIM - MULTI
Gui, Add, Text, x+5 w10 h10 vEnable2Checkmark Hidden, X
; Add tip label
Gui, Add, Text, % "x190 y72 w" (Width-14) "r1 c00FF00", ZOMBIES SUPPORTS ADV + EXTRA FEATURES NATIVELY NOW!
Gui, Add, Button, % "x287 y100 w120 h20 gOpenInstructions", Instructions / Tips
Gui, Add, Button, % "x290 y130 w100 h20 gOpenHotkeys", HOTKEYS / Tips
; GUI Color Picker Section
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Target Color (Hex)
Gui, Add, Edit, % "x8 y+5 w80 r1 vColorHex gUpdateColor", % Format("{:X}", EMCol & 0xFFFFFF)
GuiControl, +ToolTip, ColorHex, Set target color (click Pick Color to choose)
; Button to submit the color input
Gui, Add, Button, % "x+8 y+7 w100 h30 gSubmitColor", Set Color
GuiControl, +ToolTip, SubmitColor, Submit the color input from the box
; Second GUI Color Picker Section for Zombies Aim
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Zombie Target Color (Hex)
Gui, Add, Edit, % "x8 y+5 w80 r1 vZombieColorHex gUpdateZombieColor6", % Format("{:X}", EMCol6 & 0xFFFFFF) ; Same initial color or a different one if needed
GuiControl, +ToolTip, ZombieColorHex, Set zombie target color (click Set Zombie Color to choose)
; Button to submit the zombie color input
Gui, Add, Button, % "x+8 y+7 w100 h30 gSubmitZombieColor6", Set Zombie Color
GuiControl, +ToolTip, SubmitZombieColor, Submit the color input from the box
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-275) "r1", Current ZeroY Value:
Gui, Add, Text, % "x+1 w70 r1 vZeroYLabel", % ZeroY
; Smoothing Control
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-300) "r1", Smoothing (Default is 0.09)
Gui, Add, Text, % "x+m w" (Width-275) "r1 vSmoothingValue", %smoothing%
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-375) "r1 +0x4000 gDecreaseSmoothing", -
Gui, Add, Button, % "x+2+m w" (Width-375) "r1 +0x4000 gIncreaseSmoothing", +
; Prediction Multiplier Control
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-300) "r1", Prediction Multiplier
Gui, Add, Text, % "x+m w" (Width-275) "r1 vPredictionValue", %predictionMultiplier%
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-375) "r1 +0x4000 gDecreasePrediction", -
Gui, Add, Button, % "x+2+m w" (Width-375) "r1 +0x4000 gIncreasePrediction", +
; Color Tolerance Control
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-300) "r1", Color Tolerance
Gui, Add, Text, % "x+m w" (Width-275) "r1 vToleranceValue", %ColVn%
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-375) "r1 +0x4000 gDecreaseTolerance", -
Gui, Add, Button, % "x+2+m w" (Width-375) "r1 +0x4000 gIncreaseTolerance", +
; Target Location
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-300) "r1", Target Location
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-375) "r1 +0x4000 gHeadshotsButton", Head
Gui, Add, Button, % "x+2+m w" (Width-375) "r1 +0x4000 gChestButton", Chest
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-375) "r1 +0x4000 gBellyButton", Belly
Gui, Add, Button, % "x+2+m w" (Width-375) "r1 +0x4000 gFeetButton", Feet
; Finish Main Tab
; ---------------- Sliders and Toggles Tab ----------------
Gui, Tab, Sliders and Toggles
; Rapid Fire Toggle with Indicator
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Rapid Fire Toggle
Gui, Add, Button, % "x3 y+8 w" (Width-300) "r1 gToggleRapidFire", Toggle
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vRapidFireStatus c00FF00", ; Indicator for rapid fire
; No Recoil Intensity Control
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", No Recoil Intensity
Gui, Add, Slider, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-40) "h20 r1 Range0-100 vRecoilIntensity gUpdateRecoilIntensity Background880808", 50 ; Set background color
Gui, Add, Text, % "x+10 w50 r1 vCurrentRecoilIntensity", 50 ; Display current intensity
; No Recoil Speed Control
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", No Recoil Speed
Gui, Add, Slider, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-40) "h20 r1 Range1-100 vNoRecoilSpeed gUpdateNoRecoilSpeed Background880808", 20 ; Set background color
Gui, Add, Text, % "x+10 w50 r1 vCurrentNoRecoilSpeed", 20 ; Display current speed
; No Recoil Toggle
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", No Recoil Toggle
Gui, Add, Button, % "x3 y+8 w" (Width-300) "r1 gToggleNoRecoil", Toggle
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vNoRecoilStatus c00FF00", ; Indicator for no recoil
; FOV Control Slider
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Field of View (FOV)
Gui, Add, Slider, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-40) "h20 r1 Range30-180 vFOVValue gUpdateFOV Background880808", %CFovX%
Gui, Add, Text, % "x+10 w50 r1 vCurrentFOV", %CFovX% ; Display current FOV
GuiControl, +ToolTip, FOVValue, Adjust the Field of View
; FOV Overlay Toggle Button and Dropdown for overlay type
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y+20 w50 h30 gToggleFOVOverlay", Toggle FOV Overlay
GuiControl, +ToolTip, ToggleFOVOverlay, Show or hide the FOV overlay
Gui, Add, DropDownList, % "x+10 y+5 w100 vOverlayType gUpdateOverlayType", Circle|Square
GuiControl, +ToolTip, OverlayType, Select the type of FOV overlay
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y+20 w50 h30 gToggleCrosshair", Toggle Crosshair Overlay
GuiControl, +ToolTip, ToggleCrosshair, Show or hide the crosshair overlay
Gui, Add, DropDownList, % "x+10 y+5 w100 vCrosshairType gUpdateCrosshairType", Green Crosshair|Circle|Square
GuiControl, +ToolTip, CrosshairType, Select the type of crosshair
; Finish Sliders and Toggles Tab
; ---------------- Advanced Features Tab ----------------
Gui, Tab, Advanced Features
; Advanced Feature Toggles Section
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Advanced Feature Toggles
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableAntiAim gToggleAntiAim", Anti-Aim
GuiControl, +ToolTip, EnableAntiAim, Toggle anti-aim mode
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableHitboxCycle gToggleHitboxCycle", Cycle Hitbox
GuiControl, +ToolTip, EnableHitboxCycle, Toggle hitbox cycling
; Anti-AFK Feature Checkbox
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableAntiAFK gToggleAntiAFK", Anti-AFK
GuiControl, +ToolTip, EnableAntiAFK, Prevents being marked as AFK by simulating random movements
; Keyboard & Mouse Enhancements
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Keyboard Enhancements
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableAutoReload gToggleAutoReload", Auto Reload
GuiControl, +ToolTip, EnableAutoReload, Toggle automatic reloading
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableAutoCrouch gToggleAutoCrouch", Auto Crouch
GuiControl, +ToolTip, EnableAutoCrouch, Toggle automatic crouching
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableAutoDrop gToggleAutoDrop", Auto Drop
GuiControl, +ToolTip, EnableAutoDrop, Toggle automatic dropping
; Additional Features Text
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Additional Features
; Additional Features Toggle
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableDropShot gToggleDropShot", Drop Shot
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableJumpShot gToggleJumpShot", Jump Shot
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableDropShot2 gToggleDropShot2", Drop Shot 2
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableCrouchShot gToggleCrouchShot", Crouch Shot
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableHoldBreath gToggleHoldBreath", Hold Breath
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableJitter gToggleJitter", Jitter
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableSniperBreath gToggleSniperBreath", Sniper Breath
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableAutoSprint gToggleAutoSprint", Auto Sprint
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableFastReload gToggleFastReload", Fast Reload
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableQuickScope gToggleQuickScope", Quick Scope
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableBunnyHop gToggleBunnyHop", Bunny Hop
; Extra Aims Text
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Extra Aims (See Hotkeys + Tips)
; Extra Aims Toggle
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableAimLoop8 gToggleAimLoop8", Enable Zombie Aim V2 Less Sticky (PgUp Key)
Gui, Add, Text, x+10 w10 h10 vZombieCheckmark3 Hidden, ; Hidden checkmark for Zombie Aim V2
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableAimLoop9 gToggleAimLoop9", Enable Zombie Aim V1 (PgDn Key)
Gui, Add, Text, x+10 w10 h10 vZombieCheckmark2 Hidden, ; Hidden checkmark for Zombie Aim V1
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableAimLoop0 gToggleAimLoop0", Enable Trigger Bot (']' Key to toggle) (Color: EA00FF)
Gui, Add, Text, x+10 w10 h10 vTriggerBotCheckmark Hidden, ; Hidden checkmark for Trigger Bot
; Finish Advanced Tab
; ---------------- Misc Tab ----------------
Gui, Tab, Misc
; Credits Button
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y400 w" (Width-100) "r1 gShowCredits", Show Credits
; Zombie Aim and Trigger Bot Buttons
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y125 w120 h20 gOpenZombieAim", Open Zombie Aim
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y102 w120 h20 gOpenTriggerBot", Open Trigger Bot
Gui, Add, Button, % "x135 y104 w120 h20 gPauseToggle1", Pause/Resume Trigger Bot ; Pause button
; Toggle Resizability Button
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y225 w100 h30 gToggleResizable", Toggle Resizability
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y180 w100 h30 gToggleMonitor", Move to Second Monitor
; Trigger Bot Toggle Section
Gui, Add, Button, % "x135 y80 w" (Width-300) "r1 gToggleTriggerBot", Trigger Bot Toggle
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y80 w120 h20 gOpenZombieAimV2", Open Zombie Aim V2
Gui, Add, Button, % "x287 y100 w120 h20 gOpenInstructions", Instructions / Tips
Gui, Add, Button, % "x287 y123 w120 h20 gOpenHotkeys", HOTKEYS / Tips + Settings
; Close Button
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y146 w100 h30 gClose", Close
GuiControl, +ToolTip, Close, Close the application
; Reset Defaults Button
Gui, Add, Button, % "x107 y146 w100 h30 gResetDefaults", Reset Defaults
GuiControl, +ToolTip, ResetDefaults, Reset settings to default values
Gui, Add, Button, % "x207 y146 w100 h30 gSaveSettings", Save Settings
GuiControl, +ToolTip, SaveSettings, Save current settings to an INI file
Gui, Add, Button, % "x307 y146 w100 h30 gLoadSettings", Load Settings
GuiControl, +ToolTip, LoadSettings, Load settings from an INI file
; Finish Misc Tab
; ---------------- Extras Tab ----------------
Gui, Tab, Extras
Gui, Font, s6
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Extras Options
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Placeholder for future content
; Josh Trigger Bot Toggle
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vJoshTriggerBotCheckbox gToggleJoshTriggerBot, Josh Trigger Bot
Gui, Add, Text, x7 y+5 w250, Enable/Disable Josh Trigger Bot
; Auto Strafe Toggle
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vAutoStrafeCheckbox gToggleAutoStrafe, Auto Strafe
Gui, Add, Text, x7 y+5 w275, Enable/Disable Auto Strafe
; Auto Crouch/Prone Spam Toggle
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vAutoCrouchProneCheckbox gToggleAutoCrouchProne, Auto Crouch/Prone Spam
Gui, Add, Text, x7 y+5 w400, Enable/Disable Auto Crouch/Prone Spam
; Melee Spam Toggle
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vMeleeSpamCheckbox gToggleMeleeSpam, Melee Spam
Gui, Add, Text, x7 y+5 w400, Enable/Disable Melee Spam
; Finish Extras Tab
; ---------------- Dev Tab ----------------
Gui, Tab, Dev
; Placeholder for future features
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y70 w" (Width-14) "r1", Developer options will be added here. Treason V3.1 FIXED (Color freeze gui issue, some adv feature nows working that did not before)
; Finish Dev Tab
; ---------------- Customize Tab ----------------
Gui, Tab, Customize
Gui, Font, s6
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Customize Options
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Placeholder for customization features
; ---------------- Settings Tab ----------------
Gui, Tab, Settings
Gui, Font, s6
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Settings Options
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Placeholder for settings adjustments
; GUI updates
GuiControl,, ZeroYLabel, %ZeroY%
GuiControl,, CFovXLabel, %CFovX%
GuiControl,, CFovYLabel, %CFovY%
GuiControl,, SmoothingValue, %smoothing%
GuiControl,, PredictionValue, %predictionMultiplier%
GuiControl,, ToleranceValue, %ColVn%
GuiControl,, RecoilIntensity, %RecoilIntensity% ; Reset Recoil Intensity in GUI
GuiControl,, NoRecoilSpeed, %NoRecoilSpeed% ; Reset No Recoil Speed in GUI
GuiControl,, FOVValue, %FOVValue% ; Reset FOV in GUI
; Window Region for GUI
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+15 w" "h5 vP"
GuiControlGet, P, Pos
H := PY + PH
Gui, -Caption
WinSet, Region, 0-0 w%Width% h%H% r6-6
; Check if the script is enabled
GuiControlGet, EnableState,, EnableCheckbox
if (EnableState) {
targetFound := False
; Check for target pixel if aiming is enabled
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P") or GetKeyState("RButton", "P") {
; Search for target pixel in a smaller region around the last known position
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, targetX - SearchArea, targetY - SearchArea, targetX + SearchArea, targetY + SearchArea, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
targetX := AimPixelX
targetY := AimPixelY
targetFound := True
} else {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
targetX := AimPixelX
targetY := AimPixelY
targetFound := True
if (targetFound) {
; Get current time
currentTime := A_TickCount
; Calculate the velocity of the target
if (lastTime != 0) {
deltaTime := (currentTime - lastTime) / 1000.0 ; Convert to seconds
velocityX := (targetX - prevX) / deltaTime
velocityY := (targetY - prevY) / deltaTime
; Store the current position and time for the next iteration
prevX := targetX
prevY := targetY
lastTime := currentTime
; Apply prediction if enabled
GuiControlGet, PredictionEnabled,, EnablePredictionCheckbox
if (PredictionEnabled && deltaTime != 0) {
PredictedX := targetX + Round(velocityX * predictionMultiplier * deltaTime)
PredictedY := targetY + Round(velocityY * predictionMultiplier * deltaTime)
} else {
PredictedX := targetX
PredictedY := targetY
; Move the mouse smoothly with strength adjustment
AimX := PredictedX - ZeroX
AimY := PredictedY - ZeroY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, Round(AimX * smoothing), int, Round(AimY * smoothing), uint, 0, int, 0)
; Josh Trigger Bot Implementation
if (JoshTriggerBotEnabled && Sqrt((targetX - ZeroX)**2 + (targetY - ZeroY)**2) < 100) {
Click ; Simulate a mouse click when the target is within 100 pixels
Sleep 50 ; Short delay between clicks
; Rapid Fire Implementation
if (RapidFireEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Click down
Sleep, 30 ; Short delay for firing rate
Click up
; No Recoil Implementation
if (NoRecoilEnabled && (GetKeyState("LButton", "P") || GetKeyState("RButton", "P"))) {
if (RecoilIntensity < 0) {
RecoilIntensity := 0
MouseMove, 0, RecoilIntensity, 0, R
Sleep, NoRecoilSpeed
; Drop Shot Implementation
if (DropShotEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send {C down} ; Hold down the 'C' key (Crouch)
While GetKeyState("LButton", "P") { ; While the Left Mouse Button (LButton) is held down
Sleep, 10 ; Wait for 10 ms before checking again
Send {C up} ; Release the 'C' key (Crouch)
; Jitter Implementation
if (JitterEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
MouseMove, % (GetRandom(-5, 5)), % (GetRandom(-5, 5)), 0, R
; Sniper Breath Implementation
if (SniperBreathEnabled && GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
Send {Shift down}
Sleep, 1000 ; Hold breath for 1 second
Send {Shift up}
; Auto Sprint Implementation
if (AutoSprintEnabled && GetKeyState("W", "P")) {
Send {LShift down}
} else {
Send {LShift up}
; Fast Reload Implementation
if (FastReloadEnabled && GetKeyState("R", "P")) {
Send {R up}
Sleep, 50
Send {R down}
Sleep, 50
Send {R up}
; Quick Scope Implementation
if (QuickScopeEnabled && GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
Send {RButton down}
Sleep, 50 ; Adjust time for how long to aim before shooting
Send {LButton up}
; Anti-aim functionality
if (AntiAimEnabled) {
MouseMove, % (GetRandom(-5, 5)), % (GetRandom(-5, 5)), 0, R
Sleep, 50
; Hitbox Cycle Implementation
if (HitboxCycleEnabled && (Mod(A_Index, 5) == 0)) {
target := (target = "Head") ? "Chest" : (target = "Chest") ? "Belly" : (target = "Belly") ? "Feet" : "Head"
ZeroY := (target = "Head") ? A_ScreenHeight / 2.18 : (target = "Chest") ? A_ScreenHeight / 2.22 : (target = "Belly") ? A_ScreenHeight / 2.30 : A_ScreenHeight / 2.38
GuiControl,, ZeroYLabel, %ZeroY%
Sleep, 10000 ; Timer to switch hitbox
; Auto reload functionality
if (AutoReloadEnabled) {
if (!GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
if (GetKeyState("LButton", "P") && !isReloading && (A_TickCount - lastReloadTime > reloadCooldown)) {
Send {R}
lastReloadTime := A_TickCount
isReloading := True
Sleep, 500 ; Adjust the sleep duration as needed
isReloading := False
; Auto crouch functionality
if (AutoCrouchEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send {C}
Sleep, 50 ; Short delay to prevent spam
; Bunny Hop Implementation
if (BunnyHopEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send {Space down}
Sleep, 10 ; Adjust timing for hopping
Send {Space up}
Sleep, 10
; Jump Shot
if (JumpShotEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send, {Space}
Sleep, 300 ; Adjust timing as needed
; Drop Shot 2
if (DropShot2Enabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send, {Ctrl down}
Sleep, 500
Send, {Ctrl up}
; Crouch Shot
if (CrouchShotEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send, {C down}
Sleep, 75
Send, {C up}
Sleep, 75
; Hold Breath
if (HoldBreathEnabled && GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
Sleep, 110 ; Delay before holding Shift
Send, {Shift down}
; Release Shift when Right Mouse Button is released
if (!GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
Send, {Shift up}
; Auto drop functionality
if (AutoDropEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send {C}
Sleep, 50 ; Short delay to prevent spam
; Anti-AFK Implementation
if (AntiAFKEnabled) {
Random, afkMovementX, -3, 3 ; Random movement in X direction
Random, afkMovementY, -3, 3 ; Random movement in Y direction
MouseMove, afkMovementX, afkMovementY, 0, R ; Move mouse slightly to prevent AFK
; Perform additional anti-AFK actions
Random, actionChoice, 1, 3 ; Randomly choose an action
if (actionChoice == 1) {
Send {C down} ; Crouch
Sleep, 100 ; Hold crouch
Send {C up} ; Stand back up
} else if (actionChoice == 2) {
Send {W down} ; Move forward
Sleep, 300 ; Move forward for a short duration
Send {W up} ; Stop moving
} else if (actionChoice == 3) {
Send {D down} ; Strafe right
Sleep, 300 ; Strafe right for a short duration
Send {D up} ; Stop strafing
; Auto Crouch/Prone spam
if (AutoCrouchProneEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Random, action, 0, 1 ; 0 for crouch, 1 for prone
if (action = 0) {
Send, {C down} ; Crouch
Sleep, 100
Send, {C up}
} else {
Send, {Z down} ; Go prone
Sleep, 100
Send, {Z up}
; Melee Spam
if (MeleeSpamEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Random, meleeSpamTime, 150, 250
Send, {V} ; Press Melee/Knife button
Sleep, meleeSpamTime
; Auto Strafe
if (AutoStrafeEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Random, direction, 0, 1 ; 0 for left, 1 for right
if (direction = 0) {
Send, {A down} ; Move Left
Sleep, 50
Send, {A up}
} else {
Send, {D down} ; Move Right
Sleep, 50
Send, {D up}
; Reduce CPU usage and improve responsiveness
Sleep, 5 ; Minimal sleep to allow the loop to run smoothly
; GUI updates
GuiControl,, ZeroYLabel, %ZeroY%
GuiControl,, CFovXLabel, %CFovX%
GuiControl,, CFovYLabel, %CFovY%
GuiControl,, SmoothingValue, %smoothing%
GuiControl,, PredictionValue, %predictionMultiplier%
GuiControl,, ToleranceValue, %ColVn%
GuiControl,, RecoilIntensity, %RecoilIntensity% ; Reset Recoil Intensity in GUI
GuiControl,, NoRecoilSpeed, %NoRecoilSpeed% ; Reset No Recoil Speed in GUI
GuiControl,, FOVValue, %FOVValue% ; Reset FOV in GUI
; ButtonCallbacks
ZeroY := A_ScreenHeight / 2.18
GuiControl,, ZeroYLabel, %ZeroY%
MsgBox, Target Selected: Headshots`nY Position: %ZeroY%
; ChestButton callback
ZeroY := A_ScreenHeight / 2.22
GuiControl,, ZeroYLabel, %ZeroY%
MsgBox, Target Selected: Chest`nY Position: %ZeroY%
; BellyButton callback
ZeroY := A_ScreenHeight / 2.30
GuiControl,, ZeroYLabel, %ZeroY%
MsgBox, Target Selected: Belly`nY Position: %ZeroY%
; FeetButton callback
ZeroY := A_ScreenHeight / 2.38
GuiControl,, ZeroYLabel, %ZeroY%
MsgBox, Target Selected: Feet`nY Position: %ZeroY%
PostMessage, 0xA1, 2
ToggleAimLoop6() ; Call the function to toggle
if toggle8 {
targetFound8 := false
if (GetKeyState("LButton", "P") || GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
; Look for the purple diamond within the defined area
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL8, ScanT8, ScanR8, ScanB8, EMCol8, ColVn8, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
; Diamond found, calculate adjusted aim point
targetX8 := AimPixelX + OffsetX8
targetY8 := AimPixelY + OffsetY8
targetFound8 := true
if (targetFound8) {
; Calculate movement needed to reach adjusted target
TargetAimX := targetX8 - ZeroX8
TargetAimY := targetY8 - ZeroY8
; Smoothing multiplier for gradual movement
MoveX := Round(TargetAimX * 0.1)
MoveY := Round(TargetAimY * 0.1)
; Execute movement if it's substantial enough
if (Abs(MoveX) > 1 || Abs(MoveY) > 1) {
DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 1, "Int", MoveX, "Int", MoveY, "UInt", 0, "Int", 0)
ToggleAimLoop8() {
global toggle8
toggle8 := !toggle8
; Update the checkbox state
GuiControl,, EnableAimLoop8, % toggle8 ? 1 : 0 ; Set checkbox based on toggle state
if (toggle8) {
SetTimer, AimLoop8, 10 ; Start the loop with a timer
SoundBeep, 500, 300
MsgBox, Aim Loop Started
} else {
SetTimer, AimLoop8, Off ; Stop the loop when toggled off
SoundBeep, 750, 300
MsgBox, Aim Loop Stopped
Gosub, UpdateStatus ; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmark visibility
; Page Up key to toggle Aim Loop
; Pause functionality with Alt key
-:: ; Use '-' key to pause
Paused8 := !Paused8
Pause, Toggle
if Paused8 {
SoundBeep, 750, 500
; Declare global variables so they can be recognized
global RapidFireEnabled, NoRecoilEnabled, DropShotEnabled, JitterEnabled, SniperBreathEnabled
global AutoSprintEnabled, FastReloadEnabled, QuickScopeEnabled, AntiAimEnabled, HitboxCycleEnabled
global AutoReloadEnabled, AutoCrouchEnabled, BunnyHopEnabled, JumpShotEnabled, DropShot2Enabled
global CrouchShotEnabled, HoldBreathEnabled, AutoDropEnabled, AntiAFKEnabled, RecoilIntensity
global NoRecoilSpeed, lastReloadTime, reloadCooldown, isReloading, ZeroX6, ZeroY6, TargetAimX, TargetAimY
global JoshTriggerBotEnabled, MeleeSpamEnabled, AutoStrafeEnabled, AutoCrouchProneEnabled
; Auto Sprint Implementation - Runs independently of mouse button state
if (AutoSprintEnabled && GetKeyState("W", "P")) {
if (!GetKeyState("LShift", "P")) { ; Ensure Shift is not already held
Send {LShift down}
} else {
if (GetKeyState("LShift", "P")) { ; Release Shift if it's held
Send {LShift up}
; Aim feature implementation - Only run if LButton or RButton is pressed
if (GetKeyState("LButton", "P") or GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
targetFound6 := false ; Reset targetFound6 at the start of each loop iteration
; Look for the purple diamond within the defined area
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL6, ScanT6, ScanR6, ScanB6, EMCol6, ColVn6, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
targetX6 := AimPixelX + OffsetX6
targetY6 := AimPixelY + OffsetY6
targetFound6 := true
if (targetFound6) {
TargetAimX := targetX6 - ZeroX6
TargetAimY := targetY6 - ZeroY6
MoveX := Round(TargetAimX * 0.3)
MoveY := Round(TargetAimY * 0.3)
if (Abs(MoveX) > 0 || Abs(MoveY) > 0) {
DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 1, "Int", MoveX, "Int", MoveY, "UInt", 0, "Int", 0)
; Call the function to handle all feature implementations
Gosub, UpdateStatus
Sleep, 5 ; Minimal sleep to allow the loop to run smoothly
ExecuteFeatures() {
global RapidFireEnabled, NoRecoilEnabled, DropShotEnabled, JitterEnabled, SniperBreathEnabled
global AutoSprintEnabled, FastReloadEnabled, QuickScopeEnabled, AntiAimEnabled, HitboxCycleEnabled
global AutoReloadEnabled, AutoCrouchEnabled, BunnyHopEnabled, JumpShotEnabled, DropShot2Enabled
global CrouchShotEnabled, HoldBreathEnabled, AutoDropEnabled, AntiAFKEnabled, RecoilIntensity
global NoRecoilSpeed, lastReloadTime, reloadCooldown, isReloading, ZeroX6, ZeroY6, TargetAimX, TargetAimY
global JoshTriggerBotEnabled, MeleeSpamEnabled, AutoStrafeEnabled, AutoCrouchProneEnabled
; Josh Trigger Bot Implementation
if (JoshTriggerBotEnabled && Sqrt((targetX6 - ZeroX6)**2 + (targetY6 - ZeroY6)**2) < 100) {
Click ; Simulate a mouse click when the target is within 100 pixels
Sleep 50 ; Short delay between clicks
; Rapid Fire Implementation
if (RapidFireEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Click down
Sleep, 30 ; Short delay for firing rate
Click up
; No Recoil Implementation
if (NoRecoilEnabled && (GetKeyState("LButton", "P") || GetKeyState("RButton", "P"))) {
if (RecoilIntensity < 0) {
RecoilIntensity := 0
MouseMove, 0, RecoilIntensity, 0, R
Sleep, NoRecoilSpeed
; Drop Shot Implementation
if (DropShotEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send {C down} ; Hold down the 'C' key (Crouch)
While GetKeyState("LButton", "P") { ; While the Left Mouse Button (LButton) is held down
Sleep, 10 ; Wait for 10 ms before checking again
Send {C up} ; Release the 'C' key (Crouch)
; Jitter Implementation
if (JitterEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
MouseMove, % (GetRandom(-5, 5)), % (GetRandom(-5, 5)), 0, R
; Sniper Breath Implementation
if (SniperBreathEnabled && GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
Send {Shift down}
Sleep, 1000 ; Hold breath for 1 second
Send {Shift up}
; Auto Sprint Implementation
if (AutoSprintEnabled && GetKeyState("W", "P")) {
Send {LShift down}
} else {
Send {LShift up}
; Fast Reload Implementation
if (FastReloadEnabled && GetKeyState("R", "P")) {
Send {R up}
Sleep, 50
Send {R down}
Sleep, 50
Send {R up}
; Quick Scope Implementation
if (QuickScopeEnabled && GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
Send {RButton down}
Sleep, 50 ; Adjust time for how long to aim before shooting
Send {LButton up}
; Anti-aim functionality
if (AntiAimEnabled) {
MouseMove, % (GetRandom(-5, 5)), % (GetRandom(-5, 5)), 0, R
Sleep, 50
; Hitbox Cycle Implementation
if (HitboxCycleEnabled && (Mod(A_Index, 5) == 0)) {
target := (target = "Head") ? "Chest" : (target = "Chest") ? "Belly" : (target = "Belly") ? "Feet" : "Head"
ZeroY := (target = "Head") ? A_ScreenHeight / 2.18 : (target = "Chest") ? A_ScreenHeight / 2.22 : (target = "Belly") ? A_ScreenHeight / 2.30 : A_ScreenHeight / 2.38
GuiControl,, ZeroYLabel, %ZeroY%
Sleep, 10000 ; Timer to switch hitbox
; Auto reload functionality
if (AutoReloadEnabled) {
if (!GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
if (GetKeyState("LButton", "P") && !isReloading && (A_TickCount - lastReloadTime > reloadCooldown)) {
Send {R}
lastReloadTime := A_TickCount
isReloading := True
Sleep, 500 ; Adjust the sleep duration as needed
isReloading := False
; Auto crouch functionality
if (AutoCrouchEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send {C}
Sleep, 50 ; Short delay to prevent spam
; Bunny Hop Implementation
if (BunnyHopEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send {Space down}
Sleep, 10 ; Adjust timing for hopping
Send {Space up}
Sleep, 10
; Jump Shot
if (JumpShotEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send, {Space}
Sleep, 300 ; Adjust timing as needed
; Drop Shot 2
if (DropShot2Enabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send, {Ctrl down}
Sleep, 500
Send, {Ctrl up}
; Crouch Shot
if (CrouchShotEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send, {C down}
Sleep, 75
Send, {C up}
Sleep, 75
; Hold Breath
if (HoldBreathEnabled && GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
Sleep, 110 ; Delay before holding Shift
Send, {Shift down}
; Release Shift when Right Mouse Button is released
if (!GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
Send, {Shift up}
; Auto drop functionality
if (AutoDropEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send {C}
Sleep, 50 ; Short delay to prevent spam
; Anti-AFK Implementation
if (AntiAFKEnabled) {
Random, afkMovementX, -3, 3 ; Random movement in X direction
Random, afkMovementY, -3, 3 ; Random movement in Y direction
MouseMove, afkMovementX, afkMovementY, 0, R ; Move mouse slightly to prevent AFK
; Perform additional anti-AFK actions
Random, actionChoice, 1, 3 ; Randomly choose an action
if (actionChoice == 1) {
Send {C down} ; Crouch
Sleep, 100 ; Hold crouch
Send {C up} ; Stand back up
} else if (actionChoice == 2) {
Send {W down} ; Move forward
Sleep, 300 ; Move forward for a short duration
Send {W up} ; Stop moving
} else if (actionChoice == 3) {
Send {D down} ; Strafe right
Sleep, 300 ; Strafe right for a short duration
Send {D up} ; Stop strafing
; Auto Crouch/Prone spam
if (AutoCrouchProneEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Random, action, 0, 1 ; 0 for crouch, 1 for prone
if (action = 0) {
Send, {C down} ; Crouch
Sleep, 100
Send, {C up}
} else {
Send, {Z down} ; Go prone
Sleep, 100
Send, {Z up}
; Melee Spam
if (MeleeSpamEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Random, meleeSpamTime, 150, 250
Send, {V} ; Press Melee/Knife button
Sleep, meleeSpamTime
; Auto Strafe
if (AutoStrafeEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Random, direction, 0, 1 ; 0 for left, 1 for right
if (direction = 0) {
Send, {A down} ; Move Left
Sleep, 50
Send, {A up}
} else {
Send, {D down} ; Move Right
Sleep, 50
Send, {D up}
; Reduce CPU usage and improve responsiveness
Sleep, 5 ; Minimal sleep to allow the loop to run smoothly
ToggleEnable2() {
GuiControlGet, Enable2State,, Enable2Checkbox ; Get the current state of the checkbox
Enable2State := !Enable2State ; Toggle the state
GuiControl,, Enable2Checkbox, % Enable2State ; Update the checkbox in the GUI
toggle2 := Enable2State ; Update toggle2 based on checkbox state
; Start the loop if toggled on
if (toggle2) {
SetTimer, AimLoop2, 5 ; Start the loop with a timer
SoundBeep, 500, 300
GuiControl, Show, Enable2Checkmark ; Show the checkmark
} else {
SetTimer, AimLoop2, Off ; Stop the loop when toggled off
SoundBeep, 750, 300
GuiControl, Hide, Enable2Checkmark ; Hide the checkmark
; Check if the script is enabled
GuiControlGet, Enable2State,, Enable2Checkbox
toggle2 := Enable2State
if (toggle2) {
targetFound := False
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P") or GetKeyState("RButton", "P") {
; Search for target pixel in a smaller region around the last known position
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, targetX - SearchArea2, targetY - SearchArea2, targetX + SearchArea2, targetY + SearchArea2, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
targetX := AimPixelX
targetY := AimPixelY
targetFound := True
} else {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
targetX := AimPixelX
targetY := AimPixelY
targetFound := True
if (targetFound) {
; Get current time
currentTime := A_TickCount
; Calculate the velocity of the target
if (lastTime != 0) {
deltaTime := (currentTime - lastTime) / 1000.0 ; Convert to seconds (It's in milliseconds)
velocityX := (targetX - prevX) / deltaTime
velocityY := (targetY - prevY) / deltaTime
; Store the current position and time for the next iteration
prevX := targetX
prevY := targetY
lastTime := currentTime
; Apply prediction if enabled
GuiControlGet, PredictionEnabled,, EnablePredictionCheckbox
if (PredictionEnabled && deltaTime != 0) {
PredictedX := targetX + Round(velocityX * predictionMultiplier * deltaTime)
PredictedY := targetY + Round(velocityY * predictionMultiplier * deltaTime)
} else {
PredictedX := targetX
PredictedY := targetY
; Move the mouse smoothly with strength adjustment
AimX := PredictedX - ZeroX
AimY := PredictedY - ZeroY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, Round(AimX * smoothing), int, Round(AimY * smoothing), uint, 0, int, 0)
; Call the function to handle all feature implementations
Gosub, UpdateStatus
Sleep, 5 ; Minimal sleep to allow the loop to run smoothly
ExecuteFeatures2() {
global RapidFireEnabled, NoRecoilEnabled, DropShotEnabled, JitterEnabled, SniperBreathEnabled
global AutoSprintEnabled, FastReloadEnabled, QuickScopeEnabled, AntiAimEnabled, HitboxCycleEnabled
global AutoReloadEnabled, AutoCrouchEnabled, BunnyHopEnabled, JumpShotEnabled, DropShot2Enabled
global CrouchShotEnabled, HoldBreathEnabled, AutoDropEnabled, AntiAFKEnabled, RecoilIntensity
global NoRecoilSpeed, lastReloadTime, reloadCooldown, isReloading, ZeroX6, ZeroY6, TargetAimX, TargetAimY
global JoshTriggerBotEnabled, MeleeSpamEnabled, AutoStrafeEnabled, AutoCrouchProneEnabled
; Josh Trigger Bot Implementation
if (JoshTriggerBotEnabled && Sqrt((targetX6 - ZeroX6)**2 + (targetY6 - ZeroY6)**2) < 100) {
Click ; Simulate a mouse click when the target is within 100 pixels
Sleep 50 ; Short delay between clicks
; Rapid Fire Implementation
if (RapidFireEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Click down
Sleep, 30 ; Short delay for firing rate
Click up
; No Recoil Implementation
if (NoRecoilEnabled && (GetKeyState("LButton", "P") || GetKeyState("RButton", "P"))) {
if (RecoilIntensity < 0) {
RecoilIntensity := 0
MouseMove, 0, RecoilIntensity, 0, R
Sleep, NoRecoilSpeed
; Drop Shot Implementation
if (DropShotEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send {C down} ; Hold down the 'C' key (Crouch)
While GetKeyState("LButton", "P") { ; While the Left Mouse Button (LButton) is held down
Sleep, 10 ; Wait for 10 ms before checking again
Send {C up} ; Release the 'C' key (Crouch)
; Jitter Implementation
if (JitterEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
MouseMove, % (GetRandom(-5, 5)), % (GetRandom(-5, 5)), 0, R
; Sniper Breath Implementation
if (SniperBreathEnabled && GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
Send {Shift down}
Sleep, 1000 ; Hold breath for 1 second
Send {Shift up}
; Auto Sprint Implementation
if (AutoSprintEnabled && GetKeyState("W", "P")) {
Send {LShift down}
} else {
Send {LShift up}
; Fast Reload Implementation
if (FastReloadEnabled && GetKeyState("R", "P")) {
Send {R up}
Sleep, 50
Send {R down}
Sleep, 50
Send {R up}
; Quick Scope Implementation
if (QuickScopeEnabled && GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
Send {RButton down}
Sleep, 50 ; Adjust time for how long to aim before shooting
Send {LButton up}
; Anti-aim functionality
if (AntiAimEnabled) {
MouseMove, % (GetRandom(-5, 5)), % (GetRandom(-5, 5)), 0, R
Sleep, 50
; Hitbox Cycle Implementation
if (HitboxCycleEnabled && (Mod(A_Index, 5) == 0)) {
target := (target = "Head") ? "Chest" : (target = "Chest") ? "Belly" : (target = "Belly") ? "Feet" : "Head"
ZeroY := (target = "Head") ? A_ScreenHeight / 2.18 : (target = "Chest") ? A_ScreenHeight / 2.22 : (target = "Belly") ? A_ScreenHeight / 2.30 : A_ScreenHeight / 2.38
GuiControl,, ZeroYLabel, %ZeroY%
Sleep, 10000 ; Timer to switch hitbox
; Auto reload functionality
if (AutoReloadEnabled) {
if (!GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
if (GetKeyState("LButton", "P") && !isReloading && (A_TickCount - lastReloadTime > reloadCooldown)) {
Send {R}
lastReloadTime := A_TickCount
isReloading := True
Sleep, 500 ; Adjust the sleep duration as needed
isReloading := False
; Auto crouch functionality
if (AutoCrouchEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send {C}
Sleep, 50 ; Short delay to prevent spam
; Bunny Hop Implementation
if (BunnyHopEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send {Space down}
Sleep, 10 ; Adjust timing for hopping
Send {Space up}
Sleep, 10
; Jump Shot
if (JumpShotEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send, {Space}
Sleep, 300 ; Adjust timing as needed
; Drop Shot 2
if (DropShot2Enabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send, {Ctrl down}
Sleep, 500
Send, {Ctrl up}
; Crouch Shot
if (CrouchShotEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send, {C down}
Sleep, 75
Send, {C up}
Sleep, 75
; Hold Breath
if (HoldBreathEnabled && GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
Sleep, 110 ; Delay before holding Shift
Send, {Shift down}
; Release Shift when Right Mouse Button is released
if (!GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
Send, {Shift up}
; Auto drop functionality
if (AutoDropEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send {C}
Sleep, 50 ; Short delay to prevent spam
; Anti-AFK Implementation
if (AntiAFKEnabled) {
Random, afkMovementX, -3, 3 ; Random movement in X direction
Random, afkMovementY, -3, 3 ; Random movement in Y direction
MouseMove, afkMovementX, afkMovementY, 0, R ; Move mouse slightly to prevent AFK
; Perform additional anti-AFK actions
Random, actionChoice, 1, 3 ; Randomly choose an action
if (actionChoice == 1) {
Send {C down} ; Crouch
Sleep, 100 ; Hold crouch
Send {C up} ; Stand back up
} else if (actionChoice == 2) {
Send {W down} ; Move forward
Sleep, 300 ; Move forward for a short duration
Send {W up} ; Stop moving
} else if (actionChoice == 3) {
Send {D down} ; Strafe right
Sleep, 300 ; Strafe right for a short duration
Send {D up} ; Stop strafing
; Auto Crouch/Prone spam
if (AutoCrouchProneEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Random, action, 0, 1 ; 0 for crouch, 1 for prone
if (action = 0) {
Send, {C down} ; Crouch
Sleep, 100
Send, {C up}
} else {
Send, {Z down} ; Go prone
Sleep, 100
Send, {Z up}
; Melee Spam
if (MeleeSpamEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Random, meleeSpamTime, 150, 250
Send, {V} ; Press Melee/Knife button
Sleep, meleeSpamTime
; Auto Strafe
if (AutoStrafeEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Random, direction, 0, 1 ; 0 for left, 1 for right
if (direction = 0) {
Send, {A down} ; Move Left
Sleep, 50
Send, {A up}
} else {
Send, {D down} ; Move Right
Sleep, 50
Send, {D up}
; Reduce CPU usage and improve responsiveness
Sleep, 5 ; Minimal sleep to allow the loop to run smoothly
; Submit Color function for Zombie Target
GuiControlGet, ZombieColorHex,, ZombieColorHex ; Get the color input from the GUI
; Check if the color has changed before updating
if (ZombieColorHex != LastColor6) {
LastColor6 := ZombieColorHex ; Store the current color as the last color
UpdateZombieColor6() ; Call the UpdateColor function to handle the actual update
; Update Color function for Zombie Target
UpdateZombieColor6() {
global EMCol6 ; The main zombie target color variable
GuiControlGet, ZombieColorHex,, ZombieColorHex ; Get the color input again
if (ZombieColorHex != "") {
; Validate the hex input (must be 6 valid hex digits)
if (RegExMatch(ZombieColorHex, "^[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$")) {
EMCol6 := "0x" . ZombieColorHex ; Convert to the required 0x format
GuiControl,, ZombieColorHex, % ZombieColorHex ; Optionally update the display in the edit box
MsgBox, Zombie target color successfully set to: %ZombieColorHex% ; Notify user of success
} else {
MsgBox, Invalid hex color code! Please enter a valid 6-digit hex code. ; Show error if invalid
; Pick Color function (open native Windows color picker for Zombie Target)
Color := 0x000000 ; Initialize a default color value (black)
ColorPick := DllCall("user32.dll\ChooseColor", "UInt", &Color) ; Open color picker dialog
if (ColorPick) {
EMCol6 := Color ; Set the zombie target color to the picked color
; Update the GUI Edit control to show the new color
GuiControl,, ZombieColorHex, % Format("{:X}", EMCol6 & 0xFFFFFF) ; Display color in hex format
ToggleAimLoop6() {
GuiControlGet, EnableAimLoop6State,, EnableAimLoop6 ; Get the current state of the checkbox
EnableAimLoop6State := !EnableAimLoop6State ; Toggle the state
GuiControl,, EnableAimLoop6, % EnableAimLoop6State ; Update the checkbox in the GUI
toggle6 := EnableAimLoop6State ; Update toggle6 based on checkbox state
; Start the loop if toggled on
if (toggle6) {
SetTimer, AimLoop6, 5 ; Start the loop with a timer
SoundBeep, 500, 300
GuiControl, Show, ZombieCheckmark ; Show the checkmark
} else {
SetTimer, AimLoop6, Off ; Stop the loop when toggled off
SoundBeep, 750, 300
GuiControl, Hide, ZombieCheckmark ; Hide the checkmark
showOverlay := !showOverlay
if (showOverlay)
Gui, OverlayGui:Destroy ; Close the overlay if it's visible
; Function to toggle the GUI's resizability
isResizable := !isResizable
if (isResizable) {
Gui, -ToolWindow ; Remove ToolWindow to allow resizing
Gui, +Resize ; Allow resizing
GuiControl,, ToggleResizable, Set Non-Resizable ; Update button text
} else {
Gui, +ToolWindow ; Add ToolWindow to enable dragging without resizing
Gui, -Resize ; Disallow resizing
GuiControl,, ToggleResizable, Set Resizable ; Update button text
MsgBox, 0, Instructions,
Welcome to the B06 AIO Aim GUI!
Here are the instructions on how to use the features:
* **Enable Multi-Player Aim**: Check the box to activate multi-player aiming functionality. Use Insert key to toggle this feature on or off.
* **Enable Zombies Aim**: Check the box to activate the zombies aiming feature. Use the Delete key to toggle this feature on or off.
* **Enable Prediction**: Check the box to activate prediction for better aiming accuracy. Use the Home key to toggle this feature.
* **Target Color**: Enter the hex value for the target color you want to aim at and click "Set Color" to apply it.
* **Smoothing**: Use the "+" and "-" buttons to adjust the smoothing value for your aim.
* **Prediction Multiplier**: Use the "+" and "-" buttons to increase or decrease the prediction multiplier for aiming.
* **Color Tolerance**: Adjust the color tolerance using the "+" and "-" buttons to refine target detection.
* **Rapid Fire Toggle**: Click the toggle button to enable or disable rapid fire functionality.
* **No Recoil Toggle**: Click the toggle button to enable or disable no recoil functionality.
* **Field of View (FOV)**: Adjust the FOV using the slider for improved targeting range.
* **FOV Overlay**: Click the button to toggle the FOV overlay on or off, and select the overlay type from the dropdown.
* **Anti-Aim**: Check the box to enable anti-aim feature for enhanced aiming tactics.
* **Auto Reload, Auto Crouch, Auto Drop**: Check these boxes to enable automatic actions during gameplay.
* **Trigger Bot**: Activate this feature to automatically shoot when a target is detected.
* **Quick Scope**: Enable this option for faster aiming and shooting when using a scoped weapon.
* **Jitter**: Toggle this feature for unpredictable aiming patterns to confuse enemies.
* **Fast Reload**: Enable this feature to reload your weapon faster than normal.
* **Drop Shot**: Check this box to automatically drop to the ground while shooting, making you harder to hit.
* **Credits**: Click the "Show Credits" button to view the contributors.
* **Current ZeroY**: This indicates your current target Y-coordinate.
* **Target Location**: Use buttons to set your aim target location (Head, Chest, Belly, Feet).
* **Recoil Intensity**: Adjust the no recoil intensity using the slider for precise control.
* **No Recoil Speed**: Modify the speed of the no recoil effect to suit your preferences.
* **Cycle Hitboxes**: Check the box to enable cycling through hitboxes for more dynamic aiming.
* **Open Zombie Aim**: Click the button to access the Zombie Aim feature. (BETA)
* **Open Zombie Aim V2**: Click the button to access the enhanced version of the Zombie Aim feature. (BETA)
To close the GUI, click the "Close" button.
Enjoy your game!
Credits to theasiangamr (Multi Source Code + B06 Updated Offsets & Base), Treason of aka(UtterlyTV), Iccbwa (Zombie Aim v1), kanepards (AHK Zombie Aim v2), & ali123x (Inf GobbleGums)
MsgBox, 0, Hotkeys and Tips,
Welcome to the Hotkeys and Tips Section!
Here are the important hotkeys and settings recommendations:
Personal Choice Settings Per Treason!!!!
Enable multiplayer to use additional features without they wont run
I personally use no recoil and keep both sliders down anywhere under 5
default settings are what I use aswell but may adjust to your liking
++Many features will not be functional until further updates eg. Anti AFK, Auto Drop , Quick Scope Auto Reload Etc.
Work to come with stronger aim and fixing aiming at other objects than Enemys
**Hotkeys & COLOR TIPS:**
* **Insert**: Toggle Multi-Player Aim (C9008D)
* **Delete**: Toggle Zombies Aim (DF00FF)
* **Home**: Toggle Prediction
* **PgUp**: Enable Zombie Aim V2 Less Sticky (DF00FF)
* **PgDn**: Enable Zombie Aim V1 (EA00FF)
* **']'**: Toggle Trigger Bot
* **F1**: Toggle Hide / Show GUI
* **F12**: Pause/Unpause Functionality
- **Multi-Player vs. Zombies Aim**: Avoid using both aiming features at the same time to prevent aiming conflicts.
- **Target Color**: Make sure to set the correct hex color for optimal performance. Use the "Set Color" button to apply changes.
- **Smoothing and Prediction**: Adjust these settings based on your playstyle for better accuracy.
- **Use Rapid Fire and No Recoil**: These features can enhance your gameplay but ensure they are suitable for the game mode you are in.
**Settings Recommendations:**
- Adjust the **Field of View (FOV)** based on your preferred play style; a wider FOV can help in spotting targets.
- Fine-tune the **Color Tolerance** for more accurate target detection, especially in fast-paced scenarios.
- Enable **Auto Reload, Auto Crouch, and Drop Shot** for automatic actions that can enhance your survival chances in combat.
**Note**: Regularly test and adjust settings to find what works best for you.
To close the GUI, click the "Close" button.
Happy gaming!
Credits to all contributors for their invaluable work and support!
global showOverlay, overlayType, overlaySize
; Get the current FOV value from the slider
GuiControlGet, FOVValue
overlaySize := FOVValue * 4 ; Adjust the overlay size based on FOV value
; Center overlay position
xPos := (A_ScreenWidth - overlaySize) / 2
yPos := (A_ScreenHeight - overlaySize) / 2
if (showOverlay)
; Create the overlay GUI without any color or caption
Gui, OverlayGui:New, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Caption +E0x20 +LastFound +HwndOverlayHwnd
; Set the size and position
Gui, OverlayGui:Show, w%overlaySize% h%overlaySize% x%xPos% y%yPos%
; Load the overlay shape based on selection
if (OverlayType = "Circle")
Gui, OverlayGui:Add, Picture, w%overlaySize% h%overlaySize% hwndOverlayPic, Circle2.png ; Load the circle image
Gui, OverlayGui:Add, Picture, w%overlaySize% h%overlaySize% hwndOverlayPic, Square2.png ; Load the square image
; Set the overlay to be fully transparent
WinSet, Transparent, 20, ahk_id %OverlayHwnd% ; Make the entire window transparent
; Make the overlay click-through
WinSet, ExStyle, +0x20, ahk_id %OverlayHwnd% ; Set the window to be click-through
; Show the overlay
Gui, OverlayGui:Show
; Set the image area to be opaque (make the overlay visible)
WinSet, Transparent, 255, ahk_id %OverlayPic% ; Use the handle for the picture
; Hide the overlay if toggled off
Gui, OverlayGui:Hide
; Toggle Crosshair Overlay
CrosshairVisible := !CrosshairVisible ; Toggle visibility of the crosshair overlay
if (CrosshairVisible)
Gui, CrosshairGui:Destroy ; Close the crosshair overlay if it's visible
; Update Crosshair Overlay
global CrosshairVisible, CrosshairType
; Calculate the size and position of the crosshair overlay
overlaySize := 50 ; Fixed size for crosshair
xPos := (A_ScreenWidth - overlaySize) / 2
yPos := (A_ScreenHeight - overlaySize) / 2
if (CrosshairVisible)
; Create the crosshair GUI without any color or caption
Gui, CrosshairGui:New, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Caption +E0x20 +LastFound +HwndCrosshairHwnd
; Set the size and position for the crosshair
Gui, CrosshairGui:Show, w%overlaySize% h%overlaySize% x%xPos% y%yPos%
; Load the crosshair image based on the selected type
if (CrosshairType = "Green Crosshair")
Gui, CrosshairGui:Add, Picture, w%overlaySize% h%overlaySize% hwndCrosshairPic, green_crosshair.png ; Load the green crosshair image
else if (CrosshairType = "Circle")
Gui, CrosshairGui:Add, Picture, w%overlaySize% h%overlaySize% hwndCrosshairPic, circle_crosshair.png ; Load the circle crosshair image
else if (CrosshairType = "Square")
Gui, CrosshairGui:Add, Picture, w%overlaySize% h%overlaySize% hwndCrosshairPic, square_crosshair.png ; Load the square crosshair image
; Make the crosshair overlay click-through
WinSet, ExStyle, +0x20, ahk_id %CrosshairHwnd% ; Set the window to be click-through
; Set the crosshair to be transparent
WinSet, Transparent, 20, ahk_id %CrosshairHwnd% ; Make the entire window transparent
; Show the crosshair overlay
Gui, CrosshairGui:Show
; Hide the crosshair overlay if toggled off
Gui, CrosshairGui:Hide
GuiControlGet, CrosshairType, , CrosshairType ; Get the selected value from the Crosshair dropdown
if (CrosshairVisible) ; If the crosshair is visible, update it immediately
smoothing += 0.01
if (smoothing > 2) ; Set a maximum limit for smoothing
smoothing := 2
GuiControl,, SmoothingValue, %smoothing%
smoothing -= 0.01
if (smoothing < 0.0) ; Set a minimum limit for smoothing
smoothing := 0.0
GuiControl,, SmoothingValue, %smoothing%
predictionMultiplier += 0.1
GuiControl,, PredictionValue, %predictionMultiplier%
predictionMultiplier -= 0.1
if (predictionMultiplier < 0.1) ; Minimum limit for prediction multiplier
predictionMultiplier := 0.1
GuiControl,, PredictionValue, %predictionMultiplier%
ColVn += 1
GuiControl,, ToleranceValue, %ColVn%
ColVn -= 1
if (ColVn < 0) ; Minimum limit for color tolerance
ColVn := 0
GuiControl,, ToleranceValue, %ColVn%
GuiControlGet, FOVValue ; Get the new FOV value from the slider
CFovX := FOVValue ; Update the global CFovX variable
GuiControl,, CurrentFOV, %FOVValue% ; Update the displayed FOV value
ScanL := ZeroX - CFovX ; Update the scan area based on the new FOV
ScanT := ZeroY - CFovX
ScanR := ZeroX + CFovX
ScanB := ZeroY + CFovX
if (showOverlay)
UpdateOverlay() ; Update the overlay if it's currently visible
GuiControlGet, OverlayType, , OverlayType ; Get the selected value from the FOV Overlay dropdown
if (showOverlay) ; If the overlay is visible, update it immediately
; Function to update No Recoil Intensity
GuiControlGet, RecoilIntensity
; Update the display of the current Recoil Intensity value
GuiControl,, CurrentRecoilIntensity, %RecoilIntensity%
; Function to update No Recoil Speed
GuiControlGet, NoRecoilSpeed
; Update the display of the current No Recoil Speed value
GuiControl,, CurrentNoRecoilSpeed, %NoRecoilSpeed%
UpdateTriggerBotStatus() {
if (triggerActive) {
if (paused1) {
TriggerBotStatus := "Active, Paused"
} else {
TriggerBotStatus := "Active"
} else {
TriggerBotStatus := "Off"
GuiControl,, TriggerBotStatusText, Trigger Bot: %TriggerBotStatus% ; Update status in the GUI
triggerActive := !triggerActive ; Toggle the trigger active state
; Provide feedback to confirm the toggle
if (triggerActive) {
GuiControl, , ToggleTriggerBot, Stop Trigger Bot
StartTriggerBot2() ; Call the function to start the loop
MsgBox, Trigger Bot started. ; Indicate the Trigger Bot has started
} else {
GuiControl, , ToggleTriggerBot, Start Trigger Bot
MsgBox, Trigger Bot stopped. ; Indicate the Trigger Bot has stopped
UpdateTriggerBotStatus() ; Update status after toggling
; Function to toggle pause
PauseToggle1() {
paused1 := !paused1 ; Toggle paused1 for Trigger Bot
GuiControl, , PauseToggle1, % (paused1 ? "Resume" : "Pause")
SoundBeep, % (paused1 ? 750 : 500), % (paused1 ? 500 : 300) ; Beep on pause/resume
UpdateTriggerBotStatus() ; Update status after pausing or resuming
; Start the Trigger Bot loop
StartTriggerBot2() {
SetTimer, TriggerBotLoop, 10
; The Trigger Bot loop logic
if (paused1 || !triggerActive) { ; Check if paused or inactive
Sleep, 100
KeyWait, RButton, D ; Wait for the right mouse button to be pressed
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
PixelSearch, Px, Py, ScanL3, ScanT3, ScanR3, ScanB3, 0xEA00FF, 30, Fast
if (ErrorLevel = 0) { ; If the pixel is found
Sleep, 10
Send {LButton down}
Sleep, 10
Send {LButton up}
Sleep, 1000 ; Delay after each trigger
; Close the GUI
toggle := false
if (targetFound && toggle) {
click down
} else {
click up
Paused := False
Insert:: ; Enable Multi-Player Aim Checkbox
; Toggle the Enable checkbox state
GuiControlGet, EnableState,, EnableCheckbox
newEnableState := !EnableState ; Toggle the state
GuiControl,, EnableCheckbox, % newEnableState ; Update the checkbox
; Update the toggle variable based on the new state
toggle := newEnableState
; Play sound and show/hide the checkmark
if (toggle) {
SoundBeep, 300, 100 ; Sound for enabling
GuiControl, Show, EnableCheckmark ; Show the checkmark
} else {
SoundBeep, 500, 300 ; Sound for disabling
GuiControl, Hide, EnableCheckmark ; Hide the checkmark
; Reset Defaults Function
; Set default values
smoothing := 0.09
predictionMultiplier := 2.5
ColVn := 50
; Default Settings for Recoil, Speed, and FOV
RecoilIntensity := 50 ; Default recoil intensity
NoRecoilSpeed := 20 ; Default speed for no recoil
FOVValue := 78 ; Initialize FOV with the main FOV value
; Update GUI controls with default values
GuiControl,, SmoothingValue, %smoothing%
GuiControl,, PredictionValue, %predictionMultiplier%
GuiControl,, ToleranceValue, %ColVn%
GuiControl,, RecoilIntensity, %RecoilIntensity% ; Reset Recoil Intensity in GUI
GuiControl,, NoRecoilSpeed, %NoRecoilSpeed% ; Reset No Recoil Speed in GUI
GuiControl,, FOVValue, %FOVValue% ; Update the GUI slider
GuiControl,, CurrentFOV, %FOVValue% ; Update displayed current FOV
; Disable all toggle features and update the GUI statuses
RapidFireEnabled := False
NoRecoilEnabled := False
AntiAimEnabled := False
HitboxCycleEnabled := False
AutoReloadEnabled := False
AutoCrouchEnabled := False
AutoDropEnabled := False
GuiControl,, RapidFireStatus, OFF
GuiControl,, NoRecoilStatus, OFF
GuiControl,, AntiAimStatus, OFF
GuiControl,, HitboxCycleStatus, OFF
GuiControl,, AutoReloadStatus, OFF
GuiControl,, AutoCrouchStatus, OFF
GuiControl,, AutoDropStatus, OFF
MsgBox, "Defaults have been reset, and all features are disabled."
if toggle9 {
targetFound9 := false
if (GetKeyState("LButton", "P") || GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
; Search for target pixel
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, targetX9 - 20, targetY9 - 20, targetX9 + 20, targetY9 + 20, EMCol9, ColVn9, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
targetX9 := AimPixelX
targetY9 := AimPixelY
targetFound9 := true
} else {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL9, ScanT9, ScanR9, ScanB9, EMCol9, ColVn9, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
targetX9 := AimPixelX
targetY9 := AimPixelY
targetFound9 := true
if (targetFound9) {
AimX := targetX9 - ZeroX9
AimY := targetY9 - ZeroY9
DirX := (AimX > 0) ? 1 : -1
DirY := (AimY > 0) ? 1 : -1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
MoveX := ImpreciseMove((AimOffsetX ** (1 / 1.1))) * DirX
MoveY := ImpreciseMove((AimOffsetY ** (1 / 1.1))) * DirY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0)
RandomDelay(1, 2)
ToggleAimLoop9() {
global toggle9
toggle9 := !toggle9
; Update the checkbox state
GuiControl,, EnableAimLoop9, % toggle9 ? 1 : 0 ; Set checkbox based on toggle state
if (toggle9) {
SetTimer, AimLoop9, 10 ; Start the loop with a timer
SoundBeep, 500, 300
MsgBox, Zombie Aim Loop Started
} else {
SetTimer, AimLoop9, Off ; Stop the loop when toggled off
SoundBeep, 750, 300
MsgBox, Zombie Aim Loop Stopped
Gosub, UpdateStatus ; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmark visibility
; Page Down key to toggle Aim Loop
; Pause functionality with Alt key
end:: ; Use '-' key to pause
Paused9 := !Paused9
Pause, Toggle
if Paused9 {
SoundBeep, 750, 500
if toggle1s {
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
; Check if right mouse button is held down
if GetKeyState("RButton", "P") {
; PixelSearch looks for the target color in the defined area
PixelSearch, Px, Py, ScanLs1, ScanTs1, ScanRs1, ScanBs1, 0xEA00FF, 30, Fast
if (ErrorLevel = 0) {
; Target found, send shots immediately
sleep, 10
send {LButton down}
sleep, 10
send {LButton up}
ToggleAimLoop0() {
global toggle1s
toggle1s := !toggle1s
; Update the checkbox state to reflect the toggle (enabled/disabled)
GuiControl,, EnableAimLoop0, % toggle1s ? 1 : 0 ; Update checkbox with the current toggle state
if (toggle1s) {
SetTimer, AimLoop0, 10 ; Start the loop with a timer
SoundBeep, 500, 300
MsgBox, Aim Loop Started
} else {
SetTimer, AimLoop0, Off ; Stop the loop when toggled off
SoundBeep, 750, 300
MsgBox, Aim Loop Stopped
Gosub, UpdateStatus ; Refresh the checkbox and other GUI controls
; ] key to toggle Aim Loop
; F8 key to pause/unpause
Paused1s := !Paused1s
if (Paused1s) {
SoundBeep, 750, 500
MsgBox, Aim Loop Paused
} else {
SoundBeep, 500, 500
MsgBox, Aim Loop Unpaused
RapidFireEnabled := !RapidFireEnabled
GuiControl,, RapidFireStatus, % (RapidFireEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Rapid Fire is now " (RapidFireEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
NoRecoilEnabled := !NoRecoilEnabled
GuiControl,, NoRecoilStatus, % (NoRecoilEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "No Recoil is now " (NoRecoilEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
AntiAFKEnabled := !AntiAFKEnabled
GuiControl,, AntiAFKStatus, % (AntiAFKEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Anti-AFK is now " (AntiAFKEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
GoSub, UpdateStatus ; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmarks
AntiAimEnabled := !AntiAimEnabled
GuiControl,, AntiAimStatus, % (AntiAimEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Anti Aim is now " (AntiAimEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
GoSub, UpdateStatus ; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmarks
HitboxCycleEnabled := !HitboxCycleEnabled
GuiControl,, HitboxCycleStatus, % (HitboxCycleEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Hitbox Cycle is now " (HitboxCycleEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
GoSub, UpdateStatus ; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmarks
AutoReloadEnabled := !AutoReloadEnabled
GuiControl,, AutoReloadStatus, % (AutoReloadEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Auto Reload is now " (AutoReloadEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
GoSub, UpdateStatus ; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmarks
AutoCrouchEnabled := !AutoCrouchEnabled
GuiControl,, AutoCrouchStatus, % (AutoCrouchEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Auto Crouch is now " (AutoCrouchEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
GoSub, UpdateStatus ; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmarks
BunnyHopEnabled := !BunnyHopEnabled
GuiControl,, BunnyHopStatus, % (BunnyHopEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Bunny Hop is now " (BunnyHopEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
GoSub, UpdateStatus ; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmarks
DropShotEnabled := !DropShotEnabled
GuiControl,, DropShotStatus, % (DropShotEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Drop Shot is now " (DropShotEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
GoSub, UpdateStatus ; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmarks
; Toggle the Melee Spam state
MeleeSpamEnabled := !MeleeSpamEnabled
; Show the notification message box
MsgBox, % "Melee Spam is now " (MeleeSpamEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmarks and checkbox states
GoSub, UpdateStatus
; Toggle the Auto Crouch/Prone Spam state
AutoCrouchProneEnabled := !AutoCrouchProneEnabled
; Show the notification message box
MsgBox, % "Auto Crouch/Prone Spam is now " (AutoCrouchProneEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmarks and checkbox states
GoSub, UpdateStatus
; Toggle the Auto Strafe state
AutoStrafeEnabled := !AutoStrafeEnabled
; Show the notification message box
MsgBox, % "Auto Strafe is now " (AutoStrafeEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmarks and checkbox states
GoSub, UpdateStatus
; Toggle the Josh Trigger Bot state
JoshTriggerBotEnabled := !JoshTriggerBotEnabled
; Show the notification message box
MsgBox, % "Josh Trigger Bot is now " (JoshTriggerBotEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmarks and checkbox states
GoSub, UpdateStatus
JitterEnabled := !JitterEnabled
GuiControl,, JitterStatus, % (JitterEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Jitter is now " (JitterEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
GoSub, UpdateStatus ; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmarks
SniperBreathEnabled := !SniperBreathEnabled
GuiControl,, SniperBreathStatus, % (SniperBreathEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Sniper Breath is now " (SniperBreathEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
GoSub, UpdateStatus ; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmarks
AutoSprintEnabled := !AutoSprintEnabled
GuiControl,, AutoSprintStatus, % (AutoSprintEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Auto Sprint is now " (AutoSprintEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
GoSub, UpdateStatus ; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmarks
FastReloadEnabled := !FastReloadEnabled
GuiControl,, FastReloadStatus, % (FastReloadEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Fast Reload is now " (FastReloadEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
GoSub, UpdateStatus ; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmarks
QuickScopeEnabled := !QuickScopeEnabled
GuiControl,, QuickScopeStatus, % (QuickScopeEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Quick Scope is now " (QuickScopeEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
GoSub, UpdateStatus ; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmarks
AutoDropEnabled := !AutoDropEnabled
GuiControl,, AutoDropStatus, % (AutoDropEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Auto Drop is now " (AutoDropEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
GoSub, UpdateStatus ; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmarks
; Jump Shot Toggle
JumpShotEnabled := !JumpShotEnabled
GuiControl,, JumpShotStatus, % (JumpShotEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Jump Shot is now " (JumpShotEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
GoSub, UpdateStatus ; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmarks
; Drop Shot 2 Toggle
DropShot2Enabled := !DropShot2Enabled
GuiControl,, DropShot2Status, % (DropShot2Enabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Drop Shot 2 is now " (DropShot2Enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
GoSub, UpdateStatus
; Crouch Shot Toggle
CrouchShotEnabled := !CrouchShotEnabled
GuiControl,, CrouchShotStatus, % (CrouchShotEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Crouch Shot is now " (CrouchShotEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
GoSub, UpdateStatus
; Hold Breath Toggle
HoldBreathEnabled := !HoldBreathEnabled
GuiControl,, HoldBreathStatus, % (HoldBreathEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Hold Breath is now " (HoldBreathEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
GoSub, UpdateStatus
; Toggle the prediction checkbox state
GuiControlGet, PredictionState,, EnablePredictionCheckbox
PredictionState := !PredictionState ; Toggle the state
GuiControl,, EnablePredictionCheckbox, % PredictionState ; Update the checkbox in the GUI
; Update the checkmark visibility
if (PredictionState) {
SoundBeep, 500, 300
GuiControl, Show, PredictionCheckmark ; Show the checkmark
} else {
SoundBeep, 750, 300
GuiControl, Hide, PredictionCheckmark ; Hide the checkmark
; Get the number of monitors
SysGet, monitorCount, MonitorCount
if (monitorCount >= 2) {
; Get the dimensions of the second monitor (Monitor 2)
SysGet, monitorLeft, Monitor, 2 ; x position of the second monitor (left edge)
SysGet, monitorTop, Monitor, 2 ; y position of the second monitor (top edge)
SysGet, monitorRight, Monitor, 2 ; x position of the right edge of the second monitor
SysGet, monitorBottom, Monitor, 2 ; y position of the bottom edge of the second monitor
; Define GUI width and height (as per your script)
Width := 425
Height := 555
; Calculate the new position (bottom-left corner)
newX := monitorLeft ; x position of the second monitor (left edge)
newY := monitorBottom - Height ; y position at the bottom-left of the second monitor (Height used here)
; Move the GUI to the second monitor
Gui, Show, % "w" Width " h" Height " NA" " x" newX " y" newY
} else {
MsgBox, Only one monitor detected!
; Handle the state of the Multi-Player Aim checkbox
GuiControlGet, state,, EnableCheckbox
if (state) {
GuiControl, Show, EnableCheckmark
} else {
GuiControl, Hide, EnableCheckmark
; Handle the Prediction checkbox
GuiControlGet, predictionState,, EnablePredictionCheckbox
if (predictionState) {
GuiControl, Show, vPredictionCheckmark
} else {
GuiControl, Hide, vPredictionCheckmark
; Aim Loop 6 (Zombie Aim Loop)
GuiControlGet, aimLoop6State,, EnableAimLoop6
if (aimLoop6State) {
SetTimer, AimLoop6, 5
GuiControl, Show, ZombieCheckmark ; Show the checkmark for Aim Loop 6
} else {
SetTimer, AimLoop6, Off
GuiControl, Hide, ZombieCheckmark ; Hide the checkmark for Aim Loop 6
; Custom Aim Loop (Enable2)
GuiControlGet, enable2State,, Enable2Checkbox
if (enable2State) {
SetTimer, AimLoop2, 5
GuiControl, Show, Enable2Checkmark ; Show the checkmark for Enable2
} else {
SetTimer, AimLoop2, Off
toggle2 := false
GuiControl, Hide, Enable2Checkmark ; Hide the checkmark for Enable2
; Update the checkbox GUI to reflect the new state
GuiControl,, JoshTriggerBotCheckbox, % (JoshTriggerBotEnabled ? "1" : "0")
GuiControl,, AutoStrafeCheckbox, % (AutoStrafeEnabled ? "1" : "0")
GuiControl,, AutoCrouchProneCheckbox, % (AutoCrouchProneEnabled ? "1" : "0")
GuiControl,, MeleeSpamCheckbox, % (MeleeSpamEnabled ? "1" : "0")
; Tooltips for each feature
; Tooltip, % "Josh Trigger Bot is " (JoshTriggerBotEnabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled")
; SetTimer, RemoveTooltip, -1500 ; Hide the tooltip after 1.5 seconds
; Handle Zombies Aim checkboxes and their conflicts
GuiControlGet, zombiesState1,, EnableAimLoop8 ; Zombie Aim V2
GuiControlGet, zombiesState2,, EnableAimLoop9 ; Zombie Aim V1
GuiControlGet, triggerBotState,, EnableAimLoop0 ; Trigger Bot
; Handle conflicts and update checkmarks for Zombie Aim and Trigger Bot
if (state || predictionState) {
GuiControl,, EnableAimLoop8, 0 ; Disable Zombie Aim V2
GuiControl, Hide, vZombieCheckmark3 ; Hide checkmark for Zombie Aim V2
GuiControl,, EnableAimLoop9, 0 ; Disable Zombie Aim V1
GuiControl, Hide, vZombieCheckmark2 ; Hide checkmark for Zombie Aim V1
GuiControl,, EnableAimLoop0, 0 ; Disable Trigger Bot
GuiControl, Hide, vTriggerBotCheckmark ; Hide checkmark for Trigger Bot
; Update checkmarks based on current states for Zombies Aim
GuiControl, % (zombiesState1 ? "" : "Hide"), vZombieCheckmark3
GuiControl, % (zombiesState2 ? "" : "Hide"), vZombieCheckmark2
GuiControl, % (triggerBotState ? "" : "Hide"), vTriggerBotCheckmark
; Handle additional features and update checkmarks for various toggles
GuiControlGet, dropShotState,, EnableDropShot
DropShotEnabled := dropShotState
GuiControlGet, dropShot2State,, EnableDropShot2
DropShot2Enabled := dropShot2State
GuiControlGet, crouchShotState,, EnableCrouchShot
CrouchShotEnabled := crouchShotState
GuiControlGet, holdBreathState,, EnableHoldBreath
HoldBreathEnabled := holdBreathState
GuiControlGet, jitterState,, EnableJitter
JitterEnabled := jitterState
GuiControlGet, sniperBreathState,, EnableSniperBreath
SniperBreathEnabled := sniperBreathState
GuiControlGet, autoSprintState,, EnableAutoSprint
AutoSprintEnabled := autoSprintState
GuiControlGet, fastReloadState,, EnableFastReload
FastReloadEnabled := fastReloadState
GuiControlGet, quickScopeState,, EnableQuickScope
QuickScopeEnabled := quickScopeState
GuiControlGet, bunnyHopState,, EnableBunnyHop
BunnyHopEnabled := bunnyHopState
GuiControlGet, antiAimState,, EnableAntiAim
AntiAimEnabled := antiAimState
GuiControlGet, hitboxCycleState,, EnableHitboxCycle
HitboxCycleEnabled := hitboxCycleState
GuiControlGet, autoReloadState,, EnableAutoReload
AutoReloadEnabled := autoReloadState
GuiControlGet, autoCrouchState,, EnableAutoCrouch
AutoCrouchEnabled := autoCrouchState
GuiControlGet, autoDropState,, EnableAutoDrop
AutoDropEnabled := autoDropState
GuiControlGet, antiAFKState,, AntiAFKCheckbox
AntiAFKEnabled := antiAFKState
GuiControlGet, jumpShotState,, EnableJumpShot
JumpShotEnabled := jumpShotState
; Update checkmarks for additional features
GuiControl, % (dropShotState ? "" : "Hide"), vDropShotCheckmark
GuiControl, % (dropShot2State ? "" : "Hide"), vDropShot2Checkmark
GuiControl, % (crouchShotState ? "" : "Hide"), vCrouchShotCheckmark
GuiControl, % (holdBreathState ? "" : "Hide"), vHoldBreathCheckmark
GuiControl, % (jitterState ? "" : "Hide"), vJitterCheckmark
GuiControl, % (sniperBreathState ? "" : "Hide"), vSniperBreathCheckmark
GuiControl, % (autoSprintState ? "" : "Hide"), vAutoSprintCheckmark
GuiControl, % (fastReloadState ? "" : "Hide"), vFastReloadCheckmark
GuiControl, % (quickScopeState ? "" : "Hide"), vQuickScopeCheckmark
GuiControl, % (bunnyHopState ? "" : "Hide"), vBunnyHopCheckmark
GuiControl, % (antiAimState ? "" : "Hide"), vAntiAimCheckmark
GuiControl, % (hitboxCycleState ? "" : "Hide"), vHitboxCycleCheckmark
GuiControl, % (autoReloadState ? "" : "Hide"), vAutoReloadCheckmark
GuiControl, % (autoCrouchState ? "" : "Hide"), vAutoCrouchCheckmark
GuiControl, % (autoDropState ? "" : "Hide"), vAutoDropCheckmark
GuiControl, % (antiAFKState ? "" : "Hide"), vAntiAFKCheckmark
; Submit Color function
GuiControlGet, ColorHex,, ColorHex
; Check if the color has changed before updating
if (ColorHex != LastColorHex) {
LastColorHex := ColorHex
; Update Color function
UpdateColor() {
global EMCol
GuiControlGet, ColorHex,, ColorHex
if (ColorHex != "") {
; Validate the hex input (6 digits)
if (RegExMatch(ColorHex, "^[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$")) {
; Ensure it starts with 0x for hex representation
EMCol := "0x" . ColorHex
; Optionally update the display in the edit box
GuiControl,, ColorHex, % ColorHex
MsgBox, Color successfully set to: %ColorHex%
} else {
MsgBox, Invalid hex color code! Please enter a valid 6-digit hex code.
Color := 0x000000
ColorPick := DllCall("user32.dll\ChooseColor", "UInt", &Color)
if (ColorPick) {
EMCol := Color
; Update the GUI Edit control to show the new color
GuiControl,, ColorHex, % Format("{:X}", EMCol & 0xFFFFFF) ; Mask to ensure only 6 hex digits are shown
SetTimer, RemoveTooltip, Off
SaveSettings() {
global EMCol, ColVn, ZeroX, ZeroY, smoothing, predictionMultiplier
global RapidFireEnabled, NoRecoilEnabled, DropShotEnabled, DropShot2Enabled
global JitterEnabled, SniperBreathEnabled, AutoSprintEnabled
global FastReloadEnabled, QuickScopeEnabled, AntiAimEnabled
global HitboxCycleEnabled, AutoReloadEnabled, AutoCrouchEnabled, AutoDropEnabled
global BunnyHopEnabled, CrouchShotEnabled, JumpShotEnabled
global RecoilIntensity, NoRecoilSpeed, FOVValue
global JoshTriggerBotEnabled, AutoStrafeEnabled, AutoCrouchProneEnabled, MeleeSpamEnabled
; Delete existing settings file
FileDelete, Settings.ini
; Use FileAppend to save settings with no spaces before or after values
), Settings.ini
; Clean up formatting by removing any leading spaces
FileRead, settings, Settings.ini
StringReplace, settings, settings, %A_Space%, , All
FileDelete, Settings.ini
FileAppend, %settings%, Settings.ini
MsgBox, Settings saved successfully!
LoadSettings() {
global EMCol, ColVn, ZeroX, ZeroY, smoothing, predictionMultiplier
global RapidFireEnabled, NoRecoilEnabled, DropShotEnabled, DropShot2Enabled
global JitterEnabled, SniperBreathEnabled, AutoSprintEnabled
global FastReloadEnabled, QuickScopeEnabled, AntiAimEnabled
global HitboxCycleEnabled, AutoReloadEnabled, AutoCrouchEnabled, AutoDropEnabled
global BunnyHopEnabled, CrouchShotEnabled, JumpShotEnabled
global RecoilIntensity, NoRecoilSpeed, FOVValue
global JoshTriggerBotEnabled, AutoStrafeEnabled, AutoCrouchProneEnabled, MeleeSpamEnabled
if !FileExist("Settings.ini") {
MsgBox, Settings file not found!
FileRead, settings, Settings.ini
Loop, Parse, settings, `n, `r
StringSplit, line, A_LoopField, =
if (line1 && line2) {
; Use dynamic variable assignment correctly
%line1% := line2
; Update GUI with loaded values
GuiControl,, SmoothingValue, %smoothing%
GuiControl,, PredictionValue, %predictionMultiplier%
GuiControl,, ToleranceValue, %ColVn%
GuiControl,, EMColorValue, %EMCol%
GuiControl,, ZeroXValue, %ZeroX%
GuiControl,, ZeroYValue, %ZeroY%
GuiControl,, RapidFireCheckbox, %RapidFireEnabled%
GuiControl,, NoRecoilCheckbox, %NoRecoilEnabled%
GuiControl,, DropShotCheckbox, %DropShotEnabled%
GuiControl,, DropShot2Checkbox, %DropShot2Enabled%
GuiControl,, JitterCheckbox, %JitterEnabled%
GuiControl,, SniperBreathCheckbox, %SniperBreathEnabled%
GuiControl,, AutoSprintCheckbox, %AutoSprintEnabled%
GuiControl,, FastReloadCheckbox, %FastReloadEnabled%
GuiControl,, QuickScopeCheckbox, %QuickScopeEnabled%
GuiControl,, AntiAimCheckbox, %AntiAimEnabled%
GuiControl,, HitboxCycleCheckbox, %HitboxCycleEnabled%
GuiControl,, AutoReloadCheckbox, %AutoReloadEnabled%
GuiControl,, AutoCrouchCheckbox, %AutoCrouchEnabled%
GuiControl,, AutoDropCheckbox, %AutoDropEnabled%
GuiControl,, BunnyHopCheckbox, %BunnyHopEnabled%
GuiControl,, CrouchShotCheckbox, %CrouchShotEnabled%
GuiControl,, JumpShotCheckbox, %JumpShotEnabled%
GuiControl,, RecoilIntensityValue, %RecoilIntensity%
GuiControl,, NoRecoilSpeedValue, %NoRecoilSpeed%
GuiControl,, FOVValue, %FOVValue%
GuiControl,, JoshTriggerBotCheckbox, %JoshTriggerBotEnabled%
GuiControl,, AutoStrafeCheckbox, %AutoStrafeEnabled%
GuiControl,, AutoCrouchProneCheckbox, %AutoCrouchProneEnabled%
GuiControl,, MeleeSpamCheckbox, %MeleeSpamEnabled%
MsgBox, Settings loaded successfully!
toggle4 := false
toggle5 := false
toggle6 := false
toggle4 := !toggle4
if (toggle4) {
SetTimer, Press4, 10
SoundBeep, 1000, 200
} else {
SetTimer, Press4, Off
SoundBeep, 500, 200
toggle5 := !toggle5
if (toggle5) {
SetTimer, Press5, 10
SoundBeep, 1000, 200
} else {
SetTimer, Press5, Off
SoundBeep, 500, 200
toggle6 := !toggle6
if (toggle6) {
SetTimer, Press6, 10
SoundBeep, 1000, 200
} else {
SetTimer, Press6, Off
SoundBeep, 500, 200
Send, 4
Send, 5
Send, 6
MsgBox, 0, Credits, Special Thanks to Sai, Treason, and AVXNTV3 for their contributions.
; Target dot settings for Less Snappy Aim
EMCol4 := 0xDF00FF ; Color of purple diamond
ColVn4 := 25 ; Tolerance for color match
ZeroX4 := 955 ; Central aim point
ZeroY4 := 500 ; Center Y coordinate of aim area
CFovX4 := 200 ; Field of view width
CFovY4 := 200 ; Field of view height
ScanL4 := ZeroX4 - CFovX4
ScanT4 := ZeroY4 - CFovY4
ScanR4 := ZeroX4 + CFovX4
ScanB4 := ZeroY4 + CFovY4
targetX4 := 0
targetY4 := 0
toggle4 := false
Paused4 := false
; Offset for final aim position relative to the purple diamond
OffsetX4 := 45 ; Offset right
OffsetY4 := 50 ; Offset down
; Target dot settings for Snappy Aim
EMCol5 := 0xDF00FF ; Color of purple diamond
ColVn5 := 25 ; Tolerance for color match
ZeroX5 := 955 ; Central aim point
ZeroY5 := 500 ; Center Y coordinate of aim area
CFovX5 := 200 ; Field of view width
CFovY5 := 200 ; Field of view height
ScanL5 := ZeroX5 - CFovX5
ScanT5 := ZeroY5 - CFovY5
ScanR5 := ZeroX5 + CFovX5
ScanB5 := ZeroY5 + CFovY5
targetX5 := 0
targetY5 := 0
toggle5 := false
Paused5 := false
; Offset for final aim position relative to the purple diamond
OffsetX5 := 45 ; Offset right
OffsetY5 := 50 ; Offset down
; Close the launcher GUI
Gui, Destroy
; Create Aim GUI without title bar
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +Resize +ToolWindow -Caption +E0x20
Gui, Color, 880808
Gui, Margin, 10, 10
Gui, Font, s10 cD0D0D0 Bold
Gui, Add, Text, % "x0 y0 w" Width " h30 BackgroundTrans Center 0x200", Zombies Aim V2
; Add Controls
Gui, Add, Text, % "x10 y40 w120", Less Snappy Aim Toggle:
Gui, Add, Button, % "x130 y40 w100 gToggleAim4", Toggle Less Snappy Aim
Gui, Add, Button, % "x240 y40 w100 gPauseAim4", Pause/Resume
; Snappy Aim Controls
Gui, Add, Text, % "x10 y80 w120", Snappy Aim Toggle:
Gui, Add, Button, % "x130 y80 w100 gToggleAim5", Toggle Snappy Aim
Gui, Add, Button, % "x240 y80 w100 gPauseAim5", Pause/Resume
; Additional GUI Button
Gui, Add, Button, % "x100 y130 w150 gShowAdditionalGUI", Show Additional GUI ; Button to open the color settings GUI
; Add Close Button
Gui, Add, Button, % "x10 y120 w80 gGuiClose2", Close
; Show Aim GUI
Gui, Show, , Zombie Aim V2
; Enable dragging
Gui, +LastFound
WinGet, guiID, ID, A
OnMessage(WM_NCHITTEST := 0x0084, "WM_NCHITTEST1")
; Allow dragging of the GUI
return 2 ; HTCAPTION
; Loop for Less Snappy Zombies Aim
global toggle4, targetX4, targetY4, ZeroX4, ZeroY4, EMCol4, ColVn4, ScanL4, ScanT4, ScanR4, ScanB4, OffsetX4, OffsetY4
while (toggle4) {
targetFound4 := False
if (toggle4 && (GetKeyState("LButton", "P") || GetKeyState("RButton", "P"))) {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX4, AimPixelY4, ScanL4, ScanT4, ScanR4, ScanB4, EMCol4, ColVn4, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
targetX4 := AimPixelX4 + OffsetX4
targetY4 := AimPixelY4 + OffsetY4
targetFound4 := True
if (targetFound4) {
TargetAimX4 := targetX4 - ZeroX4
TargetAimY4 := targetY4 - ZeroY4
MoveX4 := Round(TargetAimX4 * 0.1)
MoveY4 := Round(TargetAimY4 * 0.1)
if (Abs(MoveX4) > 1 || Abs(MoveY4) > 1) {
DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 1, "Int", MoveX4, "Int", MoveY4, "UInt", 0, "Int", 0)
Sleep, 10 ; Less Snappy Aim loop delay
; Loop for Snappy V2 No GUI
global toggle5, targetX5, targetY5, ZeroX5, ZeroY5, EMCol5, ColVn5, ScanL5, ScanT5, ScanR5, ScanB5, OffsetX5, OffsetY5
while (toggle5) {
targetFound5 := False
if (toggle5 && (GetKeyState("LButton", "P") || GetKeyState("RButton", "P"))) {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX5, AimPixelY5, ScanL5, ScanT5, ScanR5, ScanB5, EMCol5, ColVn5, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
targetX5 := AimPixelX5 + OffsetX5
targetY5 := AimPixelY5 + OffsetY5
targetFound5 := True
if (targetFound5) {
TargetAimX5 := targetX5 - ZeroX5
TargetAimY5 := targetY5 - ZeroY5
MoveX5 := Round(TargetAimX5 * 0.3)
MoveY5 := Round(TargetAimY5 * 0.3)
if (Abs(MoveX5) > 0 || Abs(MoveY5) > 0) {
DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 1, "Int", MoveX5, "Int", MoveY5, "UInt", 0, "Int", 0)
Sleep, 5 ; Snappy Aim loop delay
; Toggle Less Snappy Aim
toggle4 := !toggle4
if toggle4 {
; Start the aiming loop
SetTimer, AimLoop1, 0
} else {
; Stop the aiming loop
SetTimer, AimLoop1, Off
SoundBeep, % toggle4 ? 500 : 750, 300
; Pause Less Snappy Aim
Paused4 := !Paused4
Pause, Toggle
SoundBeep, 750, 500
; Toggle Snappy Aim
toggle5 := !toggle5
if toggle5 {
; Start the aiming loop
SetTimer, AimingLoop, 0
} else {
; Stop the aiming loop
SetTimer, AimingLoop, Off
SoundBeep, % toggle5 ? 500 : 750, 300
; Pause Snappy Aim
Paused5 := !Paused5
Pause, Toggle
SoundBeep, 750, 500
; Show the additional GUI
; Function to create and show the additional settings GUI
ShowAdditionalGUI() {
Gui, New, +Resize, Zombie Aim V2
Gui, Add, Text, , Target Color (Hex)
Gui, Add, Edit, vColorHex, % Format("0x{:X}", EMCol4) ; Default color for EMCol4
Gui, Add, Button, gSubmitColor4, Set Less Snappy Aim Color
Gui, Add, Edit, vColorHex5, % Format("0x{:X}", EMCol5) ; Default color for EMCol5
Gui, Add, Button, gSubmitColor5, Set Snappy Aim Color
Gui, Add, Button, gClose2, Close ; Close button
Gui, Show
; Close the additional GUI
Gui, Destroy
; Submit Color function for Less Snappy Aim
Gui, Submit, NoHide
; Update EMCol4 with the new color
NewColor := ColorHex
if (NewColor && RegExMatch(NewColor, "^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$")) {
EMCol4 := NewColor
ToolTip, Less Snappy Aim color changed to %NewColor%
Sleep, 2000
; Submit Color function for Snappy Aim
Gui, Submit, NoHide
; Update EMCol5 with the new color
NewColor := ColorHex5
if (NewColor && RegExMatch(NewColor, "^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$")) {
EMCol5 := NewColor
ToolTip, Snappy Aim color changed to %NewColor%
Sleep, 2000
; Define Zombie Aim variables for target and scanning
EMCol1 := 0xEA00FF ; Enemy color in hexadecimal
ColVn1 := 25 ; Color variance for detection
ZeroX1 := A_ScreenWidth / 2.08 ; X center offset for aim targeting
ZeroY1 := A_ScreenHeight / 2.19 ; Y center offset for aim targeting
CFovX1 := 120 ; Field of view width
CFovY1 := 120 ; Field of view height
ScanL1 := ZeroX1 - CFovX1 ; Left boundary of scan area
ScanT1 := ZeroY1 - CFovY1 ; Top boundary of scan area
ScanR1 := ZeroX1 + CFovX1 ; Right boundary of scan area
ScanB1 := ZeroY1 + CFovY1 ; Bottom boundary of scan area
targetX1 := 0 ; X position of target
targetY1 := 0 ; Y position of target
; Close the launcher GUI
Gui, Destroy
; Create Aim GUI without title bar
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +Resize +ToolWindow -Caption +E0x20
Gui, Color, 880808
Gui, Margin, 10, 10
Gui, Font, s10 cD0D0D0 Bold
Gui, Add, Text, % "x0 y0 w" Width " h30 BackgroundTrans Center 0x200", Zombies Aim
; Add Controls
Gui, Add, Text, % "x10 y40 w120", Aim Toggle:
Gui, Add, Button, % "x130 y40 w100 gToggleAim", Toggle Aim
Gui, Add, Button, % "x240 y40 w100 gPauseToggle2", Pause/Resume
; Adjust Compensation Section
Gui, Add, Text, % "x10 y80 w150", Adjust Compensation:
Gui, Add, Button, % "x10 y100 w50 gAdjustUp", Up
Gui, Add, Button, % "x70 y100 w50 gAdjustDown", Down
Gui, Add, Button, % "x130 y100 w50 gAdjustLeft", Left
Gui, Add, Button, % "x190 y100 w50 gAdjustRight", Right
; Additional GUI Button for changing color
Gui, Add, Button, % "x10 y140 w150 gShowColorGUI", Change Enemy Color
; Add Close Button
Gui, Add, Button, % "x10 y180 w80 gGuiClose1", Close
; Show Aim GUI
Gui, Show, , Zombie Aim
; Enable dragging
Gui, +LastFound
WinGet, guiID, ID, A
OnMessage(WM_NCHITTEST := 0x0084, "WM_NCHITTEST")
; Allow dragging of the GUI
return 2 ; HTCAPTION
ShowColorGUI() {
; Ensure EMCol1 is displayed in the correct format
currentColor := Format("0x{:X}", EMCol1) ; This will keep the format intact
Gui, New, +Resize, Change Enemy Color
Gui, Add, Text, , Enter Enemy Color (Hex):
Gui, Add, Edit, vNewColorHex w200 h30, % currentColor ; Set default color with larger size
Gui, Add, Button, gSubmitColor3, Set Enemy Color
Gui, Add, Button, gCloseColorGUI, Close
Gui, Show
; Close the color settings GUI
Gui, Destroy
Gui, Submit, NoHide
; Update EMCol1 with the new color
NewColor := NewColorHex
if (NewColor && RegExMatch(NewColor, "^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$")) {
EMCol1 := NewColor
MsgBox, New EMCol1 color set to: %EMCol1% ; Display the new value
ToolTip, Enemy color changed to %EMCol1%
Sleep, 2000
} else {
MsgBox, Invalid color format! Please enter a valid hex color (e.g., 0xFFFFFF).
targetFound1 := False
if Paused2 ; Check if paused
return ; If paused, exit the loop
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P") or GetKeyState("RButton", "P") {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX1, AimPixelY1, targetX1 - 20, targetY1 - 20, targetX1 + 20, targetY1 + 20, EMCol1, ColVn1, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
targetX1 := AimPixelX1
targetY1 := AimPixelY1
targetFound1 := True
} else {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX1, AimPixelY1, ScanL1, ScanT1, ScanR1, ScanB1, EMCol1, ColVn1, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
targetX1 := AimPixelX1
targetY1 := AimPixelY1
targetFound1 := True
if (targetFound1 && toggle1) {
AimX1 := targetX1 - ZeroX1
AimY1 := targetY1 - ZeroY1
DirX1 := (AimX1 > 0) ? 1 : -1
DirY1 := (AimY1 > 0) ? 1 : -1
MoveX1 := ImpreciseMove((Abs(AimX1) ** (1 / 1.1))) * DirX1
MoveY1 := ImpreciseMove((Abs(AimY1) ** (1 / 1.1))) * DirY1
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX1, int, MoveY1, uint, 0, int, 0)
RandomDelay(1, 2)
if (targetFound1 && toggle1) {
click down
} else {
click up
toggle1 := !toggle1
GuiControl, , ToggleAim, % toggle1 ? "Disable" : "Enable"
SoundBeep, 500, 300
if (toggle1) {
SetTimer, AimLoop, 10 ; Start the aiming loop
} else {
SetTimer, AimLoop, Off ; Stop the aiming loop
Paused2 := !Paused2
if (Paused2) {
SoundBeep, 750, 500
} else {
SoundBeep, 500, 300
ZeroY1 += 5
ZeroY1 -= 5
ZeroX1 /= 1.01
ZeroX1 /= 0.99
; Trigger Bot GUI
ZeroX2 := A_ScreenWidth / 2.08
ZeroY2 := A_ScreenHeight / 2.18
CFovXX2 := 40
CFovYY2 := 120
ScanL2 := ZeroX2 - CFovXX2
ScanT2 := ZeroY2 - CFovYY2
ScanR2 := ZeroX2 + CFovXX2
ScanB2 := ZeroY2 + CFovYY2
; Close the launcher GUI if it's open
Gui, Destroy
; Create Trigger Bot GUI
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +Resize +ToolWindow
Gui, Color, 880808
Gui, Margin, 10, 10
Gui, Font, s10 cD0D0D0 Bold
Gui, Add, Text, , Trigger Bot Controls:
Gui, Add, Button, gStartTriggerBot, Start Trigger Bot
Gui, Add, Button, gStopTriggerBot, Stop Trigger Bot
Gui, Add, Button, gPauseToggle3, Pause/Resume
Gui, Show, , Trigger Bot
triggerActive := true
GuiControl, , Start Trigger Bot, Disabled
GuiControl, , Stop Trigger Bot, Enabled
GuiControl, , Pause/Resume, Enabled
Loop {
if (paused3 || !triggerActive) {
Sleep, 100
KeyWait, RButton, D
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
PixelSearch, Px, Py, ScanL2, ScanT2, ScanR2, ScanB2, 0xEA00FF, 30, Fast
if (ErrorLevel = 0) {
Sleep, 10
Send {LButton down}
Sleep, 10
Send {LButton up}
Sleep, 2000 ; 2-second delay after each trigger
triggerActive := false
GuiControl, , Start Trigger Bot, Enabled
GuiControl, , Stop Trigger Bot, Disabled
GuiControl, , Pause/Resume, Disabled
paused3 := !paused3 ; Toggle the paused state
if (paused3) { ; Check the correct variable
GuiControl, , Pause/Resume, Resume ; Update the GUI control text
SoundBeep, 750, 500 ; Beep for resume
} else {
GuiControl, , Pause/Resume, Pause ; Update the GUI control text
SoundBeep, 500, 300 ; Beep for pause
if (GuiVisible) {
Gui, Hide
GuiVisible := false
} else {
Gui, Show
GuiVisible := true
AHK exact required to run
New instructions
Make sure you have AutoHotKey v1.1.37.02 installed. This is an .AHK Script, it won't work without it.
Display Settings
Make sure you're in "Fullscreen Borderless"
Interface Settings
Change enemy color to C9008D for MULTIPLAYER enemies (Gui color picker to change script target color)
Change enemy color to DF00FF for Enable Zombies Aim and V2 Less Snappy
Change enemy color to EA00FF for Zombie v1 Aim
ALWAYS CONFIRM THE AIM IS WORKING BEFORE MATCHES BY enabling feature go in game settings of that particular mode and set the exact color needed in the interface then click on that same screen once set and your mouse should fly across the screen this means its working as intended if your mouse does nothing try again or restart ahk if loops encounter any stops
Change "Player Names" to "Icon Only"
For Zombies just change color should be fine with healthbar
I am well aware of all bugs if any and also these functions currently are out of order as i stopped progress to post : Trigger Bot, Bunny Hop,Fast Reload and Quick Scope,Sniper Breath,Drop Shot
Treasons Sai Aim Assist V3 Edit
HERE IT IS! ENJOY! BETTER LATER THAN NEVER! attached current source & attached files
i HIGHLY RECOMMEND Setting anything between 3-5 for the speed and intensifiers for No Recoil (Anti Recoil) it enhances the main script making it more snappier to enemy heads/target
**Hotkeys & COLOR TIPS:**
* **Insert**: Toggle Multi-Player Aim (C9008D)
* **Delete**: Toggle Zombies Aim (DF00FF)
* **Home**: Toggle Prediction
* **PgUp**: Enable Zombie Aim V2 Less Sticky (DF00FF)
* **PgDn**: Enable Zombie Aim V1 (EA00FF)
* **']'**: Toggle Trigger Bot
* **F1**: Toggle Hide / Show GUI
you will need Overlay images Circle2.png and Square2.png
Settings.Ini gets created upon saving if missing
Color Changers for all! Zombies, and Multi, added Gui's or simply run the loops from my GUI
NOTE there are bugs or some features that will do nothing, when setting color on main gui you may encounter the gui freeze just got to hot key in task bar right click it and that should unfreeze or push the code through!
features list (Much more to be added / Fixed)
### AIO Black Ops 6 Aim Assist GUI by Treason
The AIO Black Ops 6 Aim Assist GUI is designed to enhance your gaming experience with a variety of features tailored for both multiplayer and zombie modes. This comprehensive interface allows for customization, providing tools that can significantly improve your aiming precision and overall gameplay.
#### Main Options
- **Enable Multi-Player Aim**:
- Toggle aiming assistance for multiplayer matches with the **Insert** key. This feature adjusts your aim to align more closely with targets, increasing your hit probability.
- **Enable Prediction**:
- Activate predictive aiming with the **Home** key. This function calculates the movement trajectory of your target, allowing for more accurate shooting, especially useful in fast-paced multiplayer scenarios.
- **Enable Zombies Aim**:
- A specific aiming assist for zombie mode, toggled with the **Delete** key. This feature optimizes your aim against the predictable movements of zombies, ensuring higher kill efficiency.
#### Target Color and Location
- **Target Color Picker**:
- Input a hex value to select the color of targets. This allows for enhanced visual identification, making it easier to spot enemies against the game's backdrop.
- **Target Location Buttons**:
- Quickly select target areas such as Head, Chest, Belly, and Feet with dedicated buttons. This feature enables precision targeting, enhancing your chances of dealing critical damage.
#### Smoothing and Prediction Controls
- **Smoothing Adjustments**:
- Control the smoothing factor to create more natural aim adjustments. This prevents erratic movements, making your shots feel more fluid and controlled.
- **Prediction Multiplier**:
- Fine-tune the predictive aiming sensitivity. Adjusting this setting allows you to better align with your preferred playstyle, improving your reaction time and accuracy.
#### Color Tolerance
- **Color Tolerance Settings**:
- Adjust sensitivity to color detection. This ensures that the aim assist correctly identifies the target color, minimizing false positives and ensuring only the intended targets are engaged.
#### Rapid Fire and Recoil Management
- **Rapid Fire Toggle**:
- Activate rapid firing mode with a visual status indicator. This feature allows for quick successive shots, ideal for close-range encounters.
- **No Recoil Intensity and Speed Controls**:
- Adjust the intensity and speed of no recoil. This allows for continuous fire without the typical upward movement of the gun, maintaining accuracy even during extended firing.
#### Field of View (FOV) Controls
- **FOV Slider**:
- Customize your field of view for better situational awareness. A wider FOV can help you spot enemies more easily and react to threats from multiple angles.
- **FOV Overlay Toggle**:
- Option to show or hide an FOV overlay, with selectable shapes (Circle or Square). This visual aid helps you understand your effective aiming range and spatial awareness in the game.
#### Advanced Feature Toggles
- **Anti-Aim**:
- Toggle anti-aim mode to confuse enemies. This feature makes it harder for opponents to predict your movements, improving your chances of evading shots.
- **Hitbox Cycle**:
- Cycle through different hitboxes to optimize aiming strategies. This allows players to target vulnerable areas more effectively, especially in competitive scenarios.
#### Keyboard & Mouse Enhancements
- **Auto Reload**:
- Automatically reload weapons when empty. This feature ensures that you are always ready for combat without manual intervention.
- **Auto Crouch and Auto Drop**:
- Enable automatic crouching and dropping for tactical advantages. These actions help you evade enemy fire while maintaining offensive capabilities.
#### Additional Features
- **Drop Shot**:
- Automatically drop to the ground while firing. This makes you a harder target to hit while still engaging enemies.
- **Jitter**:
- Introduces unpredictable aiming movement to evade enemy fire. This feature can throw off opponents' aim, giving you an edge in firefights.
- **Sniper Breath**:
- Hold breath while aiming with sniper rifles for improved accuracy. This feature stabilizes your aim for those long-distance shots.
- **Auto Sprint**:
- Maintain sprinting without constant key presses. This allows for smoother movement across the map, facilitating quick escapes or repositioning.
- **Fast Reload and Quick Scope**:
- Speed up reloading and scoping actions for quicker engagements. This feature enhances your response time in combat situations.
- **Bunny Hop**:
- Automatically jump while moving to evade shots. This makes you a more elusive target during firefights.
#### Extra Aims
- **Zombie Aim V1 & V2**:
- Options for different zombie aiming modes to suit various preferences. These modes are designed to maximize efficiency against zombie hordes with different aiming styles.
- **Trigger Bot**:
- Automatically fire when an enemy is within crosshairs, toggled with the **']'** key. This feature enhances your response time by automatically engaging targets when they are detected.
#### Open External Aim GUIs
- **Open Zombie Aim**:
- Launches the external zombie aiming interface, providing tailored settings for enhanced performance in zombie mode.
- **Open Zombie Aim V2**:
- Access an updated version of the zombie aiming interface, featuring improved functionalities and options for more effective gameplay.
- **Start/Stop Trigger Bot**:
- Toggles the trigger bot functionality on or off. This allows you to control when the automatic firing feature is active, adapting to different gameplay situations.
- **Open Trigger Bot**:
- Opens the dedicated trigger bot interface, offering additional settings and customization options to optimize your automatic firing strategy.
#### Control and Configuration
- **Credits Section**:
- Easy access to contributor acknowledgments, highlighting the community behind the tool.
- **Close, Reset, Save, and Load Buttons**:
- Quick controls to close the application, reset settings to default, and manage configuration files for ease of use.
#### Status Indicators
- **Real-time Status Updates**:
- Visual indicators for the status of trigger bots, rapid fire, and other functionalities ensure you are always informed about your current settings and adjustments.
This AIO Black Ops 6 Aim Assist GUI is a powerful tool that significantly enhances gameplay through advanced aiming and shooting features, tailored for both casual players and competitive gamers alike.
#SingleInstance, Force
#KeyHistory, 0
#HotKeyInterval 1
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 127
SetKeyDelay, -1, 1
SetControlDelay, -1
SetMouseDelay, -1
SetWinDelay, -1
SendMode, InputThenPlay
SetBatchLines, -1
ListLines, Off
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen, RGB
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
PID := DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")
Process, Priority, %PID%, High
; Random number generator function
GetRandom(min, max) {
Random, output, %min%, %max%
return output
RandomDelay(min, max) {
Random, delay, %min%, %max%
Sleep, delay
ImpreciseMove(value) {
Random, offset, -1, 1
return value + offset
iniFile := A_ScriptDir "\settings.ini"
global ZombieCheckmark ; Declare as global
LastColorHex := ""
; Initialize variables
triggerActive := false
paused1 := false
TriggerBotStatus := "Off"
; Main Settings
EMCol := 0xc9008d ; Target color
ColVn := 50 ; Tolerance for color matching
ZeroX := A_ScreenWidth / 2 ; Universal resolution
ZeroY := A_ScreenHeight / 2.18 ; Universal resolution
CFovX := 78 ; Field of view X
CFovY := 78 ; Field of view Y
ScanL := ZeroX - CFovX
ScanT := ZeroY - CFovY
ScanR := ZeroX + CFovX
ScanB := ZeroY + CFovY
SearchArea := 50 ; Search area around last known position
; Variables for prediction
prevX := 0
prevY := 0
lastTime := 0
smoothing := 0.09 ; Default smoothing value
predictionMultiplier := 2.5 ; Default prediction multiplier
; Initialize flags
isReloading := False
lastReloadTime := 0
reloadCooldown := 500 ; Adjust cooldown as needed
; Target dot settings Zombie Aim snappy checkbox
EMCol6 := 0xDF00FF ; Color of purple diamond
ColVn6 := 25 ; Tolerance for color match
ZeroX6 := 955 ; Central aim point
ZeroY6 := 500 ; Center Y coordinate of aim area
CFovX6 := 200 ; Field of view width
CFovY6 := 200 ; Field of view height
ScanL6 := ZeroX6 - CFovX6
ScanT6 := ZeroY6 - CFovY6
ScanR6 := ZeroX6 + CFovX6
ScanB6 := ZeroY6 + CFovY6
targetX6 := 0
targetY6 := 0
toggle6 := false
Paused6 := false
EnableAimLoop6State := 0
targetFound6 := false ; Initialize targetFound6 here
; Offset for final aim position relative to the purple diamond
OffsetX6 := 45 ; Offset right
OffsetY6 := 50 ; Offset down
; Zombie Less Sticky settings
EMCol8 := 0xDF00FF ; Color of purple diamond
ColVn8 := 25 ; Tolerance for color match
ZeroX8 := 955 ; Central aim point
ZeroY8 := 500 ; Center Y coordinate of aim area
CFovX8 := 200 ; Field of view width
CFovY8 := 200 ; Field of view height
ScanL8 := ZeroX8 - CFovX8
ScanT8 := ZeroY8 - CFovY8
ScanR8 := ZeroX8 + CFovX8
ScanB8 := ZeroY8 + CFovY8
targetX8 := 0
targetY8 := 0
toggle8 := false
Paused8 := false
; Aim settings
ZeroXs := A_ScreenWidth / 2.08
ZeroYs := A_ScreenHeight / 2.18
CFovXXs := 40
CFovYYs := 120
ScanLs1 := ZeroXs - CFovXXs
ScanTs1 := ZeroYs - CFovYYs
ScanRs1 := ZeroXs + CFovXXs
ScanBs1 := ZeroYs + CFovYYs
toggle1s := false
Paused1s := false
; Offset for final aim position relative to the purple diamond
OffsetX8 := 45 ; Offset right
OffsetY8 := 50 ; Offset down
; Target dot settings
EMCol9 := 0xEA00FF
ColVn9 := 25
ZeroX9 := A_ScreenWidth / 2.08
ZeroY9 := A_ScreenHeight / 2.19
CFovX9 := 120
CFovY9 := 120
ScanL9 := ZeroX9 - CFovX9
ScanT9 := ZeroY9 - CFovY9
ScanR9 := ZeroX9 + CFovX9
ScanB9 := ZeroY9 + CFovY9
targetX9 := 0
targetY9 := 0
toggle9 := false
Paused9 := false
; Default Settings for Recoil, Speed, and FOV
RecoilIntensity := 50 ; Default recoil intensity
NoRecoilSpeed := 20 ; Default speed for no recoil
FOVValue := CFovX ; Initialize FOV with the main FOV value
ZeroX3 := A_ScreenWidth / 2.08
ZeroY3 := A_ScreenHeight / 2.18
CFovXX3 := 40
CFovYY3 := 120
ScanL3 := ZeroX3 - CFovXX3
ScanT3 := ZeroY3 - CFovYY3
ScanR3 := ZeroX3 + CFovXX3
ScanB3 := ZeroY3 + CFovYY3
OverlayHwnd := 0 ; Initialize variable for overlay handle
showOverlay := false
overlaySize := 400 ; Set a fixed size for testing
overlayType := "Circle" ; Set a type for testing (or "Square")
; Rapid Fire Variables
RapidFireEnabled := False
NoRecoilEnabled := False
; Additional Feature Variables
DropShotEnabled := False
JitterEnabled := False
SniperBreathEnabled := False
AutoSprintEnabled := False
FastReloadEnabled := False
QuickScopeEnabled := False
AntiAimEnabled := False
HitboxCycleEnabled := False
AutoReloadEnabled := False
AutoCrouchEnabled := False
AutoDropEnabled := False
AntiAFKEnabled := False
; GUI Window
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +Resize +ToolWindow +E0x20 ; Mouse-through transparency
Width := 350
Height := 350
WinSet, Transparent, 20 ; Transparency of GUI
Gui, Color, 880808 ; Background color of GUI
Opacity := 50 ; 20% opacity (range 0-255)
; GUI Title
Gui, Font, s7 cD0D0D0 Bold
Gui, Add, Progress, % "x-1 y-1 w" (Width+2) " h31 Background000000 Disabled hwndHPROG"
Control, ExStyle, -0x20000, , ahk_id %HPROG%
Gui, Add, Text, % "x0 y0 w" Width " h10 BackgroundTrans Center 0x350 vCaption", Treason's Bo6 Aim V3 Edit
; Set transparency level for the GUI window only
Gui, Show, % "w" Width " h" Height " NA" " x" (A_ScreenWidth - Width) "x+0 y850"
WinSet, Transparent, %Opacity%, ahk_id %hGui% ; Only make GUI transparent
; Main Options Text
Gui, Font, s6
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Main Options
; Checkboxes with Green Tick
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableCheckbox gUpdateStatus", Enable Multi-Player Aim (Insert Key)
Gui, Add, Text, x+10 w10 h10 vEnableCheckmark Hidden,
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnablePredictionCheckbox gUpdateStatus", Enable Prediction (Home Key)(Multi Only)
Gui, Add, Text, x+10 w10 h10 vPredictionCheckmark Hidden,
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableAimLoop6 gToggleAimLoop6 gUpdateStatus", Enable Zombies Aim (DEL Key)(Disable Multi First*)
Gui, Add, Text, x+10 w10 h10 vZombieCheckmark Hidden,
; GUI Color Picker Section
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Target Color (Hex) (Highlight + Paste + Submit)
Gui, Add, Edit, % "x8 y+5 w60 r1 vColorHex gUpdateColor", % Format("{:X}", EMCol & 0xFFFFFF)
GuiControl, +ToolTip, ColorHex, Set target color (click Pick Color to choose)
; Button to submit the color input
Gui, Add, Button, % "x+8 y+7 w70 h30 gSubmitColor", Set Color
GuiControl, +ToolTip, SubmitColor, Submit the color input from the box
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Current ZeroY Value:
Gui, Add, Text, % "x+10 w70 r1 vZeroYLabel", % ZeroY
; Target Location
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Target Location
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-200) "r1 +0x4000 gHeadshotsButton", Head
Gui, Add, Button, % "x+2+m w" (Width-200) "r1 +0x4000 gChestButton", Chest
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-200) "r1 +0x4000 gBellyButton", Belly
Gui, Add, Button, % "x+2+m w" (Width-200) "r1 +0x4000 gFeetButton", Feet
; Smoothing Control
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-20) "r1", Smoothing (Default is 0.09)
Gui, Add, Text, % "x+m w" (Width-14) "r1 vSmoothingValue", %smoothing%
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-275) "r1 +0x4000 gDecreaseSmoothing", -
Gui, Add, Button, % "x+2+m w" (Width-275) "r1 +0x4000 gIncreaseSmoothing", +
; Prediction Multiplier Control
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Prediction Multiplier
Gui, Add, Text, % "x+m w" (Width-14) "r1 vPredictionValue", %predictionMultiplier%
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-275) "r1 +0x4000 gDecreasePrediction", -
Gui, Add, Button, % "x+2+m w" (Width-275) "r1 +0x4000 gIncreasePrediction", +
; Color Tolerance Control
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Color Tolerance
Gui, Add, Text, % "x+m w" (Width-14) "r1 vToleranceValue", %ColVn%
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-275) "r1 +0x4000 gDecreaseTolerance", -
Gui, Add, Button, % "x+2+m w" (Width-275) "r1 +0x4000 gIncreaseTolerance", +
; Rapid Fire Toggle with Indicator
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Rapid Fire Toggle
Gui, Add, Button, % "x3 y+8 w" (Width-300) "r1 gToggleRapidFire", Toggle
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vRapidFireStatus c00FF00", ; Indicator for rapid fire
; No Recoil Intensity Control
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", No Recoil Intensity
Gui, Add, Slider, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-40) "h20 r1 Range0-100 vRecoilIntensity gUpdateRecoilIntensity Background880808", 50 ; Set background color
Gui, Add, Text, % "x+10 w50 r1 vCurrentRecoilIntensity", 50 ; Display current intensity
; No Recoil Speed Control
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", No Recoil Speed
Gui, Add, Slider, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-40) "h20 r1 Range1-100 vNoRecoilSpeed gUpdateNoRecoilSpeed Background880808", 20 ; Set background color
Gui, Add, Text, % "x+10 w50 r1 vCurrentNoRecoilSpeed", 20 ; Display current speed
; No Recoil Toggle
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", No Recoil Toggle
Gui, Add, Button, % "x3 y+8 w" (Width-300) "r1 gToggleNoRecoil", Toggle
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vNoRecoilStatus c00FF00", ; Indicator for no recoil
; FOV Control Slider
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Field of View (FOV)
Gui, Add, Slider, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-40) "h20 r1 Range30-90 vFOVValue gUpdateFOV Background880808", %CFovX%
Gui, Add, Text, % "x+10 w50 r1 vCurrentFOV", %CFovX% ; Display current FOV
GuiControl, +ToolTip, FOVValue, Adjust the Field of View
; FOV Overlay Toggle Button and Dropdown for overlay type
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y+10 w50 h25 gToggleFOVOverlay", Toggle FOV Overlay
GuiControl, +ToolTip, ToggleFOVOverlay, Show or hide the FOV overlay
Gui, Add, DropDownList, % "x+10 y+5 w100 vOverlayType gUpdateOverlayType", Circle|Square
GuiControl, +ToolTip, OverlayType, Select the type of FOV overlay
; Advanced Feature Toggles Section
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Advanced Feature Toggles
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableAntiAim gToggleAntiAim", Anti-Aim
GuiControl, +ToolTip, EnableAntiAim, Toggle anti-aim mode
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableHitboxCycle gToggleHitboxCycle", Cycle Hitbox
GuiControl, +ToolTip, EnableHitboxCycle, Toggle hitbox cycling
; Anti-AFK Feature Checkbox
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableAntiAFK gToggleAntiAFK", Anti-AFK
GuiControl, +ToolTip, EnableAntiAFK, Prevents being marked as AFK by simulating random movements
; Keyboard & Mouse Enhancements
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Keyboard Enhancements
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableAutoReload gToggleAutoReload", Auto Reload
GuiControl, +ToolTip, EnableAutoReload, Toggle automatic reloading
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableAutoCrouch gToggleAutoCrouch", Auto Crouch
GuiControl, +ToolTip, EnableAutoCrouch, Toggle automatic crouching
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableAutoDrop gToggleAutoDrop", Auto Drop
GuiControl, +ToolTip, EnableAutoDrop, Toggle automatic dropping
; Additional Features Text
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Additional Features
; Additional Features Toggle
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableDropShot gUpdateStatus", Drop Shot
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableJitter gUpdateStatus", Jitter
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableSniperBreath gUpdateStatus", Sniper Breath
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableAutoSprint gUpdateStatus", Auto Sprint
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableFastReload gUpdateStatus", Fast Reload
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableQuickScope gUpdateStatus", Quick Scope
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableBunnyHop gUpdateStatus", Bunny Hop
; Extra Aims Text
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Extra Aims (See Hotkeys + Tips)
; Extra Aims Toggle
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableAimLoop8 gToggleAimLoop8", Enable Zombie Aim V2 Less Sticky (PgUp Key)
Gui, Add, Text, x+10 w10 h10 vZombieCheckmark3 Hidden, ; Hidden checkmark for Zombie Aim V2
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableAimLoop9 gToggleAimLoop9", Enable Zombie Aim V1 (PgDn Key)
Gui, Add, Text, x+10 w10 h10 vZombieCheckmark2 Hidden, ; Hidden checkmark for Zombie Aim V1
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vEnableAimLoop0 gToggleAimLoop0", Enable Trigger Bot (']' Key to toggle)
Gui, Add, Text, x+10 w10 h10 vTriggerBotCheckmark Hidden, ; Hidden checkmark for Trigger Bot
; Credits Button
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y+4 w" (Width-100) "r1 gShowCredits", Show Credits
; Zombie Aim and Trigger Bot Buttons
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y+2 w120 h20 gOpenZombieAim", Open Zombie Aim
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y+1 w120 h20 gOpenTriggerBot", Open Trigger Bot
Gui, Add, Button, % "x135 y970 w120 h20 gPauseToggle1", Pause/Resume Trigger Bot ; Pause button
; Trigger Bot Toggle Section
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+10 w" (Width-14) "r1", Trigger Bot Toggle
Gui, Add, Button, % "x135 y1008 w" (Width-300) "r1 gToggleTriggerBot", Trigger Bot Toggle
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+5 w" (Width-14) "r1 vTriggerBotStatusText c00FF00", Trigger Bot Toggle
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y1010 w120 h20 gOpenZombieAimV2", Open Zombie Aim V2
Gui, Add, Button, % "x287 y100 w120 h20 gOpenInstructions", Instructions / Tips
Gui, Add, Button, % "x287 y127 w120 h20 gOpenHotkeys", HOTKEYS / Tips + Settings
; Close Button
Gui, Add, Button, % "x7 y1036 w100 h30 gClose", Close
GuiControl, +ToolTip, Close, Close the application
; Reset Defaults Button
Gui, Add, Button, % "x107 y1036 w100 h30 gResetDefaults", Reset Defaults
GuiControl, +ToolTip, ResetDefaults, Reset settings to default values
Gui, Add, Button, % "x207 y1036 w100 h30 gSaveSettings", Save Settings
GuiControl, +ToolTip, SaveSettings, Save current settings to an INI file
Gui, Add, Button, % "x307 y1036 w100 h30 gLoadSettings", Load Settings
GuiControl, +ToolTip, LoadSettings, Load settings from an INI file
; GUI updates
GuiControl,, ZeroYLabel, %ZeroY%
GuiControl,, CFovXLabel, %CFovX%
GuiControl,, CFovYLabel, %CFovY%
GuiControl,, SmoothingValue, %smoothing%
GuiControl,, PredictionValue, %predictionMultiplier%
GuiControl,, ToleranceValue, %ColVn%
GuiControl,, RecoilIntensity, %RecoilIntensity% ; Reset Recoil Intensity in GUI
GuiControl,, NoRecoilSpeed, %NoRecoilSpeed% ; Reset No Recoil Speed in GUI
GuiControl,, FOVValue, %FOVValue% ; Reset FOV in GUI
; Window Region for GUI
Gui, Add, Text, % "x7 y+15 w" "h5 vP"
GuiControlGet, P, Pos
H := PY + PH
Gui, -Caption
WinSet, Region, 0-0 w%Width% h%H% r6-6
; Check if the script is enabled
GuiControlGet, EnableState,, EnableCheckbox
if (EnableState) {
targetFound := False
; Check for target pixel if aiming is enabled
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P") or GetKeyState("RButton", "P") {
; Search for target pixel in a smaller region around the last known position
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, targetX - SearchArea, targetY - SearchArea, targetX + SearchArea, targetY + SearchArea, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
targetX := AimPixelX
targetY := AimPixelY
targetFound := True
} else {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
targetX := AimPixelX
targetY := AimPixelY
targetFound := True
if (targetFound) {
; Get current time
currentTime := A_TickCount
; Calculate the velocity of the target
if (lastTime != 0) {
deltaTime := (currentTime - lastTime) / 1000.0 ; Convert to seconds
velocityX := (targetX - prevX) / deltaTime
velocityY := (targetY - prevY) / deltaTime
; Store the current position and time for the next iteration
prevX := targetX
prevY := targetY
lastTime := currentTime
; Apply prediction if enabled
GuiControlGet, PredictionEnabled,, EnablePredictionCheckbox
if (PredictionEnabled && deltaTime != 0) {
PredictedX := targetX + Round(velocityX * predictionMultiplier * deltaTime)
PredictedY := targetY + Round(velocityY * predictionMultiplier * deltaTime)
} else {
PredictedX := targetX
PredictedY := targetY
; Move the mouse smoothly with strength adjustment
AimX := PredictedX - ZeroX
AimY := PredictedY - ZeroY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, Round(AimX * smoothing), int, Round(AimY * smoothing), uint, 0, int, 0)
; Check each feature independently
; Rapid Fire Implementation
if (RapidFireEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Click down
Sleep, 30 ; Short delay for firing rate
Click up
; No Recoil Implementation
if (NoRecoilEnabled && (GetKeyState("LButton", "P") || GetKeyState("RButton", "P"))) {
if (RecoilIntensity < 0) {
RecoilIntensity := 0
MouseMove, 0, RecoilIntensity, 0, R
Sleep, NoRecoilSpeed
; Drop Shot Implementation
if (DropShotEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send {C down}
While GetKeyState("LButton", "P") {
Sleep, 10
Send {C up}
; Jitter Implementation
if (JitterEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
MouseMove, % (GetRandom(-5, 5)), % (GetRandom(-5, 5)), 0, R
; Sniper Breath Implementation
if (SniperBreathEnabled && GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
Send {Shift down}
Sleep, 1000 ; Hold breath for 1 second
Send {Shift up}
; Auto Sprint Implementation
if (AutoSprintEnabled && GetKeyState("W", "P")) {
Send {LShift down}
} else {
Send {LShift up}
; Fast Reload Implementation
if (FastReloadEnabled && GetKeyState("R", "P")) {
Send {R up}
Sleep, 50
Send {R down}
Sleep, 50
Send {R up}
; Quick Scope Implementation
if (QuickScopeEnabled && GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
Send {RButton down}
Sleep, 50 ; Adjust time for how long to aim before shooting
Send {LButton up}
; Anti-aim functionality
if (AntiAimEnabled) {
MouseMove, % (GetRandom(-5, 5)), % (GetRandom(-5, 5)), 0, R
Sleep, 50
; Hitbox Cycle Implementation
if (HitboxCycleEnabled && (Mod(A_Index, 5) == 0)) {
target := (target = "Head") ? "Chest" : (target = "Chest") ? "Belly" : (target = "Belly") ? "Feet" : "Head"
ZeroY := (target = "Head") ? A_ScreenHeight / 2.18 : (target = "Chest") ? A_ScreenHeight / 2.22 : (target = "Belly") ? A_ScreenHeight / 2.30 : A_ScreenHeight / 2.38
GuiControl,, ZeroYLabel, %ZeroY%
Sleep, 10000 ; Timer to switch hitbox
; Auto reload functionality
if (AutoReloadEnabled) {
if (!GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
if (GetKeyState("LButton", "P") && !isReloading && (A_TickCount - lastReloadTime > reloadCooldown)) {
Send {R}
lastReloadTime := A_TickCount
isReloading := True
Sleep, 500 ; Adjust the sleep duration as needed
isReloading := False
; Auto crouch functionality
if (AutoCrouchEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send {C}
Sleep, 50 ; Short delay to prevent spam
; Bunny Hop Implementation
if (EnableBunnyHop && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send {Space down}
Sleep, 10 ; Adjust timing for hopping
Send {Space up}
Sleep, 10
; Auto drop functionality
if (AutoDropEnabled && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
Send {C}
Sleep, 50 ; Short delay to prevent spam
; Anti-AFK Implementation
GuiControlGet, AntiAFKEnabled,, AntiAFKCheckbox
if (AntiAFKEnabled) {
Random, afkMovementX, -3, 3 ; Random movement in X direction
Random, afkMovementY, -3, 3 ; Random movement in Y direction
MouseMove, afkMovementX, afkMovementY, 0, R ; Move mouse slightly to prevent AFK
; Perform additional anti-AFK actions
Random, actionChoice, 1, 3 ; Randomly choose an action
if (actionChoice == 1) {
Send {C down} ; Crouch
Sleep, 100 ; Hold crouch
Send {C up} ; Stand back up
} else if (actionChoice == 2) {
Send {W down} ; Move forward
Sleep, 300 ; Move forward for a short duration
Send {W up} ; Stop moving
} else if (actionChoice == 3) {
Send {D down} ; Strafe right
Sleep, 300 ; Strafe right for a short duration
Send {D up} ; Stop strafing
; Reduce CPU usage and improve responsiveness
Sleep, 5 ; Minimal sleep to allow the loop to run smoothly
; GUI updates
GuiControl,, ZeroYLabel, %ZeroY%
GuiControl,, CFovXLabel, %CFovX%
GuiControl,, CFovYLabel, %CFovY%
GuiControl,, SmoothingValue, %smoothing%
GuiControl,, PredictionValue, %predictionMultiplier%
GuiControl,, ToleranceValue, %ColVn%
GuiControl,, RecoilIntensity, %RecoilIntensity% ; Reset Recoil Intensity in GUI
GuiControl,, NoRecoilSpeed, %NoRecoilSpeed% ; Reset No Recoil Speed in GUI
GuiControl,, FOVValue, %FOVValue% ; Reset FOV in GUI
; Button callbacks for GUI
ZeroY := A_ScreenHeight / 2.18
GuiControl,, ZeroYLabel, %ZeroY%
ZeroY := A_ScreenHeight / 2.22
GuiControl,, ZeroYLabel, %ZeroY%
ZeroY := A_ScreenHeight / 2.30
GuiControl,, ZeroYLabel, %ZeroY%
ZeroY := A_ScreenHeight / 2.38
GuiControl,, ZeroYLabel, %ZeroY%
PostMessage, 0xA1, 2
ToggleAimLoop6() ; Call the function to toggle
if toggle8 {
targetFound8 := false
if (GetKeyState("LButton", "P") || GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
; Look for the purple diamond within the defined area
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL8, ScanT8, ScanR8, ScanB8, EMCol8, ColVn8, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
; Diamond found, calculate adjusted aim point
targetX8 := AimPixelX + OffsetX8
targetY8 := AimPixelY + OffsetY8
targetFound8 := true
if (targetFound8) {
; Calculate movement needed to reach adjusted target
TargetAimX := targetX8 - ZeroX8
TargetAimY := targetY8 - ZeroY8
; Smoothing multiplier for gradual movement
MoveX := Round(TargetAimX * 0.1)
MoveY := Round(TargetAimY * 0.1)
; Execute movement if it's substantial enough
if (Abs(MoveX) > 1 || Abs(MoveY) > 1) {
DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 1, "Int", MoveX, "Int", MoveY, "UInt", 0, "Int", 0)
ToggleAimLoop8() {
global toggle8
toggle8 := !toggle8
; Update the checkbox state
GuiControl,, EnableAimLoop8, % toggle8 ? 1 : 0 ; Set checkbox based on toggle state
if (toggle8) {
SetTimer, AimLoop8, 10 ; Start the loop with a timer
SoundBeep, 500, 300
MsgBox, Aim Loop Started
} else {
SetTimer, AimLoop8, Off ; Stop the loop when toggled off
SoundBeep, 750, 300
MsgBox, Aim Loop Stopped
Gosub, UpdateStatus ; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmark visibility
; Page Up key to toggle Aim Loop
; Pause functionality with Alt key
-:: ; Use '-' key to pause
Paused8 := !Paused8
Pause, Toggle
if Paused8 {
SoundBeep, 750, 500
; Start the loop for the aim functionality
targetFound6 := false ; Reset targetFound6 at the start of each loop iteration
if (GetKeyState("LButton", "P") or GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
; Look for the purple diamond within the defined area
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL6, ScanT6, ScanR6, ScanB6, EMCol6, ColVn6, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
; Diamond found, calculate adjusted aim point
targetX6 := AimPixelX + OffsetX6
targetY6 := AimPixelY + OffsetY6
targetFound6 := true
if (targetFound6) {
; Calculate movement needed to reach adjusted target
TargetAimX := targetX6 - ZeroX6
TargetAimY := targetY6 - ZeroY6
; Smoothing multiplier for a stronger lock
MoveX := Round(TargetAimX * 0.3)
MoveY := Round(TargetAimY * 0.3)
if (Abs(MoveX) > 0 || Abs(MoveY) > 0) {
DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 1, "Int", MoveX, "Int", MoveY, "UInt", 0, "Int", 0)
ToggleAimLoop6() {
GuiControlGet, EnableAimLoop6State,, EnableAimLoop6 ; Get the current state of the checkbox
EnableAimLoop6State := !EnableAimLoop6State ; Toggle the state
GuiControl,, EnableAimLoop6, % EnableAimLoop6State ; Update the checkbox in the GUI
toggle6 := EnableAimLoop6State ; Update toggle6 based on checkbox state
; Start the loop if toggled on
if (toggle6) {
SetTimer, AimLoop6, 5 ; Start the loop with a timer
SoundBeep, 500, 300
GuiControl, Show, ZombieCheckmark ; Show the checkmark
} else {
SetTimer, AimLoop6, Off ; Stop the loop when toggled off
SoundBeep, 750, 300
GuiControl, Hide, ZombieCheckmark ; Hide the checkmark
showOverlay := !showOverlay
if (showOverlay)
Gui, OverlayGui:Destroy ; Close the overlay if it's visible
MsgBox, 0, Instructions,
Welcome to the B06 AIO Aim GUI!
Here are the instructions on how to use the features:
* **Enable Multi-Player Aim**: Check the box to activate multi-player aiming functionality. Use Insert key to toggle this feature on or off.
* **Enable Zombies Aim**: Check the box to activate the zombies aiming feature. Use the Delete key to toggle this feature on or off.
* **Enable Prediction**: Check the box to activate prediction for better aiming accuracy. Use the Home key to toggle this feature.
* **Target Color**: Enter the hex value for the target color you want to aim at and click "Set Color" to apply it.
* **Smoothing**: Use the "+" and "-" buttons to adjust the smoothing value for your aim.
* **Prediction Multiplier**: Use the "+" and "-" buttons to increase or decrease the prediction multiplier for aiming.
* **Color Tolerance**: Adjust the color tolerance using the "+" and "-" buttons to refine target detection.
* **Rapid Fire Toggle**: Click the toggle button to enable or disable rapid fire functionality.
* **No Recoil Toggle**: Click the toggle button to enable or disable no recoil functionality.
* **Field of View (FOV)**: Adjust the FOV using the slider for improved targeting range.
* **FOV Overlay**: Click the button to toggle the FOV overlay on or off, and select the overlay type from the dropdown.
* **Anti-Aim**: Check the box to enable anti-aim feature for enhanced aiming tactics.
* **Auto Reload, Auto Crouch, Auto Drop**: Check these boxes to enable automatic actions during gameplay.
* **Trigger Bot**: Activate this feature to automatically shoot when a target is detected.
* **Quick Scope**: Enable this option for faster aiming and shooting when using a scoped weapon.
* **Jitter**: Toggle this feature for unpredictable aiming patterns to confuse enemies.
* **Fast Reload**: Enable this feature to reload your weapon faster than normal.
* **Drop Shot**: Check this box to automatically drop to the ground while shooting, making you harder to hit.
* **Credits**: Click the "Show Credits" button to view the contributors.
* **Current ZeroY**: This indicates your current target Y-coordinate.
* **Target Location**: Use buttons to set your aim target location (Head, Chest, Belly, Feet).
* **Recoil Intensity**: Adjust the no recoil intensity using the slider for precise control.
* **No Recoil Speed**: Modify the speed of the no recoil effect to suit your preferences.
* **Cycle Hitboxes**: Check the box to enable cycling through hitboxes for more dynamic aiming.
* **Open Zombie Aim**: Click the button to access the Zombie Aim feature. (BETA)
* **Open Zombie Aim V2**: Click the button to access the enhanced version of the Zombie Aim feature. (BETA)
To close the GUI, click the "Close" button.
Enjoy your game!
Credits to theasiangamr (Multi Source Code + B06 Updated Offsets & Base), Treason of aka(UtterlyTV), Iccbwa (Zombie Aim v1), kanepards (AHK Zombie Aim v2), & ali123x (Inf GobbleGums)
MsgBox, 0, Hotkeys and Tips,
Welcome to the Hotkeys and Tips Section!
Here are the important hotkeys and settings recommendations:
Personal Choice Settings Per Treason!!!!
Enable multiplayer to use additional features without they wont run
I personally use no recoil and keep both sliders down anywhere under 5
default settings are what I use aswell but may adjust to your liking
++Many features will not be functional until further updates eg. Anti AFK, Auto Drop , Quick Scope Auto Reload Etc.
Work to come with stronger aim and fixing aiming at other objects than Enemys
**Hotkeys & COLOR TIPS:**
* **Insert**: Toggle Multi-Player Aim (C9008D)
* **Delete**: Toggle Zombies Aim (DF00FF)
* **Home**: Toggle Prediction
* **PgUp**: Enable Zombie Aim V2 Less Sticky (DF00FF)
* **PgDn**: Enable Zombie Aim V1 (EA00FF)
* **']'**: Toggle Trigger Bot
* **F1**: Toggle Hide / Show GUI
* **F12**: Pause/Unpause Functionality
- **Multi-Player vs. Zombies Aim**: Avoid using both aiming features at the same time to prevent aiming conflicts.
- **Target Color**: Make sure to set the correct hex color for optimal performance. Use the "Set Color" button to apply changes.
- **Smoothing and Prediction**: Adjust these settings based on your playstyle for better accuracy.
- **Use Rapid Fire and No Recoil**: These features can enhance your gameplay but ensure they are suitable for the game mode you are in.
**Settings Recommendations:**
- Adjust the **Field of View (FOV)** based on your preferred play style; a wider FOV can help in spotting targets.
- Fine-tune the **Color Tolerance** for more accurate target detection, especially in fast-paced scenarios.
- Enable **Auto Reload, Auto Crouch, and Drop Shot** for automatic actions that can enhance your survival chances in combat.
**Note**: Regularly test and adjust settings to find what works best for you.
To close the GUI, click the "Close" button.
Happy gaming!
Credits to all contributors for their invaluable work and support!
global showOverlay, overlayType, overlaySize
; Get the current FOV value from the slider
GuiControlGet, FOVValue
overlaySize := FOVValue * 4 ; Adjust the overlay size based on FOV value
; Center overlay position
xPos := (A_ScreenWidth - overlaySize) / 2
yPos := (A_ScreenHeight - overlaySize) / 2
if (showOverlay)
; Create the overlay GUI without any color or caption
Gui, OverlayGui:New, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Caption +E0x20 +LastFound +HwndOverlayHwnd
; Set the size and position
Gui, OverlayGui:Show, w%overlaySize% h%overlaySize% x%xPos% y%yPos%
; Load the overlay shape based on selection
if (OverlayType = "Circle")
Gui, OverlayGui:Add, Picture, w%overlaySize% h%overlaySize% hwndOverlayPic, Circle2.png ; Load the circle image
Gui, OverlayGui:Add, Picture, w%overlaySize% h%overlaySize% hwndOverlayPic, Square2.png ; Load the square image
; Set the overlay to be fully transparent
WinSet, Transparent, 20, ahk_id %OverlayHwnd% ; Make the entire window transparent
; Make the overlay click-through
WinSet, ExStyle, +0x20, ahk_id %OverlayHwnd% ; Set the window to be click-through
; Show the overlay
Gui, OverlayGui:Show
; Set the image area to be opaque (make the overlay visible)
WinSet, Transparent, 255, ahk_id %OverlayPic% ; Use the handle for the picture
; Hide the overlay if toggled off
Gui, OverlayGui:Hide
smoothing += 0.01
if (smoothing > 2) ; Set a maximum limit for smoothing
smoothing := 2
GuiControl,, SmoothingValue, %smoothing%
smoothing -= 0.01
if (smoothing < 0.0) ; Set a minimum limit for smoothing
smoothing := 0.0
GuiControl,, SmoothingValue, %smoothing%
predictionMultiplier += 0.1
GuiControl,, PredictionValue, %predictionMultiplier%
predictionMultiplier -= 0.1
if (predictionMultiplier < 0.1) ; Minimum limit for prediction multiplier
predictionMultiplier := 0.1
GuiControl,, PredictionValue, %predictionMultiplier%
ColVn += 1
GuiControl,, ToleranceValue, %ColVn%
ColVn -= 1
if (ColVn < 0) ; Minimum limit for color tolerance
ColVn := 0
GuiControl,, ToleranceValue, %ColVn%
; Update FOV when slider changes
; Update FOV when slider changes
GuiControlGet, FOVValue
GuiControl,, CurrentFOV, %FOVValue%
if (showOverlay)
UpdateOverlay() ; Update overlay size if it's currently displayed
; Update overlay type when dropdown changes
if (showOverlay)
UpdateOverlay() ; Update overlay when the dropdown selection changes
; Function to update No Recoil Intensity
GuiControlGet, RecoilIntensity
; Update the display of the current Recoil Intensity value
GuiControl,, CurrentRecoilIntensity, %RecoilIntensity%
; Function to update No Recoil Speed
GuiControlGet, NoRecoilSpeed
; Update the display of the current No Recoil Speed value
GuiControl,, CurrentNoRecoilSpeed, %NoRecoilSpeed%
UpdateTriggerBotStatus() {
if (triggerActive) {
if (paused1) {
TriggerBotStatus := "Active, Paused"
} else {
TriggerBotStatus := "Active"
} else {
TriggerBotStatus := "Off"
GuiControl,, TriggerBotStatusText, Trigger Bot: %TriggerBotStatus% ; Update status in the GUI
triggerActive := !triggerActive ; Toggle the trigger active state
; Provide feedback to confirm the toggle
if (triggerActive) {
GuiControl, , ToggleTriggerBot, Stop Trigger Bot
StartTriggerBot2() ; Call the function to start the loop
MsgBox, Trigger Bot started. ; Indicate the Trigger Bot has started
} else {
GuiControl, , ToggleTriggerBot, Start Trigger Bot
MsgBox, Trigger Bot stopped. ; Indicate the Trigger Bot has stopped
UpdateTriggerBotStatus() ; Update status after toggling
; Function to toggle pause
PauseToggle1() {
paused1 := !paused1 ; Toggle paused1 for Trigger Bot
GuiControl, , PauseToggle1, % (paused1 ? "Resume" : "Pause")
SoundBeep, % (paused1 ? 750 : 500), % (paused1 ? 500 : 300) ; Beep on pause/resume
UpdateTriggerBotStatus() ; Update status after pausing or resuming
; Start the Trigger Bot loop
StartTriggerBot2() {
SetTimer, TriggerBotLoop, 10
; The Trigger Bot loop logic
if (paused1 || !triggerActive) { ; Check if paused or inactive
Sleep, 100
KeyWait, RButton, D ; Wait for the right mouse button to be pressed
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
PixelSearch, Px, Py, ScanL3, ScanT3, ScanR3, ScanB3, 0xEA00FF, 30, Fast
if (ErrorLevel = 0) { ; If the pixel is found
Sleep, 10
Send {LButton down}
Sleep, 10
Send {LButton up}
Sleep, 1000 ; Delay after each trigger
; Close the GUI
toggle := false
if (targetFound && toggle) {
click down
} else {
click up
Paused := False
Insert:: ; Enable Multi-Player Aim Checkbox
; Toggle the Enable checkbox state
GuiControlGet, EnableState,, EnableCheckbox
newEnableState := !EnableState ; Toggle the state
GuiControl,, EnableCheckbox, % newEnableState ; Update the checkbox
; Update the toggle variable based on the new state
toggle := newEnableState
; Play sound and show/hide the checkmark
if (toggle) {
SoundBeep, 300, 100 ; Sound for enabling
GuiControl, Show, EnableCheckmark ; Show the checkmark
} else {
SoundBeep, 500, 300 ; Sound for disabling
GuiControl, Hide, EnableCheckmark ; Hide the checkmark
; Reset Defaults Function
; Set default values
smoothing := 0.09
predictionMultiplier := 2.5
ColVn := 50
; Default Settings for Recoil, Speed, and FOV
RecoilIntensity := 50 ; Default recoil intensity
NoRecoilSpeed := 20 ; Default speed for no recoil
FOVValue := 78 ; Initialize FOV with the main FOV value
; Update GUI controls with default values
GuiControl,, SmoothingValue, %smoothing%
GuiControl,, PredictionValue, %predictionMultiplier%
GuiControl,, ToleranceValue, %ColVn%
GuiControl,, RecoilIntensity, %RecoilIntensity% ; Reset Recoil Intensity in GUI
GuiControl,, NoRecoilSpeed, %NoRecoilSpeed% ; Reset No Recoil Speed in GUI
GuiControl,, FOVValue, %FOVValue% ; Update the GUI slider
GuiControl,, CurrentFOV, %FOVValue% ; Update displayed current FOV
; Disable all toggle features and update the GUI statuses
RapidFireEnabled := False
NoRecoilEnabled := False
AntiAimEnabled := False
HitboxCycleEnabled := False
AutoReloadEnabled := False
AutoCrouchEnabled := False
AutoDropEnabled := False
GuiControl,, RapidFireStatus, OFF
GuiControl,, NoRecoilStatus, OFF
GuiControl,, AntiAimStatus, OFF
GuiControl,, HitboxCycleStatus, OFF
GuiControl,, AutoReloadStatus, OFF
GuiControl,, AutoCrouchStatus, OFF
GuiControl,, AutoDropStatus, OFF
MsgBox, "Defaults have been reset, and all features are disabled."
if toggle9 {
targetFound9 := false
if (GetKeyState("LButton", "P") || GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
; Search for target pixel
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, targetX9 - 20, targetY9 - 20, targetX9 + 20, targetY9 + 20, EMCol9, ColVn9, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
targetX9 := AimPixelX
targetY9 := AimPixelY
targetFound9 := true
} else {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL9, ScanT9, ScanR9, ScanB9, EMCol9, ColVn9, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
targetX9 := AimPixelX
targetY9 := AimPixelY
targetFound9 := true
if (targetFound9) {
AimX := targetX9 - ZeroX9
AimY := targetY9 - ZeroY9
DirX := (AimX > 0) ? 1 : -1
DirY := (AimY > 0) ? 1 : -1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
MoveX := ImpreciseMove((AimOffsetX ** (1 / 1.1))) * DirX
MoveY := ImpreciseMove((AimOffsetY ** (1 / 1.1))) * DirY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0)
RandomDelay(1, 2)
ToggleAimLoop9() {
global toggle9
toggle9 := !toggle9
; Update the checkbox state
GuiControl,, EnableAimLoop9, % toggle9 ? 1 : 0 ; Set checkbox based on toggle state
if (toggle9) {
SetTimer, AimLoop9, 10 ; Start the loop with a timer
SoundBeep, 500, 300
MsgBox, Zombie Aim Loop Started
} else {
SetTimer, AimLoop9, Off ; Stop the loop when toggled off
SoundBeep, 750, 300
MsgBox, Zombie Aim Loop Stopped
Gosub, UpdateStatus ; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmark visibility
; Page Down key to toggle Aim Loop
; Pause functionality with Alt key
end:: ; Use '-' key to pause
Paused9 := !Paused9
Pause, Toggle
if Paused9 {
SoundBeep, 750, 500
if toggle1s {
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
KeyWait, RButton, D ; Wait for the right mouse button to be pressed
PixelSearch, Px, Py, ScanLs1, ScanTs1, ScanRs1, ScanBs1, 0xEA00FF, 30, Fast
if (ErrorLevel = 0) {
sleep, 10
send {LButton down}
sleep, 10
send {LButton up}
ToggleAimLoop0() {
global toggle1s
toggle1s := !toggle1s
; Update the checkbox state
GuiControl,, EnableAimLoop0, % toggle1s ? 1 : 0 ; Set checkbox based on toggle state
if (toggle1s) {
SetTimer, AimLoop0, 10 ; Start the loop with a timer
SoundBeep, 500, 300
MsgBox, Aim Loop Started
} else {
SetTimer, AimLoop0, Off ; Stop the loop when toggled off
SoundBeep, 750, 300
MsgBox, Aim Loop Stopped
Gosub, UpdateStatus ; Call UpdateStatus to refresh checkmark visibility
; ] key to toggle Aim Loop
; F2 key to pause/unpause
Paused1s := !Paused1s
Pause, Toggle
if (Paused1s) {
SoundBeep, 750, 500
RapidFireEnabled := !RapidFireEnabled
GuiControl,, RapidFireStatus, % (RapidFireEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Rapid Fire is now " (RapidFireEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
AntiAFKEnabled := !AntiAFKEnabled ; Toggle the Anti-AFK state
GuiControl,, AntiAFKStatus, % (AntiAFKEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF") ; Update GUI status
MsgBox, % "Anti-AFK is now " (AntiAFKEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled") ; Show message
NoRecoilEnabled := !NoRecoilEnabled
GuiControl,, NoRecoilStatus, % (NoRecoilEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "No Recoil is now " (NoRecoilEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
AntiAimEnabled := !AntiAimEnabled
GuiControl,, AntiAimStatus, % (AntiAimEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Anti Aim is now " (AntiAimEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
HitboxCycleEnabled := !HitboxCycleEnabled
GuiControl,, HitboxCycleStatus, % (HitboxCycleEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Hitbox Cycle is now " (HitboxCycleEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
AutoReloadEnabled := !AutoReloadEnabled
GuiControl,, AutoReloadStatus, % (AutoReloadEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Auto Reload is now " (AutoReloadEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
AutoCrouchEnabled := !AutoCrouchEnabled
GuiControl,, AutoCrouchStatus, % (AutoCrouchEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Auto Crouch is now " (AutoCrouchEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
; Toggle the prediction checkbox state
GuiControlGet, PredictionState,, EnablePredictionCheckbox
PredictionState := !PredictionState ; Toggle the state
GuiControl,, EnablePredictionCheckbox, % PredictionState ; Update the checkbox in the GUI
; Update the checkmark visibility
if (PredictionState) {
SoundBeep, 500, 300
GuiControl, Show, PredictionCheckmark ; Show the checkmark
} else {
SoundBeep, 750, 300
GuiControl, Hide, PredictionCheckmark ; Hide the checkmark
AutoDropEnabled := !AutoDropEnabled
GuiControl,, AutoDropStatus, % (AutoDropEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF")
MsgBox, % "Auto Drop is now " (AutoDropEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
; Check the state of the Multi-Player Aim checkbox
GuiControlGet, state,, EnableCheckbox
GuiControl, % (state ? "" : "Hide"), EnableCheckmark
; Check the state of the Prediction checkbox
GuiControlGet, predictionState,, EnablePredictionCheckbox
GuiControl, % (predictionState ? "" : "Hide"), vPredictionCheckmark
; Check the state of the Zombies Aim checkboxes
GuiControlGet, zombiesState1,, EnableAimLoop8 ; Zombie Aim V2
GuiControlGet, zombiesState2,, EnableAimLoop9 ; Zombie Aim V1
GuiControlGet, triggerBotState,, EnableAimLoop0 ; Trigger Bot
; Show/hide checkmarks for Zombies Aim checkboxes
GuiControl, % (zombiesState1 ? "" : "Hide"), vZombieCheckmark3
GuiControl, % (zombiesState2 ? "" : "Hide"), vZombieCheckmark2
GuiControl, % (triggerBotState ? "" : "Hide"), vTriggerBotCheckmark
; Handle conflicts for Zombies Aim and other features
; Uncomment the following lines if you want to disable when Multi-Player Aim or Prediction is enabled
if (state || predictionState) {
; GuiControl,, EnableAimLoop8, 0 ; Disable Zombie Aim V2
; GuiControl, Hide, vZombieCheckmark3 ; Hide checkmark for Zombie Aim V2
; GuiControl,, EnableAimLoop9, 0 ; Disable Zombie Aim V1
; GuiControl, Hide, vZombieCheckmark2 ; Hide checkmark for Zombie Aim V1
; GuiControl,, EnableAimLoop0, 0 ; Disable Trigger Bot
; GuiControl, Hide, vTriggerBotCheckmark ; Hide checkmark for Trigger Bot
; Update checkmarks based on current states for Zombies Aim
GuiControl, % (zombiesState1 ? "" : "Hide"), vZombieCheckmark3
GuiControl, % (zombiesState2 ? "" : "Hide"), vZombieCheckmark2
GuiControl, % (triggerBotState ? "" : "Hide"), vTriggerBotCheckmark
; Handle additional features that may have conflicts
GuiControlGet, dropShotState,, EnableDropShot
GuiControlGet, jitterState,, EnableJitter
GuiControlGet, sniperBreathState,, EnableSniperBreath
GuiControlGet, autoSprintState,, EnableAutoSprint
GuiControlGet, fastReloadState,, EnableFastReload
GuiControlGet, quickScopeState,, EnableQuickScope
GuiControlGet, bunnyHopState,, EnableBunnyHop ; Bunny Hop state
GuiControlGet, antiAimState,, EnableAntiAim ; Anti-Aim
GuiControlGet, hitboxCycleState,, EnableHitboxCycle ; Cycle Hitbox
GuiControlGet, autoReloadState,, EnableAutoReload ; Auto Reload
GuiControlGet, autoCrouchState,, EnableAutoCrouch ; Auto Crouch
GuiControlGet, autoDropState,, EnableAutoDrop ; Auto Drop
GuiControlGet, antiAFKState,, AntiAFKCheckbox ; Anti-AFK state
; Update checkmarks for additional features
GuiControl, % (dropShotState ? "" : "Hide"), vDropShotCheckmark
GuiControl, % (jitterState ? "" : "Hide"), vJitterCheckmark
GuiControl, % (sniperBreathState ? "" : "Hide"), vSniperBreathCheckmark
GuiControl, % (autoSprintState ? "" : "Hide"), vAutoSprintCheckmark
GuiControl, % (fastReloadState ? "" : "Hide"), vFastReloadCheckmark
GuiControl, % (quickScopeState ? "" : "Hide"), vQuickScopeCheckmark
GuiControl, % (antiAimState ? "" : "Hide"), vAntiAimCheckmark ; Anti-Aim checkmark
GuiControl, % (hitboxCycleState ? "" : "Hide"), vHitboxCycleCheckmark ; Cycle Hitbox checkmark
GuiControl, % (autoReloadState ? "" : "Hide"), vAutoReloadCheckmark ; Auto Reload checkmark
GuiControl, % (autoCrouchState ? "" : "Hide"), vAutoCrouchCheckmark ; Auto Crouch checkmark
GuiControl, % (autoDropState ? "" : "Hide"), vAutoDropCheckmark ; Auto Drop checkmark
; Update checkmark for Anti-AFK
GuiControl, % (antiAFKState ? "" : "Hide"), vAntiAFKCheckmark
; Only call Gui, Submit if necessary
if (ColorHex != LastColorHex) {
LastColorHex := ColorHex
; Update Color function
UpdateColor() {
global EMCol
GuiControlGet, ColorHex,, ColorHex
if (ColorHex != "") {
; Validate the hex input (6 digits)
if (RegExMatch(ColorHex, "^[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$")) {
; Ensure it starts with 0x for hex representation
EMCol := "0x" . ColorHex
; Optionally update the display in the edit box
GuiControl,, ColorHex, % ColorHex
} else {
MsgBox, Invalid hex color code! Please enter a valid 6-digit hex code.
; Submit Color function
GuiControlGet, ColorHex,, ColorHex
if (ColorHex != "") {
EMCol := "0x" . ColorHex
if (RegExMatch(ColorHex, "^[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$")) {
; Successfully set the color, update GUI
GuiControl,, ColorHex, % ColorHex
MsgBox, Color successfully set to: %ColorHex%
} else {
MsgBox, Invalid hex color code! Please enter a valid 6-digit hex code.
Color := 0x000000
ColorPick := DllCall("user32.dll\ChooseColor", "UInt", &Color)
if (ColorPick) {
EMCol := Color
; Update the GUI Edit control to show the new color
GuiControl,, ColorHex, % Format("{:X}", EMCol & 0xFFFFFF) ; Mask to ensure only 6 hex digits are shown
SaveSettings() {
global EMCol, ColVn, ZeroX, ZeroY, smoothing, predictionMultiplier
global RapidFireEnabled, NoRecoilEnabled, DropShotEnabled
global JitterEnabled, SniperBreathEnabled, AutoSprintEnabled
global FastReloadEnabled, QuickScopeEnabled, AntiAimEnabled
global HitboxCycleEnabled, AutoReloadEnabled, AutoCrouchEnabled, AutoDropEnabled
global RecoilIntensity, NoRecoilSpeed, FOVValue
; Delete existing settings file
FileDelete, Settings.ini
; Use FileAppend to save settings with no spaces before or after values
), Settings.ini
; Clean up formatting by removing any leading spaces
FileRead, settings, Settings.ini
StringReplace, settings, settings, %A_Space%, , All
FileDelete, Settings.ini
FileAppend, %settings%, Settings.ini
MsgBox, Settings saved successfully!
LoadSettings() {
global EMCol, ColVn, ZeroX, ZeroY, smoothing, predictionMultiplier
global RapidFireEnabled, NoRecoilEnabled, DropShotEnabled
global JitterEnabled, SniperBreathEnabled, AutoSprintEnabled
global FastReloadEnabled, QuickScopeEnabled, AntiAimEnabled
global HitboxCycleEnabled, AutoReloadEnabled, AutoCrouchEnabled, AutoDropEnabled
global RecoilIntensity, NoRecoilSpeed, FOVValue
if !FileExist("Settings.ini") {
MsgBox, Settings file not found!
FileRead, settings, Settings.ini
Loop, Parse, settings, `n, `r
StringSplit, line, A_LoopField, =
if (line1 && line2) {
; Use dynamic variable assignment correctly
%line1% := line2
; Update GUI with loaded values
GuiControl,, SmoothingValue, %smoothing%
GuiControl,, PredictionValue, %predictionMultiplier%
GuiControl,, ToleranceValue, %ColVn%
GuiControl,, EMColorValue, %EMCol%
GuiControl,, ZeroXValue, %ZeroX%
GuiControl,, ZeroYValue, %ZeroY%
GuiControl,, RapidFireCheckbox, %RapidFireEnabled%
GuiControl,, NoRecoilCheckbox, %NoRecoilEnabled%
GuiControl,, DropShotCheckbox, %DropShotEnabled%
GuiControl,, JitterCheckbox, %JitterEnabled%
GuiControl,, SniperBreathCheckbox, %SniperBreathEnabled%
GuiControl,, AutoSprintCheckbox, %AutoSprintEnabled%
GuiControl,, FastReloadCheckbox, %FastReloadEnabled%
GuiControl,, QuickScopeCheckbox, %QuickScopeEnabled%
GuiControl,, AntiAimCheckbox, %AntiAimEnabled%
GuiControl,, HitboxCycleCheckbox, %HitboxCycleEnabled%
GuiControl,, AutoReloadCheckbox, %AutoReloadEnabled%
GuiControl,, AutoCrouchCheckbox, %AutoCrouchEnabled%
GuiControl,, AutoDropCheckbox, %AutoDropEnabled%
GuiControl,, RecoilIntensityValue, %RecoilIntensity%
GuiControl,, NoRecoilSpeedValue, %NoRecoilSpeed%
GuiControl,, FOVValue, %FOVValue%
MsgBox, Settings loaded successfully!
toggle4 := false
toggle5 := false
toggle6 := false
toggle4 := !toggle4
if (toggle4) {
SetTimer, Press4, 10
SoundBeep, 1000, 200
} else {
SetTimer, Press4, Off
SoundBeep, 500, 200
toggle5 := !toggle5
if (toggle5) {
SetTimer, Press5, 10
SoundBeep, 1000, 200
} else {
SetTimer, Press5, Off
SoundBeep, 500, 200
toggle6 := !toggle6
if (toggle6) {
SetTimer, Press6, 10
SoundBeep, 1000, 200
} else {
SetTimer, Press6, Off
SoundBeep, 500, 200
Send, 4
Send, 5
Send, 6
MsgBox, 0, Credits, Special Thanks to Sai, Treason, and AVXNTV3 for their contributions.
; Target dot settings for Less Snappy Aim
EMCol4 := 0xDF00FF ; Color of purple diamond
ColVn4 := 25 ; Tolerance for color match
ZeroX4 := 955 ; Central aim point
ZeroY4 := 500 ; Center Y coordinate of aim area
CFovX4 := 200 ; Field of view width
CFovY4 := 200 ; Field of view height
ScanL4 := ZeroX4 - CFovX4
ScanT4 := ZeroY4 - CFovY4
ScanR4 := ZeroX4 + CFovX4
ScanB4 := ZeroY4 + CFovY4
targetX4 := 0
targetY4 := 0
toggle4 := false
Paused4 := false
; Offset for final aim position relative to the purple diamond
OffsetX4 := 45 ; Offset right
OffsetY4 := 50 ; Offset down
; Target dot settings for Snappy Aim
EMCol5 := 0xDF00FF ; Color of purple diamond
ColVn5 := 25 ; Tolerance for color match
ZeroX5 := 955 ; Central aim point
ZeroY5 := 500 ; Center Y coordinate of aim area
CFovX5 := 200 ; Field of view width
CFovY5 := 200 ; Field of view height
ScanL5 := ZeroX5 - CFovX5
ScanT5 := ZeroY5 - CFovY5
ScanR5 := ZeroX5 + CFovX5
ScanB5 := ZeroY5 + CFovY5
targetX5 := 0
targetY5 := 0
toggle5 := false
Paused5 := false
; Offset for final aim position relative to the purple diamond
OffsetX5 := 45 ; Offset right
OffsetY5 := 50 ; Offset down
; Close the launcher GUI
Gui, Destroy
; Create Aim GUI without title bar
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +Resize +ToolWindow -Caption +E0x20
Gui, Color, 880808
Gui, Margin, 10, 10
Gui, Font, s10 cD0D0D0 Bold
Gui, Add, Text, % "x0 y0 w" Width " h30 BackgroundTrans Center 0x200", Zombies Aim V2
; Add Controls
Gui, Add, Text, % "x10 y40 w120", Less Snappy Aim Toggle:
Gui, Add, Button, % "x130 y40 w100 gToggleAim4", Toggle Less Snappy Aim
Gui, Add, Button, % "x240 y40 w100 gPauseAim4", Pause/Resume
; Snappy Aim Controls
Gui, Add, Text, % "x10 y80 w120", Snappy Aim Toggle:
Gui, Add, Button, % "x130 y80 w100 gToggleAim5", Toggle Snappy Aim
Gui, Add, Button, % "x240 y80 w100 gPauseAim5", Pause/Resume
; Additional GUI Button
Gui, Add, Button, % "x100 y130 w150 gShowAdditionalGUI", Show Additional GUI ; Button to open the color settings GUI
; Add Close Button
Gui, Add, Button, % "x10 y120 w80 gGuiClose2", Close
; Show Aim GUI
Gui, Show, , Zombie Aim V2
; Enable dragging
Gui, +LastFound
WinGet, guiID, ID, A
OnMessage(WM_NCHITTEST := 0x0084, "WM_NCHITTEST1")
; Allow dragging of the GUI
return 2 ; HTCAPTION
; Loop for Less Snappy Zombies Aim
global toggle4, targetX4, targetY4, ZeroX4, ZeroY4, EMCol4, ColVn4, ScanL4, ScanT4, ScanR4, ScanB4, OffsetX4, OffsetY4
while (toggle4) {
targetFound4 := False
if (toggle4 && (GetKeyState("LButton", "P") || GetKeyState("RButton", "P"))) {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX4, AimPixelY4, ScanL4, ScanT4, ScanR4, ScanB4, EMCol4, ColVn4, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
targetX4 := AimPixelX4 + OffsetX4
targetY4 := AimPixelY4 + OffsetY4
targetFound4 := True
if (targetFound4) {
TargetAimX4 := targetX4 - ZeroX4
TargetAimY4 := targetY4 - ZeroY4
MoveX4 := Round(TargetAimX4 * 0.1)
MoveY4 := Round(TargetAimY4 * 0.1)
if (Abs(MoveX4) > 1 || Abs(MoveY4) > 1) {
DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 1, "Int", MoveX4, "Int", MoveY4, "UInt", 0, "Int", 0)
Sleep, 10 ; Less Snappy Aim loop delay
; Loop for Snappy V2 No GUI
global toggle5, targetX5, targetY5, ZeroX5, ZeroY5, EMCol5, ColVn5, ScanL5, ScanT5, ScanR5, ScanB5, OffsetX5, OffsetY5
while (toggle5) {
targetFound5 := False
if (toggle5 && (GetKeyState("LButton", "P") || GetKeyState("RButton", "P"))) {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX5, AimPixelY5, ScanL5, ScanT5, ScanR5, ScanB5, EMCol5, ColVn5, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
targetX5 := AimPixelX5 + OffsetX5
targetY5 := AimPixelY5 + OffsetY5
targetFound5 := True
if (targetFound5) {
TargetAimX5 := targetX5 - ZeroX5
TargetAimY5 := targetY5 - ZeroY5
MoveX5 := Round(TargetAimX5 * 0.3)
MoveY5 := Round(TargetAimY5 * 0.3)
if (Abs(MoveX5) > 0 || Abs(MoveY5) > 0) {
DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 1, "Int", MoveX5, "Int", MoveY5, "UInt", 0, "Int", 0)
Sleep, 5 ; Snappy Aim loop delay
; Toggle Less Snappy Aim
toggle4 := !toggle4
if toggle4 {
; Start the aiming loop
SetTimer, AimLoop1, 0
} else {
; Stop the aiming loop
SetTimer, AimLoop1, Off
SoundBeep, % toggle4 ? 500 : 750, 300
; Pause Less Snappy Aim
Paused4 := !Paused4
Pause, Toggle
SoundBeep, 750, 500
; Toggle Snappy Aim
toggle5 := !toggle5
if toggle5 {
; Start the aiming loop
SetTimer, AimingLoop, 0
} else {
; Stop the aiming loop
SetTimer, AimingLoop, Off
SoundBeep, % toggle5 ? 500 : 750, 300
; Pause Snappy Aim
Paused5 := !Paused5
Pause, Toggle
SoundBeep, 750, 500
; Show the additional GUI
; Function to create and show the additional settings GUI
ShowAdditionalGUI() {
Gui, New, +Resize, Zombie Aim V2
Gui, Add, Text, , Target Color (Hex)
Gui, Add, Edit, vColorHex, % Format("0x{:X}", EMCol4) ; Default color for EMCol4
Gui, Add, Button, gSubmitColor4, Set Less Snappy Aim Color
Gui, Add, Edit, vColorHex5, % Format("0x{:X}", EMCol5) ; Default color for EMCol5
Gui, Add, Button, gSubmitColor5, Set Snappy Aim Color
Gui, Add, Button, gClose2, Close ; Close button
Gui, Show
; Close the additional GUI
Gui, Destroy
; Submit Color function for Less Snappy Aim
Gui, Submit, NoHide
; Update EMCol4 with the new color
NewColor := ColorHex
if (NewColor && RegExMatch(NewColor, "^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$")) {
EMCol4 := NewColor
ToolTip, Less Snappy Aim color changed to %NewColor%
Sleep, 2000
; Submit Color function for Snappy Aim
Gui, Submit, NoHide
; Update EMCol5 with the new color
NewColor := ColorHex5
if (NewColor && RegExMatch(NewColor, "^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$")) {
EMCol5 := NewColor
ToolTip, Snappy Aim color changed to %NewColor%
Sleep, 2000
; Define Zombie Aim variables for target and scanning
EMCol1 := 0xEA00FF ; Enemy color in hexadecimal
ColVn1 := 25 ; Color variance for detection
ZeroX1 := A_ScreenWidth / 2.08 ; X center offset for aim targeting
ZeroY1 := A_ScreenHeight / 2.19 ; Y center offset for aim targeting
CFovX1 := 120 ; Field of view width
CFovY1 := 120 ; Field of view height
ScanL1 := ZeroX1 - CFovX1 ; Left boundary of scan area
ScanT1 := ZeroY1 - CFovY1 ; Top boundary of scan area
ScanR1 := ZeroX1 + CFovX1 ; Right boundary of scan area
ScanB1 := ZeroY1 + CFovY1 ; Bottom boundary of scan area
targetX1 := 0 ; X position of target
targetY1 := 0 ; Y position of target
; Close the launcher GUI
Gui, Destroy
; Create Aim GUI without title bar
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +Resize +ToolWindow -Caption +E0x20
Gui, Color, 880808
Gui, Margin, 10, 10
Gui, Font, s10 cD0D0D0 Bold
Gui, Add, Text, % "x0 y0 w" Width " h30 BackgroundTrans Center 0x200", Zombies Aim
; Add Controls
Gui, Add, Text, % "x10 y40 w120", Aim Toggle:
Gui, Add, Button, % "x130 y40 w100 gToggleAim", Toggle Aim
Gui, Add, Button, % "x240 y40 w100 gPauseToggle2", Pause/Resume
; Adjust Compensation Section
Gui, Add, Text, % "x10 y80 w150", Adjust Compensation:
Gui, Add, Button, % "x10 y100 w50 gAdjustUp", Up
Gui, Add, Button, % "x70 y100 w50 gAdjustDown", Down
Gui, Add, Button, % "x130 y100 w50 gAdjustLeft", Left
Gui, Add, Button, % "x190 y100 w50 gAdjustRight", Right
; Additional GUI Button for changing color
Gui, Add, Button, % "x10 y140 w150 gShowColorGUI", Change Enemy Color
; Add Close Button
Gui, Add, Button, % "x10 y180 w80 gGuiClose1", Close
; Show Aim GUI
Gui, Show, , Zombie Aim
; Enable dragging
Gui, +LastFound
WinGet, guiID, ID, A
OnMessage(WM_NCHITTEST := 0x0084, "WM_NCHITTEST")
; Allow dragging of the GUI
return 2 ; HTCAPTION
ShowColorGUI() {
; Ensure EMCol1 is displayed in the correct format
currentColor := Format("0x{:X}", EMCol1) ; This will keep the format intact
Gui, New, +Resize, Change Enemy Color
Gui, Add, Text, , Enter Enemy Color (Hex):
Gui, Add, Edit, vNewColorHex w200 h30, % currentColor ; Set default color with larger size
Gui, Add, Button, gSubmitColor3, Set Enemy Color
Gui, Add, Button, gCloseColorGUI, Close
Gui, Show
; Close the color settings GUI
Gui, Destroy
Gui, Submit, NoHide
; Update EMCol1 with the new color
NewColor := NewColorHex
if (NewColor && RegExMatch(NewColor, "^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$")) {
EMCol1 := NewColor
MsgBox, New EMCol1 color set to: %EMCol1% ; Display the new value
ToolTip, Enemy color changed to %EMCol1%
Sleep, 2000
} else {
MsgBox, Invalid color format! Please enter a valid hex color (e.g., 0xFFFFFF).
targetFound1 := False
if Paused2 ; Check if paused
return ; If paused, exit the loop
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P") or GetKeyState("RButton", "P") {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX1, AimPixelY1, targetX1 - 20, targetY1 - 20, targetX1 + 20, targetY1 + 20, EMCol1, ColVn1, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
targetX1 := AimPixelX1
targetY1 := AimPixelY1
targetFound1 := True
} else {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX1, AimPixelY1, ScanL1, ScanT1, ScanR1, ScanB1, EMCol1, ColVn1, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
targetX1 := AimPixelX1
targetY1 := AimPixelY1
targetFound1 := True
if (targetFound1 && toggle1) {
AimX1 := targetX1 - ZeroX1
AimY1 := targetY1 - ZeroY1
DirX1 := (AimX1 > 0) ? 1 : -1
DirY1 := (AimY1 > 0) ? 1 : -1
MoveX1 := ImpreciseMove((Abs(AimX1) ** (1 / 1.1))) * DirX1
MoveY1 := ImpreciseMove((Abs(AimY1) ** (1 / 1.1))) * DirY1
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX1, int, MoveY1, uint, 0, int, 0)
RandomDelay(1, 2)
if (targetFound1 && toggle1) {
click down
} else {
click up
toggle1 := !toggle1
GuiControl, , ToggleAim, % toggle1 ? "Disable" : "Enable"
SoundBeep, 500, 300
if (toggle1) {
SetTimer, AimLoop, 10 ; Start the aiming loop
} else {
SetTimer, AimLoop, Off ; Stop the aiming loop
Paused2 := !Paused2
if (Paused2) {
SoundBeep, 750, 500
} else {
SoundBeep, 500, 300
ZeroY1 += 5
ZeroY1 -= 5
ZeroX1 /= 1.01
ZeroX1 /= 0.99
; Trigger Bot GUI
ZeroX2 := A_ScreenWidth / 2.08
ZeroY2 := A_ScreenHeight / 2.18
CFovXX2 := 40
CFovYY2 := 120
ScanL2 := ZeroX2 - CFovXX2
ScanT2 := ZeroY2 - CFovYY2
ScanR2 := ZeroX2 + CFovXX2
ScanB2 := ZeroY2 + CFovYY2
; Close the launcher GUI if it's open
Gui, Destroy
; Create Trigger Bot GUI
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +Resize +ToolWindow
Gui, Color, 880808
Gui, Margin, 10, 10
Gui, Font, s10 cD0D0D0 Bold
Gui, Add, Text, , Trigger Bot Controls:
Gui, Add, Button, gStartTriggerBot, Start Trigger Bot
Gui, Add, Button, gStopTriggerBot, Stop Trigger Bot
Gui, Add, Button, gPauseToggle3, Pause/Resume
Gui, Show, , Trigger Bot
triggerActive := true
GuiControl, , Start Trigger Bot, Disabled
GuiControl, , Stop Trigger Bot, Enabled
GuiControl, , Pause/Resume, Enabled
Loop {
if (paused3 || !triggerActive) {
Sleep, 100
KeyWait, RButton, D
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
PixelSearch, Px, Py, ScanL2, ScanT2, ScanR2, ScanB2, 0xEA00FF, 30, Fast
if (ErrorLevel = 0) {
Sleep, 10
Send {LButton down}
Sleep, 10
Send {LButton up}
Sleep, 2000 ; 2-second delay after each trigger
triggerActive := false
GuiControl, , Start Trigger Bot, Enabled
GuiControl, , Stop Trigger Bot, Disabled
GuiControl, , Pause/Resume, Disabled
paused3 := !paused3 ; Toggle the paused state
if (paused3) { ; Check the correct variable
GuiControl, , Pause/Resume, Resume ; Update the GUI control text
SoundBeep, 750, 500 ; Beep for resume
} else {
GuiControl, , Pause/Resume, Pause ; Update the GUI control text
SoundBeep, 500, 300 ; Beep for pause
if (GuiVisible) {
Gui, Hide
GuiVisible := false
} else {
Gui, Show
GuiVisible := true
AHK Prepacked Zip
V2 Private for less demanding if your pc has issues with V3 AIO
Coming Soon. need to add zombies aim to the deprecated versions