Fortnite Console Cross-Play Is Up to Sony, Microsoft Confirms

Fortnite players will soon be able to play with PC and mobile users whether they’re on the Xbox One or PlayStation 4, but when it comes to cross-play between the two consoles, Microsoft says that the decision rests in Sony’s hands.

News that cross-play between the console versions and other platforms came earlier in the week when Epic Games announced that a new version of Fortnite Battle Royale was coming to mobile devices, one that would allow cross-play with the PS4 and PC/Mac versions. When Xbox One owners questioned where they fit into all this, Epic Games followed up with another post that said Xbox One players would be able to play with the other platforms as well. However, it was clarified that Xbox One and PS4 cross-play would still be prohibited.

In a statement to Kotaku, Microsoft doubled down on its commitment to bridging platforms through cross-play while citing previous collaborations with Nintendo and the Switch while redirecting any further questions to Sony.

“Microsoft has long been a leading voice in encouraging the adoption of cross-platform play and the potential of connecting players across PC, mobile and all consoles,” a Microsoft representative said told Kotaku. “We’ve worked closely with Nintendo to allow cross-network play between Xbox One and Switch and our offer to do the same with PlayStation players still holds. For any other questions regarding ‘Fortnite’ cross-network play between Xbox and PlayStation, please reach out to Epic or Sony directly.”

In a tweet that came on March 10 from Microsoft’s Phil Spencer, The Xbox head responded to a user who said they’d like to see Fortnite cross-play established between the consoles with a brief message that simply said “Me 2.” The next day, Epic Games offered their own opinion on the matter by replying to Spencer’s tweet in agreement.

This isn’t the first time that Microsoft and Sony have butted heads when it comes to cross-play, and it’s not likely that it’ll be the last. Microsoft has said in the past that it was all for cross-play between the consoles when it comes to other games like Minecraft and Rocket League, and Sony’s response for why it wouldn’t allow cross-play didn’t resonate well with fans. Cross-play in Fortnite has even been activated more than once which shows that the tech is already in place, it’s just not being permitted.

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"Fortnite Console Cross-Play Is Up to Sony, Microsoft Confirms" :: Login/Create an Account :: 19 comments

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Famous Sony is in it for the money only and you can see that.

They'd probably get a little more cash even from Cross-play. I really don't see a problem with them joining this feature.


Please make this happen, would be awesome to play with my ps4 buddies.


Sony is in it for the money only and you can see that.


Chat They've legit got no real reason behind this, other than wanting to be annoying, think about it they make more sales because someone will purchase a game to play with their friend on PS4... I mean >_> idk, but this is a great idea and it needs to happen.

They're to stubborn, it's going to happen eventually. Why not skip the que.


Sony just hates Microsoft they ain't ever gonna consider doing unless they pay them big money


They've legit got no real reason behind this, other than wanting to be annoying, think about it they make more sales because someone will purchase a game to play with their friend on PS4... I mean >_> idk, but this is a great idea and it needs to happen.


Give us what we want.. would be amazing to play with people across all platforms. Revolutionary. But no, Sony suck ass.


This will be a no from sony again then... Said this with Minecraft, Rocket League and they didn't even bother.... I would just keep them out of it honestly they don't want to be a part that's there problem they'll soon realise it was a mistake when the time comes.


This has been the case for a while now, not just with fortnite but as a whole. I feel like if they did it, a lot of the battle for the best console would be over since you can play the same games on both, it'd be all about exclusives.


Dunno why they are so hesitant. What are the hiding or scared of? Makes no sense.