A Way Out dev’s next game will be published by EA

A Way Out’s Josef Fares had a great experience with Electronic Arts, and is working with the publisher on Hazelight’s next game.

After Josef Fares’ “Fuck the Oscars” speech, you may have assumed he was an unrestrained creative mind that wouldn’t sign contracts with major publishers. That conclusion couldn’t be farther than the truth. In fact, Fares has such a positive relationship with Electronic Arts, that he’ll publish his next game there.

“Yeah, we’re with EA,” Fares confirmed with Eurogamer. “It’s no problem. It’s super-good support. I don’t care what publisher I work with it’s going to be the same. This is how I work: I respect the economical aspect but nobody fucks with the vision – it’s very, very important. And they know it at EA now, and they’re super-supportive – super-supportive.”

This statement certainly runs counter to most takes on Electronic Arts, which has shut down many acquired studios over the years. But Fares has previously noted that indies have a vastly different experience, even collecting 100% of a game’s profits.

“I would love to release some internal emails,” Fares said last June. “I think people would be jaw-dropping surprised if they saw the internal emails – at least the way I’m being treated by EA.”

Fares wasn’t willing to share many details of Hazelight’s new game, but noted it would be longer – and quite different – from the studio’s past work. The developer has previously stated an interest in making a romance game.

“In four weeks, we’re going to go full production,” he told Eurogamer. “It’s hard to say but maybe in two or three years we show something.”

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: https://www.vg247.com/2018/07/04/a-way-out-devs-next-game-will-published-ea/


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Well, this is one way to ruin a game. Give it to ea...


Expect some micro transactions to be associated with this game