Earth is a planet that Destiny fans will be particularly familiar with. It’s where the Last City is build and where the Traveler hovers, providing its light to Guardians. It’s also where the AI Rasputin has protected Earth for thousands of years. Earth in Destiny 2 will not be the Earth of the original game. First off, the Last City has fallen to the Cabal’s Red Legion and its leader Ghaul. There’s no going home. And considering Old Russia’s had its time and place, isn’t it time for something new?
In Destiny 2, players will instead spend their time within the European Dead Zone. Destiny players may be familiar with the European Dead Zone from the Crucible maps Memento and Widow’s Court. Destiny 2 will give a much broader look at the region. In fact, Bungie’s confirmed that the European Dead Zone will be the first major area that players will explore after the game’s introduction in the Last City ends.
The European Dead Zone is the end of familiar territory in Destiny 2, however (that we know of). The rest of the online multiplayer shooter will go to locations unknown. Players will be hunting down the remnants of the Guardians, bringing stability back to Earth’s peoples. Zavala, Cayde-6, and Ikora each have their own ideas regarding how to regain power without the light of the Traveler and each of the new locations will serve a unique purpose.
Nessus, for instance, is a planetoid that has been entirely rebuilt by the Vex into their very own machine world. Yet part from the machines is a rich, red world full of unique vegetation. Jupiter’s moon, Io, is a sulphuric, yellow place and also happens to be the last to be touched by the Traveler prior to the Collapse. Io is rich with secrets and power and a holy place to Guardians. Saturn’s moon, Titan, is rather different. It’s covered in water, specifically, so players will spend their time on constructs built above the water.
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