Battlefield 1 may eventually play like an entirely different game

Battlefield 1 developer DICE is planning some major changes for the very core of the newest Battlefield experience through a broad and courageous initiative.

DICE recently made an official post to one of the game’s subreddits, in which user DRUNKKZ3 (aka Florian Le Bihan) gave a preliminary overview of DICE’s upcoming Battlefield 1 “Roots Initiative.” The initiative will focus on improvements to the game’s “core gameplay” and “game mechanics”, with the post listing which general sectors of the game will be targeted going forward:

Soldier movements
Vehicle movements
Weapon mechanics (including grenades)
Gadgets mechanics
Melee mechanics
Interaction mechanics
Game mode mechanics (win conditions, catch-up, flow, rulesets, scoring)
Communication (spotting, chat, commo rose, orders, VOIP)
Scoring feedback
HUD real estate (timings, placement, 1p HUD as well as killscreen and deploy “the main loop”)
…More areas based on your feedback!

The developer is aware that these are broad topics in terms of the game’s scope. With the help of feedback from the community, DICE would like to start the initiative by focusing on soldier and vehicle movement, specifically addressing ADAD spamming. Some of these changes to the core gameplay are already underway, like the adjustments found in the shooter’s recent Spring Update that mitigate grenade spamming.

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"Battlefield 1 may eventually play like an entirely different game" :: Login/Create an Account :: 17 comments

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I dont want battefield to change its fine as it is :(


Seems kind of disappointing for the long term fans.


So why cannot they implement this as a different game mode?


Damn, they're changing everything....


It would definitely be cool I just hope they don't ruin it.


I am curious to see how different the game will play after all these alterations.


Would be nice to show this constant flow of changes havent really played many games where the future updates change the entire game other than gta IV tbogt.