Skate 3 May Be Heading to “Mobile” — Could This Mean a Switch Port?

EA reached out to Jason Dill last year about a Skate 3 mobile version.

EA released some fantastic skateboarding games under the Skate name, these games found players using the thumbsticks to gain better control of their board, and ultimately gave it more of a simulation feel. However, Skate 3 launched in 2010 and since then we’ve not had a new title despite fans gagging for one. That appears to be changing, sort of, as the title is to be ported to “mobile” if Jason Dill is anything to go by, but could the mention of mobile mean it’s heading to Switch?

Jason Dill took part in a video podcast with The Nine Club, the video went live last night and as well as talking about the new upcoming Tony Hawk Pro Skater, he also reveals that EA is working on a mobile port of Skate 3, and he’s not entirely happy about it.

In the video below, you can find him having just finished a tangent about the previous Tony Hawk Pro Skater games, and then going on to talk about the Skate games. “I think the Skate games are great,” he starts to explain, “let me tell you a story real quick,”

“I got a call from the EA people about ten months ago, and they said, ‘Hey, we wanna talk about the Skate game'” he says. He explains how he was put into contact with a woman to correspond with regarding the topic and once she got in touch, he said that she said, “Hey Jason, we want to do a mobile version of Skate 3.”

Jason says that he wrote back asking “what else” to which she responded, “No, that’s it.” It appears as if he was asking what else were EA working on in regard to the franchise. However, due to only mentioning the mobile port to him, Jason says he wrote back “No, big deal, no one wants your stupid mobile versions of Skate 3. Make Skate fucking 4 already. Just do it.” Jason then goes off onto a tangent about how he believes EA has done themselves a disservice by “not trying” with the Skate titles.

There’s no specifics surrounding the development process of this mobile port, or a release date, etc. But if EA is still working on it, it looks like mobile users could be getting their hands on a mobile version. It’s also worth speculating that perhaps the port could be heading to the Switch seeing as that console can be classed as a mobile system. After all, EA is pushing a few Switch games that are remastered this year. Crysis and Burnout Paradise for example.

What do you think? Do you think EA could be pushing the game to the Switch and Jason took the mobile term to mean iOS and Android?

Related Forum: Mobile Devices



"Skate 3 May Be Heading to “Mobile” — Could This Mean a Switch Port?" :: Login/Create an Account :: 7 comments

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Lgnd Should just stay on console, the new tiny hawk is coming out so can't wait for that.

I would like a 4th installment but I still think 3 would be cool on mobile.


I think it's about time we got a 4th installment instead...


Yea instead of wasting time on a mobile game thats already out they should be working on the next great Skate.


Should just stay on console, the new tiny hawk is coming out so can't wait for that.


Would be really cool to see on mobile but I would so much enjoy a skate 4..


As old as this game is I would love to see this on mobile


Don't port this to anything, this game is over 10 years old. Start over and make something new please!