In an email forwarded to PushSquare, Sony said that they are “exploring the possibility of adding a feature to PSN that lets users change their ID”, noting that although they “can’t be sure whether this feature will be added or not,” players’ feedback “will be heard”.
The survey that they sent out then detailed a hypothetical implementation of the feature, where users would be able to change their name for free as many times as they like, but only once every six months.
In the past, Sony has had reservations about letting users change their online handles, citing griefing as a primary concern.
Back in 2014 Shawn Layden, CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment America, said:
We don’t want to make it so that you can go in, grief a bunch of people in Far Cry, change your avatar, change your username, go into CoD and grief everybody over there. We want to stop that.
[We want to do name changing] in a way that’s transparent, but also don’t let people morph themselves, either.
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