'Apex Legends' Player's Respawn Goes Terribly Wrong

Apex Legends players have by now experienced their fair share of good and bad respawns, but one player might now hold the title for the most unfortunate respawn ever. Jumping out of the respawn ship with a supply ship and a Devotion in sight, the player never got a chance to explore the ship’s contents after they were launched off the side of the map.

The Apex Legends player by the name of KornyMunky shared the video below that shows their tragic death they experienced just after rejoining the battle. Playing as Pathfinder, they descended from the respawn ship to what would normally be a fortuitous landing spot after just being eliminated. They appeared to be headed towards the Devotion that sat on top of the ship, a decent weapon on its own without the Turbocharger hop-up but a much better starting weapon than finding a Mozambique or something similar. The interaction between the player and the stairs they landed on meant they never had the chance to pick it up though.

The worst way to respawn from r/apexlegends

Shared on the Apex Legends subreddit, the video’s already gotten plenty of upvotes. The praise it’s gotten is due in no small part to the fact that it appears to be a response to another video that was shared recently. Another player shared their experience with the respawn and supply ships and showed off an interaction that went much smoother than the one the player above experienced. Totally the opposite of KornyMunky’s entrance, it just might’ve been the most stylish respawn that one could hope for.

One of the worst parts of the player’s unfortunate respawn is that they were playing as Pathfinder, so if they had a few extra seconds before landing on the supply ship, there might’ve been a chance where they could save themselves. Had they dropped a bit farther or hit one or two more obstacles on the way down, they could’ve potentially had time to grapple themselves back up to the map. Pathfinder’s Tactical ability only had three seconds on its cooldown when they were eliminated, so it would’ve been close, but possible.

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: https://comicbook.com/gaming/2019/03/31/apex-legends-player-respawn-goes-terribly-wrong/


"'Apex Legends' Player's Respawn Goes Terribly Wrong" :: Login/Create an Account :: 12 comments

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Sometimes the respawns as re really funny.


Hahahhahahah that was amazing! I wish something would happen to someone on my team just to hear the rage lmao