Free PlayStation Plus Games for June Revealed

Sony’s lineup of free PlayStation Plus games for June has been revealed and includes two familiar franchises for subscribers. The Borderlands and Sonic the Hedgehog series are both represented in the June’s free game offerings with Borderlands: The Handsome Collection and Sonic Mania up for grabs. June 4th is the first day that these two games will be made available, so you still have a few more days to download May’s games if you haven’t gotten them yet.

You can get both of them for free if you’re a PlayStation Plus subscriber, but the better deal of these two is probably Borderlands: The Handsome Collection unless you’re a huge Sonic fan. That’s because The Handsome Collection is actually two games in one that get even bigger than that if you count the DLCs, which are also included. Both Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel are included in the collection along with all the DLC for both of the titles. If the last time you played these games was on the PlayStation 3, you can even bring your saved data over to the PlayStation 4 version.

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"Free PlayStation Plus Games for June Revealed" :: Login/Create an Account :: 6 comments

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I was expecting a load of trashy games lol, but theirs actually a few games on here I like.


Jesus, some great games on there that I will certainly enjoy. Other Sony users must be pleased.


Thats some Fire Games NGL!


If I go over to play PS4 gotta get the Sonic game.


coolbunny1234 Great to see a Borderlands collection, hopefully something similar will occur for Microsoft!

Wouldn't mind a good sale on the remaster of bl1 at all.


Great to see a Borderlands collection, hopefully something similar will occur for Microsoft!