PS4’s Share Play Like Service Coming To Xbox One Through Mixer

Those lucky enough to be on the Xbox Insider program that get to check out early versions of upcoming firmware updates for Microsoft’s systems have found that a new update has been made to the Xbox One’s streaming capabilities, one that greatly resembles the Share Play abilities seen on PlayStation 4.

Taking advantage of Xbox’s streaming, players will be able to pass control of their game to anyone watching them play on the PC, where they will be able to take command of the game remotely with either a controller or an on screen gamepad.

You can check out more information on the Xbox Wire blog, but other neat features to come soon include the introduction of a Games with Gold section to the library, 1440p video output on Xbox One S and Xbox One X, updates to Microsoft Edge and open tournaments that players can join without a club.

Which feature are you most excited for? Tell us in the comments below.

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"PS4’s Share Play Like Service Coming To Xbox One Through Mixer" :: Login/Create an Account :: 15 comments

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Mickers Seems a pointless feature that personally i would not need.

agreed, really nothing to special but a useless feature.


Mickers Seems a pointless feature that personally i would not need.

I see it has a way to connect the gaming community. Hopefully it goes all well.


Seems a pointless feature that personally i would not need.


Can't wait to give this ago, seems like it'll be a lot of fun.


Something Nvidia has had for years, it doesn't work very well due to the latency issues in fast paces games though. Not sure it was needed.


Wow Xbox is still suprising me, keep the updates coming.


This is actually one of the best features implanted imo.

Glad to see what this does for the gaming community.


Oh hell yeah, that will kick Mixer's audience up. They will love that. I know I will!


Petty dope feature to have on PS.


Pretty neat to be able to pass control of their game to anyone watching them. I honestly never heard of anything like that but then again I'm not that tech savvy.