The clip, posted on the Rainbow Six Siege Twitter channel and included below, offers some cinematic shots of the two new Operators, showing Melusi poised tactically in what looks like an acacia tree, as the sun sets behind her. Ace, on the other hand, rappels down a dark, industrial-looking chute, then peers through a darkened room he’s presumably blasted into, illuminating it with his helmet’s lamp.
Other than their respective approaches – “A true predator strikes out of necessity, not greed” and “There is no chasm too wide, no wall too thick, that will stop me from bringing you home” – little is revealed about the Ops in the clip. We can see a couple of brief glimpses at their gadgets and abilities, but details aren’t clear just yet.
The Year 5 roadmap indicates there are two new Ops on the way to the game with Steel Wave, one from South Africa and another from Norway. There have also been rumours one will be a “hard breach operator” and another will have a pyramid-shaped gadget that can slow others in its line of sight down.
They Protect. They Attack. But most importantly, they've got your back.
— Rainbow Six Siege (@Rainbow6Game) May 15, 2020
It’s possible these refer to the two characters seen in the clip, with the above gadget perhaps hinted at in the pulsing, visual distortion seen, but this is just speculation at the moment. All the tweet reveals about them is that “They Protect. They Attack. But most importantly, they’ve got your back.”
What is clear from the footage is that Ubisoft is planning to fully reveal the new Year 5 Season 2 Steel Wave operators on Monday, May 18 at 12:00 ET / 09:00 PT / 17:00 UK – so if you’re keen to see what’s in store, be sure to check back when the reveal time rolls around.
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