Anthem Live Action Trailer Helmed by Neill Blomkamp Finally Released

Conviction, an impressive live action trailer for Anthem from District 9 director Neill Blomkamp, has finally been released by EA and Oats Studios.

Earlier this week, we heard rumblings about a live action trailer for EA and BioWare’s Anthem directed by Neill Blomkamp; soon after, a teaser for the video, which turned out to be titled Conviction, was released. Today, the full trailer finally arrived and it turns out that Conviction walks us through an abridged version of an important story that takes place years before the beginning of Anthem.

For those of you who don’t know, Neill Blomkamp is an up and coming direct that is well known by fans of sci-fi media. His films District 9, Elysium, and Chappie all fall within the genre and explore it in interesting ways. Neill formed a production company called Oats Studios back in 2017 to work on experimental short films and Conviction was birthed via a partnership between Oats Studios and EA.

While Conviction is technically a trailer, it still has an impressive amount of care and detail put into it that puts it a tier above the usual live action trailer. The fact that it tells its own story set years before Anthem begins is very unique, though its abridged storytelling style does blur the lines between trailer and actual short film in ways that don’t always work to its benefit. If anything, it makes me want Neill Blomkamp to direct an entire Anthem movie that doesn’t jump around as much even more.

Over the course of Conviction, we see a few different areas and characters that will be in the final game. This means we get a glimpse at The Monitor, one of the game’s main antagonists, as well as the creation of Fort Tarsis by people who originally were “the slaves of the Urwrath.” If you are someone who really likes to get into the lore and worlds of certain games and plan on doing the same with Anthem, Neill Blomkamp’s Conviction will definitely be an enjoyable watch for you.

You can check out Neill Blomkamp’s Conviction live action trailer for yourself below. Anthem is poised to release for PC, PS4, and Xbox One on February 22, though Origin Access members will be getting early access to the game tomorrow.

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"Anthem Live Action Trailer Helmed by Neill Blomkamp Finally Released" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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Another great add on for this game


cant wait to get this on the 22nd