Among those accused are Xynoa and Skittles, who are the top two Apex Legends players in the world across all platforms.
The expose comes from a recent post on Reddit, which has drawn attention to a considerable degree of cheating at Predator rank, specifically highlighting a phenomenon known as six-man-teaming. Essentially, players pal up with another team in order to boost their chance of success, affording them a squad twice the size of every other trio in the match. Check out the Reddit post below, which features video footage of their six-man-team.
The #1 and #2 Apex predators Xynoa and Skittles caught 6 man teaming on EU servers from r/apexlegends
Reddit users in the comments are not exactly surprised, with one user stating that the pair have been known to keep each other’s streams open while playing so they can each benefit from twice the amount of visual information at any given time.
“I got Predator season one,” writes another commenter. “Season two rolls around and all I see is people disconnecting so they don’t lose points. Cheating is prolific, and I’ve seen more than a handful of plays on US EAST at Predator level where it’s a bit suss that the top teams aren’t fighting each other. Maybe they’ve had each other’s streams up this whole time. Amazing.”
This isn’t an isolated case. Another person also caught six well-known Predator players enacting a similar cheating tactic, and posted video footage to Reddit. Check it out.
6 Predators Teaming on Xbox. Take action immediately so legit players can earn a rightful spot. Multiple of them are even top 10. One threatened to boot me offline. More below. from r/apexlegends
Apparently one of the players in question, Need A Soda, is a prolific cheater who is well-known in competitive Apex Legends circles for boosting their way to Predator on several occasions.
A senior designer at Respawn has since taken to Twitter in order to confirm that they are currently investigating claims and will take “appropriate action” as necessary. Check out the tweet below.
I know this is probably not the answer you're looking for RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW but:
— Chin Xiang Chong (@tangentiallogic) May 13, 2020
Yes, we see the articles and the claims and will take appropriate action after doing appropriate investigations.
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