The sequel notably trades-in the game's post-apocalyptic New York City for a post-apocalyptic Washington DC. Further, it takes place seven months later, in other words, humans are beginning to bring a little bit more order to the deadly and chaotic world around them.
The Division 2 is more about the survivors, and less about the virus outbreak and waste it left, if that makes sense. In the first game, players explored a post-apocalyptic/post-pandemic world, which was brought to life with incredible detail, but not filled with characters, survivors who add story and context. It felt a bit empty, and at times the story felt more about the world than the people in it. But Ubisoft is making sure this won't be the case with the sequel.
According to project's associate creative director, Chadi El-Zibaoui, The Division 2 is very much about the survivors trying to carve out a life in the crazy world they find themselves in.
“Actually, The Division 2 is very focused on the survivors, and how they’ve been changing, organizing themselves during these seven months,” said El-Zibaoui while speaking to GamingBolt. “So in the first game it was reacting to the virus outbreak, through the situation that caused the riot. Now civilians are banding together, organizing themselves, arming themselves, trying to rebuild what is left to rebuild and not just resigning themselves to the situation.”
Isolated, this might not mean that much. But when you combine this with the company previous talking about the game's improved and more robust single-player campaign, which can be played completely solo, things are looking promising in the story department for The Division 2.
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 is in development for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
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