EA Community Manager Weighs In On Battlefield 3 Leak

That recent leak of a ‘dev build‘ of Battlefield 3? Not fake, apparently, as a community manager has weighed in on Reddit to not only confirm the validity of the screens and movies but also – as you’d expect – dispel fears that the final game will look as – well – poor as the leak did.

“So, first of all,” starts ‘crash7800′, “this is an old build and is definitely not representative of the final game. In fact, this is not even reflective of the HD capabilities of the platform.”

“Glad to see that you’re all excited,” he continues, “but honestly this is probably doing more harm than serving ‘the greater good’. People that see these videos and captures might not take the time to understand or appreciate the source and quality issues that using a dev build presents.”

Quite why a leak of an old build has only just appeared is the confusing issue here, and it looks like – if this chap’s to be believed – the development is going right to the eleventh hour if the game’s to improve as much as console owners are hoping it will.

“I’m getting bombarded with people asking me if this is what they should expect from their console copy of BF3, which, of course, it’s not. So, the EA, DICE teams and myself are working to address these concerns instead of working on other things that you guys would probably appreciate more.”


“There is a reason, and a very good one, why we don’t circulate this kind of stuff publicly.”

There’s a counter-argument here, though, that suggests that if EA and DICE had pushed out some Xbox 360 screens we wouldn’t have needed to rely on an ‘old’ build for our first taste of that particular version.

Still, there’s time…




"EA Community Manager Weighs In On Battlefield 3 Leak" :: Login/Create an Account :: 18 comments

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WoW, just realized something... IW will release CoD in November 8th, which will give B3 12+ days. then people will see when MW3 releases..

wait.. well u get it.
imagine u will be playing B3 then when MW3 releases everyone in ur Friendlist just changed to MW3...

marketing scheme or whatever...
i just think IW planned it that B3 will be released first before theirs.

becuz cmon 14 days delay.. whats MW3 stock doing somewhere for 14 days...

this comment is about the raging battle between which game will be better, pretty much nothing about the thread.. LoL


TTG_Keo battlefield 3 will be good no doubt about that.

opinions are opinions. every game is good. but, it's only good for an amount of time.. CoD seems to get boring most of the time, yet everyone plays it!
Battlefield 2 was a disappointment... in fact every Battlefield title was. Treyarch titles were a disappointment for me.

BF3, i will play it, not purchase it. I bet i will enjoy it for a while... but im a die hard CoD fanman. lol Good luck Battlefield. You'll need it.
that true about cod but bF is not a let down if anything it gets you in a great mood. flying through the air in jets while your team destorys a building and caps a flag or arms the objective its just a feeling you cant get in any CoD game.


TTG_Keo battlefield 3 will be good no doubt about that.

opinions are opinions. every game is good. but, it's only good for an amount of time.. CoD seems to get boring most of the time, yet everyone plays it!
Battlefield 2 was a disappointment... in fact every Battlefield title was. Treyarch titles were a disappointment for me.

BF3, i will play it, not purchase it. I bet i will enjoy it for a while... but im a die hard CoD fanman. lol Good luck Battlefield. You'll need it.


Bluntsmoker420 Battlefield is gonna be the top played game after 2 months of release. Watch

Sorry to say, even if it is a better game, it won't be top played.

Cod just has too big of a fan base. Maybe the next time the games are released, Battlefield will do better.

It all depends on how well the games do this time around.


Battlefield is gonna be the top played game after 2 months of release. Watch


TTG_Keo battlefield 3 will be good no doubt about that.

good? yes?

great? maybe not.



TTG_Keo battlefield 3 will be good no doubt about that.

good? yes?

great? maybe not.


battlefield 3 will be good no doubt about that.