Metro Exodus New Trailer Explains What the Game is All About

Despite all the recent Metro Exodus drama, developer A4 Games wants to show players what the game is all about with a new trailer.

Metro Exodus has been at the epicenter of a huge controversy recently surrounding the Epic Games Store, Steam, and the business tactics deployed to uproot a video game monopoly. But what may be overlooked is what the actual game is about. Today, 4A Games released a trailer that attempts to get back to the game at hand by explaining a story overview of the game, as well as what you can expect to face in post-nuclear-apocalypse Russia.

You’ll find the trailer, in its entirety, below.

The trailer serves as a cinematic experience to entice you to get involved in what they call “an epic story-driven shooter.” To survive in this wasteland, players will need to utilize the game’s combat, exploration, survival, and stealth systems to succeed.

It’s is aimed at introducing newcomers to the IP, as well as catching up players who’ve been out of the loop on what the Metro series is all about: “a continent-spanning journey.”

Metro Exodus‘ seasons are also highlighted in the video as we catch glimpses of the environment spanning from spring to winter over the course of a calendar year.

You may have seen another recent Metro Exodus trailer that showed off the game’s gun customization mechanics, but this one can fill you in if you missed it.

Finally, the trailer makes a big point of putting the game above others in the genre saying “you won’t find pointless fetch quests or busy work in Metro’s vast open levels. Every objective is narrative-driven and woven seamlessly into the main story.”

We’ll just have to wait until the game comes out on February 15 on Xbox One, PS4, and Steam…err I mean…The Epic Games Store.

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"Metro Exodus New Trailer Explains What the Game is All About" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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Just under 2 weeks... can't wait.


The wait is almost over, can't wait to play this game. Loved the whole series.


This game is beautiful in every aspect I've seen so far and have been waiting to play this game for a year or two now, this trailer has got me more intrigued than ever before, thankfully today is Feb 1st so not much longer till I get my hands on this masterpiece.