Report: Does Call Of Duty: WWII Have A Release Date?

While we still wait for Activision to drop official word on its next Call of Duty game, which will reportedly take the saga back to World War II, we’ve just gotten a major hint of when the game is expected to drop.

Several sites are reporting that the game is set to arrive on November 3rd for consoles and PC, based on leaked artwork.

A poster for the game was posted online by a YouTuber, then shared on Reddit, which shows that the game is headed to release during that time. At first, there were some that questioned its legitimacy, mainly due to its blurriness and the lack of more information on the poster, which can be seen below.

But since that time, more proof has emerged via Reddit that the poster is, in fact, real, and that the date could have some legitimacy. You can see that image below.

Several users noted the similarities with an older poster reveal and the current one, mainly with the way that the font looks the same between the two (with the bold WWII print right below the official Call of Duty logo), as well as why the photo was blurry, like the poster possibly being on a view from high up, like a catwalk or stairs, and them barely being able to snag it without getting caught. Another user also noted that it was possible that Activision could have put up the poster as a prototype as it prepares for the official announcement, whenever that may be happening.

The poster also points out that players will be able to “play early on PlayStation”, but doesn’t divulge many details outside of that. Activision and Sony currently have an exclusivity window deal on the PlayStation 4, as both Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered and Infinite Warfare DLC became playable first on the console, before eventually becoming available for Xbox One and PC. What content that pertains to with WWII has yet to be seen, but it could be an early beta playtest.

Related Forum: Call of Duty Forum



"Report: Does Call Of Duty: WWII Have A Release Date?" :: Login/Create an Account :: 12 comments

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-Lewy There's been so much 'leaks' I'm beginning to think they're playing on it and they'll release Call of Duty: Supreme Advanced Warfare and have us all bent over, crying.

Why do I actually believe this smh


There's been so much 'leaks' I'm beginning to think they're playing on it and they'll release Call of Duty: Supreme Advanced Warfare and have us all bent over, crying.