Modding[Release]Ghetto Achievement & Avatar Award Unlocker + Source

Modding[Release]Ghetto Achievement & Avatar Award Unlocker + SourcePosted:

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I haven't made anything in a while and have been busy with a new job but I was bored this morning and put this together. Not sure what method is floating around that everyone is using so I decided to make this public and maybe someone can improve on it. Or maybe some nerds will go ahead and post the real method.



*EDIT: I forgot that I built this on .net 9 in visual studio 2022 preview. If anyone is having trouble, that could be why.

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#2. Posted:
  • Spooky Poster
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says missing .exe when trying to run or build in vb code looks sweet though, do i have to add UI
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  • Fairy Master
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Treason wrote says missing .exe when trying to run or build in vb code looks sweet though, do i have to add UI

It's c# not VB. If you want to build the source you need to add xdevkit.dll and jrpc.dll and change the reference from JRPCPlusPlus to JRPC_Client (normal jrpc). I mean really this is all it is are these two functions that are needed

private uint LocateInstruction()
            byte[] targetSequence = { 0x60, 0x84, 0x00, 0x08 };
            byte[] bytes = console.GetMemory(0x82000000, 0x3000000);

            for (int i = 0; i <= bytes.Length - targetSequence.Length; i++)
                bool match = true;
                for (int j = 0; j < targetSequence.Length; j++)
                    if (bytes[i + j] != targetSequence[j])
                        match = false;
                uint address = 0x82000000 + (uint)i;
                if (match)
                    uint addr2 = address - 0x8;
                    byte[] testBytes = console.GetMemory(addr2, 4);
                    byte[] target2 = { 0x38, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x08 };
                    if (testBytes.Length == target2.Length && testBytes.SequenceEqual(target2))
                        return address;
            return 0;

        private void XUserWriteAchievements(uint achievementCallAddr, uint achievementIdPtr, uint xoverlappedPtr, int achievementCount)
            console.WriteUInt32(xoverlappedPtr, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < achievementCount; i++)
                console.WriteUInt64(achievementIdPtr, (ulong)i);
                console.CallVoid(achievementCallAddr, 1, achievementIdPtr, xoverlappedPtr);

                while (console.ReadUInt32(xoverlappedPtr) != 0) Thread.Sleep(30);

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (connected)
                    uint callAddr = LocateInstruction() - 0x24;
                    if (callAddr != 0)
                        XUserWriteAchievements(callAddr, 0x91D0D9E0, 0x91D0D9E8, 350); // i set the count high because the id's are not always in sequence. better chance to get all of them
                        MessageBox.Show("Failed to find the function address!");
                    MessageBox.Show("Not connected to console!");
            catch (Exception ex)
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So to be a little more clear, to build the GitHub source clone the repo and then once it's opened in visual studio remove the current references to xdevkit and jrpc. Then re-add them and change the using JRPCPlusPlus to JRPC_Client. Then it will build a .exe. It has a UI but it's just two buttons.

All it's doing is searching the xex for a specific sequence of bytes that I know is part of the function to write achievements. Then calculating the function address once it finds it. That address will be the start of XUserWriteAchievements within the specific game you're on. Then it calls XUserWriteAchievements with the proper arguments.
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Added avatar award unlocker also and included the prebuilt binaries in the release tab. There is .NET 6 and .NET 9 versions, you will need to have one of those installed probably.

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  • Fairy Master
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