Operation Para Bellum will see the release of a brand new map, Villa, set in the Italian countryside, as well as two Italian G.I.S. Operators, Alibi and Maestro. Alibi is an infiltration specialist with the ability to drop up to three holograms used to confuse and mark the enemy. Maestro will have a remote access turret that is bulletproof, can see through smoke, and shoots low-powered lasers; it can only be destroyed using an explosive, destroying the surface it is planted on, or Sledge’s hammer.
The new update will also introduce the “Pick & Ban” system that will allow you to pick an Operator to ban that may throw off your opposition’s initial strategy. This new feature will certainly change the meta of competitive play in some significant ways.
Here are some other additions coming with Operation Para Bellum:
Deployable Bullet Proof Cameras
New Counter Defuser Animation
Dropshotting Adjustments
Weapon Sight Misalignment Adjustments
New Observation Tool Management
Operator Speed Adjustments
Echo Buff
Clubhouse Map Buff
Rainbow Six Siege is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
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Source: https://www.dualshockers.com/rainbow-six-siege-para-bellum-update/
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