This update, bearing the catchy name “preview alpha version 1705.170505-1900,” should fix a small number not-so-small bugs that have plagued the current preview version of the software.
After this patch, uninstalled games should no longer appear as installed, players should be able to participate in Tournaments without any issues, and sorting games by “last used” will no longer make those games appear in alphabetical order.
Below you can find the full list of what’s included in the patch, originally posted to the private Preview Program forums (via DualShockers). Keep in mind that this patch applies only to Preview Program members, not the current public version of the Xbox One.
Xbox One Preview Alpha Build 1705.170505-1900 Patch Notes
Games and Apps
Fixed an issue which could cause games and apps to sort alphabetically when using “Sort by last used” or “Sort by last update”.
Certain games should no longer appear in the Apps section while they are installing.
Resolved an issue which could sometimes cause uninstalled games to display as installed in the Games category.
Miscellaneous localization fixes and improvements.
Fixed an issue which could sometimes prevent users from participating in Tournaments.
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