Civilization 6 is free to play on Steam for the next two days

Celebrate the release of Civilization 6: Gathering Storm this week by playing the base game free on Steam.

Civilization 6: Gathering Storm releases this week. If you want a head start on the base game before it drops, you can play it for free over the next two days.

If you give Civilization 6 a try and like what you’ve played, you can take 70% off either the standard or deluxe editions.

The Gold Edition is 69% off, and the Scenario Pack Bundle is 53% off. Other content is also available at a discount. The sale on Steam ends February 18.

Gathering Storm releases February 14 for $39.99 and adds new leaders, events and some major changes to the world stage.

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"Civilization 6 is free to play on Steam for the next two days" :: Login/Create an Account :: 8 comments

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i cant believe i missed this


missed the free period. may buy on the sale though


Never played, might have to try it out


Well I'm off work tomorrow and heard good things about this series. Doubt I'll play enough to have a real judgement but I'll try it out hopefully. Love how developers do this for their games.


Looks interesting night give this a try.


Free game I'm always down to give it a go.


They will take 70% off the standard or deluxe edition? Yo that is just pure love. I'll definitely be buying this for steam.


Nice, I've really enjoyed playing Civ V and wanted to give this a try.