Xbox One could be dumping OneGuide

Something rather curious that was revealed (possibly unintentionally) during the Beam/Mixer announcement last night was Microsoft’s apparent plans to either remove the OneGuide section from the Xbox One dashboard or rename it.

The first hint of an evolution or cancellation of OneGuide came in the Mixer announcement YouTube video which offers a brief look at a new Xbox One dashboard, one that’s noticeably missing the OneGuide tab (see above image) and instead has a new section named Entertainment. The second clue is a screenshot of another dashboard (see image below) used in the official Mixer announcement blog post on Xbox Wire which shows neither an OneGuide nor Entertainment tab. In this possible build of the Xbox One operating system, it appears they’ve discarded the feature completely.

It’s worth noting that at the time of this writing, OneGuide is still present on both public and Xbox Insider builds of the operating system. The feature was recently removed from the official Xbox apps though in an update.

OneGuide is a section of the Xbox One dashboard that brings together movies and TV shows from a variety of sources. It’s not used by all Xbox One owners but plenty do and would likely miss it if it was taken away.

Do you use OneGuide and would you miss it if it were gone? Would you be okay with a rename? Let us know in the comments below.

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Think its a load of bs any way lol


Good, get rid of this shit.


To be honest I don't use the one guide or all this extra shit I just get on and play the video game so I could care less which option they go with. I'm ready for them to roll out that Scorpio project.


i think there throwing way to much money into this "Mixer" App it will never compare to Twitch.