Ark: Survival Evolved Plans to Visually Update Older Creatures

An upcoming update for Ark: Survival Evolved looks to improve the visuals of some of the older creatures in the game.

With Ark: Survival Evolved out on the market for some time now and in Early Access stages for even longer, not every dinosaur, animal, and other encounterable creature has aged quite as well as others. Whether its Bigfoot, a Direwolf, or an ancient kangaroo, expect more than a few of the game’s older organisms to look a bit more contemporary thanks to the two-part “Dino TLC” update.

“The plan is for the Dino TLC pass to role out in multiple phases,” an update from the Ark: Survival Evolved team read. “Throughout the next few months, some creatures will receive visual changes, as well as functional/gameplay changes. We are targeting the release of Phase 1 to take place during the week of February the 18th on PC. In addition to Dino TLC Phase 1, we will also be rolling out our turret limit to all Official Servers.”

As for the creatures that’ll be changed, the focus of Phase 1 of the Dino TLC update will be on the Direbear, Procoptodon, Gigantopithecus (Bigfoot), Direwolf, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex. But while the animals and dinosaurs that are the focus of this new update coming around Feb. 18 will receive some serious visual improvements – all of the before-and-after images seen through the community update post – they’ll also be receiving some buffs that’ll differ depending on the creature. Direbears will be immune to bees, the kangaroo-like Procoptodon will be a better combat mount, and the Direwolf will have a better howl and pack buff.

“First of all, the howl will activate the pack buff for a duration of time (we're thinking 5 minutes right now),” the announcement continued. “This means it won't be active all the time, but to compensate, we'll be strengthing the buff to make the wolves stronger. As a little bonus is that when the Alpha Wolf howls, so will all the others! We're also planning for this mechanic play out with wild wolves too.”

Comparison images for the first phase of the update as well as the second phase are currently available to preview the changes before the update starts rolling out around Feb. 18.

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"Ark: Survival Evolved Plans to Visually Update Older Creatures" :: Login/Create an Account :: 22 comments

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2018 This game is a very good game. Glad to see they are adding new stuff and still updating!

For the amount of time i played it, which wasn't long tbh. It needed the updates.

You honestly have no idea, I feel like it's so underrated. Incredible game!


2018 This game is a very good game. Glad to see they are adding new stuff and still updating!

For the amount of time i played it, which wasn't long tbh. It needed the updates.


2019 This game looks like a fable type of game tbh.

Absolutely not! Fable is a completely different kind of game. First of all, fable is cartoon-like. Ark is about survival, fable is about a storyline.


Mikey Ark: Survival Evolved is such a great game and nice to see a come back. My friends play this way to much lol, but ive never played it that much.

You should join me man. It's so good! Played around 40 days atm as I've only had it for 4 months though.


TheTechGang No way to see this game making a comeback

I loved this game, any update is cool. Especially updating visuals, although reinstalling it will take me days xD


Cleetus No way to see this game making a comeback

I wouldnt say a huge comeback but glad to see they're giving the game some big updates. If they were to make a comeback, they need to add a new map.


This game is a very good game. Glad to see they are adding new stuff and still updating!


Ark: Survival Evolved is such a great game and nice to see a come back. My friends play this way to much lol, but ive never played it that much.


No way to see this game making a comeback


Dragon I haven't touched the game in a while. But whenever I did play it, I enjoyed it. It is a great game to play with friends. Glad they are still putting time into this.

Agreed, the game is a friend / co-oped based game. Whenever I play this game alone I get bored and happen to quit early. Waiting for DLC + New worlds to come out though.