Call of Duty: World War 2 Release Date Leaked By French Ad

Call of Duty: World War 2‘s full reveal is due later this week, but it looks like the cat is already out of the bag on the game- a lot. We already know what the game is, but it also looks like we may already know when to expect it. You see, according to this French ad posted for the game, it seems as though it is due out on November 3.

That’s something that anyone who has followed the series probably expected- November has been the traditional release window for Call of Duty for over a decade now, and there was no reason to expect that to be changing any time soon. Still, I suppose having the exact day is something that fans will appreciate.

Call of Duty: World War 2‘s full reveal is on Wednesday- we can expect the name, setting, premise, story, release date, and platforms for the game to be finalized and confirmed then.

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"Call of Duty: World War 2 Release Date Leaked By French Ad" :: Login/Create an Account :: 17 comments

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hope this redeems the franchise


Same time of year, every year. Nothing we didn't expect.


Yea we all knew it would be in November, will definitely be getting this game no doubt about it.


Aint all call of duty's released in November any way ?


This year i really want to stay away from the trailers and ad's. I want to be surprised when I play the beta, but that ain't gonna happen lol. Either way, I'm pumped


well now we know for sure what date it's going to be, super pumped best not be a let down!


Knew it would be around that time always is.