Gears of War 4 pre-load includes the day one patch

If you’re pre-loading Gears of War 4, you won’t have to download anything on launch day.

Now that the pre-load for Gears of War 4 is available to both Xbox One and PC players, some are beginning to wonder if there’s a patch in works to be released on launch day.

Many games drop a patch at the very last minute – launch day, as developers are usually hard at work on content right up until the official release date. For Gears of War 4, this won’t be the case.

Rod Fergusson, studio head at Gears of War 4 developer The Coalition confirmed on Twitter earlier that the day one patch content is part of the pre-load.

Early access for Gears of War 4 begins October 7. The game officially releases October 11 on Xbox One and Windows 10 PC.

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"Gears of War 4 pre-load includes the day one patch" :: Login/Create an Account :: 15 comments

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Nick Dumbest thing ever is day one updates. You download the game, then have to update it right away. Why not just update it while it's downloading.

You make a great point nick


Dumbest thing ever is day one updates. You download the game, then have to update it right away. Why not just update it while it's downloading.


Nothing more annoying than day one updates, all you wanna do is play. Nooo, you have to wait to download an update


I may but this game this year or what until the price comes down a bit. That's cool though that you don't have to download anything on launch day. The game is going to be good for sure I know anyways.


Great I can't wait to cop this game here soon.