Sniper Elite 3 is free to play on Steam all weekend and 80% off

It’s part of Steam’s free weekend promotion, and once downloaded, both the single-player and multiplayer portions will be made available.

Should you like what you played, Sniper Elite 3 is also 80% off during this time. If you already own the game, or are just picking it up on sale, the Season Pass and all DLC is 66% off and the entire Sniper Elite Trilogy is 75% off.

It’s a great way to familiarize yourself with the series before Sniper Elite 4 arrives on PC, PS4 and Xbox One February 14.

Those who pre-order Sniper Elite 4 will receive the extra campaign mission Target: Fuhrer for free.

Be sure to hit up the links for more information.

Sniper Elite 3 is available to download today and the free play time ends on Monday, October 10 at 10am PT/1pm ET/6pm UK.

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"Sniper Elite 3 is free to play on Steam all weekend and 80% off" :: Login/Create an Account :: 17 comments

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I'd take advantage of that sale quick if I had internet at my house.


don't even have a steam account =?


Damn I might give it a go soon.


Halo I remember elite 2 was pretty big when it was first launched, or there was a lot of hype around it.

I believe the free promotion play was to get the hype that has died in sniper 2.


Never was a big fan of this game. Just never liked all the animations. At first they were cool but after a bit of playing you get tired of seeing them.


I remember elite 2 was pretty big when it was first launched, or there was a lot of hype around it.


Decent little deal. Get on it if i could.


Imo this game was quite poor, I had it on xbox one and it wasn't that good, sniper elite v2 was way better than the third, let's hope 4 will be better than all 3


This is a great game, but I already have it on xbox


Daniel This is decent but I will not be playing this or purching this.

Than why comment? Who cares if you arent playing it, stop shit posting dude.
It's because he's trying to get that 1k comments badge. I really wish the staff would get rid of posts like his they serve no purpose to the discussion of the article.

Anyway I'm going to download this and try it I played it on Xbox One with a friend and it was pretty fun. Might convince my friend on steam to play this with me. The game is really only fun in co-op.