In an exclusive first look with Gamespot, Microsoft has further detailed its upcoming new next generation console, the Xbox Series X. The console is reportedly capable of 4K resolution with 60 frames per second, with the option of 120fps and 8k support as well.
Gamespot’s interview also dives deep into the console’s divisive name, the new and updated controller, the future of the cloud, and the actual functionality of the games themselves. Part of this is an interesting expansion of the instant resume feature that came about with the current generation Xbox. Microsoft is aiming to go further with this with Series X:
“Today, we have the capability of instantly resuming the last game that you were playing,” says Partner Director of Program Management for Team Xbox, Jason Ronald. “Why can’t you do that for multiple games? Many players choose to play multiple games at the same time, being able to instantly jump right back where I was, those are things that we can do with the platform level to make the gaming experience better. It’s really about ensuring there’s less waiting and more time playing because that’s ultimately what we all want to do with a with the consoles and with the services that we have.”
This is a potentially cool feature, allowing you to switch between games much easier without needing to close one to open another. However, it’ll be interesting to see whether Microsoft can retain a snappy UI on the dashboard, which it hasn’t with Xbox One X, in order to achieve this functionality.
Here’s hoping it will, considering the fact that Series X is stated to be 4x more powerful than the already powerful Xbox One X. Described as the fastest and most powerful Xbox ever made, Microsoft confirmed that all 15 XGS studios are currently developing exclusive titles for the new platform – the first of which is Hellblade 2.
Xbox Series X releases Holiday 2020 and you can check the launch trailer below:
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