The four new maps are Turista, Scrap, Archive and Excess while the new Zombies map is called Shaolin Shuffle. Channeling the 1970s, Shaolin Shuffle features disco, zombies and Pam Grier, who starred in Quentin Tarantino’s Jackie Brown.
Continuum can be purchased for $15 standalone or with the $50 DLC pass for Infinite Warfare. Due to a timed exclusivity deal for DLC, Continuum will be hitting Xbox One and PSC one month after the PS4 release.
Along with the new DLC is an update which makes adjustments to the VPR, contains various map fixes and disables gestures while in Phase Shift (for some reason). Check out the full patch notes below courtesy of Infinity Ward on Reddit and let us know what you think of the new expansion.
General Fixes
• VPR adjustments:
- Recoil and gun kick provide a little more consistency
- Damage adjustments
- Fixed a bug that would double up on hit markers
- Increased clip/stock size
- Decreased reload times
• Various map fixes
• Slide challenges: added a grace period to make slide medals and challenges easier to get
• Fix for a bug where enabling and disabling Hardcore Mode would not correctly keep Respawn Delay values in sync for the mode
• Fix for the player being damaged by their own Shockwave while using Reactive Armor
• Disabling Gestures while in Phase Shift
• CWL adjustments:
- Removed grace period times for Overdrive and Active Camo. This means you will no longer be refunded the Payload even if killed just after activating the Payload
- Lowered score requirements for all Payload weapons except Claw to make them more viable for use
- Banning silencers for all weapons
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