All posts by: Debdener

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  • Topic: Cronus Max or Zen?

  • Debdener

    Forum: Xbox ForumPosted: Subject: Cronus Max or Zen?
  • Replies: 6
    Views: 7,165

    1. Yes you can either download then from website or they even have in built game packs on the program.

    2. So to get wireless you'd need a wireless adapter on both but on the zen the headset will wo ...
  • Topic: Cronus Max or Zen?

  • Debdener

    Forum: Xbox ForumPosted: Subject: Cronus Max or Zen?
  • Replies: 6
    Views: 7,165

    Hi all

    I am looking to purchase a Cronus Max or a Cronus Zen. This is my first time in owning anything like this and have some questions that I hope you will be able to help me with. I understand t ...