In O’Dwyer’s latest video, he chats with the developers at IOI’s Copenhagen studio about the challenges of Hitman’s development. During the documentary, he says the team is “working on new Hitman content and looking ahead to the third Hitman game.”
In January, IOI opened a second studio in Malmo, Sweden, confirming that the second team would work on Hitman content and that both teams would act as “one family.” In addition to Hitman content, though, the studio confirmed it would work on original IP, which O’Dwyer hints is IOI’s current focus. It’s not unheard of for a studio to juggle multiple projects at a time, though.
“When the World of Assassination [is complete], it’s going to be one game with all the locations starting from Paris in Hitman 1 to the last location in Hitman 2, where it’s 20-plus locations,” said IOI CEO Hakan Abrak. This isn’t a confirmation that Hitman 3 is in development, but it is confirmation that the studio intends to get to it eventually.
Hitman 2 launched in November 2018, and IOI is still supporting it via an Expansion Pass. A new Sniper Assassin map set in a Siberian prison launches July 30.
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