Fortnite Duo Quits After Winning Tournament, Calls Out Epic

The competitive Fortnite scene has been heating up this year, especially with the beginning of the Fortnite World Cup. The Collegiate Starleague finals were recently held in Atlantic City, with University of Georgia's Ibrahim Diaz and Jack Stuttard claiming top honors with an epic victory royale. That said, after beating out the competition, the duo had a few words for Epic Games regarding the balancing issues that have popped up recently, and they even announced that they are quitting competitive Fortnite as they "don't really like the game that much anymore," according to Stuttard.

During the post-win interview, the duo expressed their opinions on the state of Fortnite and what Epic Games has been doing about it. "We'll see what happens," Stuttard said. "Epic is kind of messing around a little bit with the way they're balancing everything."

When it came time for Diaz to offer up his two cents, he took a more diplomatic approach. "Well, we've decided that we don't want to play competitive Fortnite anymore," Diaz said. "So we're going to move on to different games, or just probably do different stuff."

Fortnite has been in a bit of hot water with some of its fans as of late. Ever since they removed the Siphon feature from Battle Royale and made it exclusive to the Arena mode, a lot of the competitive scene has been up in arms. This has been especially apparent on the likes of Twitter when every post by the Fortnite account is met with numerous replies calling for them to "Revert."

However, Epic recently released a statement about how the majority of players are glad that Siphon was removed from casual play. "Everybody enjoyed receiving health and shields for eliminations after we introduced the changes to the core modes, but there was an unexpected consequence: players at large grew more frustrated with Fortnite play, feeling they had less of a chance due to encounters with high-skill players with full health and shields," they said. "Ultimately, Siphon increased engagement for the highest-skilled 10%, while the remaining 90% were more frustrated and played less."

Fortnite is currently available on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and mobile devices.

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"Fortnite Duo Quits After Winning Tournament, Calls Out Epic" :: Login/Create an Account :: 16 comments

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Fortnite doesn't listen to the competitive community, can see how it happened


I can see why they could quit


Congratulations on them for getting into other games, yes fortnite can be frustrating but there are better ways to do this..


Fortnite hasn't been listening to the community and continuously lies about statistics taken from the community. Last update they said 90% of people didn;t enjoy health on kill and siphon because it allowed for too much aggressive play. Epic must be blind or dumb if they think that's an accurate number. Go look at any FN steamer or actual feedback from the community. Everyone hates that they removed some of the best additions to the game, but they clearly don't see it. As the company continues to grow they will become more greedy and care less and less about community feedback.


Epic seems very greedy imo


Mario350 can we get new games that arent done with playdough? i want 2007 graphics games back i want 2013 graphics games back i want division graphic games back, these cartoon games need to die, epic is doing a good job at following china laws.

but too be fair the game sucked when pulled the unreal turny community to force them to work on br in a game based on pve which sold poorly because it was a crappy game to start with, what ever happened to stw being free in jan or december or whenever the f**k it was meant to full launch? season one was alright ttk was and still is a big issue in fortnite when the guns do like 5dmg instead of realistic tactical damage like 40 with an ar 25 with an smg and 10 with pistols, epic should take note from the game they stole from aka pubgs ttk fast fun and rewarding or even apex oh wait they are also stealing the revive teammates feature from apex, man epic doesnt have originality do they?

only three issues i have with pubg and fortnite stolen ideas(fortnite) paid or free idk unreal assets(pubg which if pu and his team paid for them its fair use since its in a public place) ttk is so god damn slow(fortnite) china controlling them(both games).

moral is fortnite wouldnt even be at the top ten if epic made an original game mode for the coop base building game.

epic will never learn and will never listen to customers and players, why because they only care about the money and paying devs to remove games off steam aka console wars on pc

Your entire statement is invalid, they worked on BR before STW but they believed that it would be to plain by itself so they decided to pull resources to support both, graphics aren't what makes a game it's how the story is driven and the mechanics behind it.

The other issue being because fortnite is constantly in the crossfire is simply down to the player base and impact it has, their over problem is the player base as stated because they're trying to please everyone and that's gonna impossible


Mario350 can we get new games that arent done with playdough? i want 2007 graphics games back i want 2013 graphics games back i want division graphic games back, these cartoon games need to die, epic is doing a good job at following china laws.

Not defending Fortnite, but games don't need good graphics to be good. There are plenty of games with 'cartoon' graphics that are much better than some games with realistic graphics. This is such an old and irrational reasoning behind people not liking games because they are 'cartoon' graphics.


can we get new games that arent done with playdough? i want 2007 graphics games back i want 2013 graphics games back i want division graphic games back, these cartoon games need to die, epic is doing a good job at following china laws.

but too be fair the game sucked when pulled the unreal turny community to force them to work on br in a game based on pve which sold poorly because it was a crappy game to start with, what ever happened to stw being free in jan or december or whenever the f**k it was meant to full launch? season one was alright ttk was and still is a big issue in fortnite when the guns do like 5dmg instead of realistic tactical damage like 40 with an ar 25 with an smg and 10 with pistols, epic should take note from the game they stole from aka pubgs ttk fast fun and rewarding or even apex oh wait they are also stealing the revive teammates feature from apex, man epic doesnt have originality do they?

only three issues i have with pubg and fortnite stolen ideas(fortnite) paid or free idk unreal assets(pubg which if pu and his team paid for them its fair use since its in a public place) ttk is so god damn slow(fortnite) china controlling them(both games).

moral is fortnite wouldnt even be at the top ten if epic made an original game mode for the coop base building game.

epic will never learn and will never listen to customers and players, why because they only care about the money and paying devs to remove games off steam aka console wars on pc


The changes they have been doing isn't the best, just keeps going downhill.


Lmao what a way to go out of the tourney in style