When the announcement was made earlier this week, many began to speculate that we'll either see a Street Fighter VI announcement at the show, or possibly an announcement of PlayStation All-Stars 2. That said, while the latter is still on the table, the former doesn't appear to be.
We are excited to partner with @PlayStation for #EVO2019! 8 of the 9 main event titles are presented by PS4. Don’t miss any of the action and stay tuned for more news from PlayStation at EVO! #EVOPS4 pic.twitter.com/BTWlWmGdPB
— EVO (@EVO) July 22, 2019
As mentioned above, after hearing these rumbling himself, Yoshinori Ono took to Twitter to say Capcom is still focused on Street Fighter V, which suggests some news regarding it during the show rather than anything about Street Fighter VI.
I don't have SF6...
— Yoshinori Ono (@Yoshi_OnoChin) July 25, 2019
Who ever said so?
Our mind is only in one place, #SFVAE work! ;D pic.twitter.com/BkBiTSkSTe
It almost sounds like Capcom isn't even working on Street Fighter VI, which will be music to the ears of players really enjoying Street Fighter V, but will be a difficult one to swallow for those looking for a new installment.
As you may know, Street Fighter V had a really rocky launch, and has struggled with net code issues since. It has its players, but it never really built a ton of momentum. Street Fighter used to be the premier fighting game, and it still is among hardcore fighting game fans. But in terms of popularity, the difference between it and some other fighting games -- such as Mortal Kombat -- is only growing. That said, it doesn't look like this will be changing anytime soon.
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Source: https://comicbook.com/gaming/2019/07/26/street-fighter-vi-capcom-evo-2019/
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