Days Gone Will Have Dynamic Weather and Large Populated Cities

Days Gone may take place in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombie-like creatures called freakers, but it takes more than that to wipe out the resilient human race. In Days Gone, many humans are still surviving and forging a way of life amidst chaos and constant danger, so much so that there are even human settlements that resemble cities of the past.

According to director Jeff Ross (via Game Informer), freakers aren't the only thing players will have to watch out for, there's plenty of less than friendly humans that will cross your path throughout the game. In fact, according to Ross, humans play a significant part of the game, whether friend or foe, there's much more to Days Gone's world than just a bunch of freakers running around.

One place you will run into them will be settlements and cities, including a city that is said to be home of over 800 people. Whether all 800 will be represented in the game, or whether this is purely a piece of lore, isn't clear. But what is clear is that there will be settlements that give off, at least, the facade of being large and populated.

Ross also confirms that there will be dynamic weather, some of which we have seen in various gameplay footage and trailers. However, there won't be any seasons.

Dynamic weather is basically a necessary component to any great open-world game at this point, so it's good to hear Days Gone will take full advantage of the feature.

For those that don't know: Days Gone is an open-world action-adventure game that puts you in control of Deacon St. John, a rugged bounty hunter searching for a reason to live and fight in a brutal world where giving up is often easier.

In development exclusively for the PS4, Days Gone is – currently – poised to release sometime next year.

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Seems like its gonna be a good game, cant wait to see more of those cities.


Seems like this game is gonna be great