All posts by: flickz

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  • Topic: CoD Service Requests

  • flickz

    Forum: Call of Duty ForumPosted: Subject: CoD Service Requests
  • Replies: 7,904
    Views: 931,972

    platform: xbox one
    game: MW2
    gamertag: Syris Myst
    my account is froze, cant load up and games, create a class, nothing. if someone can fix this for me you will be rewarded 100%
  • Topic: MW2 online account froze

  • flickz

    Forum: Call of Duty ForumPosted: Subject: MW2 online account froze
  • Replies: 3
    Views: 1,042

    i was playing MW2 online lastnight and i realized i was in a hacked lobby. no mod menu or anything. i did get a picture of the mod he was using and do have his gamertag but that probably wont do anyth ...