Steam AccountsSelling personal account steam

Steam AccountsSelling personal account steamPosted:

  • Summer 2021
Status: Offline
Joined: Jun 02, 201014Year Member
Posts: 179
Reputation Power: 6
Status: Offline
Joined: Jun 02, 201014Year Member
Posts: 179
Reputation Power: 6
Im selling my personal account reason being its ban on ea and mw2 2022 so im starting a new account shoot me offers it has alot of triple a tittles 132 games total level 21 youll recive access to the email and login info for steam rockstar etc DM and hmu if interested min id take is prolly $200 also can only have 30 images so 6 pages are left out thos tittles are
Modern warfare 07
black ops 1
infante warfare
modern warfare remaster
world at war
cod ww2
crash bandicoot insane trilogy
crisis remastered
destiny 2
escape the backrooms
far cry 1 2 4
metal gear V grond zero
shadow of war
shadow of mordor
mud runner resident evil reverse
elder scrolls oblivion

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