Kojima has been talking on the social media platform for the past few days about how he has been in the process of editing the latest trailer for Death Stranding that he expects to show at E3. He tweeted a few images of himself this morning working on the trailer while wearing a Joy Division t-shirt.
Working on E3 trailer. Today marks the day that Ian Curtis passed away. pic.twitter.com/9HgjuOqDQN
A few hours later, he tweeted again about some issues he was having cutting the trailer together. One of the images he included in this message was a screenshot of his desktop where we can clearly see an Adobe Premier file labeled “E3 2018 trailer”.
Due to the technical issues, this time I’m having sunlight filtering through trees just outside of the “window” instead of biting an “apple” to do my editing. pic.twitter.com/Bb3W8yNicE
Assuming that trailer will indeed appear at E3, it will be the fourth video for Death Stranding that we have seen thus far, with the most recent one appearing during The Game Awards 2017.
It’s safe to assume that we’ll likely see this trailer during Sony’s showcase next month at E3 since the publishing giant has already confirmed that Death Stranding will have a presence during their show. As for actual gameplay, we still have yet to see anything but there’s a chance that that could finally change during this event. We’ll just have to wait for Sony’s conference next month to find out alongside everyone else.
Related Forum: PlayStation Forum
Source: https://www.dualshockers.com/hideo-kojima-confirmed-new-death-stranding-trailer-e3/
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