No Man’s Sky ‘Foundation Update’ Coming Soon

After years of anticipation surrounding its development and release, Hello Games’ No Man’s Sky received a mixed and controversial response to how the final game turned out, though the developer has since released an update that No Man’s Sky will receive an upcoming update to build on the foundation of the game.

A new update on the official No Man’s Sky website detailed that Hello Games will be releasing a new update for the title this week called “The Foundation Update,” which will introduce “the foundations of base building,” will also “putting in place a foundation for things to come.” Detailed patch notes and a final release date for the update will be announced soon by the studio.

Since the game’s release in August, Hello Games and the game’s director Sean Murray have, notably, been silent and released little information on updates or new content for the title in the months since, though the upcoming Foundation Update appears to be the first major step in introducing new content, and perhaps in easing some of the concerns and feedback from fans since launch.

Notably, the update from Hello Games addressed that “the discussion around No Man’s Sky since release has been intense and dramatic,” with the studio admitting that “we have been quiet, but we are listening and focusing on improving the game that our team loves and feels so passionately about.”

Hello Games assured that “positive or negative feedback, you have been heard and that will truly help to make this a better game for everyone,” with the blog post closing with the statement that “this update will be the first small step in a longer journey. We hope you can join us.”

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"No Man’s Sky ‘Foundation Update’ Coming Soon" :: Login/Create an Account :: 18 comments

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One of the biggest game disappointments I have seen.


Glad to see they're still alive and kicking. They won't get everyone back, but it may at least show they are accepting of their mistakes and want to move forward. Hopefully this will be a step in the right direction.


What's the point of having a foundation if you can't build on it, they should just release it all in one update.


Lmao, I thought the developers went missing? What happened did they come back to try to save their game.


Not my type of game but nice to see this


Why would you even make an update for this game.


Yay a foundation update for a building update we will never see.


Lol I don't think I will ever play this shit again.