All posts by: Tea

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  • Topic: Football Fans Lounge

  • Tea

    Forum: Sports ForumPosted: Subject: Football Fans Lounge
  • Replies: 46,703
    Views: 4,391,830

    Chelsea will be third at least can't see them getting second or first they aren't strong anymore they have no defense what so ever and costa I don't even think has had a shot on goal for city or again ...
  • Topic: What is your favorite film/series?

  • Tea

    Forum: Media ForumPosted: Subject: What is your favorite film/series?
  • Replies: 632
    Views: 160,461

    Movie: For the movie itself The Shawshank Redemption. For cinema experience Interstellar because it was magnificent in IMAX.

    TV Show: Overall Breaking Bad but True Detective's first season is my fa ...