PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds dev investigating AFK farming

Since Bluehole introduced the first round of paid cosmetics to PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, an issue of players idling in games to accrue Battle Points (the game’s in-game currency) for little effort has started to infect the game.

According to reports from the community, players are joining games and then just sitting at the end of the plane’s route until they are either killed by other players or the play zone shrinking, meaning that they can earn Battle Points for little to no effort.

Speaking to PC Gamer at PAX West 2017, producer Chang-Han Kim said that the issue isn’t as prominent as the community has made it out to be, but the team is working on a way to address it before it gets out of hand.

“We are aware of that thing happening,” he said when asked about the issue. “We have the team working on analyzing what’s actually going on there. We do know that the portion of players who are AFKing just to earn BP isn’t that high as of right now. But we do want to create a tool or a vehicle to prevent AFKers from just trying to earn BP and not actually play the game.

“It could be as easy as just adjusting the balance of BP being earned after each game or preventing AFK as a whole. We haven’t fully decided on the direction yet, but it is something that we will definitely be addressing.”

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is available now on PC via Steam Early Access and will be coming to Xbox One later this year.

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"PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds dev investigating AFK farming" :: Login/Create an Account :: 8 comments

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This happen's in almost every-game but not much effect is brought forward in PUBG. Maybe add a small fix to avoid it but if not player's in-game arent usually affected all that much


Annoying, but like you said doesn't really affect others IG and little you can do about it.


That's what people do in H1Z1 as well. There really isn't anything you can do to avoid it. Because you can't just take away from someone who gets no kills.


-Silky It's a problem with most games and the only way you can really fix it is by adding an AFK timer, although it's annoying it sure fixes this issue.

I agree but even at that people find ways around the AFK timer also. So they would need to think about that also

I see what you mean - autoclickers would just get around this system if on PC, despite this I still feel like tehy should add it in to decrease a large amount of the farmers and then look for a more long term solution.


-Silky It's a problem with most games and the only way you can really fix it is by adding an AFK timer, although it's annoying it sure fixes this issue.

I agree but even at that people find ways around the AFK timer also. So they would need to think about that also


I feel like this is a non issue, and just busy work for them. The chances are slim that the circle would appear where you AFK, plus the longest you would be in a game would be 5 mins then the first blue ring would kill you. That is if you haven't been killed yet. So that being said, the person going AFK would only get 50 - 100 BP. Then when the game is over they get booted to the main menu. I don't see how this is even a concern.


I think it could be a easy fix, if they haven't played it within 10 mins kick them.


It's a problem with most games and the only way you can really fix it is by adding an AFK timer, although it's annoying it sure fixes this issue.