Battlefield 5 system redesign will deep-six random bullet deviation

Gun play will be quite a bit different in Battlefield 5 thanks to feedback from Battlefield 1 players.

Battlefield 5 players will notice less “randomness” in gunfights when the game releases in October.

DICE took into consideration feedback from players of Battlefield 1 who pointed out the inability to fully control a gunfight. Considering the player spends 99% of their time in-game with a weapon, gun play is extremely important.

In Battlefield 5, certain weapon types and bullets can now penetrate surfaces. This applies to heavy weapons like LMGs, stationary MGs and vehicle MGs. Potential suppression changes can also be expected.

Players will also see a reduction in the impact of bullet spread, which will create a more consistent shooting experience.

Distinct and consistent recoil patterns, in a style similar to Counter Strike- Global Offense, is another change players can expect to see in the game.

In short, random bullet deviation will not return in Battlefield 5 due to a total redesign of the system.

Westie goes over these changes in his video. If you plan on picking up Battlefield 5, you may want to give it a watch.

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"Battlefield 5 system redesign will deep-six random bullet deviation" :: Login/Create an Account :: 4 comments

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XeCookie_ I really do love how they are optimizing this game for the players and really taking in on our feedback.

Love when game makers actually listen to the consumers how it should be all the time


I really do love how they are optimizing this game for the players and really taking in on our feedback.


Yay more consistency the better!


Can't wait to see the different style of gameplay