PS3 sales up 65% following price cut - report

UK PS3 sales jumped almost 65 percent week-over-week following the introduction of a global price cut last Tuesday. That's according to a "reliable retail source" close to MCV, which also reports that a heavyweight PS3 marketing campaign kicked off today. The site says an extensive 5,000 run of six-sheet public poster ads hit UK high streets this morning. Last week, Sony slashed the price of the 160GB PS3 from £249 to £199 in the UK, and the cost of the 320GB version from £299 to £249. John Koller, director of hardware marketing at Sony Computer Entertainment America, said of the move: "We're opening our arms for the Xbox 360 and Wii owners to come over. There's a real opportunity for those consumers to be able to play, what we view, are the best games in the industry on the PS3 this fall."




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Okay I guess that's a good thing.