Gearbox Possibly Teasing 'Borderlands 3' Reveal During PAX East 2019

Gearbox is teasing something for March 28th and with so many rumors floating around about an imminent Borderlands 3 reveal, many fans are convinced this is it.

After years of teasers from Randy Pitchford and the studio over at Gearbox, we still haven't had an official reveal of the next installment in the beloved Borderlands franchise. Luckily, it looks like we might be getting that official debut this month, at least according to a few recent teasers:

"This is your opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look at Gearbox Software and Gearbox Publishing, along with the latest news and updates from the makers of Borderlands, Battleborn, Brothers in Arms, and more," reads the above PAX East panel listing. "We will have nevr-before-seen reveals, exclusives, and surprises, so don't miss out!"

The above listing paired with the most recent tweet from the studio has Borderlands fans salivating:

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"Gearbox Possibly Teasing 'Borderlands 3' Reveal During PAX East 2019" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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This game is going to be so dope! I can't wait.


I would buy Borderlands 3.


Be cool to see BL 3 and even a trailer or something.